Emily Steele Science Professor Pt. 06


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"Sure, anything for the Dean! But don't think I am a brown nose!" She laughed.

After breakfast Emily dressed per usual for Thursday, she put on minimal makeup, grabbed her purse, and went out into the kitchen. See all of you at noontime as she kissed her husband goodbye. Frank followed his mother out to the car, and he drove.

"Finally, the last day she will have to be exposed, she likes it, but it is degrading in some respects. Now she passes the baton to Sam, she can take over." Emily thought as she was driven to work. "Boy am I lucky I have the Dean as my chauffeur." She thought how proud she was of her son and smiled.

"Mom your very quiet! Are you sad the course is over?" Frank asked.

"No Frankie I am glad it is over. I liked the exposure, but it was also degrading sometimes when they made me walk around nude. What was even worse was that I liked it." Emily stated and was embarrassed to admit it. They conversed about her revelation for the remainder of the trip, to try to find a way forward. She wants to enjoy her newfound freedom to be nude and she doesn't want guilt to stifle her joy. "Frank, I want to thank you for sharing with us your joy of nudism it was a wonderful experience which we will continue."

Emily and Frankie walked into the college a half hour earlier than usual to be met by Miles.

"I have two large packages for you they are folding exam chairs. I will have maintenance set them up for you by the one PM class. Can I be present today for the final?"

"Miles you will always have to be present when your wife is teaching at all her classes unless you appoint someone else to be there. In fact, today is all hands-on deck as today we only have about fifty minutes so all the students can have their hands-on test of FEH 101. Lesley and Frank will be needed also. Wait a minute you have two exam chairs?"

"Yes, I thought it would be better next year to have two folding chairs and put the exam couch back in the clinic where we took it out of, so we have two exam rooms there if needed."

"Don't move the exam couch out today though okay we may need it." Emily stated mysteriously.

"Mom what are you thinking?" Frank asked as they left the classroom.

"I was thinking of asking Lesley if she wants to instruct today for the finals it will give the young men three women to gage the differences and what pleases them sexually. What do you think?"

"I am on board as long as she gets paid. I know she will do it." Frank stated.

Emily called Les. When he answered she said? "You're going to be at the class at one o'clock right?"

"Of course, I am looking forward to it." Les stated.

"I have a favor to ask, I have another instructor for the day could you pay her for her time?" Emily asked humbly.

"Emily of course I will make sure she gets paid. I will call Miles right now to let him know. I want to thank you for the introduction to Miss. Willis. We have a lot in common and I am taking her out tonight. I want to thank you for helping me to overcome my shyness with women also." Les stated sincerely.

Emily and Frank parted ways. The Professor went to her classes and Frank went to his office to put out fires started by the dismissal of the former Dean. Emily's classes were a joy, it was eleven thirty in short order she headed to the lunch she had a test for the last class. The students finished and left the class early. Emily had a spring in her step when she entered the cafeteria to meet the troop.

Samantha did not look as stressed today she smiled at Emily and said hello.

Lesley as always was as happy as a lark. "Hi mom I bet you're sorry today is the last class of FEH-101."

"Yes I am." The Professor stated for Sam's benefit.

"I wish I could help out today with the testing?" Lesley stated gayly.

"Did you talk to Frank this morning?"

"No why?" Lesley asked.

"Because if you like we have an extra exam chair you can take, and we can work with four at a time and they can go to all of us so they can see the different preferences the three of us have." Emily explained to the two women.

Craig, Frank, and Miles brought the meals to the ladies along with Les all sat and ate as they discussed the final among themselves.

"We need to get ready mom." Lesley stated excited about this new development. Good thing she had the foresight to put on a button front dress.

"I will meet you in the classroom Professor." Les said.

"You will do no such thing you come to the change room with us we will need your help to get ready." Emily said as she winked at her daughter in law and Sam.

The group marched to the change room there were too many in attendance, so the door had to be left open. They had a half hour to spare.

"I would like to ask all the men in attendance if it would be alright if we give Les a class in BR-101." Emily asked as all will remember that designation is for Bra Removal 101.

No one voiced any objection. "Mile would you like to give the demonstration or should we let Craig." Emily stated as she removed her dress and handed it to Craig. The other women followed her and handed their garments to their partner.

"I would like to put on the demonstration." Miles stated as he put his wife's dress over a chair. His wife turned her back to him and he did the two-finger pop of the hooks while he explained the procedure. He hooked the bra and did it again. "Do you want to try it now?" Miles asked Les.

It took him a couple of tries but he got it. Sam took off her bra and gave it to her husband, He helped her with her panties. He balanced her. She remained nude with the door open anyone could see her if they cared. Sam has become accustomed with her public nudity.

"My bra has a little different catch try mine." Emily stated as she turned her back to Les. It only took him one time, to pop the hook. He hooked it a few more times and every time he did the unhook of the bra the first try.

Lesley turned her back to Les. "You can pop my bra catches if you want to, but I don't have one on." Everyone laughed.

The ladies put on their garments, secured them for a semblance of modesty and headed to the classroom. The group set up for the final, each station had a table on casters with KY, Tissues, and lotions. The students entered and had big smiles on their faces. There was three women who by the looks of their outfits will be their instructors.

The last student entered. Craig closed the door and locked it.

"We a have lot to cover today... Or should I say discover!" All laughed at Emily's play on words." As you can see there are three women here today who have distinctly different ways they enjoy being pleasured. We will break up into three groups of four each. Your assignment is to discover how each woman likes to be pleasured." Emily continued as she removed her dress and gave to Craig. "No one will be rough with the ladies, take advantage or you will receive a 'F' for the class. Ask permission before you touch any of the ladies.. Mr. Lowe, Mr. Steele, and Dean Steele will be monitors if you see anything that is inappropriate call it out or if any student needs assistance help them. Mr. Smidt if you like you can join a group as there are only Eleven students for the finals today.

"I would appreciate that Professor Steele. Thank you." Les said as he joined the group which was shy a member.

All the women by this time were nude and walked to the stations where their partner was, with the exception of Les Joined the group which had only three members.

Miles stated. "You will have fifteen minutes at each station. You will question and perform manually what you consider the lady likes and mark it down on your paper. You will have two minutes to make notes between and at the end. Any questions?" None were raised. "You may begin." Miles called out.

Emily laid prone and the students discussed what they did at previous sessions she liked. "My I touch your breasts?"

"Yes, Said Emily.

"Do you like me to pull on your nipples?" They asked.

"No, I like you to rub my nipples and suck on them." Emily stated.

"Are we allowed to do this?" The students asked.

"I think it should be noted but not done." Dean Steele advised.

"Could we rub you here?" A student asked as he put his hand just above her pubic hair and indicated he wanted to rub back and forth from hip to hip.

"Yes, go ahead." Emily said.

The student started to rub the Professor.

"You're doing that to roughly, use softer strokes." Craig corrected and marked his paper.

The student used softer strokes and it elicited a moan from Emily and she spread her legs wider.

Another student took over as they documented what the found out to this point.

"Can I rub your, shoulders and your ears?" The student asked.

"Yes." Emily stated. The student rubbed her shoulders. "That feels good she moaned." When he rubbed her ears, she said. "I don't like that."

Another student took over and rubbed her stomach at the line of her pubic hair and her moans became more urgent and she spread her legs further apart.

"I think it is about time to put the Professors feet in the stirrups and proceed to her legs." Craig advised which the students gladly did.

"Can we massage' your legs now?" a student asked.

"Yesssssss," Emily moaned.

A student on each leg massaged them from her feet to the juncture of her legs the back of each student's hand came in contact with her wet pussy. It left a wet spot on the back of their hands. Each of the four took turns. It was now clear the Professor was excited because of her delicious scent emitted from her box.

The students stood to the side of the Professor as they know her ability to squirt her orgasm. As they rubbed her legs she slid back and forth in a motion which resembled intercourse. She spread wider her scent became stronger.

"Could we insert our fingers in your vagina." The students asked the Professor hopefully.

Emily couldn't answer so Craig told them "Yes just be careful not to injure her."

One student carefully inserted his finger and found her g-spot she moaned another found her clit and she pushed on his hand.

"Time to switch stations." Miles said.

The three women moaned in disappointment. The two minutes the students had to make notes cooled down the instructors. The women looked around, they gave each other a thumbs up and smiled all the men had uncomfortable boners.

"Go clockwise to the next station and start." Miles stated.

Samantha was in an exam chair. The first student said. "Would you like me to massage' your ears and to rub your shoulders and may I."

"Yes, you may" Sam said.

One student rubbed her ears, and another gave her a shoulder rub.

Miles could see by Sam's expression that the shoulder rub was too rough. "Rub her shoulders lovingly not as if your trying to remove them from her body." The student was told, and Miles marked down on his paper.

"May I rub your breast?" A student asked.

"Yes, pull on my nipples and twist them I like that." Sam said to her husband's surprise.

See you learn something every day!

The student twisted and pulled on Sam's Nipples and the familiar scent of excited pussy was more pronounced. Although different from the other women it still intoxicated the individual who encounters the scent.

"It is time to put Sam's feet in the stirrups." Miles stated as he watched his wife become completely spread in front of him.

Two students helped her put her feet in the stirrups, as the other student continued to pull on her nipples she started to slide back and forth in the motion of intercourse. Her excitement ran down her crack to the floor.

"Do you want me to rub you stomach at your pubic hair?" A student asked.

"Nnnnooo! Massage my legs." Sam stated in a moan.

The students marked their papers and started to massage Sam's legs. They took turns, they rubbed from her feet to her crotch and all received a super wet back of their hand from an immensely excited woman. She dripped down to the floor and the heavenly scent of excited female was extremely noticeable.

"May I touch your vagina." A student asked.

"Yes, you may." Miles answered for his wife as she was almost on the edge. He was excited to watch a young man insert his fingers in her box.

He started to rub her g-spot.

"Jamb your fingers in me please!" Sam cried.

The student did as she asked, and Sam pushed against his fingers to get his whole hand in her. While another student found her clit and started to strum it.

"Time to switch." Miles stated "You have two minutes for notes."

The women moaned very loud and in unison when time was called.

"I was almost there!" Lamented Emily.

"Just two more minutes I would have exploded!" Sam cried.

"Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! One more stroke and I would have orgasmed." Lesley screamed frustrated.

"This was the last fifteen minutes all go to the next station. Start now."

Lesley. "May I touch your ears and rub your shoulders."

Lesley stated urgently. "I will tell you what I like, My shoulders rubbed and my tummy rubbed, my legs massaged, shove your fingers in my pussy, play with my clit and stick your fingers in my butt. I also liked to have my pussy sucked on until my head caves in. But only by Frank. Now you know what I like make me come before I go postal!"

The students put Lesley's feet in the stirrups and proceeded as asked.

All the women were agreement they needed to cum! Which the students graciously helped bring them off. The last session lasted ten minutes.

Lesley was the first to go off with a scream she laid spread and comatose for a few minutes.

Emily was next after they helped her into the stirrups, they proceeded to pleasure her body with eight hands. She squirted all over the floor. She screamed her orgasm and went unconscious for a few moments.

Samantha was the last to go off one of the young men had most of his hand in her box to the surprise of her husband. She had four sets of hands work her body to orgasm. She screamed the longest and loudest of the group.

The women were helped off their couches and helped to dress.

Emily addressed all there. "Ladies what do you think? All the students should receive an "A" for effort?"

It was a unanimous vote of. "Yes to an 'A' for all the students and Les!" By all he instructors and Monitors.

The ladies limped back to the change room with odd looks from anyone who saw them in the hall. They took turns to shower and then dressed but forgot their undergarments.

Les put three envelopes on the desk with a check for each man. Thank you for your help.

"I get paid also!" Lesley asked as she excitedly jumped up and down. "I had fun I would have done that for nothing, but I have a wedding coming up."

The group all went to the Nudist camp at monthly intervals in summer and they gathered monthly at one of the members houses or at a meeting room at a restaurant. We will have more about CI-101 if the administration adopts that curriculum.

Plans are being made for the wedding. Frank likes his job at the college. Emily sometimes works with Samantha to instruct FEH -101. She likes to be seen nude. Les and Ashley have moved in together with wedding plans in the making. Lesley loves her job at the high school. She still is an imp. Graham and Mindy have joined the nudist camp. Darrel and Sheila have joined the nudist camp They all meet once a month together.

We will keep you posted.

As that old saying goes "All's well that ends in the well!" Wait a minute that's not right! It is "All's well that ends well." There now I got it.


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