Emily's Home - Ginger's Out Ch. 05


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I had my carry on; I headed to baggage claim, then to the garage. I paid the fee, followed the reverse route back to Dayton and found Mo waiting, in her chair, back to the door. She saw me and smiled; I saw her and smiled. Candy kissed me, poured me a Stoli and handed it to me. Mo stood, pulled me to her, and ... oh my god. She pulled me tight; she clawed at my hair with her fingers, and ground her hips to mine. And that was on the dance floor after she took the glass out of my hand. I think that our dancing may be considered obscene in more than a few counties in several states. Neither of us cared. She felt so good in my arms. The dance floor was crowded on a Saturday night. Dancing, a vertical expression of a horizontal intention -- that was us. When the song ended we headed to the table.

I breathed into her ear, "The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout ..." as my fingers teased from her belly to her neck. Her eyes were hot and wild; she especially liked how the spider played at the secret hidey hole, covered as it was with denim. I breathed, again, "Shall we explore the spidey hidey hole, hmm?" She spun, sat across my lap, and agreed, passionately, that she thought it was a good idea. Candy waved me off -- I left her a twenty. Two cars hurried to the hotel. We made out in the elevator. I locked the door; we were naked and in bed in no time. We were fabulous. I missed her; she missed me. There were things to discuss, but this was time for lovemaking. And oh my god we did!

Mo let me lead the first time around; then it was her turn. After we had recovered a bit, she turned me on my back, held my hands over my head, and said, "Don't move them." Her voice was ice; her eyes warm. I shivered. She devoured me with her hands, mouth, and pussy. I was torn to shreds, loved thoroughly, again and again. One turned into two, turned into six. I lost track -- they may have been five that were one fabulous, continuous orgasm. I honest to god don't know.

Her eyes ate me up as her fingers tore me up. I really did try to watch her the whole time, really I did. But it got so that I simply couldn't. She was so glorious, the flashes of light, the heat deep inside me. I could feel myself wetting the bed, leaking my silky self. The scent of it filled the room. When I begged, finally, she stopped. She held me; I cried with joy. She kissed my parched lips. She cuddled me; I heard her whisper words of love. I smiled, we lay together, arm in arm. I slipped into sleep with my honey next to me, gloriously satisfied.

Sunday -- Crap, it was raining. I had to get the bags from the car. Dork! You have a beautiful woman next to you. Beautiful, warm, and naked; gloriously so. So I woke her, fabulously. Her cries filled the room as I took her, often and oh so thoroughly. She finally had enough, so I gave her more, and then, more yet again. She lay, wrecked, and I held her to me. I lapped softly at her nipples, my fingers grazed idly on her shivering skin. She moaned. I did my best to warm her. But in doing so, I was stirred to -- no, I let her rest. Mo drifted off to sleep. I dressed quietly and went out to the car. I brought the suitcase into the room. A pool of red hair let me know Mo was still sleeping. I smiled; I opened and put away my things. I smiled as I looked at the dress and thought of Janice.

"What are you doing with all those clothes on?" I laughed. I walked to the bed, pulled the sheet back and gave each perky peak a kiss. Mo sighed, stretched and made a grab for me.

I bent to kiss her nose. "We need to have a chat, Mo." Her eyes clouded. "I need to get away for a while honey. My sister reminded me that between the divorce and everything else that's gone on, it might be good for me to take a vacation. We just finished a big project at work. I'm going to ask to take some time when I go in tomorrow." I leaned over and hugged her. "We're so good together Mo. We both know that there has to be so much more than just the physical attraction. I think there can be; and I need to give you time to make some decisions. I'd like you to be part of my life -- so you know." I shrugged. Mo was watching me impassively. It was disconcerting not to be able to read her. So much so that I asked, "What are you thinking?"

"What am I thinking? I'm thinking that you're a complete idiot. I'm completely smitten, Ginger. Yeah, I live with someone. She helps with rent; I consider her a 'friend with benefits.' I don't love her; we don't even see each other that much. I've been waiting for you to come to your senses or for something to happen between you and Lily. I don't know where things stand between the two of you."

"I don't either. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to trust her again, Mo. Let's shower and get something to eat. We can talk while we have breakfast. What's on your agenda today? I got in late, we met late, and I think I forgot to ask."

"I'm okay till later this afternoon. I have someplace I need to be around six. Yeah, breakfast sounds good."

A beautiful woman, her fabulous body, and water, soap ... I told Mo that I needed to make sure she was squeaky clean. She didn't 'squeak'; she was clean. She turned my 'squeaky clean' caper around on me, thoroughly and repeatedly. I'm smiling as I write about it.

We had to wait for a table. It was okay, it wasn't yet noon. We were having a grand old time, smiling, whispering, holding hands. We played the 'Do you think she is?' game. The 'What does their body language say' game is hysterical. Mo hadn't heard of it. She snickered when I described a couple of scenarios and caught on quickly. It's really a fun game, especially in the summer. We were both famished; is it any wonder why?

The rain had ended earlier; a brilliant sun was out. We found a park and took turns pushing each other on the swings. We stumbled across a miniature golf course -- I kicked her ass. There were some side bets that, as you might expect, included sexual favors. Mo embarrassed me at the hitting cages. She has great hand-eye coordination and, umm, is very strong. What was I thinking? She'd played softball in college. It was a fun afternoon!! We decided to head back to the hotel.

I had taken a bunch of little jellies from the restaurant. Once we were both naked, I got up, grabbed them, and had some fun. Mo also got a complete introduction to 'spidey.' I professed to be surprised that spidey came in so many flavors. (wink) Mo was a whimpering, quivering, begging wreck. I mounted her and the jelly spread from her body to mine. Our lovemaking was fabulous. Mo is so athletic, so strong, and so limber. Her legs held high, her hips pushing back at me, her eyes dusky, wild and gorgeous. She pulled me to her as we both screamed into our orgasms. It can barely be described as a kiss -- except, of course, it was. She barely crested when she flipped me over and lapped at the jelly. Her eyes gleamed with fabulous malevolence.

"Don't move," she hissed. I could only nod. She got her cuffs. She straddled me, held them, let them caress my nipples. "Beg me to restrain you, prisoner."

"Officer, I've been such a bad girl. Please, please, I need to be handcuffed." The clicks gave me shivers. There was a predatory gleam in Mo's eyes. "Umm, Mo, I trust you." She kissed me. She got up, pawed through the dresser drawers, found the little black bag of toys and came back to the bed, swinging it, mischievously. I moaned.

"My, my, let's see what we have here. Nipple clamps? Surprise, surprise Ginger. Warming lube? Oh my yes." She put that on my nipples. The blindfold was already on. I felt her hot breath in my ear. "Baby, I'm gonna have some fun with you." Her tongue was wet in my ear; she nibbled on a lobe. She lapped the jelly from of me. Every now and then she'd feed me some of her; I knew what to do. I felt the vibe enter me; the bitch turned it on, then straddled me and had me lap at the jelly on her pussy. Oh my god, what fun. She is so evil. After she came, she turned around, keeping her sex at my mouth, and feasted on my clit while she fucked me with the vibe. I screamed into her as I came. The vibrations from my mouth set her off again. She ground herself into me. I moaned, trying to breathe. The vibrations gave her another quick one. I was limp, my face was soaked, and she still tore at me, teasing my sensitive pearl with the vibe while her tongue lapped at me. She drove it at the winking bud, lapped furiously as my scented juices flowed. I was trembling, shivering with pleasure. She covered me with her body, kissed me softly, her fingers deep in my hair. She ground us together, hip to hip. I didn't think I could; I did. She came first, hers tipped me into it. My nipples ached wonderfully until she took off the clamps. I screamed, hoarsely. It came out as a croak. She nursed me through the pain with her mouth and tongue; I was so grateful I cried. She held me as I fell into a deep, exhausted sleep.

I woke up. My hands were free. Mo was dressed. She smiled and kissed me. "I have to go Ginger. I couldn't bear to wake you. You didn't even move when I took off the cuffs." I held my arms out to her. She smiled and shook her head no. She took my hands and pulled me to a standing position. We kissed as we hugged. She ran her fingers through my hair as she smiled at me. "I'd better go. I wish I didn't have to. Let me know when you're leaving please." She kissed me once more. I followed her to the door. She turned; there were tears. A quick kiss and she was gone. I locked the door, leaned my arms against it and cried.

I showered, dressed, and went back to Sweeney's for dinner. The blackened rainbow trout sounded delicious. I ordered a glass of chardonnay. I was still tingling from our lovemaking. We had such a lovely afternoon. What fun -- I smiled at the memories. I had to call my sister tonight. If she would have me, I wanted to plan another visit. Being there, seeing the kids was wonderful. It definitely whetted my appetite for more. The food came. It's just me - I like rice with fish. The veggies were cooked perfectly. The trout was 'oh my god' delicious.

I ordered another glass of wine when the server came by. I smiled as I thought of Tammy. I would get a detailed description of her date night. She would want to tell me -- I just knew. I still had no idea where I wanted to go on my vacation. I was pretty sure George would green light me. If he didn't I could always fall back on the old female stand-by: tears. Ginger, you are a minx. I know; a slinky, sexy, soft-eyed, sated, gloriously and thoroughly satisfied minx. I finished dinner, paid the bill, stopped to pick up a bottle of wine, and headed back to the hotel.

I poured a glass, settled on the couch and called Jenny. David answered, "Hi Ginger. You okay?" Oh David, if only you knew how okay!!

"Yes, thank you. I had such a great time with the girls. It was so nice to visit. Thank you, David, for your kindness in the midst of my personal turmoil. Is Jenny there?" She was; I smiled.

"What the fuck is up with you, sister of mine?" Well now!

"Hi Jenny, it's nice talking to you too. I'm fine thanks; I just had a very nice dinner." Silence. "Jenny, you were more right about me than you know. Only someone who knows me like you do would have said what you did. I can't thank you enough. I'm going to work tomorrow and I'm going to ask my boss for vacation time. Everything you said is right."

She sniffled and said, "I thought all day and night yesterday about shopping, Janice, Mo, and you. David still doesn't know what hit him. I fucked him like we hadn't since we were kids -- newlyweds. He's still smiling and I'm gloriously sore." I was smiling ear to ear. My sister gets laid and tells me about it. How cool is that? I can promise you this -- the number of times we'd done that was like we kissed Saturday... once. There, now you know!

"So did you go back to Nordstrom's?"

Jen giggled. "No, but I did tell David, last night, in bed, that when we were shopping, you were the only one who did any buying. I told him I was going back, that the personal shopper -- no, I didn't mention her name -- was so fabulous I wanted her to, umm, help me. Poor darling, he agreed -- like I knew he would. I had two more orgasms after he fell asleep thinking about it. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm going to find her." I smiled -- a plan bubbled up in my mind.

"Where are you Jenny?"

"I'm in the great room, alone, why?"

"There's a bathroom there right?"

"Yes. Why Ginger?" Impatient wench, isn't she?

"Go into the bathroom and put your phone on speaker. Let me know when you've closed the door." She did. "Are you wearing a skirt or slacks?"

"You goof; sweats. Why?"

"Take them off."


"Just do it -- now." She swore at me ... I heard the phone go to speaker mode and her muttered obscenities. "Now take your panties, spread your pussy lips, and push the fabric between them." She gasped. "Here's the dealio baby sister. You do what I ask; I'll give you Janice's email and phone number." I heard her swear and heard her gasp as she did it. "Nice and tight, get every bit of it tight into your pussy and ass. Take the edges, push them in first, and then fill with the fabric. If you're doing it right you'll get a very nice tingle in your pussy and your clit. Trust me honey -- I know."

"Oh my god, this is fabulous!"

"Now, put your sweats back on, go back out into the room, and walk around while we talk. See how it feels. And Jenny, ribbon yourself -- that's what it's called -- tomorrow when you go to work. Wear a skirt and ribbon. No touching either. Do not, no matter how much you want to, give yourself relief. Let that be my gift to you and David. Another night of ..." I couldn't stop myself. I laughed. Jenny did too. I heard the phone go off speaker.

"Oh my lord Ginger, this is just delicious. I think I'm too sore to have a go with him tonight but I just might. So will you send me the email and phone?" My sister the wanton wench. I tried to hide my glee.

"Yes, after you send me an email, tomorrow, with two things: A. Detail your lovemaking, graphically and B. Detail your day tomorrow, working while ribboned. And I want details. You're not to visit Janice, the first time, without my say so." I snickered to myself. Me: dominant? Jenny was quiet. "Did you hear me?"

"Okay, okay, I'll do it. What the hell. David won't know what hit him -- again." I heard her laugh. My heart soared.

"Jenny, I want to come back and soon. You and David enjoy your night. I'll call you when I get back from my vacation, okay? But I do want to come back if that's okay."

"We'd love it Ginger. The girls were upset you left; they were so glad to see you. Enjoy your vacation, sis. You need it. I love you." I heard it ... I cried too. We said our goodbyes.

I was so happy. Jenny and David were okay. Whatever Jenny wanted to do with and about Janice -- well, it's her life. I wasn't going to push her, just love her. She was wonderfully accepting of the Emily-Ginger transformation. She could easily have torched me when I was very vulnerable. I reached into my purse for my pocket calendar. Wait, what's this? Hmm, the envelope Lily had set on the counter. I had stuffed it into the purse and forgotten about it. I stared at it. Should I? Well, I'm going back to work tomorrow and going on vacation soon. I guess now is as good a time as any. I picked the paper out of the envelope and read it.

"My dearest Ginger: I don't know where to start. I went into your purse and found Kathy's phone number. I'm sure you're angry with me for that -- and I understand. I can't even begin to explain; you raved about her, admitted you kissed her. When I saw her I was ... oh Ginger, I'm so sorry. I was crazy for her. I called her and told her I'd like to meet -- she was doing such good work with you. She agreed. When she came to the house, it didn't take much to seduce her. I had seen it in her eyes; apparently she'd seen it in mine as well. I know you're hurt. I have to ask -- are you hurt because I had Kathy before you?

"This is going to sound very cold. I seduced you the first time we met. You seduced Nora -- and she raped you. Then there's you and Mo. You and Mo are, I think, like me and Elise. I may be wrong. I love you Ginger, without reservation or hesitation. I hope we can find some common ground, some resolution. Please don't hate me for saying this. If I have my Elise and you have your Mo can we have each other and them -- knowing that for each of us, they are our 'other?' Can we have that if we both agree to it?

"Please don't shut me out. I just couldn't bear losing you. I love you. Lily"

I was stunned. She hit me where it hurt -- with the truth. I sat, sipped my wine, and thought. My plans for a vacation wouldn't change. That was just for me. But what about what she said? Is Mo my Elise? There was a part of me that was angry beyond reason about the 'jealousy' angle. But the important question is - was she right? My vacation would be a time for reflection. I needed time away. I stared out the window.

I opened the phone and dialed. Lily was crying when she answered. I'm not heartless; I let her gather herself. "I just read your note a few minutes ago, Lily. It stings. You're right about a lot of it. We have a lot to work out. Jenny suggested that I need a vacation; that I've been through a lot. She's right. I have been and I need time away to think, reflect, and relax. I won't tell you where I am, where I'm going, or when I'll be back. I may need to bring some of my things back if that's okay with you. You really rocked me about Kathy and the jealous thing. I need to think about that one."

Silence. "So you're going away? Out of town? For how long?"

"I don't know yet. And I have no idea where either, Lily. I'm not going to tell you where or when. This is for me. Jenny said that with the separation, divorce and all the rest, I need time for me. This, all of it, I don't know." I sat in the chair, shaking my head in frustration. How could she love me and not understand?

"Okay. I'm so glad you called. I've cried and cried all weekend. I've been terrified at the thought of losing you, Ginger. But this isn't just about me so I'll say goodnight. Bring whatever you wish to our home." I cringed. "I'll speak to you whenever I guess. I love you honey." I was crying. "Thank you for calling and goodnight." She hung up. The phone fell into my lap as I sobbed. Eventually, I finished the last of my wine, did my bathroom thing, and fell into bed. I smiled -- the bed still held the scent of making love with Mo. Moonlight filled the room. I fidgeted and fussed, tossed and turned, and fell asleep -- uneasily.

Author's Note: As ever, this is a flight of fantasy; completely fictitious. If there is any resemblance to anyone walking among us my apologies. Another author put it so well: "The site is free. The author is 'paid' in comments and votes." I hope you've enjoyed another chapter of a rather long tale!!

This story is dedicated to someone very special -- the 'other' AVL. Without her prodding, teasing and assistance I wouldn't have found my muse. She saw talent I had no clue I possessed. She saw growth while I struggled to find the right words as I wrote. I'm still in awe and amazed at it all. This story lay unfinished for quite some time. I had to come back to it, finish it, and publish it as a tribute to her.

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josenussbaumjosenussbaumalmost 2 years ago

OK, Lily cheats on Ginger with Kathy, Ginger cheats on Lily with Mo, Mo cheats on her girlfriend with Ginger, ...

What's the problem? (except i really HATE cheaters)

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

I firmly believe that his chapter turned out this way because of that psycho (shiver) Nora. Her savage assault (bitch) of Ginger, was bound to spread bad karma....... i know, i know, it makes me sound delusional and I'm waaay off base but hey, someone has to take the blame for giving Ginger 5 pages of misery not to mention myself (grinning) Ginger's sensual coaching of Tammy towards marital bliss, her continuous outrageous teasing and her subsequent refusal to indulge in Tammy's whims, stumped me. I had to read it over again just to make sure that it was not just wishful thinking. Ginger was actually saying NO, unbelievable!

AVL is a genius, this chapter was written with such meticulous care and brilliant hindsight, that THE WAY I SEE IT, this chapter will be the turning point for Ginger, an eye opener if you want to get technical (grin) In this chapter she feels bitterly betrayed by Lily's sexcapade with Kathy. Believing her dreams to be shattered, she flees but not before venting her anger on Lily with a savage kiss (naughty) Consumed with anger and outrage, she is totally oblivious to what is so blatantly obvious to everyone else - Ginger is a hypocrite. Lily's clever example of her and Mo's relationship coupled with a few choice words and "bingo"she sees the error of her ways. Hopefully Ginger will use her vacation as a time to reflect on her past behavior and realize that FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS A REACTION **** wink ****

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
I Agree With Hypocrisy Angle

I agree with Anonymous that Ginger was very hypocritical getting jealous about Lily/Kathy when she was having sex with Mo.

idrubloodidrubloodabout 11 years ago
Hot Damn !!!

I don't think there are enough words to say what I want to say but here's a few anyway ...

Amazing, fantastic, brilliant, and over the moon awesome.

AVL, as always, your wit, sensitivity, and eroticism has thrilled and titillated me.

The emotions, the "realness" of it all, so wonderful. It's great to see a story where the everyday things don't get passed over.

I can't wait to see what happens next ... will Ginger forgive Lily and go back or will she stay with Mo. And is this the end of Ginger's training with Kathy ... somehow I'll have to be patient to find out.

As always, my thanks for sharing your talent with us.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Twists and Turns!!

This is a wonderfully written chapter, with so much going on. I've enjoyed it immensely and look forward to what follows. Again I felt as though I was having a sneak peek over your shoulder. Thanks for writing and sharing. There were several scenes which had me grinning more than I probably should've. Oh, and not forgetting about the puddles!!! Yum!!

Looking forward to the next chapter

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