End Games


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"I sent everyone home. April told me you weren't feeling well. Should I leave you alone and let you sleep."

"No, I dozed off for a bit . . . feeling better now."

"Good. Well, now that we are alone, I was wondering if maybe you would still be in a bit of a party mood. Maybe we could finish celebrating your birthday just the two of us. I guess the party idea was not so hot."

"No, Mom. You meant well. I'm just not much of a party guy. Boring I guess."

"I don't think so. So what about it, you wanna come downstairs. I could maybe make you something to eat. Are you hungry?"

"Sure I could go for a bite," Billy replied hopping out of the bed trying to hide his nervousness as wondered if April had keep his secret.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Sung prepared him a sandwich and some potato salad. She noticed how his eyes tracked her every movement, causing her to consider seriously what April told her of his alleged attraction toward his mother. Maybe it was true after all.

They sat at the table while he ate making small talk. She was still unsure of what to do -if anything at all.

Finally, Billy surprised her after finishing the last bite of his sandwich by looking at her directly and announcing with no preamble, "She told you something huh? I can tell. It's written all over your face, Mom."

When she said nothing, stunned that he could read her so well, he took her silence as a confession of April's broken promise and jumped to his feet. Scooping up his plate, he tossed it angrily into the kitchen sink muttering, "Jesus I can't believe she told you."

"Billy, don't be mad. I dragged it out of her. She is my best friend and we can't have secrets. It's . . . well, it's a girl thing. Besides all she told me was nothing really happened between you two."

"Nothing else. She didn't tell you anything else?"

"No honey," Sung replied looking away finding it hard to lie to her son.

He didn't bother to reply, instead he left the kitchen, heading toward the stairs. "Look, I'm still a bit tired. I am going to go lay back down."

Sung followed him up the stairs, suggesting they talk further, but he brushed her off.

Finally, just as he reached his room and was about to disappear inside, most likely for the night ending any chance they would have to talk, Sung made one final plea.

"Look, Billy, you have nothing to be ashamed of. If nothing happened . . . nothing happened."

Billy, his hand on the doorknob, looked away embarrassed, but didn't flee into his bedroom which Sung took as a good sign.

"You know, you should not be mad at me because I asked April to do that little favor for me."

"Little favor! You mean trying to get me laid by your best friend is a little favor? Is that it?" He turned and now tried to escape into the bedroom, but Sung stepped into the doorway, preventing him from slamming the door shut.

"Wait, honey, just let me finish. Please." Maybe it was the anxious way she was tugging at his arm, or maybe it was the look of abject pity on her pretty face, but either way he relented.

"Fine," he exhaled, "explain to me why I should not be mad over what you asked April to do?"

"I was just, well, you know, trying to let you experience something before it was too late."

Billy was silent for a moment. Sung was just about to plead for forgiveness again when Billy told her something that nearly caused her knees to buckle.

"If you were so worried about me getting laid, then why didn't you do something about it yourself? Or maybe you are just too busy throwing yourself at strange man after you take your fucking clothes off for them huh!"

Sung, a little drunk and feeling emotional already, was sent reeling by her son's angry outburst. At least, finally, he laid his cards on the table.

So he was jealous- very jealous apparently- over her stripping. But moreover the statement why didn't you do something about it yourself? Could that actually mean what it sounded like?

Deciding to ignore his outburst for the moment, she made an impetuous decision. Taking him by the arm, she steered him out of his room and down to her bedroom.

"You are not going to bed mad at me. It's still your birthday and we are still going to celebrate. Just you and me like it should have been all along honey."

He tried to pull away from her as she dragged him down the hallway, but his efforts were half-hearted at best. Once inside her room, she announced, after sitting him down on the edge of her bed, "I was thinking to start our celebration we could share a nice birthday slow dance. Sound good?"

Not waiting for an answer, Sung hurried out of the room, heading downstairs. Their little birthday celebration would need some fuel. Billy followed her out of the room just a minute later wanting to use the bathroom to freshen up a bit especially if they were going to be slow dancing.

In the kitchen, Sung grabbed the bottle of champagne she was saving for a special occasion. After hustling back to the bedroom, glad he was not there still, Sung hurriedly prepared things.

She began by arranging a mixture of small tea light candles, and some larger pillar candles, throughout the bedroom, causing the room to be bathed in a romantic glow.

To add to the atmosphere, she started a nice fire in the large brick fireplace that took up the entirety of one whole wall. She then pulled a large round pillow chair out of her spacious walk in closet, placing it on the immense sheepskin rug that stretched out in front of the fireplace.

Now all she needed to do was change out of her robe and bikini. She took a moment thinking of just the perfect outfit to throw on before finally settling on something casual on the outside, but sexy underneath.

The casual part was easy. She slipped on a simple white blouse along with a pair of tight jeans. The sexy part was more of a challenge as it was not so much she didn't have anything sexy to wear, but the opposite. Simply put, she had such a vast array of sexy underthings she could put on that narrowing it down to one choice wasn't easy.

Sung decided after a moment to go with one of her favorite bra and panty sets, wondering if she was doing this with the intention of maybe allowing her son a chance to see how she looked in them later on during the evening.

The bra was a light purple color with the large cups being made of a light mesh style, causing her ample breasts and big round nipples to be on full display.

In between the cups on the lower edge of this incredibly sexy bra was the final touch: the material of the bra formed a sizable butterfly studded with small silver flakes. The matching material of the thong panties in the front also formed a butterfly, while the back featured little coverage- just a single slim line of purple material leaving her nice ass virtually uncovered.

After putting on her blouse and jeans, she added the final touch-a pair of slutty five inch spike black and silver high heels. She was now ready for his birthday celebration—and maybe a whole lot more.

She waited nervously for him at the small mini bar in the corner sipping on champagne while trying to work up her courage to confront the hidden sexual demons her young son possessed for her.

A minute later there was a knock on the door. "Come in honey," she called across the darkened room.

He slowly entered his mom's bedroom, his heart racing in anticipation of their pending birthday dance. When he saw her sitting over at the bar, wearing a simple white blouse and a pair of jeans, he was at first a bit disappointed. He had been hoping she would be wearing something a bit sexier - that is a bit more revealing.

They shared a glass of champagne, sitting at the bar talking, before she escorted him out onto the large open space in the middle of the bedroom that would serve as their improvised dance floor.

Billy was not particularly tall, allowing Sung Li, in her five inch heels, to tower over him as they came together ready to share their dance. Swaying to the gentle flow of the music, snuggled comfortably in his mother's arms, Billy mused, maybe he had already died and was in heaven— dancing with a most beautiful angel.

They circled round and round the small dance floor, shuffling their feet slowly, his hands sliding around to her back side. Sung took her own hands, lifting his face up to hers, staring at her son. Her alluring green eyes seemed to sparkle in the faint light as they penetrated deep into his soul, touching his heart.

Giving him a light kiss on the lips, she whispered, "Now our birthday dance is official as I have sealed it with a kiss."

The song was almost over as they continued to sway gently in one another arms. The final lyrics to the song do a number on Sung Li's heart leaving her close to crying.

Un-break my heart oh baby

Come back and say you love me

Un-break my heart

Sweet darlin'

Without you I just can't go on

Can't go on...

All she can think about as the song ended was his leaving her for a cruel, cold death. Without you I just can't go on, Can't go on... She started to cry as those final haunting words filled her heart with an incurable sadness.

Billy steered her over to the bed as the tears ran down her cheeks.

"Mom, what is wrong. Are you OK?" He remembered how fragile she would get when drinking.

"Jesus, no honey, I'm not. I don't want you to leave me baby. I don't want you to-"

"Shh, don't say it, don't think it. Here sit down on the bed." He pushed her gently down before sitting next to her.

"Ignoring it won't make it go away," she replied struggling to get her tears under control.

"And neither will crying."

"You are right hon we need to change the subject. C'mon over to the fireplace and talk to me a minute. There is something important I need to ask you."

He took a detour to refill their champagne glasses—at her request—while she went over and turned down the music. The sound of the fire crackling now could be heard adding to the hushed ambience that seemed to be leading them somewhere.

"Billy, honey, be honest with me. Promise." She gripped his hands tightly and with an intense, worried look on her face she pulled him down to the rug.

"Of course." The intense worried look on his mom's face was beginning to scare Billy just a bit. Attempting to lighten the mood he added, "I'm always honest with my mommy. You taught me that."

"Yes I did, so it's important to remember that now." Ironically, just as she was imploring him to be truthful with her, she was planning on telling him a bit of a white lie. She took a long sip of her champagne before starting to talk.

"This afternoon I seen you head upstairs with April after watching you two spend the whole party flirting with each other. You think I arranged that whole thing, but the truth is I merely told April you were feeling a bit down and depressed."

She paused a moment to fight the feelings of guilt for lying to her son, before remembering it was for the greater good. "Just so you know, April has quite the reputation for going after cute young guys, cute young vulnerable guys like you Billy."

"Then why did you invite her to the party?"

Deciding one little white lie deserved another, Sung replied casually, "Actually I did not invite her. She sorta of invited herself."

"Oh. Well, I already told you nothing-"

"Shh, you don't have to tell me what happened, or what didn't happen. I mean it's none of my business, but I know she really likes you Billy, and I think that is why she was so anxious to come to the party."

"Yeah maybe," he replied playing coy. To his pleasant surprise, his mother seemed almost a jealous.

There was a moment of silence as Sung Li looked down, nervously twisting her hands together. She had April's side of the story and now she wanted his version of what happened while they were alone in his bedroom.

"Billy, I was wondering if you could tell me . . . are you still a virgin?"

"Shit Mom-"

"You are right, I have no business asking that. I am just really curious I guess. Sorry baby, you don't have to answer that."

"I know, but I will. Yes, Mom, I'm still a virgin."

"You mean nothing really happened between you and April."


"Nothing as in . . . nothing. You didn't even kiss her."

"No, but now it's your turn to be honest. I think you maybe told her about my condition."

"I might have mentioned it. She's my best friend hon, you know we share everything as I told you earlier."

"I figured as much. Figured she was just, you know feeling sorry for me. I don't want no sympathy lay Mom. That is not the way I want to lose it. You understand what I am saying?"

"You were always a hopeless romantic baby. That is one of the things I have always admired about you. So do you mind me asking? I mean if you don't want a sympathy lay, then what do you want? I mean, April, she is beautiful and has a great body and for you to say no says a lot."

"Yeah she is and I really like her, but . . ." His voice trailed off as he stared off into the distance.


"But I only want to give my virginity to someone that I know really loves me, beyond a doubt."

Well there it was, she told herself, he just laid his cards on the table, now it's your turn Sungy. Hmm, not quite yet," she replied back to herself. Best not to be too hasty.

"That is admirable baby. Anyone you have special in mind. Maybe some secret girlfriend at school that you forgot to tell me about."

"Secret is the key word."

"Oh, I see, so you aren't going to tell me?"


"Fine, well I have something to tell you anyway. I was really jealous when I saw you disappear upstairs with April. I imagined all kind of things happening between the two of you."

"I figured you would and since we are being so honest now I sorta of did it on purpose."

"Tried to make me jealous?"


"Why honey?"


"For?" she asked moving closer to him sensing this was going exactly in the direction she wanted it to go.

"For you and your stupid job making me jealous. You know, for you taking your clothes off in front of a bunch of strange men. For you giving lap dances to those idiots."

"Jesus honey, I never knew you cared."

"Well, I do."

Sung Li knew it was now or never. She drained the last of her champagne loving the warm fuzzy feeling it gave her. A warm fuzzy feeling that gave her the courage to do or say almost anything.

She stood up, extending her hand to him. "Come on Billy, stand up it's time to put that jealous heart of yours to rest."

"Really, how?" he replied while getting slowly to his feet.

"Follow me." She took his hand and led him over to the bed. "Sit down. I think maybe your poor little heart won't be so filled with jealousy if I do a very special birthday striptease for you."

"Mom! Really. Are you serious? It's late and I'm tired and in no mood for jokes."

"Watch just how serious I am, unless you tell me no."

"I . . . ahh . . . geez Mom." His mind was whirling. Should he tell her no, better yet, do I even possess the will power to say no?

"I will take your inability to speak as my cue to move forward with your striptease honey?"

He nodded his head in dull amazement.

She took his hands and pulled him so he was perched on the very edge of the bed. Moving her hand up, she brushed her fingers along his cheek lightly, as her eyes began to sparkle with excitement.

"You do find your mother attractive? Tell the truth."

"God, yes I find you attractive. You are so beautiful that sometimes it hurts my heart to gaze upon such beauty."

"That is sweet baby and I know that it takes a lot of courage for an eighteen year old boy to say that to his mother. Such heartfelt honesty should be rewarded."

Their eyes met as her hands slowly slipped down to the front of her white blouse. She took a small step forward. "So tell me Billy, have you ever had fantasies about watching me get undressed."

Billy, even shocking himself, replied almost immediately. "Yes." Normally such a question would leave him stammering like an idiot—if he even thought of telling the truth.

He gazed at his mom's chest with rapt attention as she began to slowly undo the buttons of her blouse. She isn't stopping Billy realized with utter delight as inch by inch of his mom's beautiful dark skin was revealed to his wide staring eyes.

Billy took a deep breath as her simple white blouse slowly parted revealing a sexy see through purple bra. Purple was his favorite color plus; then there was this to consider- for as long as he could remember, he had an intense all-consuming bra fetish. Now as his mother slowly stripped off her jeans he barely noticed as he intently stared at his mom's big beautiful tits showcased so nicely in that gorgeous purple bra.

As Billy finally dragged his eyes off of her tits and downward he saw with rapturous wonder the matching butterfly panties and somehow his poor cock managed to grow even harder.

Her clothes, now in a heap at her feet, were kicked aside. She smiled before whispering, "See honey, your mother can take her clothes off for you too. Be still thy jealous heart."

His heart was anything but still as she held out a hand, and without saying a word led him over to the rug in front of the fire.

Reaching the rug she turned to him. "I was thinking maybe we could share another glass of champagne together baby?"

"Yes," he said eagerly.

"Should I put my clothes back on?"

"No . . . I mean unless you want to."

"Do you want me to?" she asked sweetly already knowing the answer.


"I thought as much," she replied with a knowing smile as she strutted over to the mini bar his eyes following her ass.

Relaxing in front of the fire, the whole thing seemed so fucking unreal; sharing champagne with his mother as they sat in front of a romantic fire. But maybe the craziest thing was the way she was sitting there sipping on her champagne in her goddamn underwear like it was perfectly normal thing to do with her newly turned eighteen year old son- that was dying.

The champagne was helping Billy feel confident and horny. He was finding it nearly impossible to keep his eyes off of his mother's luscious body, in particular those substantial tits of hers.

Sung happily noticed his eyes all over his chest and smiled inwardly liking the way he was gazing at her with a dreamy look.

"You know honey," she said "I am thinking we should discuss these jealousy issues you have over your mother in a bit more depth."

"What about them?"

"Well, like how jealous are you when you picture me giving lap dances to my customers?"

"Quite a bit I guess."

"You guess, as in maybe?"

"No, I am fucking jealous OK," he replied sharply.

"That is all I needed to hear," she said getting up and walking over to the CD player, her high heels clicking seductively on the hardwood floor.

She replaced the compact disc filled with romantic ballads on it with something a little more appropriate for what she was about to do. She smiled at him as she turned back around; the sound of Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again" filled the bedroom.

"Come sit on the edge of the bed and I will give my favorite man in the world a very special birthday lap dance."

Billy walked over to the bed feeling like he has been dropped in some wild forbidden dream. He settled himself onto the edge of the bed, and watched as his mother began to move her body in a rhythmic fashion to the pulsating beat of the music.

His eyes became trapped by the sight of his mother's immense tits bouncing up and down in that tight sexy see through purple bra of hers. She flung her body back and forth, twirling and twisting to the beat of the music coming ever closer to him.