End Games


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The pretense of dancing now gone, they end up over by the Sung's small vanity table. She leaned back against the table as his mouth pounced on the silky smooth skin of her neck and throat making her sigh with contentment just as his hands came up assaulting her tits.

Her little see through bra top was turning him on to such a degree so when she whispered to him, "Remember earlier when I told you I needed a big strong man to take control . . . now is the time. Show your mother such untamed desire that it will take my breath away honey. Now!"

He pulled back for a moment, staring at his mother's delicious tits with only the scant little transparent bra top to protect them. Her look was that of a fawn—wide eyed and innocent- which only served to increase his lustful urges.

His heart, filled with raging ardor, commanded his actions. Billy picked his mother up placing her on the small table. He took a long moment to savor the look of her heaving chest; those big beautiful tits falling up and down, so perfectly on display under her transparent bra top. His eyes focus on her dark round nipples, fully erect, standing out in direct contrast to her white top.

An untamed yearning took over. Billy's hands came up viciously yanking the delicate bra top down. As her large tits came spilling out, he immediately pounced on them savagely.

Sung let out a surprised little yelp as he treated her chest to a storm of adoring kisses that quickly turned into a desperate wild suckling feast that took her breath away.

Sung was thrilled at her son's all-consuming desire to suck on her tits. She had never enjoyed having a man lose such control over her tits as her son was now doing. Looking down at him, his mouth flying from one heaving mound to the other, he was suckling on them as if his very life depended on it.

She leaned her head back, her pretty hair falling onto the table, and arched her back, allowing him total access to her tits. Billy brought his hands up into the fray pawing at her tits like some kind of wild animal as he sucked on them with an urgent need that bordered on insanity.

"Oh that's it baby. Lose control. Let yourself go," she urgently whispered to him as she wrapped a hand around the back of his head shoving his face deeper into her bosom.

As the desperate wrestling match between her tits and his mouth continued Sung dropped a hand down inside his shorts, grabbing his cock, exhilarated to find it hard once again.

"God honey you are so big and hard. Your mother needs you inside of her now!" Much to her utter delight, her desperate plea sent Billy over the edge.

He leaned back, grabbing her roughly, and pulled her down onto her feet, before, just as roughly, twisting her around. He used his feet, kicking at her ankles. "Spread your legs!" His voice was husky with desire as she leaned on the table spreading her legs wide for him.

Without warning, he ripped the tantalizing lace panties off her body, before pausing to admire the scene. His mother, in her slutty heels, leaning forward on the table, naked, legs spread wide, her beautifully tanned ass upturned and waiting. He wanted to ensure this vision would be seared into his brain for the remainder of the short time he had left on this earth.

Sung turned around during the long pause wondering what Billy was waiting for. She caught one final glimpse, seeing the biggest, hardest cock she had ever laid eyes on just before it was to impale her.

Billy grunted driving his hips forward ramming his full eight and one half inches into her in one swift motion. Sung closed her eyes, letting out a small yelp as his cock drove deep inside of her somehow- maybe from pure luck, maybe from undeniable fate- finding its mark the first time.

He was out of control from the very beginning. Encouraged by her loud yelps, he drove into her- thrusting faster and harder- showing no regard for delicacy, he pounded his mother like she was some sort of cheap hooker. The little vanity table filled with small bottles of perfume and make up began to shake, rattle and roll as if it was the epoch center of a small earthquake.

"Oh God baby that's it. Fuck me, harder sweetie, harder," Sung cried out in anguished passion urging her son to greater heights of debauchery.

He complied and was soon ramming his eight inches into her with such fierce determination that he almost- quite literally- was lifting the little one hundred and fifteen pound Sung up and off her feet.

"Oh God honey, Mommy is going to come . . . yeah fuck me harder son. Harder . . . make me come."

She spread her hands on the table, parting her legs even more, encouraging him to give it his all, as her cries of pleasure filled the room. Like a runaway freight train her orgasm was rushing home, but then, much to her anguished disappointment, it came to a screaming halt.

Billy swept away by a fanatical champagne fueled lust paused. A depraved thought had taken hold of his heart and would not let go.

His sweet mother, legs spread wide, leaning against the vanity table, her ass thrust out, with her high heels on, appeared to be nothing more than the cheapest, sluttiest, little Korean whore in the world.

He imaged himself as a sailor in Seoul picking her up for twenty bucks maybe, and taking her into some dark back alley to have his way with her. Somehow the image of this caused his craving for her, already at near boiling, to bubble over.

So caught up in this little fantasy, words began to spill from his mouth he never imagined saying to his mother.

"God Damn Chink whore. I know you want my big American cock inside of you . . . don't you . . . You fucking slut. I bet you just like fucking young sailors like me huh!"

He pulled his cock out, letting it rest on the cusp of her wet opening. He reached around and began to knead her tits roughly as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Beg for it you chink bitch."

"Oh God . . . yes. Shove it in. Please honey. Me love you long time. Me so horny. You so handsome." Sung replied without missing a beat slipping into her role as a cheap Korean streetwalker, using her native accent to increase the realism.

She figured it's the least she can do considering she owed him from earlier when he played his role as her sweet little baby boy perfectly for her.

Encouraged that she seemed comfortable with this new role playing game, Billy decided to prolong things a bit. "Yeah, I bet you just wanna be fucked by my big American cock so badly huh you little whore. Come on beg for it some more."

She turned to look at him and their eyes locked. Something deep and mysterious passed between them. Something that said tonight, there was no limits. "Yes, shove it in my hole baby. Pleeeeease."

She reached back and stroked the side of his face whispering, "You so young, so handsome, so big and strong." And then looking down, "So nice and hard."

"Yes I am. Just for you . . . you fucking whore."

"Yes, me your whore, now fuck me please. I need it sooooo baadddd!!"

Billy could resist no longer as he propelled his cock into her with such force causing her to let out a loud shriek that reverberated around the bedroom. Her shriek broke down into a series of gasping whimpers as Billy, gripping her hips, pounded into her.

Fucking her with such reckless abandonment Billy had to bite his lip—hard—to keep from coming. His relentless pounding was again nearly lifting her off her feet. Sung's whimpering from being impaled by her son's huge cock only caused Billy's heart to be filled with raving need to fuck her harder and harder still.

"Yes, fuck me, harder sailor boy . . . fuck me so hard and long . . . Please I want it so baaadly," she begged him as once again her orgasm was rushing home.

Her anguished moans, along with a pair of loud lustful screams, only fueled his need to come inside his little chink whore.

Finally, Sung Li let out a loud wail that filled the bedroom announcing to the world she was coming.

"Oh God I . . . am . . . cumming. Don't stop . . . Please, that's it . . . ahhhhhh."

She fell limp crashing down against the vanity table as Billy promptly pulled out of her. They stood there—both spent—for a quiet moment before Billy took control.

Pulling his panting mother into his arms, he guided her over to the large rug in front of the fireplace. Sung seemed to be on the verge of tears as she allowed herself to be carried over to the rug.

"Oh God what have I done? What do you think of me son?" Her lustful forbidden urges had given way to guilt and was speaking loudly.

"Shh, Mom. Please it's OK. Really." He placed her on the rug gently before retrieving her robe and handing it to her.

"I'm a horrible mother for doing this to you. Getting us drunk, the game playing and Jesus letting you fuck me like I am some kind of-"

Her voice trailed off as Billy draped the robe around her naked body. He wrapped her in his arms before soothing her hair as he began to whisper in her ear.

"Mother, listen, I am the one who should feel ashamed. Calling you all those dirty names."

"No, no honey, that was OK . . . it was fun. We was just role playing, like in the tub."

"Yes, well, if you want me to be fine with it then you stop worrying about being a bad mom and accept what we just did was out of desperate love."

"Desperate love, I like that."

"So let's both agree not to let guilt ruin my birthday. In fact, we should maybe have a bit more champagne to celebrate and to calm your nerves."

"I think you are right baby," Sung answered calmly as she lifted her head up and stared at her son. His hair was a tangled mess much like her heart.

He crossed the room after throwing on his boxers and poured them both a fresh glass of champagne. After a few sips she asked him a simple question. A question prompted by the bulge she spied in his boxers. She wondered so she asked.

"You fucked me so good and hard honey, but I don't think my little sailor boy came?"

"Ahh, no, but it's all right. I mean I came twice already."

"So you did, but as they say, the third time is the charm."

"Yes I suppose they do say that," he replied hopefully. Could he be so lucky as she was ready and willing to give him more?

She drained the last of her champagne telling him she will be right back before disappearing into the closet.

He used the break to go down the hallway to the bathroom and splash some cold water on his face while marveling at the night's events. He made a quick pit stop at his room to splash on a bit of cologne before heading back down to her bedroom.

Entering the room, he took two steps before coming to an abrupt halt as she emerged from the closet. Another costume changes has left him breathless. Once again, she was a vision of unearthly beauty wearing a white satin corset, along with matching white stockings. Her hair was pulled up into a pretty little pony tail. She looked beautifully sweet and delicious- like an angel.

"So how do I look baby? Seeing me like this does it make you wanna call me a chink whore and fuck the shit out of me again."

"M-mom . . . I'm . . . no." He stopped caught off guard. Shame started to fill his heart for all the nasty things he said to her earlier. He wondered if bringing it back up meant he had hurt her feelings after all.

She crossed the room stopping in front of him. He felt she was waiting for him to say something more as she stood staring at him.

He reached out tenderly, using one finger, to stroke the side of her face. "Mom, you look like the world's most beautiful angel," he whispered faintly as his gaze fell upon her white corset. The corset pushed her tits up making them look fucking huge.

She took him by the hand, leading him toward the rug. Halfway there she paused, feeling his eyes on her ass, which was on full display underneath the barely there, crotch-less white panties she was wearing. She turned to him whispering, "So you think your mother looks like an angel and is maybe fit for the attentions of her sweet little boy and not some rough sailor?"

He swallowed hard before answering, "Yes."

"You promise to treat this angel with sweet tenderness and soft love, while honoring her heavenly body with passionate adoration. Please tell me baby, shall you truly worship my body honey with a soft gentle tenderness born in boyish innocence now that fucking me has calmed your beastly heart?"

"Yes, Mommy. I will be your sweet little boy once more." A memory of something sweet he once read came to mind. He memorized it in hopes of using it on a girl one day never dreaming that "girl" would be his mother. He was sure it would knock his mother's socks off—if he could just remember how it went.

They reached the rug, and after adding some more logs and kindling, the fire roared back to life as they sunk down, hand in hand, onto the rug. Squeezing her hands tight, he thinks he has the passage down cold, and well, if he forgets a little here or there, he would just have to ad lib a bit.

"By that Heaven that binds us, your beauty commands me mother. By that God we both adore, tell Him with sorrow that he can never create anything as beautiful and as sweet as your love for me or my love for you. Tell me . . . shall you allow my sorrow laden soul escape from the tortured prison your beauty traps it in and allow it free reign to clasp this lovely sainted maiden known simply as Mom, who be blessed with the beauty of a thousand angels . . . and make love to it."

"Oh God Billy, that was so sweet." She kissed him lightly on the lips. He responded with extreme delicacy wanting to show her he would be just as gentle and sweet this time as he had been rough and passionate the last time.

Mother and son exchange kiss after blissful kiss, falling back onto the thick rug. The dancing flames and the quiet crackling of the fire serve as reminders that this time it will be slow and sweet.

The green-eyed angel, his mother, falls as docile as a lamb into his arms. They kissed, hands roaming and caressing everywhere, for an inordinate amount of time before rising back up onto their knees to face each other.

He contemplated the rise and fall of her tits, encased as they were in the tight binds of her beautiful corset. His cock was once more making like a zombie and rising from the dead. He met no resistance when he slowly, carefully, reached around the back of her and began to unlace the elegant strings that hold her heavenly tits prisoner.

The corset properly loosened, she tilted her head, looking at him with such alluring innocence as she whispered sweetly, "Go on honey, you can play with Mommy's tits if you want to."

She took his hands, guiding them to the front of that enchanting white satin corset. With nothing more than a mere look she encouraged him to start fondling her tits through the satin of her corset.

He followed her wish worshipping them with a quiet loving hunger. He fondled them with such youthful affection that Sung's heart swelled with love while her eyes filled with tears.

They begin to kiss, long and deep, tongues slipping in and out of their mouths as his need to see her bountiful tits in all their naked glory once more overtook him. He tugs on the top of the corset, using just enough force to allow her tits to come spilling out.

He leaned back, gazing at their immense beauty. They were like two great mounds of jewels they sparkle and shine in the dim glow of the nearby fire. And atop these lovely twin mounds of jewels rested the crown jewels themselves. Her nipples, fully erect, their large aureoles dotted with little tiny goosebumps, await his hungry mouth.

"Your heart is whispering to me honey."

"What is it saying?"

"It's saying my baby boy wants to suckle on his Mommy's boobies."

"Yes, God yes, Mommy I do, please I'm starving for your big beautiful boobs. Their awesome beauty takes my breath away."

His fills his mouth with her glorious tit flesh, suckling on them with all the fondness and warmth in the world. Her perfumed words of encouragement only increased the passion as they fall back onto the rug, his mouth glued to her tits, raining kisses over the entirety of her breasts.

They roll around the carpet locked in a tight embrace his mouth never for one moment leaving her breasts as he alternated sucking on her nipples with delicate kisses and tender licks of his tongue. Her soft laments urging him on told him he was doing well as he soon found himself flat on his back, her boobs thrust into his face.

He began to suck on them with a zealous intensity before another flip and now she was on her back, his face buried between her luscious tits going back and forth, kissing up and down the gentle slope of the valley between them.

She moved up so she was resting on her elbows. "Honey can you shower kisses upon your Mommy's secret garden."

"Secret garden?" His boob addled mind did not quite pick up on her reference.

"Please baby, down between my legs," she whispered.

His face slid down, his cheeks rubbing against the silky satin of her corset still in place below her boobs. He reached her secret garden and its intoxicating aroma as his first kisses find their way in between the moist folds of his mom's cunt.

His tongue comes out, tasting the sweetness, making Sung hiss. What he lacks in experience he makes up with sheer youthful exuberance. His tongue flickers all over, dipping in and out, sampling the juices flowing freely from her wet pussy.

He judged how he was doing, what licks of his tongue worked, which maybe not so much, by how much she squirmed under his soothing assault. After some happy exploring he found that special sweet spot-her clitoris- and attacked it with all the youthful eagerness of a brave knight going after a fierce dragon.

Sung responded to his circling tongue with an indulgent sigh as her body writhed all over the carpet nearing a tremendous orgasm. Reaching up, he found her tits and began to caress them just as his tongue stabbed at her clit.

"Oh baby you are doing so good. You are going to make mommy come . . . please don't stop."

His tongue buried itself in the deep recesses of her moist pussy just as he brought one finger up sliding it into her neatly. She let out another soft hiss when his finger found its mark as his tongue flickered faster, before slowing down, and then picking up speed again.

Reaching down, Sung tangled her fingers deep in his hair trapping his face between her legs. Billy lapped furiously at her clit just as he worked his finger in and out of her cunt faster and harder.

Her whole body began to shiver and shake as she let out a loud wail. Billy would later swear he felt their souls come together and connect just as he sent her rocketing over the edge into the lovely abyss of the most powerful orgasm of her life.

Billy pulled back from his mother and gave her a wry smile. "I think we are tied up two two now."

"Yes, I guess so baby."

"Third time is the charm though you said."

"A charm we should experience together baby. As close as possible I mean. I want you to make love to me now and let us come together."

"Mom, I don't know. I mean . . ." He looked down at himself, his cock had been hard while eating her, but now it was starting to relax.

"Oh I think you mother can bring it back to life again baby. It just maybe needs some TLC."

She pushed him onto his back and began to kiss her way down and across his bare belly. She slowly pulled down his boxers before using her hands to quickly stroke his limp penis back to life.

Once she had him nice and erect again she paused to stare at his jutting cock. It stood throbbing as he laid back- eyes shut- waiting. Sung gazed down wanting to burn the memory of her son's huge cock in her brain; yes, the way it looked before she took it into her mouth for the first time.