End Games


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She slinked up to him, running her fingers through his dark hair, before slowly beginning to unbutton his shirt. The slowness only lasted for a minute; after undoing the second button he heard her whisper, to herself, or to him, he wasn't sure which, "This is taking way too fucking long." Without warning she ripped his shirt downward violently. The rest of the buttons went flying as Sung laughed.

He is too stunned to even respond as she slowly dragged her long fingernails down his bare chest before turning and shaking her ass in front of his face. His eyes fell to her beautiful well-tanned ass cheeks shaking back and forth as his cock became stiff.

Turning, she did the unexpected once again throwing herself on top of him; he fell back onto the bed as she shoved her tits firmly up against his bare chest. She used her breasts, rubbing them in a small semi-circles all around his chest, as his cock jumped from being merely stiff to excruciating hard in a matter of mere seconds.

Sung propelled herself backward deftly landing on her feet, while pulling him up into a sitting position. She leaned forward, shoving her tits in his face. Her hands snaked around the back of his head, forcing his face deeper into her cleavage as she began to shake her chest while giggling.

"I bet you like that baby boy . . . Mommy's big tits all in your face. Yeah, I just bet you do," she whispered to him.

Laughing, she released her hold on him. He leaned back trying to catch his breath. He was shocked at the seriously R-rated lap dance she was giving him.

She twisted around now, and slowly lowered herself down onto his lap. She flung one arm around his neck as she started to playfully bounce up and down on his lap.

Jesus, he is so hard down there, like fucking concrete," Sung mused as she quickly discovered something else which caused her growing desire to spin out of control- unlike his father, her son was very, very big down there.

She pulled her arm from around his neck, and taking both of his hands she guided them to her tummy just as she turned in his lap so her back was to him.

She moved slowly up and down, rubbing against his big hard cock like a cat in heat. She then played her trump card, pushing his hands up and onto her tits.

Leaning back and whispering in his ear, she told him, "Go on sweetie you can feel them if you want."

It's an offer he cannot refuse. He kneaded her breasts through the soft material of her bra while she grinded her butt against his crotch, enjoying the way his hardness felt against her now very wet pussy.

Their lips found each other; exchanging several kisses, his hands continued to fondle her boobs with a growing urgency. She increased the pressure on him; pushing her ass harder against his crotch. He felt it building- his very first orgasm with a woman.

He tried to fight it, not wanting to come in his pants, but she was not letting up. Nor can he let up. Asking him to remove his hands from her tits, would be like asking a fish to give up water.

Finally, when he felt her tongue circling in his mouth, flickering back and forth, experiencing his first real French kiss, it all became too much.

His whole body started to shake as she kissed him deeper, and then suddenly he let out a little yelp before he ejaculated inside his jeans.

Deciding to tease him a bit, she jumped up, exclaiming in mock horror, "Billy! You bad little boy did you just make a mess in your pants?"

"I got to get out of here," he mumbled ready to die from embarrassment. He prayed she was joking with him, in pretending to be mad, but that changed precious little. Nothing could change the fact he just came in his pants.

He pushed her away and headed for the door ignoring her pleas to stay. Just as he reached the door and was getting ready to yank it open, Sung came rushing up to him. "Don't go baby. I'm sorry, this is all my fault. Please don't be embarrassed . . . it happens. It's not your fault and I'm really not mad. I was just playing."

"Who's at fault then-?"

She cut him off with a finger to his lips. "Shhh, let me talk to you first before you decide if you wanna stay or go."

"I should go." He turned to the door once more.

"No, you should come over here," Sung demanded pulling him away from the door.

They sat at the mini bar as she shoved another glass of champagne in front of him. "Drink this down quickly. Nothing kills embarrassment like alcohol. You need to hear the truth son. I would have been really disappointed if you had not . . . you know in your pants."


"Yes, really. What you did tells me one thing and one thing only."

"What is that?" he said finishing his glass of champagne. She was right. The warm fuzzy feeling the champagne gave him dulled the feelings of embarrassment.

"Just that you really, really liked your mom's lap dance."

"I did. You are a fantastic dancer, Mom, but I should leave and, you know, get cleaned up."

"Hmm, yes and no."

"What does that mean?"

"Give me a minute and I will explain." Sung jumped to her feet and disappeared inside her bathroom. She must act quickly on her sudden impulse before she thinks too much about it.

She hurried over to her immense sunken bath tub, twisting the handle on the tap to warm. The tub began to fill with warm water as she grabbed her bubble bath, dumping some into the tub, before completing the final steps in her preparation for what she hoped will not be the biggest mistake of her life.

Heading back out to the bedroom, she found Billy fidgeting uncomfortably at the bar.

"Mom, I really should go to my room and change."

"Remember, I told you yes and no when you said that earlier?"

"Yeah, then you left without telling me what it meant."

"I will tell you now. It simply means, yes you should get cleaned up, but no, not in your room. I have a better idea. How about . . ."

Her smile was sly, her voice quiet and seductive as she reached out a hand to him. "You let your Mommy give her baby boy a nice little birthday bath. Hmm, would you like that? We used to take baths all the time before and as I recall you always, always enjoyed bath time with your mother."

Once again she has rendered him speechless. Inside the bathroom he saw his mother's propensity for candles was once again on display. Inside her large bathroom was no less than a dozen small candles placed strategically throughout the bathroom.

"Here let me help you with those jeans while you get out of that ripped shirt of yours," she told him softly as she started to undo his pants.

"Oh my, you do have quite the mess in here," she exclaimed as she yanked down his boxers. "Come on now, hurry and into the tub with you."

He got into the tub, sinking under the protective layer of bubbles eager to hide his flaccid cock. He watched as she straightened up saying, "I think maybe it would be easier if I was to get in the tub with you and help you wash up."

Billy decided to call her bluff. "Yeah it probably would be easier if you were in here with me."

His once flaccid dick started to come alive again as she slowly reached around and undid her bra. She took her time, loving the way he was so intently focused on watching her remove her bra as ever so slowly it slipped down, and then—just as it was about to slip off her twin peaks revealing her tits to his hungry eyes, she suddenly barked at him.

"Billy . . . you shouldn't be staring at your mother as she gets undressed. It's rude. Now turn your face away, while I get in the tub."

He found it ironic that just a few minutes ago she was giving him a half-naked first class lap dance, and now she was scolding him for staring as she took off her bra.

But as she continued to glare at him, he quickly realized it would be in his best interests to play along. He almost laughed, marveling at his mother's sudden mood change, while suspecting it was all part of some bigger game.

Averting his gaze, he stammered out an apology. "S-sorry Mom, I didn't mean to be rude."

"That's better," she replied smugly.

He was left to only wonder. Wonder what it would be like to see her big boobs finally revealed to him as she slowly removed her bra; wonder how delicious her ass might look as she slipped out of her panties. But instead he found himself staring at the tile wall of the tub.

Sung carefully lowered herself behind him into the tub, sinking under the protective covering of the bubbles. Once she got settled down behind him, Sung Li used a sponge to carefully wash his neck and shoulders, and then his upper arms. Leaning forward to wash down his back, she growled at him, "Now don't let me catch you trying to take sneaky peeks at my naked body Billy!"

"Yeah, sure, no problem," he mumbled with some apprehension. Trying to keep his eyes off her mother's gorgeous naked body would be asking the impossible; furthermore, he understood that she understood what she was asking was impossible.

She was taking her time purposefully, allowing him time to recover- down there. With his backside done, she pulled him back against her. She took her time reaching forward and washing each of his forearms in turn as she leaned forward enough allowing her boobs to brush up against his back.

She paused in mid-stroke and then whispered in his ear, "It's been a long time since you shared a bath with your mommy huh, Billy?"


"Do you miss taking baths with me sweetheart?"

"Oh yes, very much so."

She smiled, appreciating the way he was being a sport and playing along with this new little game. If only he will continue to play along this could be the perfect setting for him to lose his virginity," Sung Li mused knowing that was the ultimate end game.

She slyly let the sponge slip out of her hand, watching it sink under the bubbles before declaring, "How would my birthday boy like a nice little massage right here in the tub?"

"That would be nice," he told her as she started to knead the muscles in his neck and shoulders expertly. Billy leaned back against his mother closing his eyes placing himself totally in her loving hands.

As her hands glided skillfully across his shoulders, she leaned in and whispered in his ear, "So you liked your birthday party today hon."

"Oh yes it was very nice."

"Just like my new bikini? I kind of noticed you had a hard time taking your eyes off me this afternoon as I ran around in it honey."

"I was just admiring how good you looked in it Mom. I guess I just couldn't help myself."

"So what do you think my skimpy little bikini showed off best . . . your mom's tits or ass?"

When he did not respond right away, she reached around and used her hand to turn his face around towards her.

"You better answer your mother's question right now son before she gets mad and slaps that cute little face of yours . . . and you had best be honest with me."

He somehow found the courage to answer with little hesitation. "Your tits."

She smiled at him, their faces mere inches apart. Running her fingers through his hair she whispered, "Why coz they are so big?"

He looked away shyly before answering in a hoarse whisper, "Yes."

"So that is why you couldn't keep your eyes off your Mom coz her tits are so big and she was showing them off huh? I had been wondering why you kept staring at me." She let his face slip out of her hands as he turned back around.

"Now that that is settled I can continue with your nice massage."

"You're not mad coz of what I just said Mom?"

"No, I don't think so. Actually I am glad you had the courage to tell your mother you noticed her big tits. I like it when you are brave and honest with me sweetheart."

Her hands skated around to the upper part of his back, before settling on his neck again. Rubbing it gently she was ready for the next act in their bathtub drama.

"There done now," she announced pulling her hands back. "Now where is my sponge?" she asked pretending she didn't remember letting it slide earlier under the bubbles. The lost sponge was all part of her grand scheme.

"I bet you hid it on me you little stinker as I know you would much rather play in the tub then get washed up . . . isn't that right?"

"Y-yes I guess so, but really Mommy I didn't hide it."

"Oh you didn't. Well, maybe I will believe you for now anyway and besides I guess you deserve a little play time as it is your birthday and all."

Billy wondered just what play time in the tub with her could mean while also speculating why she was treating him like a child. Maybe she was revisiting the past as a way to avoid the harsh future she faced without him. Everyone has a different way of processing heartache and tragedy and maybe this was just her way. He quickly decided to play along not wanting to spoil things for her.

She circled out from behind him around to his side all the while making sure she stayed under the protective screen of bubbles. She noticed Billy casting several furtive glances her way. She imagined he was greatly disappointed at not catching at least a quick glimpse of her tits.

"Oh shoot I just forgot. Maybe you won't get play time after all."


"I forgot your two favorite bath toys honey."

Billy has a vague recollection of the bath toys she was referring to. He once had a little red tug boat and a green rubber frog that he would never take a bath without.

The memory made him laugh. Curious to see how she would react he decided to take a chance and see if she was really serious about this whole playtime in the tub thing.

Making his voice whiny he responded, "Really, Mommy, you forgot my toys. Mr. Froggy and Mr. Tuggy?"

"Yes, I am afraid so hon."

"Well go get them," he demanded doing his best not to laugh at their silly little game.

"Sweetheart, I think they are downstairs in the other bathroom."

"So go get them," he again commanded her.

"Come on sweetie, Mommy is nice and comfortable here in the tub with you. I don't want to have to get out, dry off, and then go downstairs and try and find your stupid toys."

"So what am I going to play with Mommy if I don't have my toys?" He looked down feigning extreme disappointment.

Finally, it was time for the great unveiling. Things had played out nearly perfect to this point.

"Sweetie, Mommy knows how much you love playing in the tub, but maybe?" She paused; raising up onto her knees, her big, beautiful boobs finally emerged from under the bubbles. He stared at her tits in revered awe. They had small clumps of bubbles clinging to them here and there. "Maybe we can find you something other to play with besides that stupid old frog and that silly little tug boat."

In the glow of the candles her tits shined with an unearthly beauty. He was sure, as he stared at them open mouthed, he had never set eyes upon anything as beautiful as his mommy's big, wet, shiny tits. Indeed, they glistened with a beauty that he has been dreaming about for as long as he could remember. Watching her chest rise and fall, his cock was fully hard once more.

She inched closer to him, tilting her head to one side seductively, her voice coming out in a honeyed purr she whispered, "So do you see something sweetie you wanna play with . . . something really big and bouncy? Go on baby, be a big boy and tell Mommy."

She moved within reach of him. This was his first time ever seeing a woman's bare breasts, other than in the movies or magazines.

Sung, ever the show off, first shook her boobs back and forth, before reaching out and grabbing his hands when he continued to do nothing more than stare. She paused a moment, allowing the tension to build, before placing his hands against her smooth tummy.

"You know baby, the way you have been staring at my boobies makes me believe you might be thinking they would be really, really fun to play with."

She brought her hands up to his face, touching both of his cheeks lightly; she felt his hands slip away from her body; apparently on their own his hands lacked the confidence to keep touching her.

That was just fine as she will use his innate shyness to her advantage. She gently tilted his face upwards so they were staring at each other. "Go on sweetheart you can play with your mommy's boobs if you want."

He tried to respond but all that came out was a small unintelligible sound. She smiled at him removing her hands from his face. "I think Mommy better help her shy little boy reach the Promised Land."

She took his hands into hers placing them on her tummy once again. Ever so carefully she pushed them north toward her beckoning wet hills; this time there will be no stopping.

Billy's cock twitched with incredible hardness under the bubbles as his hands slipped up and over his mom's tits.

With the help of her hands as a sort of de facto tour guide, he skimmed his hands all over the slippery softness of her succulent breasts.

"Mommy's tits feel nice huh?"

He finally managed to find his tongue. "Y-yes Mommy, real nice." Feeling he needed to say more, he added enthusiastically, "And you were right! These are much funner to play with than those other stupid toys."

She let her hands slip away, confident he needed no more help. Turning, she grabbed a nearby towel telling Billy, "Mommy wants to relax while you play with your new toys baby."

Positioning the towel against the back tile wall of the tub, Sung leaned back against it closing her eyes. She arched her chest upwards allowing her son full unfettered access to her tits as she let out a long sigh.

Billy observed with curious delight now that his mother's chest was out of the warm water and exposed to the cool night air how her nipples were standing up fully erect. He stared at them, licking his lips, with a burning infatuation.

Billy eagerly moved around so he was now sitting on his knees right in front of her. He began to jiggle her tits around in his hands, loving the way they felt.

The longer he played with his mom's tits the harder it became to maintain the subtle balancing act between his boyish curiosity and his manly desires. With his cock throbbing with what was fast becoming a nearly unbearable hardness he found the scales tilting toward desire.

With a great effort, somehow he managed to check those desires. He sensed if he let go and gave in to his manly desires and tried to push things too fast, this little fantasy world they were both living in would collapse. For the time being, his curiosity would stay in control as he continued to fondle her tits as sweetly and innocently as possible.

Remembering to stay curious, and maybe more importantly naive, he flicked his fingers across her erect nipples causing her indescribable pleasure. Acting totally gullible about what he just did, he immediately yanked his hands away exclaiming, "Geez Mommy, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you."

She lifted her head up, and stared at him. She saw the sly startled look on his face and immediately sensed what he was up to. He, of course, could not be that naive about a woman's body, but then again, he was wholly inexperienced. Regardless she would play along.

"Oh sweetie, you didn't hurt Mommy. Why do you think that?"

"Well, you moaned a bit, you know when I touched your nipples."

"I did?" She reached out touching his face lightly. "You see your mommy has really sensitive nipples and when someone plays with them it makes her feel real good, sometimes so good that it makes her moan."

Maintaining his illusion of innocence, Billy replied with a heavy dose of boyish enthusiasm, "Oh really, wow!"

Fully immersed in their not so innocent drama now, he brought both hands up to her tits, and began to rub them all over in a circular motion, faster than slower, while adding several velvety flickers of his fingers along her ripe nipples.