Extending the MILF List Ch. 11


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I wasn't sure in that moment whom she was speaking to, herself or me. I was glad she said it though because I was deep in it and I worried that it was going to prove too deep for me and my water wings.

"Thank god college started. Dee Dee jumped in with both feet and I never saw her. Sex ended. I could have brought Matty Mac home and she would not have noticed. I started bringing home hotties and we'd have sex and breakfast the next day. Dee Dee would come down and eat with us, pleasant as punch. She'd chat and then be off to her life, almost like a normal woman and daughter. She seemed utterly fine with my choice of men and never made a move on any of them.

"Unfortunately that seemed like the only time she acknowledged I was alive, much less human. The rest of the time she acted so cold to me. She only acknowledged me when there was a man I had fucked sitting at the table with us and I was only bringing home men I thought might attract her. She was very pleasant but the rest of the time I didn't exist. I felt like a piece of furniture. She was so cold to me for so long, I finally gave up. I felt sure she'd move out soon but the lure of free cash is tough for a pragmatic woman to ignore and my daughter is nothing if not pragmatic. Then you happened.

"I did not realize it but we lived in a state of armed tension, each of us carefully avoiding each other. We ate separately and she stayed upstairs. She never brought anyone home, ever. But when she met you, something shifted. I didn't know it at the time but one of those nights you, when you were outside, and, and you ate her, she came inside and we, we had a conversation. I was so relieved, so hopeful but then you quit coming around and she went back to being cold and angry.

"Then I saw you the other night and she was back to mellow, back to talking to me. I have waited six months for my daughter to forgive an honest mistake and for her heart to mend. Now, now she sends me you and she has not had sex with you at all." The woman began to shake but it wasn't from the cock she was driving into her body with such consistent pressure. Well, maybe that had something to do with it.

She bowed over me and I released her hips and let her lay down on me. I began to rock her and she let me, lying, full of cock, still massaging me with her velvet interior, god, it had to be conscious. If that clutching tension in her cunt was natural, god, this woman was a national asset and if her daughter had the same talent I was applying to get a second cock! God, but it felt good. If she kept it up, I'd put her on her back and make her scream.

After a few minutes of this sort of penetrative cuddling, she lifted up, eyes glittering and filled with something she struggled to put into words.

I don't know what Mrs. Hamilton was going to say but at that moment my phone rang. I heard it yowling in the front room. Given all the balls I had in the air, not all of them mine, I needed to answer it. She sloughed off onto her back and I scrambled out to the living room and found where I'd left it plugged in. It occurred to me on the way out I might should have checked it before I took Mrs. Hamilton's sensual offering and had her for supper.

I got to my phone just as it went dark. I saw it was D. Debra calling.

I hit her back reflexively, without thinking about it. She answered immediately. "Sonny? Where are you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, suddenly on edge.

"You got my message, right? That our rehearsal got delayed. We blew a sound board last night and, well, we called it for the night while they got it fixed. It wasn't ready till this evening, so they delayed practice. Want to pick me up?"

I stared at my phone. "Message?" I asked vacantly, my body going completely cold. Mr. Happy disappeared in a puff of pussy vapor.

"Yes. I, uh, I left it with your sister. I didn't get your phone at all."

"My sister?"

"Not that one. Another one. Georgia? Is that her name. I think that's who she said she was."

"Oh." I said as neutrally. "Right. Right, she, she told me." Not. Bitch. Shit. Fuck, fuck and fuck me!


"Can I get back to you?"

She went silent.

I felt the Titanic hit the iceberg. I rallied. "Kidding. Kidding. Can I pick you up?"

The pause felt glacial. Finally, "Sure. Pick me up."

"Are we still on? For tonight I mean?" I had that awful feeling that the stars were aligned, lined up behind me to butt fuck me till I squealed like a pig getting his nuts cut. I had the feeling I should just beat a meat retreat and call it good but life doesn't always allow good sense to dominate. If you even know what that is and can tell the difference, it sometimes just leaves you clueless and wandering in the desert with a paper compass. Fucker.

"Sure. Of course, Sonny. Why wouldn't we be?"

I stuttered but realized I was blathering to a dead phone. She'd hung up. "See you in fifteen." I said to myself. I looked up and realized I was staring at Mrs. Hamilton. My phone in my hand showed two messages. Just two. Jeeze, I felt slighted. I put it on speaker and played it. Dori, wrapped in a warm terrycloth robe crept closer like a cat sneaking up on a bathing bird. She listened to the message.

"Sonny. D. Debra here. I am so sorry. Rehearsal has been rescheduled for tonight. I can't meet you at six. Would you pick me up? I'll call when I am done. Please answer your phone. I am really looking forward to this, finally. I have made you wait long enough. I had to get over something. I did. I have. I am. I am ready now, really. No bullshit. Call me. Bye."

She had made me wait long enough, I had to agree but now, now I had fucked the unicorn.

I looked at Dori and my bare cock hardened and rose up, waving at her. She caught the movement and stared at it as he rose to full erection. She looked up at me. She looked bleak, horrified. "Oh god, Sonny, you are such a sweet man." She put out a hand and clasped my cock, taking my compliment literally.

My phone rang in my hand and I jumped. Her hand tightened on my cock and I thought I was going to see the roots but she released me before doing damage. It was D. Debra.

"Sonny? How soon can you be here? It's fucking cold outside and they are locking the doors."

"Fifteen, twenty minutes?"

"Fine. And Sonny, its all right. I, I'm just tired. Please come get me, have me, take me." Her mother's hand found my now really hard cock and squeezed, the nymph.

"Ten." I muttered and hung up.

"Oh Sonny, what are we going to do? We have made a mistake."

I was happy she did not say "horrible mistake". I shook my head. "I don't know." I walked back to the bedroom and started dressing, with ever increasing urgency.

"Does she know about me?" Dori asked from the doorway.

I shook my head. "I don't think so. I can have someone vouch for me. I'll work that out." I saw a light far down the railroad tracks. I hoped it was the light at the end of the tunnel, the glimmer of an idea that would salvage this. My cock got hard. Goddamn the little shit, it was a good idea and I was getting his approval. My intent, I realized was to have them both. Possible? I wanted to find out.

I looked over at Mrs. Hamilton. I gestured to her to come closer and she did sitting beside me on the bed. I leaned over and kissed her. "You are a sexy woman. I, I have an idea, how to unfuck this situation."

She smiled bleakly. "Unfucked? That isn't like going back to being a virgin, is it." A statement, not a question.

I shook my head. "Listen Mrs. Hamilton, the only way we fix this is if we get D. Debra to share you with me. Then, the how and when can best be forgotten."

"Share me? I am pretty sure I have just been shared. Yes, definitely, I have been well and truly shared!"

I ignored her impish little smile. God, I felt that swelling urgency in me again and for a nickle I'd have banged her again. "If I can get her to agree to anytime and any place with anyone I chose, then I just need to get her to offer you up."

"Oh my, if, if this wasn't that, do you think it is possible?"

I stood up and pulled on my pants. "If she doesn't find out about this, maybe. It is worth a shot."

"What if I just admit what I've done. This was all my doing!"

I shrugged, getting my pants in order, which was a trick. "Well, Mrs. Hamilton, the dick fit. Do you blame the pussy or the dick. I think this is a case of shared responsibility but Mrs. Hamilton, I think if you let me handle this for you, maybe we can figure a way out of it."

The look on her face was tragicomic. A flash of lust followed by guilt, then a calm acceptance tinged with horrified shame. She nodded. "Okay, Sonny. If, if you can fix things with my daughter, I'll do what I can to help. I, I don't think we can do this again, though, do you?"

A fleeting look of regret shadowed her eyes, which gratified me. I shook my head. "No. Not till your," I was going to say "daughter" but hesitated, unwilling to believe her story and take it for granted that fucking them both was a real possibility. "You're probably right."

I regarded the woman for a moment, one shoe on and one in hand. "I, I might need you to do some things. I, you, you might not want to."

She lifted her chin just like D. Debra did. "I'll be happy if you find a way to help me make things right with my daughter. This will not help." The gestured at me. "I'll do nearly anything to fix it."

"She is sharing some of my friends. She has been teasing me so I demanded that she have sex with my friends since I was just a tongue to her."

"Oh my."

"Yeah. I might need you to join in, somehow. I am not sure yet how to make this work. I'll see." I sounded more confident than I was. My main approach to disasters like this was to admit the truth and work with the results rather than trying to keep track of lies that made less and less sense as time goes along. I am simpleminded. I have enough trouble keeping track of reality, much less confusing things with stories I can't keep straight.

Dori blinked a time or two? "Doing your friends? She's doing your friends?"

"Sort of like that. I, we, if I can get her to offer you to them or me, then maybe we end up here anyway but in a way that doesn't seem like we...." I petered out.

"Are such shits?"

I nodded. "Something like that." I agreed.

Mrs. Hamilton nodded. "Okay. I, I can do a lot to make things right with my daughter. Really. But I don't think we should plan on doing this again. I mean, god, Sonny this was great but now...."

I nodded feeble agreement, agreeing with her logic but not the conclusion. My cock admired my circumspection, still into her, or wanting to be. I knew in my tiny little Grinch heart, I agreed with my cock. I was dressed. "I better go.

She nodded. I hesitated at the bedroom door, feeling the oddness of that moment. I said something really stupid. "We can but, but not till, I, not until after I get into D. Debra." I stopped, realizing I was sharing my plans with the mother in the picture.

Dori nodded and smiled wanly. "I understand. This, I thought, you thought, oh hell, we thought it was okay. In what universe was this okay? Ever?"

I grinned. "In mine, Mrs. Hamilton. In mine."

She lit up and the clouds passed and she smiled, surprising me with the brilliance of her mood. "Mine too, Sonny. Mine too."

I left her like that and drove to the campus theater where they were rehearsing. I dialed D. Debra and she came skittering out on the snow covered walks and thumped into the car. She was giggling when she got into the car. She felt something odd about my mood and the giggles fell away like shattered ice icicles.

"Sonny? What's the matter?" Then she sniffed the air, like a wolf shopping for dinner.

I cracked like an egg in the microwave. All my resolve to prevaricate and dissemble and all the other things that make for good plots in bad movies eluded me. I just couldn't do it. I'm weak, I admit it, too weak to lie to get pussy. Should that be a virtue? It felt like a character flaw in that span of time when I hesitated and she stared askance at me.

"I, D. Debra, I have something to tell you."

She shrank back like I was admitting to being gay or something.

"Dee Dee," I said, "I didn't get your message. My sister, Georgia, she is pissed at me for, well, for a sibling conflict, a twisted sort of rivalry if you must know and she didn't give me your message. My phone went off and I didn't notice till, well, until after I got to your house."

D. Debra's head turned slowly. Her eyes glittered in the angular gloom, like ice crystals catching starlight. "My house?" Her voice sounded vacant, like she was drugged or was just finding out everyone forgot her birthday.

I nodded. "I thought, D. Debra, I thought you stood me up. On purpose."

She turned her head to look out the windscreen again. "You thought I was teasing you some more." A statement, not a question, bleakly stated like a winter wind.

I got a sick feeling in my gut. I had to go on. "It was just too much, so, so when your mother made a pass at me...." I wanted to avoid blaming her mother and realized I just had, but shit, I was pretty sure I was innocent till I put my dick in her. To that point, anyway, I was just a bystander. Well, maybe my tongue was over the line when it went deep into her. So I was sort of dodging responsibility for boning Dori Hamilton but shit, when I put it like that, even I don't believe me. A man owns up to what he's done and by god I did fuck Dori Hamilton.

"You Fucked Dori." D. Debra spoke the words slowly. "I was going to go through with it. I was."

"Dee Dee, listen...."

"Don't call me that." She said harshly, her voice became rough, rasping like she smoked two packs a day since three days after conception.

"D. Debra, listen, she, she thought that you'd sent me to her, because you hadn't had sex with me yet, she thought, because of, you know, what is going on with you two, that you were trying to make things right with her, between you. She thought it was a setup and I thought, I thought you were just teasing me and I was sure this was the real thing and when it wasn't, when Dori took off her shirt, I, well, I decided, I decided...." Suddenly, I was face to face with my own shadow, that part of me that could be subverted into the basest motivation for an action. I couldn't tell D. Debra Hamilton that her mother tasted like she does, that I suddenly had my hands on a woman who wanted me inside her and she smelled and kissed like D. Debra did and her skin...my mind muddled into a morass of self-loathing.

"You decided to fuck her to get back at me. Took you long enough. I kept waiting for you to be, to be that guy, the one who wouldn't let me get away with this shit and now, wow. You fucked my mother. What did she tell you? How did she justify riding off into the sunset with you inside of her?"

"She, well," I hesitated. I couldn't tell if there was shit seeking a fan and if I moved that'd be me or if something else was happening. D. Debra had filled in several blanks while I was stuttering like she knew what I was trying to say and that confused me.

"She said, she said you two had been sharing men. Her men, your men, for a while, till, I don't know, like last summer. I got the idea that she sort of enjoyed fulfilling a man's fantasy about having a mother and her daughter, particularly when they looked like you two. She, she said you two competed, fucking Olympic trials and the guy in the saddle was lucky till, well, she said you fell in love last year. He was, I guess he was a virgin and reluctant to be sexual outside of marriage. She fucked him and he disappeared. I'd guess the poor guy was guilt ridden and went to a nunnery. Well, okay, not a nunnery where they keep nuns but the other thing, an abottry or whatever they call it where monks go to not fuck women. A monkey house, no that's not right. Christ, I'm really fucking this up."

I ducked my head, bumping my forehead on the steering wheel hard enough to make my ears ring.

D. Debra just waited, staring straight ahead. It had begun snowing. The chill was eking into the car.

"She said she didn't realize what was happening with you, that you didn't even know you fell in love with him. She didn't realize till Gabe got on top of her that he didn't know what he was doing, that he was, that he'd not had sex before with a woman. She knew something was wrong and when he disappeared and you were inconsolable, she figured it out. She said you quit with her, quit the team, so to speak. She was devastated and struggled to find a way to make it all right with you. She said when I appeared, you talked to her then it stopped and then it started again. D. Debra, I know she is upset about this. It was an honest mistake on her part. I, it was my fault. I shouldn't have but I did because I'm a...." I stalled, not wanting to sort through all the possible words to use to name me at that moment and select the perfect one because if I picked the wrong one, I was screwed. D. Debra helped me out, the kind soul.

"A motherfucker?"

I swallowed hard, the flitting panic meant that somehow she understood I was boning all the women in my family but my brain's survival instinct kicked in and insisted she had no way to know that. Unless Chris mentioned something but he wouldn't. Tawny surely wouldn't. Finally I realized she wasn't talking about my mother, she was referring to hers.

"Did you tell her, about us? I mean, about me having sex with your friends?"

I nodded. I realized I had lost control of my body and hoped that she didn't see that in the gloom but she turned to stare at me, eyes glittering in the odd darkness.

"I told her everything I know and what I understand, which is considerably less than the facts I know. Now, maybe I understand a little more." I had the pressure to keep talking but all the big consonants got crosswise in my throat and I couldn't speak. I shuddered, the flush of adrenaline made me shake.

"Take me home." She said, her voice low but level. Firm but not angry.

I think I wanted anger. Not this even coolness. I felt like a stiletto was tracing a line down my neck. What if I needed to sneeze? Still, I obeyed and started the car. We rode in silence.

"Did you tell her about me and your sister?" D. Debra asked after a while.

"No. I volunteered no details. Why?" I asked out of cat-killing curiosity.

D. Debra ignored me.

I pulled up to her house. She opened the door and got out. I left the car running. She bent into the car and glared at me.

"You don't get off so easily. You need to come inside. Please. Don't run away now. We can't do this, this way. You fucked her, now you have to face her, us, me at the same time." She grunted, like an aborted chuckle wrapped in fatalistic sarcasm. "I didn't want her to meet you because, because I knew, or feared she'd try to fuck you but I didn't really think you'd fuck her. Come inside, let's get this settled. I won't sleep tonight if we don't and I have a midterm coming up in Fluids this week."

So very practical.

I turned off the car. She slammed her car door and strode to the entrance to the house but waited for me to come around before she moved. She waited till I was close behind her then she turned to me.

"She lied. About it all. That's what the fucking bitch does. She lies. About everything. Her. Me. Us. We never shared a man, never. That was all bull. Maybe her fantasy, but not mine. She fucking hates to see me happy and the first opportunity to fuck you came along and she mounted you like you were a tampon." D. Debra smiled. The falling snow felt warm by comparison. "Wrapped up like a douche another roamer in the night."

I cleared my throat. "That's, ah, wrapped like a deuce, which is a sort of car, I think or may be a dual carburetor is what they mean, when you are about to street race and you rev..."