Extending the MILF List Ch. 13


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Suddenly the moment collapsed around me and all my senses came on. First off, my cock's screaming delight reached the central nervous system. I heard the muttering of the room. Last I felt her body, tight, soft and alive contracting on my cock. Her legs gripped me. She hunched up and I moved my hands in the brief moment that she was flying, to clasp her ass. She felt like melted fiberglass, firm but hot and pliable. I cinched her down on my cock, like a life preserver on the head of seal. Her head banged against my chest as she rocked, suspended in the air by my cock and my hands on her ass. Her hands pulled at my shoulders. I had a notion to get her to the floor and really hammer her but feared that if I moved, I'd fuck up the perfect balance she had devised and we'd end up in the ER, not to mention the chain would hang her if Mr. C did not release it. He looked like he was watching two ghosts fuck and one of them was his long lost momma.

"Uh, uh, uh." Pixie grunted and then she tensed. I felt it emanating out from my cock inside of her tight little body. Around us, no one moved. The place was stone silent but for the sounds rattling out of Pixie. Her pussy squelched and clicked. When Pixie grunted and grunted, new sounds of muttered imprecations of various sorts flitted about, all expressing variously chagrin and jealousy to happy amazement.

I pulled Pixie tight to me and her head tipped back.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss Pixie." She panted. "Oh, wonderful, wonderful!" She groaned. Her body convulsed but she managed to keep her head tilted back. I bent and kissed her. She stood up somehow, rising to press her tight little lips against mine. Her legs snaked around me, I swear they got longer and then locked in place. Her hips continued to rock on me. She rubbed herself up and down on my hard cock.

Pixie was panting and snorting, gasping and grunting but then she went silent. Her long tongue swept into my mouth, around and then out.

"Oh fuck me." Someone growled.

Pixie increased her tempo, ramming herself onto my cock harder and harder and harder.

"Fuck her." Some guy said.

"Fuck me." A woman cried and a moment later there was a scuffle and then a woman squealed. Be careful what you ask for, I always say. Her new moaning seemed to harmonize with Pixie's piping little voice.

Pixie came again. Her body seemed surprisingly light to me. I moved her higher and she clicked down, as though I penetrated some deeper pocket of her body. She moaned, pressing against me, seeming to hang from my cock like an erotic coat on a hook. My cock lodged in her and she could not decouple. I insist that she did not want to, whatever the case was, she didn't, keeping my cock clamped inside of her, holding onto me like a stock trader with a hot tip and I was the hot tip.

"Fuck Pixie!" She growled. "Fuck Pixie so good!" Her body rocked, little motions that massaged the nooks and crannies of her body with the end of my cock. At one point, she tensed her legs and lifted up, changed position and dropped down my shaft. That undid her. She bucked and bucked and bucked, her little animal noises emanated from her like she was a squeak toy or a pissed off poodle.

The crowd began to churn and shift. I saw a woman on her knees sucking a cock. Another woman mounted a man while another pressed her against him, pulling her dress off her slender shoulders. One woman, intent on sucking a cock was lifted off her knees and fucked from the other end. They rocked her back and forth, her glittering cocktail dress pushed up over her back and dangling from her waist, her patty cake tits stretched taut as she strained in that position, bridged between two cocks. We'd clearly started something.

Pixie settled down on to my cock, her full weight focused on the shaft jammed into her body. She stilled, her face nuzzled my neck. Her legs clinched about me and then she squealed, her body bucked and then she screamed for real. Her hips rapped out a rhythm and the slap, slap, slap of her body meeting my body paced the dissolving party around us. My eyes went closed and I felt the world disappear. I was cock and Pixie was my world.

When I began to orgasm, Pixie did not seem to notice or care. I cared. Fuck me, I cared a lot. I gripped her ass and sought something hard to put her against. I turned to the bar at my back and some bright, careful part of my brain informed me that if I fucked her against the porta-bar I'd knock it over, glass everywhere, not good. I staggered past it to a bare spot on the wall. My pants were at my knees so I had to take little steps. I kept them tight so they didn't fall to my ankles or I'd have been ice skating to move.

I got to the wall, positioned Pixie against it and hammered her. She screamed and screamed, bucking the whole time. Her body contracted and shook. She rose up, as though standing in stirrups and kissed me, her legs gripping me. Her little legs were steel spring strong.

Moving had interrupted my orgasm. I don't know how I managed to keep from falling right on my ass. Or hers. Tilted against the wall, I hammered into her as the earlier orgasm returned with friends and mobbed me. I felt like every nerve in my body was demanding immediate attention and my brain overloaded. The pleasure of the woman clinging to me while I came and she orgasmed at the same time mine enveloped me and left me without reason or intention.

After what seemed like a Shakespearean third act, I quit fucking her. Suddenly my muscles just quit responding and stopped moving. I leaned against her, pinning her to the wall, her legs around me, my pants around my knees. I moved and the fucking things fell clear to my ankles. I was fucked. Oh, well, yes, yes I was. Well fucked.

After a couple more minutes, during which the world came on again. I heard noise and talking and other things, things that had faded into the background. My hands were claws on Pixie's ass. She wiggled a little and released her legs clamped around my hips. She dangled for a moment from my hard cock, like an overcoat hanging on a nail. I bent, released my knees and let her slide down the wall till I could feel her regain her feet.

She pulled off my cock with a wet pop. I grunted. She grunted. We grunted together. With her feet firmly on the floor, she looked up at me, her face aglow with her orgasms. "You, you fuck Pixie good. I fuck you anytime, Sonny. You fuck me good." She twisted her body a little and I released her. She slipped away and was gone.

I leaned against the wall where she had been for a while longer. I don't know how long. I was wondering what happened to Pixie's leash. I was fixated on that and it confused me. The world spun. My head spun. My cock remained hard. Finally, my hearing came on in time to hear the lady barkeep say, "Christ, mister, she's gone. Are you going to put that thing away?"

I took her suggestion. It was the first coherent thought that got into my head.

I finally got my jeans back into place and my cock corralled and stabled. I turned around, leaned against the wall. The barkeep was staring at me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"If you don't know, I ain't telling but I can tell you this, I will never forget what I just saw." She extended a glass to me. "Drink this."

I stared at it and then took it, wobbling slightly on the balls of my feet. I drained it before realizing it was straight scotch. Uh oh. That is going to leave a mark.

The bar keep smiled at me, her lips bright red. She reached out and tucked a card in the pocket of my polo shirt. "If you like, call me and, well, you can do what you like with me."

I finally noted that she looked maybe thirty with long blond hair and lots of eye makeup. Her eyebrows were dark so I bet the curtains were not going to match the carpet. Some guy huddled up to the bar and she lost interest in me, or at least had to shift it.

I pushed off the wall and staggered through the crowd. Things had gotten considerably more interesting since I had arrived. I saw several women bent over furniture or on their knees. One guy had a woman pinned against the wall, eating her while she looked down at him, aghast but not resisting. Two women had a third woman's front bare and both sucked her breasts while she writhed, a hand on each one's shoulders, not letting them go.

Out into the hall I staggered, wondering what had just happened. When the guy took hold of my elbow and steadied me, that was what I said to him.

"What the fuck happened? What did I just do?"

The man laughed. "Fuck me if I know but I am pretty sure you just brought the greatest cock sucker in the world to an orgasm in front of a whole room full of people." The man tugged on my elbow. "Come with me, my room is just down the hall."

I let him lead me and wondered vaguely if he was going to get me face down and give me a hot beef injection for my trouble. At the moment, he could have fucked me with a model train; I was unclear about who it was as I was keeping my eyes on the floor because I swear it was trying to shift out from under my feet. I was trying to hit a moving target. I staggered and the guy took a firmer hold of my elbow. Down and around the corner, we went. Each step seemed to echo in my head which was ridiculous because we walked on carpet. At the door, he steadied me, inserted the key card and pushed it, found the light and deposited me on one of the beds.

For a moment I tensed, thinking I was vulnerable and the tension opened one eye.

Borland Northcutt stood fixing a drink.

I closed my eyes, relieved. If he was going to fuck me, I'd have to let him because I'd done his wife, twice, no three times or maybe...okay, I have lost count. I owed him that much, if that was his thing. Now, that seems overly compliant on my part and I blame the abundance of scotch looking for food in my system. Finding none, it took over operations, hence my wobbly thinking. If ass was his thing, now was the time. Thank god it wasn't.

The next thing I remembered was the door opening and I heard voices. Two men were talking. I opened my eyes and felt suddenly better, not that I had felt bad, I was just lacking the requisite amount of blood in my brain to keep all systems working properly. The inmates took over the asylum and sent most of the blood in my system to my cock and wouldn't let it leave in hopes that Pixie was returning.

I sat up and shit, there she was. Thinking did make it so! Who knew?

Her eyes were bleary and both legs had glittering streaks down the insides. Her little diamond dress was rumpled and stained. She leaned against the wall, staring at me.

"She asked." A voice said.

"Asked what?" That was Borland. The inmates could not keep control of everything forever. I recognized his voice.

"If she could have him and I told her I didn't think he was for sale. What would Suzanne take for him?"

"I think you have it backwards. You may be bidding for her against him, in her village bazaar."

Mr. C appeared. "You all right, son? You looked like you'd been KO'd there for a moment.

"I was KO'd there for a moment and would like to be KO'd again for longer." The inmates were still in charge apparently but the aristocracy had no better ideas.

Mr. C laughed. "Where did you find this one, Northcutt? He's a pistol."

"Suzanne found him. Or, maybe he found her. I am not clear about how he got her on her back but she is surely willing to lay down for him now."


Borland snorted. "Don't be daft. She isn't here." He grunted then. "Is she?"

"In my suite. I, if your boy showed up, I was going to collect tonight. I was going to use Pixie as an accessory but your friend here turned her into putty. I am not sure she'll be worth much." Mr. C handed the silver chain to Borland and walked over to the bed where I sat dumbly watching them and listening in on their conversation. He extended his hand.

"Son, that was some performance."

"I wasn't performing, I was fucking and I came for real. I am pretty sure Pixie did too." I'm such a smart ass.

"Pixie come good. Many time." Her voice sounded wilted, listless but fully conscious, exactly like an afterglow lethargy should be expressed in a voice.

Mr. C stood there with his hand out and I finally got the messages to brain and hand. I shook it. His hand was like a big ham, firm and thick. He gave mine a preliminary squeeze and I felt the physical power of the man. He smelled like cigars. I imagined Suzanne fucking him with her thumb and forefinger pinching her nose. I giggled.

Mr. C looked at Borland and Borland shrugged. "He is a bit incorrigible." Borland muttered.

"Incorbijable." I echoed, trying to make that word with my own lips.

"What's your name?" Mr. C asked.

"Sonny." I said.

He laughed softly. "I heard that much."

"Duncan. Sonny Duncan." I realized I did not really want to piss this guy off. He had Pixie on a chain. I certainly did not want him to put a collar around my neck.

He patted my shoulder. "That's right, good. Well, Sonny Duncan, stay away from my women or I might lose them."

"Stay away from my women or they might hurt you." I returned, well my mouth worked pretty well without the brain but I knew that. My brain was trying to fly out into the air and get the words back.

Mr. C laughed. "Pixie? You want to tell Mr. Duncan goodbye? I think Mr. Northcutt and I can conclude our business and unless something goes seriously awry, we will not return to his fair city."

Pixie pushed off from the wall where she leaned and tilted towards me. She got to her knees, finally, and crawled the rest of the way till she knelt before my knees. She pushed my knees wide, a sort of abrupt, pouting gestured. Her little hands found my belt and with some difficulty unfastened my jeans and pulled at them till I had to roll onto one hip and help. Happy to help, as always. She pulled my briefs down, grasped my cock, which was back among the living, sucking all the blood out of my brain again. She kissed the end of my erect cock and then sucked it deep one last time. Her tight lips felt like the ring of a condom but her mouth did not. It was a Disneyland of sensual sensations all crowding into my nervous system at once.

She sucked me for a moment and then lifted her head. She rose up, placed a knee on either side of me and mounted me. She settled her pussy down onto my cock with a long hissing sigh.

"I will remember you, Sonny." She said, her pidgin lilt gone for the moment. Thank Annie I had not presumed it was really her voice or reflective of her mind. Her hips ground down on me.

Mr. C regarded me with a sort of philosophical chagrin. He noted my eyes on him and glanced at Borland. "Go ahead and fuck her again, kid. She's already running with your come. I'll just have Suzanne clean her up." He snorted. He looked at Borland. "Two days?"

Borland nodded. "No marks. Don't make me come get her."

"I wouldn't. I am a gentleman. I believe your wife has more nasty in her than I ever imagined."

Borland smiled. "Good nasty and let's keep it that way."

Mr. C nodded. "Pixie, when he is done with you, come up to the suite. Not too long and don't get all worn out. If your pussy isn't in shape, I may have to use your ass to amuse us."

The words convulsed Pixie. Her pussy clinched down on me like a vice. Like an actual vice and not just regular vice. She hugged me, her little lips kissed my neck. She sat back and began pulling at my shirt. I helped her get it off, suddenly, in my erotic haze, worried about losing the bar keep's card out of the pocket.

"I'll be back in a bit, Sonny. You heard the man, not too long but don't worry about coming in her either." He chuckled.

Pixie tossed my shirt away with a flourish. "On back." She whispered. "Do me on back. Want you on me. Between legs."

Great fucking idea.

I twisted and with her hips still securely clasped against mine, we rolled onto the bed. I picked her up, her legs wrapped around me, and I carried her to the middle of the mattress and eased her onto her back. My weight settled on her. I lifted up and pulled the strings holding up the front of her dress, two diamonds, and exposed her formidable breasts. I tried to bend to kiss them but couldn't. She was too short in the torso. I pulled free of her pussy and moved down, laying between her splayed legs and nursed at each breast, sucking at it as though there was sweet milk that I required for life. She lay cooing as I licked and sucked one breast then the other. Her gushing pussy kissed at my chest. She rubbed her clit against my sternum and sighed with satisfaction.

"Pinch." She panted. "Hard. Pinch hard."

I got to my elbows and felt her pubic bone on my sternum, pulsing and pumping at me, rubbing as she sought stimulation. I grasped each breast and pinched her nipples. Pixie screamed. Not the high pixie scream but a woman's scream. Her pubis hammered up at me.

"Cock. Cock. Cock!" She panted. Between the two of us we managed to get us joined once more. I penetrated her and she opened eagerly like a chimney opens for Santa at Christmas. I slid into her, her slick flesh squishing and clasping at me as I sank through her many fabulous folds. She groaned, shaking and her head turned, exposing her neck. I latched onto it and marked her while she writhed under me.

"Yes, fuck Pixie!" She moaned. Her legs rose around me and locked, her ankles crossed in the small of my back. That tilted her body up and I was thrusting straight down her wide open channel. She gripped me and grunted as I rose and fell, thrusting a lifetime's worth of cock into her. I had the awful feeling that this was the last I'd see, feel, fuck Pixie whoever, and I felt sad about that. Then I remembered that my pussy compliment was about to smother me and I reminded myself not to be greedy.

Pixie suddenly stiffened. Her body shook and her hips rapped at me again, as she had by the porta-bar with the sneering bar keep.

"I have her number in my pocket." I said to myself and then felt stupid. Still, that she had slipped me her number after watching me fuck Pixie seemed, well, gosh darn, it just made me proud. I took it out on Pixie. I hammered into her harder and harder and she arched under me, taking what I gave, consuming it all with her greedy cunt, pulling at me, clutching at me while she keened and screamed and bucked under me. God, she came and came and came. I chased my orgasm all over hell trying to corral it but it kept eluding me. The little fuck seemed suddenly shy.

I hammered Pixie constantly. She shook and groaned, tensing as I thrust down into her, gasping for air. She went silent and still, which I ignored, continuing from sheer inertia. Then she peeped, awakening to new sensations and then exploded, her body bucking under me as she convulsed with pleasure, her voice rattling some unknown language as I fucked her. Finally she arched under me, screaming at the top of her voice. I kept fucking her.

The door opened and banged closed.

"Sonny, goddammit, let her go. I have to eat her now." Silence. "Jesus, she's really into you!"

My orgasm arrived and gave me the perfect reason to ignore Suzanne. It roared through me. Maybe because it took me so long to come, I don't know, but this orgasm seemed to last forever. I pumped and grunted and Pixie squealed and humped back at me.

Someone slapped my ass.

"Let her up. Mr. C sent me to pry you two apart. If I take much longer I don't think he will be amused."

I lifted off of Pixie, panting, dehydrated, suddenly greedy and reluctant to release this voracious woman who, in moments would forget my face. She lay under me, her tits resumed their erect position, which impressed me. I wanted to explore their makeup but decided now was not the time. Maybe never was the time, a quarter to never. I rolled onto my back. The sound my cock made as I pulled free of Pixie made me want to blush but I was too tired. Pixie sat up, wobbled over me, twisted, presented first one breast to my lips to kiss and then the other. She kissed me on the forehead, each cheek (of my face) and then we engaged in a long lingering kiss on the lips. She finally broke the kiss and looked down at me.
