Extending the MILF List Ch. 20


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"I'll make reservations and text the details to you. I'll pay for everything, of course. I know mentioning money isn't frowned on here in the colonies as it is around my father but there it is."

I appreciated the thought and let it lie. It meant ownership of what was about to happen, perhaps all of it. He spoke again, his voice soft and pensive.

"Do you think you can lure them into sex with you? I think I am only now considering the reality of this. What if it doesn't work? What if they have a fit?"

"Honestly, if they drive me out of the room with a rolling pin, I won't care because Alissa is so riled up to fuck you, it'll be worth it for her to have this with you."

"Mr. Duncan, I must say I admire your equanimity in this situation. Handing a mistress of her value and worth over to someone like me seems like a huge risk. Most people would assume she'd have her head turned by my wealth and you'd be unwilling to risk losing her."

"Easy come, easy go, I say. If a woman wants to go fuck someone else, I say enjoy it. I'm not going to interfere. She clearly has a thing for you, though."

"So she does and I admit the feeling is mutual."

"I think you'll find her sister equally interesting."

"Yes, about that, could you just deliver Alissa to me?"

"Nope. A deal's a deal. You have to have her and her sister."

"I just want Alissa."

"Look, I don't care if you dress 'em up like farm animals and throw popcorn at 'em. A deal's a deal. Both or neither. You aren't thinking of handing me just one of your...sisters? Can't I just call them sisters and let that be good?"

"No. I mean, sisters is fine but, but...I mean I don't want to subtract anything on my side. I want you to have them both, if you can."

"I will, I'll try anyway. This should be fun."

"You have no idea." Jamie sounded like someone was strangling him. "Mr. Duncan..."

"Really, Jamie, Sonny is good."

"Er, Sonny, I have never felt this way about any woman, so instantaneously and then had this chance to take her to bed...it's surreal. I feel like I'm dreaming. I can't get Alissa out of my head and she kisses...oh bugger it. I wasn't supposed to mention that. We ended up back at her office necking like two horny adolescents, not two responsible adults. I hope you don't mind." He sounded so contrite.

"Jamie, I give the commands people want to obey. If I get it wrong and they ignore me, its just another teachable moment for me. I'm like a bad conscience, which is to say I tell people to do what they want to do and then own it, but with reason. I don't care if you're a pervert so long as you don't make someone else sweat for your pleasure."

"Rather like insisting that the sadist marry the masochist, eh?"

"Something like that. I prefer to call it the Zen of Pussy."

"Catchy. I have to go. Five at my room."

"What room?"

"Oh, yes, 1005 in the Marquis. I told you about the envelope for you there with the key card for the sisters?"

"You did, yes. I'll bring Alissa and Melissa by in an hour or so. You arrange for dinner and I'll see if I need the key card. I'll be there in an hour or so."

"Sooner would be fine."

I chuckled and hung up. Anne and Carol Lynn were watching me.

"Saddle up, fillies. Time to go."

They both rolled their eyes but put on their coats. Both had long coats, those silly ankle things that gunslingers wear in modern Western movies. That was good because they'd both be made for hookers the moment they walked into the Marquis the way they were dressed, or so I feared. That really was deep, dark water for me. I had no more idea than Tom Cruise did in "Risky Business", about the oldest profession.

We went downstairs. I could tell Anne was nervous but I didn't have a read on Carol Lynn until she ran into the corner and nearly knocked herself out. I took her arm and she sagged against me. Anne did as well. I walked them out into the cold. I was tempted to ask for the car but decided to walk them down to the Marquis. The fresh air would do them good.

I stopped at an ATM and got cash for myself, since my wallet was thin and, yes, I was feeling all rich and shit. God I love that feeling. Rich kids I knew never really appreciated what it's like to live lean like I had all my life. Wealth is worth savoring when it could be gone tomorrow in a cat's sneeze.

I walked Anne and Carol Lynn to the Marquis, checked the time. We were twenty minutes early. I called Chilton St. Vincent.

"Yes, Mr. Duncan, please come on up. I'm in the President's suit on the top floor. Just tap the intercom and I'll bring you up. Select the Penthouse lift, please." His precise diction made me nervous but he hung up before I could stutter. We walked over to the elevators and found the one that indicated access to the Penthouse. It had an intercom and I buzzed. Chilton didn't bother to answer but the car moved immediately.

We rose up so gently there was little sensation of moving.

Anne turned to me.

"Sonny, you fuck me first, just to let him know I'm yours."

"Yeah, me too." Carol Lynn chimed in. Anne glared at her. Bitch was poaching her ideas.

I was still considering that when the car stopped and the doors opened. We stepped out into a rich foyer with double doors, all plush with gold scrollwork trim and small-grain wood paneling. The double doors opened and Chilton appeared. He wore a tan smoking jacket with a pair of pants and purple velvet slippers. He was smoking a pipe. He looked like a cliche, well, except for the purple slippers, that made him look ridiculous but strangely that relaxed me a little.

"Ah my boy. Well, well what do you have here?" He fixed his eyes on Anne and she wiggled a little under his crystalline gaze.

"I had an extra, I thought maybe some contrast might be fun." He ignored me, staring at Anne like a chocoholic stares at Death-by-Chocolate. "This is Anne..." I almost said her last name but caught myself at the last moment. "...and this is Carol."

"Please, come inside for a moment. I want to see them." He looked at me. His eyes glittered. "Two? My goodness, what a posh surprise!" I wasn't sure if posh was good or not in this case.

"Ladies, this is Chilton Von Stratten." I made up the name. He looked at me and then nodded, sagely, I thought.

"Sonny, please mount us before you go." Carol said, her voice was small but distinct. "You always have before." She looked around at Chilton. "He insists that we keep in mind that he owns us."

Chilton looked askance at me. Anne glowered but casually shouldered off her long coat and let it drop to the floor.

"Oh my, gracious." Chilton whispered. "You are a fine, fine example of the Oriental female!"

Carol Lynn did the same. Chilton pried his eyes off Anne and fixed them onto Carol Lynn.

"And you are prototypical American blonde. Mr. Duncan, they are both just lovely."

Anne very deliberately lifted up her skirt, exposing stockings, garters and pussy. Carol Lynn, not to be outdone, did the same. Anne bent slightly forward.

I grinned awkwardly. Chilton regarded them like a buyer at an auction. He shifted his gaze to me. He raised his eyebrows. I read the inquiry in them and saw it as gaging me. This was one of those tests that classy people subject the rest of us proletariat to at certain moments like this. I was utterly unprepared. I thought I'd just introduce everyone and skidaddle. Not so fast, monkey boy. I grinned crookedly at him. I felt like apologizing but remembered the importance of acting like you belonged, even when you felt like a big new zit on a model's nose.

"I find it is a nice, fast bit of foreplay. It heats them up." I looked around, found a chair and like a little prince took off my winter coat and folded it onto the chair. Who was I fooling? Both women stood before the man, skirts above their waists, bent forward, their plum little asses poked back, waiting for me, both stock still. I couldn't see their faces.

I walked over behind Anne.

"Please, sir, put your cock in me." She said with her perfect British accent. Chilton looked surprised and that pleased me a little. The fucker always looked so blase, it was nice to put a buzz in his bug zapper.

I put my hands on her bare waist and ran them down onto her hips. It occurred to me that this man was doing business with Sid Kingston. At some point, he might come face to face with Annie again and I wondered if he'd remember this moment. His eyes were on her body, though, not her face so thus far, I didn't worry too much about the future. I had that tense feeling realizing that I hadn't considered that overlap before. It was far too late for worry now.

My right hand turned and pushed between Anne's legs. I felt her heat before she rocked onto her right foot and widened her stance. She then bent her lower back, offering herself to me. I pushed a finger into her and she groaned. She was richly wet. Her head dropped and she reached out for Chilton. He stepped into her grasp. She held to his arms and bent forward.

"Oh my god, sir, please shag me good for a moment before I suck the good fellow hard and shag him." Anne whispered, her voice lilting with her accent.

I fumbled with my pants, my single hand shaking, the other still inside Anne. My trousers left my control and traveled down my legs to my ankles. I withdrew my finger from her pussy and directed my cock to her entrance. She bent further and rocked back onto her heels. She impaled herself onto my cock with a simple lean. Oh, I helped. My hands on her waist pulled her onto me like long underwear in winter. She was snug and wonderful!

"Oh god, sir, I am full of your cock!" Annie cried, the pidgin returned. Annie was mounted on my cock. She shook Chilton's arms. He looked a little alarmed so I pulled out of her. She sank immediately to her knees, tilted back her head and opened her mouth, her hands clasped to his thighs.

I moved behind Carol Lynn. She gestured at Chilton. He moved over before her and she took similar hold of him before bending over. Annie opened her eyes when he moved and nearly fell over. She glared at Carol Lynn but then sat down on her heels to watch us. I probed Carol Lynn and found her wet as Annie was. She too widened her feet to let my hand fit between her legs more truly. When I thrust a finger into her, she groaned.

"God, Sonny, fuck me please. I promise to fuck him like you said." She lifted her head, tilting it nearly back onto her spine. "I'm going to fuck you within an inch of your life, honey child!" Her southern belle accent was spot on.

I entered her and the woman orgasmed. I swear she did. When I pulled my finger out of her pussy, she was syrupy hot. When I connected my cockhead to her entrance, she moaned and when I thrust into her, she went off like a popgun. She shook, jerking at Chilton's arms, even after I withdrew from her body. I caught her looking sideways at Annie as though to say, "take that, bitch." I did up my pants and stepped over to my coat. I saw no reason to inject myself any further into the moment, so I eased out the double doors.

I couldn't figure out the fucking elevator. There was no button or anything. Shit. I crept back into the penthouse. Annie was sucking Chilton's cock and his eyes were closed, his head tilted back and his hands held to her head while she sucked him. Carol Lynn stood on her knees, hands clasped at the small of her back, mouth open and eyes closed.

"I say, sorry old man," I started before I realized what I was saying. Shit, my foot fit right under my tongue. It was almost comfortable. "How do I call the lift?"

His eyes opened and he pointed noiselessly to a panel on the wall.

"Oh. Jolly good." I said. I hit the button and made my exit. God, I was so embarrassed, using my bad facsimile of an English accent while he was getting blown. That just seems wrong. I always get nervous when I have an agenda and there were lots of moving parts to this particular Friday for me.

I had to walk all the way back to the Sparrow to get my car. The time was about the same but I was cold as a well digger's belt buckle when I finally got pointed towards the apartment. I got parked and called Alissa.


"Right. It's time. I'm picking up Melissa right now. Give me ten and I'll pick you up right in front of your building."

"I'll be waiting and Sonny?"


"Well, I have been thinking all afternoon about what you are doing and, well, its great. I mean it. I have been thinking about having sex with Jamie and I just know it will be wonderful but only because you've been such a guy about it. I mean a really good guy. This is special and, well, I just want you to know whatever you want, I'll do. I am yours. I swear."

"I'll hold you to that tomorrow, Mrs. Honeywell because I am going to twist you around, so you need to enjoy tonight. At noon, you have another appointment, one you won't want to miss so don't spend all your love dollars in one place."

I felt her attorney mind trying to click into gear but then she spoke and I knew she'd failed to make the transition.

"Yes, Sonny!" She gasped, nearly panting into the phone.

God I love those words!

"Ten minutes."

"Wait, Sonny!"

"Yes, Mrs. Honeywell?"

"Hassum called to congratulate me. The client is very pleased with you and me. I'll have my name on the wall right behind Kline!"

"Congratulations, Alissa! You certainly deserve it." She giggled.

"Come get me. I am ready to do all I can to earn it!"

"Oh, you'll have plenty of chance this weekend." I assured her. I hung up.

I got out of the car. I'd thought about just calling someone to send Melissa down but frankly, I wanted to go tour the carnage. It was worth it.

Melissa was dressed to the nines. She looked fine and I mean fine. Without the coat, I could see everything she was wearing. The blouse and skirt were see-thru. The skirt was long and the outline of her legs in its shadow was goddamn sexy. The upper portion of it was equally diaphanous and her bare breasts moved inside it like topiary in a hurricane. I felt that little twinge of regret and envy any self-respecting cock would feel looking at her with its one eye blind. I grinned when I saw her. I saw the entire outfit only after she got off her knees.

When I opened the door she had Sam's cock in her mouth. Before the door banged closed, Sam pulled out of her mouth and she turned to let Sammy push his cock through the scarlet ring of her lips and out of sight. She took him deep and moaned down in her chest, rattling around his cock.

"Oh god, Aunt Melissa, I can't wait until its our turn." Sammy muttered. She pulled off his cock and he helped her off her knees. She turned to me and smiled.

"I need to go fix my makeup. I probably look like I was just sucking my nephew's cock." She traipsed off to the watercloset. I looked around.

"Where's Ellen?"

Sammy rolled his eyes.

"The bitch wouldn't behave so we shackled her in the bedroom. We three had a discussion and then Melissa watched while we double fucked Ellen. She went berserk. I think she broke something. She was babbling and begging. We haven't done her ass yet and Melissa ate her until I thought she was going to turn blue. God. Aunt Melissa is a nasty girl!"

I looked at Sam. He was studying me.

"Look, Sonny, adding Alissa to this might be a disaster."

I nodded my agreement but not emphatically.

"It might be. That's part of the fun. I really don't know what's going to happen."

"But it might not be any fun. It might be a colossal mistake."

"You saying you don't want to fuck your wife, Sam?" I wasn't looking at him. I watched Sammy and Sammy was standing there, naked, his cock gleaming and hard, listening to his father discuss whether they were going to fuck his mother or not. They seemed pretty calm given that context and I admired that.

"No, I mean, well, I don't know what to think now."

"Listen, Sam, I know this might be difficult for you to understand but this isn't really about you or Sammy for that matter and certainly not Ellen. Melissa got me to promise to put her between you two. Everything else stems from that. What do you think happens to Melissa and Alissa once Alissa discovers she fucked the two of you, at the same time, which is what she wanted?"

"Oh. Oh right." Sam said, his eyes going all bleary and unfocused as he considered that. "That could be really bad."

"This, this really is just the end game of the situation you two have been avoiding for several years. It's time you either get back together or make a clean break of it. I don't know what Alissa is going to do, or what will happen. All I know is thinking that we can put Messy Melissa between you two and not include Alissa is the worst option of the options I have available to me. However, if you say you two want me to call the whole thing off...?"

"No!" Both Sam and Sammy said together, then looked at each other, just as Melissa reappeared.

"Damn straight you two. You've teased me to the edge of sanity and you don't deserve me but you owe me. I intend to collect. Ellen is nearly insane in there. You should go..."

"Naw, I think we'll go have a bite." Sammy said. "What do you think, Pops?"

Sam stared at him and then grinned. "I need a shower then sure, let's do that. Ellen can wait."

Melissa looked at me.

"See what you've done? These two are incorrigible and they just encourage each other. You better have plenty of cock for me tonight because I am glowing. I bet I glow in the dark!"

I shrugged.

"I don't know. The guy wanted just Alissa. You might end up on the couch watching HBO."

Sam snorted.

"I know you don't really know this woman now, Sonny. Ignore Melissa Crawford? I don't think so."

I grimaced. I was throwing a lot of balls into the air and not all of them were mine. It was quite an adventure and I was going to see what happened next!

"Messy, let's go pick up your sister and deliver you and your box to the appointed post." I chuckled, wondering if they had any idea what phrase I was fucking up there. No one paid me any mind. She got her coat and we left. Sam and Sammy disappeared and that was that.

Melissa did look fine. I wondered what Alissa would say when she saw her sister, all decked out, looking like sex on a stick.

Alissa was more irritated about having to sit in the backseat than having any inclination to give what Melissa was wearing any thought. Alissa wore a tight, white dress that made her body gleam. Her black legs and the plunging neckline were stark contrasts to the snow white, tight-as-skin dress she wore. She had on fake eyelashes and rich red lipstick and she'd fluffed up her hair so it wasn't straight any more but was a kinky bush, making her look much younger...not that I could mention that. She looked almost girlish, like this was a first date. Her first, threesome, more like it but even that wasn't true.

I circled the block and headed towards the Marquis.

"I don't know why Melissa has to be along." Alissa said.

"Because I'm going to fuck Jamie's step-mother and her sister, that's why." I growled. God, the moment these two got into the same galaxy, the sibling rivalry appeared.

"But why Melissa?"

"Why not Melissa?" I glanced sideways at Melissa. She sat primely looking out the front of the car, a very self-satisfied look on her face because she knew the right answer, the one we agreed tacitly that Alissa didn't need to know. I think Alissa sensed something was up and it bothered her but she was too het up to try to figure out anything that complicated at the moment.

"Because she's my sister!"

"She gets Sammy, this weekend, Alissa. If you want to join them, I'll let you."

That stopped her. Melissa looked over at me and I could see the measuring in her eyes. She was thinking about what was in store for her. I regretted not being able to hand her off immediately to Sam and Sammy. If Alissa went ballistic, it could ruin the entire weekend so it was well this went first. Well, I couldn't think I was the only one taking a risk, now could I? Everyone had skin in the game, so to speak.
