Fabienne and June Ch. 05

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Love, not hate.
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Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/22/2022
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I was boiling with anger.

Cette stupide femme putain, quelle chatte, comment ose-t-elle! I swore under my breath. [That stupid fucking woman, what a cunt, how dare she!].

Lesley, her secretary could see I was upset.

"Miss LeGoubin, can I get you anything?"

"The name of a lawyer!"

I walked out into the grounds.

For all my bravado with Ms Gordon, I did not know any lawyers, and was not sure my Paris union would be of any use here. If she was going to phone Miss Dyer, I was going to get there first. I phoned, not expecting to get her, and was surprised when she answered.

"To what do I owe the pleasure? Are you okay, you sound upset?"

"Have you had a call yet from my Head?"

"No, why?"

"You will!"

Just like that, I offloaded the whole sorry tale on her. Had I been in a calmer frame of mind, I should have done so more gently, but then if I had been in that place, I would not have phoned at all.

"Do you have classes now?" She asked.

"Yes, in about ten minutes."

"Come and have lunch with me at St Bede's at noon."

"I shall."

Breathing deeply, I tried to calm down. My phone pinged. It was June.

"Love you, YOUR J xxx"

That made me feel better.

"Love you too, YOUR P xxx"

"Love you more xxx"

That made me giggle. It was so her. It also calmed me down.

I didn't want to upset June needlessly. At this point I had no idea what was going to happen, and I would know more after lunch.

I went back into the building. Mr Lucas, who was our general factotum was waiting for me.

"Miss LeGoubin, I am sorry, I have instructions from the Head not to let you in. She said you would know what it was about."

I was stunned.

"Well, as my bag and coat are in there and I can't get in back home without them, I'd suggest you remedy that before I call the police."

He had the grace to look embarrassed.

"I'll ask Lesley to get them for you."

And that was that.

Lesley brought them, and, with one bound, the rest of my day was changed beyond recognition. With my things was a letter from Ms Gordon suspending me until "further notice."

I did not want to bother Miss Dyer before noon, so took myself for a long walk along the riverbank.

It was unbelievable.

She had suspended me. For what?

Being me, my conscience troubled me.

If she had suspended me for my affair with Elle, then that would have been one thing. But to do it because some bitch had complained that I was a lesbian. What was this place? Where was I? The Dark Ages?

I took some deep breaths.

I sat down looking at the Cathedral opposite.

I was lost in my own thoughts when a voice penetrated my darkness.

"Are you okay? Sorry for interrupting, but I can see you look troubled."

I looked up, to see a woman, in clerical dress, looking at me.

"Didn't I see you in the Cathedral on Sunday? You were with your girlfriend I think."

She sat next to me.

"I'm Jen, by the way, and you are?"

"I, I'm Fabienne, and yes, you saw June and I."

"If you've time, let's go over the bridge and have a coffee at the Cathedral refectory."

I felt dazed.

Battered by what someone I thought I knew had done to me, here was a perfect stranger showing me kindness and one who, moreover, was in clerical dress. I nodded. It would fill the time.

"You don't need to tell me anything, but if it would help, please feel free."

"I don't want to unload on you."

"If I objected, I'd not have asked. Do vent!"

Her look was as kindly as her voice.

As we walked, I told her what had happened.

She listened, and when we got to the coffee shop asked what I wanted. She came back with two cappuccinos and some biscuits.

I finished telling my story.

"I saw Ali intervene," she said, "I'm the school chaplain by the way."

"You're nice," I said, "I wish all Christians were as nice as you. I am seeing Miss Dyer at noon for lunch."

"Good," Jen smiled. "I'd have suggested talking with her."

Just being in her presence and being able to offload made me feel better.

She asked my about myself, then told me something about herself. She'd been a teacher and then, a decade ago, had felt a call to the priesthood. She'd joined St Bede's a year ago when Miss Dyer had been appointed.

"I'm so sorry Fabienne. This is not a very cosmopolitan part of the world, and some people feel threatened by things they do not understand."

"But surely the Church itself condemns women like me, Jen?"

She gave me a knowing look as though she was familiar with that line of thought.

"It has done, but my own Church doesn't any longer. It is not yet enlightened enough to allow women to marry each other in church, but it does not condemn lesbians. You can only love who you love."

Her words felt like balm on my wounded soul.

"Why have I never met anyone like you?" I said. "You are so helpful."

Jen smiled.

"Oddly, I am only doing what Jesus said - we reach out to those in pain, we don't, or ought not to cause it."

I told her how much better she had made me feel.

"Look, I am going back to school anyway, do you want to come with me?"

Suddenly I felt better.

It had been the most ghastly, awful morning. At one point, apart from my beloved June, I had felt totally isolated, and my own actions with Elle and Anne had, in my own mind, half convinced me that my accusers had a point. How could I explain to them how my mind worked?

I could see, of course, how others acted, but I tended to react, and to react in ways designed to please. Was that nature or nurture? I remembered the medics at the university telling me that "people like me" did not "get" instinctively how social relationships worked and that, because I wanted to be "liked" and "belong," I tended to go with what I thought was expected of me.

That sounded awfully like an excuse, special pleading, even to me. And yet Jen, from whom I expected nothing, and did not know me from Eve, had given me support and affection. That was something she had done for me and to me. I did not even know her. But that had not mattered. I felt, somehow, held by that thought.

Arriving at St Bede's, I was impressed by the atmosphere. The pupils, unlike the ones I was used to, seemed quiet and well-behaved. That, too, was calming.

"Ali, I think you know Fabienne, Jen grinned as we (almost literally) bumped into Miss Dyer.

"I do, and how on earth do you know her?" Ms Dyer was smiling. "Do you make a habit of encountering random clergy, Fabienne?"

"Oh, for sure," I smiled, "it's those dog collars!"

That made them both laugh.

"Jen, I'll catch you later, okay, but I need a word with Fabienne in private."

"No problem, Ali. Fabienne, catch you later I hope."

I gave her a big hug. Then, looking at her said what was uppermost in my mind:

"You have been what a Christian should be. I can't ever thank you enough."

"You just did!" Jen grinned, then, kissing my cheek, bade us farewell.

"I am glad to hear that, Fabienne. Seriously though, where did you meet her?"

I told Miss Dyer as we walked to the dining room.

"God moves in mysterious ways," she said.

"I am grateful."

We ordered lunch, and as we ate, I told her what had happened. She listened attentively.

When I had finished, she smiled.

"What's your contract at School?"

"I am fifty percent, why? My French school makes up the difference."

"I want to offer you one afternoon a week, for now."

I clearly looked as puzzled as I felt.

"That way," she said, "I can legitimately have you talk with our lawyer whom we are meeting after lunch. As a member of staff here, you have the right to consult her."

I was stunned.

Again, from people who owed me nothing, who did not know me from Eve, this kindness. I dabbed away a tear.

"Thank you! I won't let you down."

"I know, and I have no intention of letting you down, either. Come on, let's get back to my office for a coffee and a consult."

Miss Dyer's office was spacious, the main wall covered in books. On her desk I noticed a picture of a woman, and another, of her with that same woman. There was a crucifix on the wall behind her desk, along with some icons on the side wall next to one of the three windows.

"Take a seat, Fabienne. Black coffee?"

"Please," I said.

She pressed her intercom and ordered me some.

"Mrs Pritchard is here, headmistress, shall I show her through."

"Do Elaine."

"Gaynor," Miss Dyer said, standing up to greet a smartly dressed woman of medium height. "This is Fabienne."

"Hello, Fabienne."

She, too, seemed nice.

Over coffee, I told my story again.

"And you have this on your phone?"

"I do. Listen."

I played it.

Mrs Pritchard looked at Miss Dyer and then at me.

"Fabienne, I am just so sorry that this has happened. The good news is I can sue the pants off them for you. They have broken the law, several laws, in at least four places. If you are agreeable to it, I will draft a letter later and send it to you."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, I thanked her.

"What's the best way forward, Gaynor?"

She looked at Miss Dyer, then at me.

"Firstly, there is no way Fabienne is going to be able to go back there. How much longer is your contract with them?"

"Four more weeks," I replied.

"I would suggest that they pay you in lieu of notice, plus a sum to be agreed on, plus a good reference. I can take this all the way to Court, but I suspect they will not want that. If you do, I am happy, as I say, to sue the pants off them."

I felt a huge sense of relief.

She was right. I could not see how I could go back. Not after today. But I needed the money, and I needed a good reference, so I told Mrs Pritchard that much as I'd like to sue them, I would settle for something along the lines of what she had said.

Miss Dyer pressed her intercom again.

"Elaine, do you have that contract?"

"Yes headmistress, shall I bring it through?"


Miss Dyer handed it to me and then to Mrs Pritchard.

"If you are okay with that, sign on the bottom line."

"It's dated yesterday?"

"Yes, that means that today's consultation is covered by the school. It is all in order, Gaynor?"

Mrs Pritchard nodded.

"As ever. Fabienne, I'll get this done as soon as I can. Can I have contact details?"

I gave her my mobile number and email.

"Thank you!"

"My pleasure," she said, rising to go. "I will not have this sort of thing, ever!"

I smiled as we shook hands.

"There," Miss Dyer said, "we are done, for now. Look, I have another meeting now, but can I catch you later? Would you like to pop round for something to eat at mine?"

"I have a better idea," I said, "why don't you come round to Wolfie's restaurant and have a meal on the house?"

"Can I bring my partner?"

I smiled.

"Of course, and you can meet my June."

As I left the school, I felt a deep sense of calm.

It was three o'clock, so I texted June.

"Coming now if you are free."

"For you, yes, things okay? xxx."

"Now, they are xxx"

The moment June saw me she looked concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"What makes you think..."

"You look white and exhausted. Sit down darling and tell me all about it."

With that, she hugged me. I felt so much better.

I told her what had happened.

"They did what? She said what? What the fuck?"

I took comfort in her indignation.

"So this lawyer, she's getting in touch?"

"Yes, my love."

"Will you have to go back to Paris?"

"No, not if they pay me for the next month, but I will lose the accommodation."

"Oh that's easy, you're living with me anyway. Move in."

I looked at her as she did at me.

As simply as that, we started living together.

"So, about tonight, YOU are not waitressing, we have had some applicants for the permanent job, so one of them can do it. I'd like to meet Miss Dyer again - and her 'partner'. You think she's one of us?"

"Highly likely," I said.

"Well she gets our best wine as well as a free meal. Darling, I am so sorry for my fellow countrymen."

I smiled and kissed her.

"Any chance you could get the night off?"

"Let me talk to Wolfie. One of the applicants used to work here, so that might be possible."

I was glad when Wolfie agreed, bless him.

"Let's go back and give you some tlc my darling," June said, tenderly.

Badly in need of it, I agreed, only to get a "ping" on my phone. It was Elle:

"Wtf! That bitch Connie Masters is saying her cunt of a mum got u sacked. Where R U? xx"

I showed June.

"Well, we know who sent that letter then."

"Do you know who she is?"

"Mrs Masters? Yes, she's one of those God botherers who knows better than God. She and her husband are big in the Catholic Church here, and she is well-known for her opposition to "perverts", abortion, and anything which fails to meet her high standards. Her eldest was at school with me, would have won a prize for smuggest bitch of the year. Sounds like her little sister is the same."

I texted back.

"With June. Am ok. Talk later x."

"Now, you, I am taking you home. Wolfie, we'll go out the back door so you don't have to unlock the front!"

"Okay," he said, "and I'm sorry the bastards are grinding you down, Fabienne. Dinner's on the house tonight, okay love?"

My eyes welled up again. There was something about acts of kindness in the middle of the awfulness which made me tear up.

June held my hand all the way home, and when we got in, sat with me on the sofa, cuddling me. It felt, she felt, so good. I needed that human contact. There was something so impersonal and yet harsh, maybe because it was directed at a person, me, in the hatred I had received. That contact with June, and the kindness of strangers, made such a difference. In the warmth of her embrace, I felt life and energy return.

"You seem calmer now?" June said, soothingly.

"I am. Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being you!"

"Anyone would have done the same."

"Except those who wouldn't," I gave a low giggle and, lifting my head from her bosom, leant up and kissed her lips."

"Let's make love," June said in a soft voice.

"Please!" I replied.

She kissed me, and as our lips met, mine opened to allow her tongue access. I sucked on it as it entered to play with mine. I fell backwards, gripping her as she lay on top of me, her lips pressing harder, her passion rising with mine.

I felt her hand up my skirt, and obligingly raised my bum so she could tug my knickers down, pulling her skirt up and gripping her sexy arse.

"Clothes!" She giggled, raising herself to take off her dress, as I did the same with my top. Wrestling, together we managed to divest her of her bra, and as her breasts swayed loose, I kissed them, kicking my knickers off as they had somehow got stuck around my ankles.

Sucking on her left breast made her moan. Her knee pressing against my wetness produced the same reaction in me. I so wanted her. I pressed; she did the same.

"You're wet!" She said, looking down at me.

"Your fault," I giggled before she put a stop to my saying anything more by thrusting her tongue into my willing mouth.

I dug my nails into her bum, gripping it tight, pulling her to me as I rubbed my wetness on her firm thigh.

She pulled away for a moment to breathe, which was enough for me to do what I suddenly wanted to do.

"Stay there!" I said, before shifting so that my face was facing her pussy and hers mine.

"Ooh! Want!" She said, huskily.

So did I.

She lowered herself onto my face, and began to eat me out as she did.

The sensation of her tongue between my swollen lips made me gasp into her pussy, and I pushed my face in to smear myself with her juices. I loved the feeling of my mouth on her luscious wetness, and loved the effect it had, as she gripped my head and pushed me in.

My fingers pulled her lips apart to allow me better access. But even as I was doing that, she did the same to me. I pushed in hard in response, which provoked her to do the same. I was tight, but her tongue felt so good there. I pressed in and out, my nose pushing against her clit. Gripping me tight, June mirrored my actions.

Everything else faded. For that moment in time all that mattered was tasting and pleasing her as she was tasting and pleasing me. We rocked to and fro. I gripped her as she did me, and we were one - and came as one.

In that moment of consummation the connection forged red hot. I could feel her orgasm and knew she was sharing mine.

And after, as we calmed down, we lay together, just cleaning each other and licking, before June turned and kissed my other lips. She smelt of us, as I did. Her eyes, full of love, locked into mine.

"That," she began, "was wonderful!" I completed. We giggled and laughed and hugged. I felt whole again.

Our reverie was ended by my phone ringing, which I was intent on ignoring.

"It might be the lawyer, love, take it."

Of course June, ever practical was correct. It was.

"Is that you, Fabienne?"

I confirmed it was, and June had been right, it was the lawyer, Mrs Pritchard.

"I've emailed a letter to you which I am going to send to the school, if you have a moment, read it and I will ring you back."

Lying, naked, with June, we read the text, which told the school that they were in breach of the 2010 Equality Act in at least four places, as well as in breach of Employment Law. It invited the Head and the school's lawyer to a meeting at "your earliest convenience."

June nodded.

"That's great love, give her the green light."

I did.

It was done. We would fight back, and we would win. I snuggled it.

"Not so soon darling, we have a dinner date, let's get ready."

I pouted.

"Can't I just lie here with you?"

"Not and have dinner - come on Missy!"

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PixiehoffPixiehoff3 months agoAuthor

I hope your loneliness is ended soon - and so glad you are enjoying this xxxxx

GayKatGayKat3 months ago

👿 The Bigot Racist Bitch Is Still At It!


Hallo Pixie!


Wow!... Fabienne you go girl, sue the pants off them starting with the School, Ms Gordon and that bigot bitch Mrs Masters, also add her daughter, Connie Masters, and scent that smug little bitch is a miner... it won't stick, but it will embarrass the shit out of mummy and daddy!


Being out of state, Love... Queen Jackie's inspiration and guidance is unavailable for me at the moment, so this is all me, but now if she were to magically appear, I think Jackie would agree with Mrs Pritchard's suggestion, a payment in lieu of notice, plus a sum of money for wrongful termination, and a good reference, to settle out of court. ... But now as for myself, I'd go for blood!


Thank-you 5&5, 5-Stars all the way and 5-More Orgasms,,, Yes!


By the by, Pixie, I've been working with a new girl, Amanda, she's short and stocky in her early 20s, about 5'... every time she's on the mat in a fighting stance, I think about your story "The End of Things", because Amanda is the spitting image of "Stumpy".


I can hardly wait till Jackie sees her.


Sofar my gaydar has been dormant, and Amanda hasn't shown any signs. The only physical contact we have had was on the mat... so there haven't been much chance to just talk. Sometimes I'll recommend one of your stories, as an icebreaker, now don't laugh, it has worked,,, yes!


From your lonely kinky dyke friend,


Gay kat 👩🏼‍!

💋 💋 💋

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you Mamam so glad you are enjoying it xxxxxx

SerradaCSerradaCabout 2 years ago

It is lovely to see kindness from strangers. I wish that the body lived up more to its ideals, but I suppose we all fail and come shot of God, if we as individuals do, then it is not surprising that the body does as well. Another lovely chapter, my darling, and I look forward to the next one. June is very lucky.

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Anonymous, much appreciated xxxxxx

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