Family Cabin Betrayal


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He knew he needed more information before going nuts. His late father always told him not to reacted blindly without thinking. But his Dad never had to handle something like this! How could she do this to him? All the way home Brad racked his brain for some tiny shred of hope for his crumbling marriage. As the miles went by, disturbing questions filled his mind.

Was this the only time she cheated? The familiar manner she behaved with that guy made it doubtful. But what if it was? The recording had no sound, so he didn't know what they talked about. Did he really want to trash a twenty five year marriage over a one time lapse in judgment? She had been a great wife up until an hour ago. At least he thought so. He knew he hated her, but at the same time he still loved her. That's why her betrayal hurt so much.

One question really hit him in the gut. If he divorced her, how the hell could he ever replace her? He was 55 years old for gosh sakes! He's a bit overweight, not wealthy and certainly no stud. He wasn't bad looking for his age, but it was clear his bedroom skills weren't enough to keep his wife faithful. Of course Marie could still attract guys and it seemed she had. The sick video was proof of that. Marie was still a nice looking older woman with a good figure. There were probably lots of guys that would love to be with her. But how about him? At 55 he wasn't such a great catch anymore. The prospects for him being able to find someone like her again were negligible.

It was with these thoughts in his head that he arrived home. Thankfully Marie wasn't there. She left a note on the table saying she'd be out shopping for a while and wouldn't be home until dinner. Brad ripped up the note in anger, wondering bitterly if she was just out fucking that ass hole again.

That was over a month ago. Since then he retrieved two more videos of her having sex at the cabin. The latest was the one with her getting fucked silly on the arm of the sofa. It was no one time mistake because all three video were of her having sex with the same guy.

Once he had the first recording of her affair, Brad managed to keep his cool. He forced himself to behave normally around his wayward wife. Now that he knew she was cheating he paid a lot more attention to her clothing, what she was doing and where she went. He made it a point to find out as much about her daily activities as he could.

Brad decided against a private detective. If things went as he hoped he didn't want anyone to suspect he knew about her affair. He just put a GPS device in Marie's car and when she went on her daily errands he tracked her on his computer. Other than going to work, all of her activities were shopping trips to the grocery store or to the mall and other normal errands. After watching her for a week he didn't think her affair was with someone at her job.

He took a day off a couple times and followed her after she left work. She always went straight home except on her workout days. Other than shopping, the only place she spent a lot of time outside of home was at her health spa, so he zeroed in on that. For the past few months Brad realized his wife had substantially increased the amount of time she was working out. Now he knew why.

Brad was actually pleased when she mentioned she was joining work out class at the spa. He encouraged her and after a couple months saw definite improvement in her muscle tone. She always had a trim, slim figure, ate right and was never over weight. But after a few months of steadily working out, she had lost a few pounds and achieved a noticeable toned body. He complimented her on her determination to maintain such a rigorous workout.

What a fool he was.

Now he suspected the health spa as the source of her affair. The guy on the video was certainly a gym rat, proven by his muscular, well defined body. Brad made it a point to follow her from work and got there before she arrived. He watched her enter and could even see her working out, because the building had large windows in the front and was well lighted. He sat in his car parked at a discrete distance and saw her interacting with the staff. It didn't take long to see how friendly she was with a particular young guy with short, dark hair and an impressive build.

Brad snapped some pictures with his digital camera. He waited for her to leave the place and watched when she walked out the front door. The young guy went with her and they exchanged a few words as they stood by her car. It was a friendly conversation and seemed normal. They were quite comfortable chatting and whatever the guy said had Marie cracking up. She placed her hand on his arm as they talked. When she was about to leave he slipped his arm around her waist and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Marie was smiling as she gazed up at him with an adoring look.

Brad drove home, locked himself in his office and looked up the guy on the spa's web site. His name is Oscar Pittford, 28, employed as a personal trainer. The next few days found Brad sitting in his car in front of the spa. He saw Oscar flirt with Marie whenever she arrived and he paid her a lot of attention when she worked out. He also escorted her to her car when she left. It was obvious they were very familiar. The guy seemed to flirt with multiple women, and was no doubt a pussy hound. Marie seemed to be his cheap and easy target. Despite the age difference, Marie was a decent looking mature woman. He probably flirted with her during her workouts, found her agreeable to his advances and pursued her. Once they were involved it was no doubt Marie's idea to use the cabin as their love nest.

Brad grudgingly appreciated his shrewd wife's choice. Using their house for her affair was obviously dangerous due to nosy neighbors. Brad was there so often there was the chance they would leave some tell tale evidence of their fucking. A motel would leave paper trail. If the motel was local someone may see them enter or leave and report it to her husband.

On the other hand, the cabin was remote, free and located far from home. Marie knew her husband never went there. As long as she kept the place in pristine condition, Brad would never know about all the hot sex she engaged in there. It was a perfect place for an affair. If he hadn't decided to check on the place after his business trip, he still wouldn't have any idea of his wife's betrayal.

During the weeks since he acquired the first video, Brad somehow managed to conceal his bitterness. It was difficult not to just slap some sense into her. The only way he controlled himself was to leave the house whenever he felt himself losing it. Despite his anger he was determined not to reveal his secret just yet, to give him time to make the arrangements he needed.

After watching the latest video with Marie perched on the arm of the sofa getting fucked silly by that shit head, he was seething. He had somehow managed not to explode on her, maintaining a shred of hope that she'd come to her senses on her own and end the affair. But after watching how eagerly she was letting this ass hole use her, it was obvious she had no intention of ending it. On the contrary, she seemed to be relishing her adulterous activities more than ever.

Realistically though, even if she had ended it Brad doubted he could handle living with her anymore. From the first time he saw her cheating, he couldn't see how their marriage could survive. He couldn't imagine why she was treating him with such disrespect. No matter how many times she may apologize, Brad didn't think he could ever get over his anger.

Of course hiding his knowledge and maintaining a normal lifestyle did give him time to take precautions. As a financial analyst he knew how to protect himself in a divorce. He had hid a substantial amount of money, making it unlikely that she would ever get half of their wealth. He would have liked to leave her penniless. But knew from experience that wasn't possible.

He tried to figure out a way to ruin his wife and cause violence to her lover. But such a drastic option just wasn't realistic. He wasn't normally a violent person. And the cops were not fools. Any overt violence perpetrated against Pittford or his lying, cheating wife and they'd immediately suspect him.

He was bitterly and nearly insanely angry. But he wasn't a super sleuth, an ex CIA agent, or a mob guy with criminal contacts. He was just a working stiff trying to do the best for his family. A normal bloke stuck with a wife that seemed to need more than he could offer. He planned his revenge carefully and then planned to divorce her ass and try living as a single man. Not a pleasant thought, but what else could he do?

He heard a noise and knew she was home. Brad felt his stomach tighten when he heard his wife's car pull into the garage. He had to work hard to force down his anger to appear ignorant, playing the role he assumed for the time being.

She entered the kitchen from the garage and Brad was on guard. He used to love having her come home, knowing she was his lover. Now that sense of desire was a bitter contradiction. As usual she looked great in her tight blue skirt, high heels and a thin sleeveless blouse. The outfit was very professional and appropriate for her job. It was subdued, but stylish, and displayed her slender, toned arms and legs and her curvy shape. He always thought she looked like a sexy mature Librarian, with her short, permed hair, attractive body and pretty smile.

"Hi honey." She said. "How ya doing?"

She walked in with a bag of groceries under her arm. She strutted across the kitchen, set the bag on the table and leaned up to him for a kiss.

"Hi Marie."

He accepted her kiss on the cheek.

"Are you hungry?" She asked. "Cause I'm starving. I bought some steaks. Why don't you heat up the grill and I'll fix a salad."

Brad answered pleasantly, "That sounds good. I'll get it started right now."

He pasted a placid look on his face and went out on the deck to handle the grill. It was more difficult to remain normal after watching her latest fuck video. He used to love it when she got home so they could eat, share their day and spend the evening together. Now he stopped seeing her in such a favorable light and her presence was upsetting. He didn't even consider her a wife anymore, just an aging bimbo, like some nasty old porn star getting regularly power fucked by her young, big dicked lover.

Still, Brad had to admire her acting abilities. After demeaning him the most revolting way a wife can, Marie came home each day with a smile on her face, a relaxed attitude and a loving facade. If you didn't know better, you'd assume she was a typical traditional wife, the same faithful wife he always thought she was. Of course they were both playing a role, but she was so much better at it. For him the strain of putting on such a fake show was nearly unbearable. Dozens of times over the past few weeks he nearly cracked under the pressure and exploded his anger on her. Somehow he managed to hold himself back.

It was fascinating that she was able to compartmentalize her conflicting lives. On one hand she cheating on him regularly. Once home she pretended to be a normal, faithful wife, as loving and attentive as she ever was. Brad could discern no visible effect of her affair, no evidence that she was now giving her pussy away, fornicating regularly with a young guy with a big dick.

What was more confusing is that Marie was offering him regular sex now. Where before her affair he had to practically beg her for sex. Now she was sliding next to him in the bed, stroking his back, whispering encouragement before they went to sleep. He even found her stroking his erection in the morning before he woke up, encouraging him to relieve his frustrations before going to work.

Brad knew she was just providing a pity fuck to her clueless husband, probably to soothe whatever guilt she might be feeling. But after watching her in action with that young fucker, he doubted there was much if any guilt now. In the past he always considered her a truthful person. But now she's acquired the talent of being able to lie very convincingly, able to conceal her affair without a hint of deceit.

Brad finished cooking the steaks and they ate with little conversation. They spoke briefly about some trivial topic. But for the most part their dinner was a quiet affair. Marie seemed a little tentative. She ate sparingly and kept glancing over at him as if trying to read his thoughts. Brad simply stayed quiet because he didn't trust himself not to say something that would give him away.

They sometimes had coffee and dessert after their meal. Not today. Once he finished eating Brad needed to get away. He quickly cleaned up and went to the living room to watch TV. Marie came out soon after with a glass of wine and sat down on the sofa next to him. Feeling her eyes on him, Brad wished he'd just gone to his office after dinner as he sometimes did. It would look suspicious if he got up and left now.

"Is everything okay Brad?" She asked during the commercial.

Brad felt his stomach knot up. She suspected something. He tried to keep himself from tensing up.

He flashed a smile and answered calmly, "I'm fine."

"You seem...a little tense today."

She rubbed his arm and asked in a sweet tone, "Is something at work bothering you honey? I get that way too sometimes. If there is you can tell me about it. You know I'm interested in what you do."

His voice cracked a little as he replied, "No. I'm fine. Really."

He should end the discussion right there. But the urge to say something was overwhelming.

"Why would you ask me that?" He said, keeping his eyes glued to the TV.

"I don't know. I guess...I don't know..."

She snuggled close, stroking his arm affectionately and commented, "Maybe we need some know...I mean we haven't been together in a while."

Brad choked out, "...really..."


With a giggle she blurted out, "I miss you honey. I'm starting to wonder if you're still attracted to me Brad."

She said it as a joke and chuckled to make him think so. But after decades of making love there was no way either of them thought that. She acted funny when his responding chuckle sounded forced.

She looked at him with concern as he warbled, "You...uh...know I am."

They both laughed nervously. But it didn't sound humorous in the least. She turned her attention back to the TV and both of them sat in silence.

Before her affair Brad hinted for sex regularly and most of the time she refused his requests. He never thought too much about it. On the rare occasion when she came onto him, he never refused her, not once. Of course her hints were more subtle than his. A smile at the right time, a suggestive touch, or a playful kiss as she fell onto his lap was all it took, and he was following her to the bedroom like a eager puppy. It was so easy before.

Now he knew she was passing her cunt around to other guys. Once he was eager, almost frantic to get between her thighs. Now he held back. Since her offers for sex were so rare, the lack of sex wasn't that noticeable. But after so many weeks without any loving between them, even Marie was starting to realize their sex life wasn't just infrequent, it was nonexistent. They were living like room mates now, not lovers, and she was starting to realize that.

Brad was afraid he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. They haven't had sex in weeks, and knowing what she was doing behind his back had him horny as a goat. She was super horny with her lover, but had never been promiscuous with him. In the past it took her quite a while to get horny enough to let him have her pussy. When she did allow him and turned on the charm, he was putty in her hands. Now with her sleek new body and all her new sexual experience she could be very enticing. Thank god his plans were nearly complete.

Despite her suggestive behavior tonight, Brad was determined to hold out. He wasn't going to compete with her new lover. Any sexual activity between them would leave her disappointed. He was sure of it. After watched her wild reaction to the ass hole's cock, he knew she never behaved like that. Over the past month he simply forced himself not to respond to her. If she made a suggestive comment he simply acted like he didn't hear her. In bed he kept as much distance as possible between them and pretended to go right to sleep.

Realistically he knew he couldn't keep ignoring her. They had always enjoyed an infrequent, although decent sex life. He used to think so. But after watching her going wild on the video, he totally lost confidence that he could satisfy her. Sure, she'd pretend to love his cock and probably would fake an orgasm. But it was all a lie. He didn't want to be in unfavorable situation trying to give her what he knew she wants, and he couldn't provide. She never came as violently with him as she did with Pittford. He knew she never would.

Next to him Marie sighed and said, "I just thought you might...ya know...want to go to bed a little early tonight."

"Are you tired?"

"No silly." She giggled, playfully slapping his arm. "I'm not. I mean, do you want to, you know...go to bed now...and know..."

Yeah, he knew.

Brad could feel himself starting to sweat. His cock was stirring and he could feel his face getting red. He knew she was watching him, wondering why he wasn't acting normally, responding favorably to her obvious offer for sex.

"Maybe in a while." He finally replied in an even tone. "Go on up honey. I want to watch this show for a bit longer."

She snorted with disappointment.

He could feel her warmth pressing against him. The smell her hair blonde hair and the spicy scent of her perfume was intoxicating. He knew what she had to offer and couldn't forget how delightful she was in bed. His poor cock, which hadn't had any action, was getting hard. He tried to ignore his longing, and didn't look at her face so he couldn't see her confused expression. He wished he could switch off his desire for her. But after so long loving her it was impossible.

She turned her attention back to the TV, confused by his reluctance. Her ego was a bit stung by his rejection.

Brad thought to himself, let her feel rejected for once.

The show hadn't yet finished when Marie let out a long yawn. She stretched her arms over her head, purposely allowing her shirt to pull tight against her breasts. It was a gesture designed to get him to notice her erect nipples poking out. Tonight he just kept staring at the TV.

When he didn't react to her suggestive stretching Marie sighed, "Oh well, I'm a little tired honey. I guess I'm turning in now. You want to come up?"

It was a blatant offer he hadn't heard in years.

"I'll be up soon." He replied indifferently.

"Oh. Okay. Just wake me when you come up." She said adding. "I probably won't be asleep right away."

"All right. See you soon."

She gave him a long hard look, kissed his cheek, rose up from her seat and went to the bedroom. Brad breathed a sigh of relief.

He stayed in the living room for three hours longer. It was after one o'clock before he tip toed to the bedroom door, peeked in the room to make sure she was sleeping before removing his clothes joining her in bed.

Sleep was difficult and he woke up early, still feeling tired. She was still sleeping when he slipped out of bed, gathered his clothes and went to the guest room to dress so he wouldn't wake her.

He was frustrated but held onto his pride. He wasn't going to fuck her while she was cheating. He longed for the old days when he could just slide next to his wife, initiate relations and make passionate love to her without the mental baggage. But she had started this shit and he wasn't going to reward her by acted normal. If she wanted to fuck so bad, go see her ass hole and get her holes plugged. She chose to be his slut and it wasn't his job to make her happy anymore.