Family Cabin Betrayal


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Suddenly the door knob was rattling and Marie's hand went to her mouth. She was scared to death as Brad moved to his bag and removed something. Before she could see what it was, she heard the front door swung open. Her eyes bugged out as she saw a dark shadow of a figure at the door and realized it must be a home invasion.

She screamed in panic! The next second there was a bright flash and an ear splitting blast. A second later there was another blast and Marie realized her husband had shot the invader with a pistol.

From the bedroom she heard the man grunt and topple over on the floor, grabbing at his throat where the bullet had hit him. She screamed again unable to believe what was happening. As she sobbed the room was quiet.

"OH MY GOD!!" She cried out, her hands over her face.

Brad moved cautiously toward the downed man. He held the pistol trained on him as he moved forward. After a moment he touched the man's neck to check for a pulse to see if he was dead. He moved cautiously to the open door and went outside to make sure he was alone. He came back in, went to the light switch and turned it on.

It was at that second when her life changed. Marie's brain swooned, her eyes widened in shock and her heart stopped. The dead man on the floor was Oscar!!

She was sobbing and nearly incoherent when Brad came to her side. He pulled her head to his chest to console her and whispered softly, "Its all over now honey. Don't worry, we're safe Marie."

Her thoughts were jumbled in confusion. Her husband held her gently, whispering things to calm her down.

"We have to call the police." He finally said after a few minutes. "They're going to want to investigate this as a crime scene. Just stay here."

Marie collapsed on the bed sobbing uncontrollably. Brad gazed grimly at his sobbing wife, waiting patiently until she went to the bathroom to throw up. She was still in the bathroom when he retrieved her cell phone, opened it up and pulled the tape off the battery contacts. Then he put it back in her purse.

He went to the body and removed an envelope from the dead man's jacket.

Inside the envelope was a note. It was a note Brad printed at a Library a few towns away, and placed on Pittford's car earlier in the morning. With a bitter expression he read:

"This sex coupon is good for tonight only. Please bring it with you and redeem it for an evening of crazy sex and as many hot blowjobs as you can handle. Sorry for the short notice but I just found out he's away this weekend! Can you meet me at the cabin lover? I hope so and I'll make it well worth your while. Signed, Your Devoted Slut Marie."

He wadded up the note and went outside. Her lover's car was in the driveway. The cabin was in a dead spot. So it was hard to get a good signal for cell phone use.

He called to his wife, "Be right back Marie. I'm trying to get the cops but am having trouble getting a signal. Let me go out back and see if I can get through."

He moved quickly to the lake. He walked to a place he knew was totally concealed by shrubs and lite the note and envelope on fire with a lighter. He watched the paper turn to ashes, making sure there was nothing left. He then rubbed the black ashes between two rocks and covered it with leaves, leaving no evidence of his deceitful ambush.

He took a moment to gain control over his emotions. He had never killed anyone before. He knew it would happen when he placed the note on Pittford's car this morning. But the act of murder was emotional. He regretted killing the guy like this, but with the rage he'd felt for so long, knew it was inevitable.

His hands were still shaking as he made the 911 call to the police. It was now up to him to keep his nerves steady and let this play out. He had already removed all of the surveillance cameras and hidden the videos in a place no one would ever find. It was lucky he kept knowledge of her affair to himself. Once the cops began to question his wife it would all come out. Even if she didn't admit it, it wouldn't be long before the cops would discover she was a member of the health spa where he worked, and her connection to her lover would be established.

The police arrived in less than an hour. Brad was waiting for them and admitted he was the one who shot him. They took his pistol and placed it in a plastic bag as evidence. When they asked, he assured him that he hadn't moved, or touched the body since the shots were fired. His wife said the same.

The cops were immediately suspicious when they found out the invader used the hidden key to open the door. How did he know it was there? Brad explained about the key but pleaded ignorance. But when they questioned Marie about it, she broke down almost immediately. She admitted she and Pittford had been here before. Brad pretended to be shocked, and must have played the role well because the cops began flashing him pitying glances.

They were both taken to the station for questioning. The forensic team showed up not long afterward and went over the cabin one inch at a time. At the station Brad called a Lawyer he used on occasion.

At the Lawyer's instruction he told the police he wouldn't say anything more until he arrived. Marie on the other hand spilled her guts. She was so distraught over the death of her lover and confused how it had happened, she lost all control of herself. The cops used that as leverage to get her to admit all the details of her months long affair. Brad didn't mind her babbling. She didn't know anything about his ambush and couldn't reveal anything incriminating.

After a long night and part of the next day, both husband and wife were released, but told not to leave town.

After weeks of questions and investigations, nothing incriminating was found about the shooting. Brad knew they were suspicious. But without evidence they had to categorize the shooting as a justified homicide. Breaking and entering one's home in the middle of the night was certainly a crime. Any jury they could convene would consider it self defense. Even if there were unexplained questions the jury would give the home owner the benefit of the doubt.

Brad took his wife home on Sunday. She was a mess and apologized profusely for cheating until he finally told her to shut up. He already knew about everything of course, and managed to keep a confused look on his face as she blurted out all the sorry details. He was sorry having to end the young man's life. But he couldn't see another way to get rid of the bastard and regain his pride.

He went to work on Monday, leaving his wife to confront her own demons. She was a basket case when he got home. One of their neighbors was with her to keep her from going nuts.

That evening after a brief dinner he confronted her about the affair. She sobbed the whole time and she went through all the typical excuses an unfaithful wife utters when caught. It was just sex, it wasn't love, she loved him, she would make it up to him if he'd forgive her, please forgive me I beg you, blah, blah, blah. All of her typical excuses went in one ear and out the other.

He had her served on Thursday at home. She still hadn't returned to work and nearly collapsed when she was handed the divorce documents. Brad figured losing her husband and her lover in the same week must have been overwhelming. She was so distraught he took her to the emergency room to have her checked out when he couldn't calm her down.

Brad packed a suitcase with Marie bawling like crazy. She kept begging him to stay and forgive her.

"What am I going to do now?" She sobbed.

With little concern he replied, "I have no idea. We're going to divorce Marie. You're not my problem anymore."

"But I love you! I can't live without you Brad!!"

When she kept on pleading, Brad finally told her cruelly, "Just go find another fuck buddy Marie. You seem to have no trouble finding them. Just make sure its one with a big dick like that ass hole you were fucking."

That bitter reply had the poor woman sobbing inconsolably. He left the home that weekend never to return.

Brad was never charged with a crime. But the authorities were still watching him and asking people he knew about the homicide. With the cloud of suspicion hanging over his head his career suffered. No one wanted their financial assets handled by a possible criminal. He finally did leave his job. But found another one not long after and was paying his bills.

They sold the house and the cabin. He and Marie split the profits. He had half of the money from the marital assets, as well as the money he hid from Marie to support himself. But with her Lawyer checking his records to find out why their combined assets weren't more, he had to maintain a lower standard of living, and kept a sharp look out for anything that could be incriminating.

After the shooting and the divorce, life for Brad went on. He bought some weights and started an exercise program at home. Soon his muscle tone improved and began to lose weight. He kept in touch with his daughter and visited her when he could. She was very upset how their marriage ended and tried to get him to reconsider the divorce. Brad told her gently but firmly that will never happen. After cheating on him for so long, there was no chance to reconcile with her.

Despite his concerns about his attractiveness, Brad did find women to date. They were older, but so was he. Some were even quite attractive and were nice to be around. It took him a few months to get up the nerve to ask one out. But it was a relief to meet people, socialize and enjoy female company again. He didn't want another long term relationship just yet. But he had a career and many good years to live. Even at 55 he could still attract female attention. During the months after his divorce he wasn't as lonely as he thought he'd be.

Unlike his gradual transition to a normal existence, Marie's shock at what happened turned into depression, and it took her a long time to get over it. Her easy going attitude about sex, life and love was gone. Her husband, who she still loved, divorced her. Her young hot stud was dead and she wasn't able to keep her emotions under control enough to find another. The robust sex life she enjoyed before her divorce disappeared and wasn't coming back. She was seeing a therapist regularly, who had her on medication that was helping her cope. Her health was fading so their daughter got her under a Doctor's care.

She stopped working out and gained quite a bit of weight. She mostly lived the life of a shut in and never went back to the Spa that started all of her troubles. Brad heard from friends she was moving out of state to flee all the cruel gossip about her affair.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 hour ago

Pity he couldn't have bumped off the wife as well, kept all the assets and collected her life insurance as well.

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Well that was depressing, but it gets the motors of the LW hounds rev'ing. I love them. They’re such a bunch of talkers telling us or suggesting what they’d do. Like @ZK’s comment about making her “disappear.” Sure tough guy, all that blather from a guy who’s probably never even thrown a punch in a real fight since getting his ass whipped in the second grade, but he’s gonna make a wife, albeit a cheater, ‘“disappear.” Well, at least we know good ole ZK watches lots of TV and movies. Probably doesn’t do much else; thus, the stupid, bitter “disappear” response. Typical LW bravado. Save it for yer wife ZK, so maybe she’ll stop bangin yer neighbor.

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

If the other man, who made no promises to the MC, deserved death, then what does the slut deserve?!?


She’s the betrayer! She’s the one who hurt him. If he’s willing to be patient and plan it out, he can make her “disappear”!



AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wow must have been a tiny two horse town to have people that actually care about someone having an affair.

Also very surprised that anyone would be negative about the guy killing an intruder, protecting what was his, legally or illegally. Would have thought it'd work more like advertising.

As for escaping justice, pretty sure the cops would have searched the cabin and the home and may well have found the evidence of the MC knowing about the affair. Just as any decent divorce lawyer would have gotten to the bottom of the missing money, and that alone may well have pointed to prior knowledge of the affair.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Not so sure in real life one could live with a murder hanging over your head. From experience taking a life is not so easy when done in such a cold manner unless a psychopath. In the heat of the moment it is bad enough.

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