Family Cabin Betrayal


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The atmosphere around their house grew tense. Marie was confused and wondered if something was amiss because she and Brad barely spoke. He did speak to her at times, usually during dinner. But there was little affection and he never initiated physical contact anymore. If she hugged him he would stiffen up. Other times he would flinch if she touched his arm or shoulder. Something was bothering him but he wouldn't say what. She tried to draw him out, but he just deflected her concerns or changed the subject. She used to feel his love from his actions and kind words. Now she knew they had lost an important connection. She never found him this difficult to talk to.

The next night Marie made another attempt to seduce him. As before he acted indifferent. She wondered if he knew about her affair. But quickly discounted that possibility because she and Oscar had been so discrete. Only the people at her spa knew that she even knew him. During her workouts they acted friendly to avoid suspicion, but behaved properly. Whatever physical contact they enjoyed was away from the spa and anyone they knew. Any sexual pleasure she received from her young lover was reserved for her the visits to her father's old cabin.

Marie was concerned about Brad's behavior, but not overly so. She still loved him and if he was having an issue she wanted to be sympathetic, and did her best to be there to confide in if he wished. Whatever was wrong, she never assumed it would jeopardized her marriage. It must be some problem at work, she thought, a situation that came up occasionally.

She was disappointed they hadn't made love for so long. She had to believe that he was getting horny. But that wasn't her fault. She offered herself more in the last month than she had in years. And she certainly wasn't horny. Not with all the incredible, out of this world sex she had with Oscar! Even so, she didn't want Brad to feel neglected and wondered why he didn't want her anymore. Was he no longer attracted to her? That didn't seem possible. She was in better shape than she had been in years. He was getting older. Maybe he's already losing his sex drive and wasn't interested in sex anymore.

It was ironic that with Brad's sex drive cooling off, hers was heating up. Lately she was attracting young guys by the dozens. Her new improved figure hadn't gone unnoticed by any of the men where she worked. Being around college guys most of the day, Marie was getting hit on regularly! So many guys were chatting her up she had to be careful to maintain a professional distance and not lead them on.

With her lover on the side she was getting her cravings satisfied, but wanted her husband to be happy too. Their relationship had never been very exciting in the bedroom. So she wasn't too concerned that he was acting distant. She would just continue to be the loving, consoling wife she always was with Brad, and save her erotic sexual cravings for her young, hot, well endowed lover.

Marie knew her affair would cool off eventually. But at the moment it was still going hot and heavy. Whenever she had a chance she'd meet Oscar up at the cabin, where they would enjoy a couple hours of exciting, passionate sex. Then she'd clean up and return to her normal, rather routine but secure life with her older, unsuspecting husband.

Once she and Oscar finished having sex, she'd clean up everything making sure nothing would give away their time there. In the remote possibility that Brad might visit the cabin, she insisted on using the sofa, the kitchen table or the floor, anywhere that she could clean up easily. They never had sex in the bed, where the chance of a stain could implicate her. It was a perfect situation and despite Brad's strange behavior she wasn't giving it up.

As the next week went by Brad apathetic attitude bothered her. She wondered if he suspected something was wrong, and decided to take a break from her affair, just for a while until her husband got back to normal. She told Oscar they needed a break and he was disappointed to hear that. He thought she was worried about nothing but went along anyway.

By the second week of their break, she was having trouble keeping her mind off sex. She found herself day dreaming about the cabin, longing for Oscar's dick and what that big thing could do to her. When she grew frustrated she masturbated in the privacy of the bathroom a few times. But her fingers were a sorry replacement for the real thing.

She didn't want to get involved with any guy besides Oscar. But working at a college meant she was around young, attractive men all day. She found herself fantasizing about men she knew at work, and was starting to feel vulnerable to any good looking guy's attention.

Before her affair Marie barely noticed the men she worked with. She was not a very physical person and didn't concern herself with sex too much. But since she started cheating, engaging in hot, regular sex with a young experienced lover, she found she couldn't live without it anymore. When her cravings grew to an uncomfortable level, she decided to end her celibacy.

During her weekly workout she let Oscar know she was available again. She made it clear she wanted to restart their affair, and he was ready as well. They kept their distance from each other that day, maintaining a facade of respectability. When he escorted her to her car the two lovers made plans to meet the following week to resume relations. Brad mentioned some business meeting that day, giving her a few precious hours to sneak away.

Marie went home with a spring in her step and a twinkle in her eyes. She felt her whole attitude improve as she spent the evening with her husband. Dinner was once again rather quiet. There was nothing she could put her finger on, but Brad seemed more somber than usual. Conversation was subdued, but she ignored the feeling that there was anything unusual about that. He's been distant for weeks now. He didn't seemed to want a physical relationship with her anymore. But with the prospect of hot sex next week, she put her frustrations aside. As Brad moped around the house, and seemed to be avoiding her, Marie gave him his space and tried to keep the atmosphere between them friendly.

Her good mood continued into Friday at work. Even her Supervisor commented on her upbeat attitude and asked what it was all about.

"Oh nothing special." Marie replied smiling. "Everything has been working out for me lately. I'm just pleased with how well my life is going right now."

"Did Brad get a promotion? Or did you hit the lottery?" The woman asked with a chuckle, "Maybe you're having a second honeymoon or something. Whatever it is I haven't seen you this contented in years."

"Nothing like that." She replied with a sly smirk. "I am happy about my home life and Brad has been wonderful. I appreciate everything I have and just realize how lucky I am. Things aren't perfect but they certainly could be a lot worse."

"That's a great attitude. I wish everybody thought like that Marie."

Marie went home after work, feeling on top of the world. She couldn't wait for her meeting with her lover in a few days. She was so horny she wanted to take a shower the second she got home to masturbate and quell some of the throbbing in her eager loins.

The smell of something delicious was coming from the stove when she walked into the kitchen. She was quite pleased that Brad already had dinner prepared for them when she arrived. She gave him a big hug and was pleasantly surprised when he hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

"This is wonderful Brad." She gushed as she appraised the meal.

"Would you like some wine with dinner honey?"

"Yes. I'll take a glass." She said, adding suggestively, "But I don't want to get too sleepy, because I want to reward you later for making such a delicious meal."

"Your smile is reward enough for me Darling."

"Oh no." She giggled. "I'm going to give you something a lot better than a smile tonight. Its been a long time since we've been together, and I want to show my wonderful husband how much I love him."

Brad pasted a smile on his face and replied, "I think you're wonderful too."

They ate and conversed normally for a change. Marie was pleased that Brad seemed to be coming out of his shell. She found the dinner and pleasant chat a welcome relief from the somber tone of their interactions lately.

Later, after cleaning up the dishes, which they did together, husband and wife went to the living room to watch some TV. It was their regular routine. But tonight with her upbeat attitude, Marie was determined to seduce her husband. It had been weeks without a bit of physical contact and she missed it. Despite his age, Brad was still an attractive, healthy man, no doubt with sexual needs that weren't being met. Despite having a lover on the side, she still wanted to satisfy her husband's needs, and was determined to do just that tonight.

Thank god he's in a good mood for a change!

She touched Brad's arm and excused herself during a commercial. She went to the bedroom and undressed to change into more revealing clothing. She knew he loved her in skimpy clothes. She pulled a thin tank top from the dresser along with a pair of tight shorts. The tank top would leave her thin arms and shoulders bare and the shorts fit tight over her round hips. Feeling naughty, she removed her bra and left it off. She put on the skimpy top, savoring the way her thick, erect nipples poked noticeably through the thin material.

She started to put on the shorts and decided against it. Wearing just a thin, tiny top, filmy bikini panties and nothing else, even her indifferent, uninterested husband would have to be turned on.

She looked in the mirror, smiling at how alluring she looked. Her erotic reflection was proof that even at her age she looked hot. Her shapely legs were bare and the see thru panties allowed a subtle glimpse of her furry pussy. She was positive Brad couldn't help being aroused. One look at her braless boobs, thick nipples and bare legs made it obvious she was in the mood. With so much on display and with her eager attitude, there was no way he'd refuse her tonight.

With a wicked smirk on her face, Marie could feel herself getting wet. She could hardly wait to join Brad on the sofa, and pranced out of the bedroom. Her mind was set and she headed back to the living room to seduce him.

Brad was in the kitchen when she returned. So she sat down on the sofa, pulled her bare legs under her hips, assumed a sexy pose and waited. He came in the room with a beer and another glass of wine for her. She flashed him a seductive smile and patted the seat next to her.

His eyebrows raised when he saw what she had on. She could feel the tension building in her loins as he returned to his seat next to her.

"I filled your glass." He told her, handing her the glass. "I hope you wanted more."

"Yes. I'm sure in the mood for some." She said, trying to give him as many hints as she could. "I'm in the mood for something else too Darling."

"I can see." She said with amusement.

She knew she looked enticing and available. Knowing how alluring she look was getting her pretty worked up. She rarely felt so horny for her husband, so tonight was probably the most attraction she felt toward him in months. She could only imagine the reaction Oscar would have seeing her like this.

But while she wanted her husband to lust after her, she didn't want to look too needy and throw herself at him. It was important to her ego to let Brad get the hint first. So she sat next to him, giving him plenty to look at, flashing all the green lights she could, hoping he'd make the first move.

Instead he just stared at the TV. After a while she moved closer. The TV droned on as she sipped her wine and tried to press herself against him. At one point she let her head fall onto his shoulder and she began to rub his arm. She knew he had to realize she was ready, but why didn't he look at her?

It was during the next show that she began to feel tired. She was frustrated with her indifferent husband and tried to remain open to any move he would make. The voices on the TV were boring and the wine was making her sleepy. She didn't know that Brad put a sleeping pill in her wine. It wasn't long before Marie was having trouble keeping her eyes open. Pretty soon she dozed off.

It was dark when she woke up on the sofa. There was a blanket on her, TV was off and Brad was gone.

"What the hell..." She mumbled sleepily.

The clock on the wall said four in the morning. Still half asleep she got up and stumbled into the bedroom. Brad was in the bed sound asleep.

"Damn him." She cursed softly. "What's the matter with him?"

Without changing into her nightgown Marie crawled into bed next to him, feeling very weary and quickly feel asleep.

The next day she was bitter about his lack of attention. She gave him every chance to have sex and he just blew her off. His loss, she thought angrily. She got up and realized it was nearly noon. The sun was already out and Brad was in the kitchen.

"Morning Honey." He said as she entered the room. "Want some coffee?"

"Yeah, sure." She answered blandly. "What happened last night."

"You fell asleep." He told her smiling. "I guess you had a hard week and you were tired. You looked so sweet I didn't want to disturb you."

"You should have woke me up."

"I know. know..." He replied ambiguously. "By the way Marie, why don't we get away for the weekend."

"Get away?"

"Yeah. Lets go up to the cabin for a couple days." He suggested with a grin. "We both have been working hard lately and haven't spent much time together."

Marie was still sleepy and a little confused. She took a sip of her coffee and tried to clear the cobwebs from her brain before answering.

"The cabin? We haven't been there in years."

"I know. But we could use a little time together you know. Its so quiet there I bet we can have a lot of time to reconnect, and you know...have some fun."

Fun? Marie's mind cleared and her eyes suddenly opened. Was he hinting about having sex? After leaving her hanging last night she wasn't expecting this.

"Fun huh?"

"Yeah." Brad chuckled. "I know I'm not that romantic. But if we got away from our normal routine, maybe something would click. Its just for the weekend because we both have to work on Monday. But it could be fun. How about it?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess so. We have to go to the store and get some things."

"I already have everything we need. I went shopping yesterday."

"Well aren't you the boy scout. Always prepared I see." She giggled.

"Yeah. Have to be prepared." He laughed back. "I think we should just clean up, dress and head on out. Let's start our weekend right now."

Marie was becoming more anxious the more she thought about it. Why not? A weekend away in the woods with her husband might get their loving relationship back on track. The way he was talking she might even get to seduce him.

"Okay. Let me get changed and I'll pack a bag."

"Great!" Brad exclaimed grinning eagerly. "I already have my stuff packed. I'll put it in the car and we can head out shortly."

On the way to the cabin, Marie tried to use her cell phone to send and text and found it wasn't working.

"Oh darn it." She said punching buttons on the phone. "I thought it was charged up but I guess the battery is dead."

"That's okay Sweetheart. You can use mine if you want."

"No. That's okay. Its nothing important. I'll just wait until we get to the cabin and charge it up."


An hour and a half later they were in the cabin, putting the food in the fridge and making sandwiches. Marie was happy but was a little tentative. As she entered the small cabin her eyes were daring around, scanning the place for any indication of her affair. But as she and Brad made themselves at home she didn't see anything unusual and he didn't notice anything either.

They finished the food, then took a walk around the lake. They talked and laughed and savored the beautiful surroundings. Brad held her hand as they walked, pointing out various things he wanted her to see. He even hugged her a couple times and caught her once when she tripped. He was friendlier than he'd been in months and Marie was thrilled. It was so nice she almost felt bad she was going to be cheating on him in this very place in a few days.

The afternoon was terrific and the evening even better. Marie hadn't felt this close to her husband in a long time. Once they were back in the cabin she took a chance and kissed him. He didn't refuse her affection. When it grew dark Brad put on some music and they opened a bottle of wine. As they drank he told funny stories about events in the past years of their marriage. Marie was pleasantly high from the alcohol and tried to interest him in holding her. When he accepted and his arms wrapped around her slim body, she felt her pussy begin to tingle in anticipation.

The romantic atmosphere continued when they went to bed. Instead of lying apart as they did at home, tonight they lay side by side, gently kissing and stroking each other. Marie was very excited at the prospect of finally having her husband make love to her. Its been so long she was already dripping wet.

He stroked her lean body, sucked her sensitive nipples and ran his hand over the inside her smooth thighs. When he touched her leaking pussy and began twirling the pubic fur in his fingers, she let out a little moan of lust. She reached over to his cock and was thrilled to find it was stiff and ready.

"Please honey..." She purred parting her legs invitingly. "Don't play with me anymore. Just put it in. I'm yours, go ahead and take me. I'm so ready!"

"You are?" He teased.

"God yes! I'm so horny I could scream! Can't you tell?"

He uttered a soft murmur of appreciation. He slid a single finger into her warm honey pot and Marie felt her whole body tremble. As he diddled her clit she kept moaning and her legs began to quiver.

She tried to concentrate on her husband. But she couldn't help comparing this slow, relaxed, romantic love making with the unbridled sex she shared with her lover. Both were exciting and enjoyable. But what she was enjoying right now was more fulfilling. She would have like it if he had a bigger cock. Something closer to the impressive weapon Oscar wielded. But he certainly wasn't small by any means, and she had loved his stiff organ, and what it could do to her for many years. At the same time Brad loved her so much, and was showing it with everything he said and did, including what he was doing right now.

On the other hand, Oscar just wanted to fuck. There was no love involved between them, she knew that. He just wanted pussy and she just wanted his dick. During their time together the young guy simply pounded her hole as if she was a brainless blowup doll. She enjoyed the young man's attention, and his big dick. But had to admit she'd never trade that for what she was experiencing right now.

She wasn't sure what time it was when she heard a noise outside. It must have been nearly ten o'clock, which was early for them to go to bed. But out here in the sticks, with no TV to watch, going to bed early seemed proper.

A moment later there was another suspicious noise. Her ears perked up and she felt Brad stiffen and sit up.

"What the hell is that?" He whispered with alarm. "Is someone outside?"

"I don't know." She whispered back.

There was another noise. It sounded like someone was on the porch. With wide eyes watching the door Marie sat up next to her husband. She was suddenly afraid.

"What are we going to do?" She whispered.

Brad pushed the covers back and crept quietly out of bed.

"You wait here." He told her firmly. "I'll go check it out."