Family Secrets Pt. 04


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"I'll handle this," Martha said tossing down her napkin onto her plate as another knock came upon the door. "Yes, what is it? Obviously, you didn't hear my granddaughter earlier," she said crossing her arms, "what is so important that the council needs to see my grandson three days in a row? Surely, they have had ample time to instill their bylaws into him? So, what is so important that you need to constantly disturb my family while we are having breakfast?"

"The council..."

"Doesn't rule us," Martha said coldly, "wasn't it your very council that excommunicated my family? I find it odd the very people that pushed us out, now wants to usurp my grandson's every waking moment."


"Don't you ma'am me young man," Martha said poking the man in the chest, "I might be old, but I have more power in my little finger than that council of yours. Now do be a dear and relay this message to Eva. My grandson is asleep! When he wakes up should he have a need to visit the coven he shall. Not when they order him to! Now get off my granddaughter's porch!" Martha said slamming the door in his face.

"That's my girl!" Carson beamed at his wife.

"Stop Carson! You're going to make me blush," Martha said bashfully.

"Kelly, take me to see Samuel," Wendy said after they had finished their breakfast.


"Sweetheart, we've been thinking," Carson said looking over at his daughter.

"What is it Dad?" Charlotte asked as she helped her mother as she cleared off the table.

"We aren't getting any younger, and the winters are getting hard on your mother," Carson said sharing a nod with Victor.

"Okay," Charlotte said arching an eyebrow as she heard footsteps approaching from down the hall.

"With the Solstice fast approaching, and with Samuel's return your mother and I were thinking about moving down to New Orleans," Carson said sipping on his cup of coffee. "It seems your brother has found them," he said ominously.

"No way!" Charlotte gasped.

"Ah yes, it seems they have thrived too," Martha nodded drying her hands, "your brother wants us to come down and teach them the old ways. Who knows we might actually recreate the old sect."

"So, we were thinking of leaving once the Solstice was over," Carson said placing his hand over his wife's as she stood behind him, "and we were thinking that since Victor here won't be around in this form much longer. That since we don't need such a huge house that you, Samuel, and Kelly take over the property. That way we'll know our knowledge along with those that came before us will be guarded from the coven," Carson said unaware of the task Hekatê set forth for Samuel.

"But you aren't leaving forever are you!" Kelly said joining her aunt's side.

"Of course not honey, we will visit, or you can come visit us," Martha said sweetly. "But our children are grown so to speak," she chuckled, "your father and I think it's time for us to start a new chapter in our lives."


Wendy crawled along the bed towards her son. No matter what she appeared to be. Her motherly instincts never left her. Her baby needed her, and she wasn't about to let her son go through this alone. While her size might limit her own strength in preforming the more complex spells she had weaved years' ago. There was one thing she could do. Placing her small left hand over Samuel's heart while with her right index finger touched the center of his forehead then hers. Repeating the process a few times ensuring a stable connection between her and her son before she placed the palm of her hand on his forehead. Her small body arched as the connection was complete.

Wendy was a drift as she shared her son's resting mind. She had expected dreams of nude women running through his mind not this empty darkness. Shaking her head, she couldn't allow what she was seeing to affect her. She needed to find her son, however, the question remained. Where? Wendy yelped as she fell through the air, huffing in pain as she landed on her hands and knees. Staring perplexingly down at those cobblestones, peering up wondering why there was a such an odd pathway in her son's mind.

Peering down at her incorporeal body, a slight smirk graced her ghostly lips as she looked upon her adult body. As much as she was glad to be alive and to be able to see her children grow the form she was forced to take was so limiting. Then again, how often does one get the chance to relive their youth? Nodding to herself when it appeared she could move freely within whatever place her son's mind existed. It seemed to Wendy the stone pathway continued for eternity. To her it felt like hours she had walked until she noticed that lone gas street lamp. Arching an eyebrow as some strange animal sat in that pool of light its fluffy tail swished back and forth as it stared upwards.

"Samuel!" Wendy called out as her son floated high above her. His chin in hand stroking his face as he pondered something, what she had no idea. Watching as those small orbs of light floated around him, absorbing into his body as his right hard moved through the air. "Samuel!" Wendy called out once again only to be ignored. "Samuel Ross Goodall!"

"Mom?!" Samuel said stunned to see his mother there or wherever he was. Samuel truly had no earthly idea where he was, and he really didn't want to know. "Mom! Whoa!" Samuel yelped as he fell through the air, huffing in pain as he landed on his ass. "That hurt," Samuel hissed rubbing his sore backside.

"Sam, where are we?!" Wendy asked looking around at the darkness.

"I have absolutely no idea Mom," Samuel said looking down as the polecat rubbed its cheek against his leg, "how did you get here anyway?" His eyes ran down his mother's ghostly form. He had forgotten how beautiful his mother was before the cancer and the chemotherapy took its toll on her body.

"I highjacked into your dream," Wendy smirked proudly.

"Wait! You can do that?!" Samuel asked in stun shock.

"Mmmhmm," Wendy nodded, "your mother knows a great many tricks," she said crossing her arms. "How else would I know it was you that always drank the last of the orange juice, hmm? Or about that one time you...," Wendy said glancing down at her son's crotch, "in my bathroom." She couldn't keep her chuckle contained as her son went red faced. "So not that I mind this astro form, could you possibly make me somewhat solid since this is your head and all?"

"Umm...," Samuel scratched his head wondering how he was to do that. Looking down at the polecat as it yelped scratching its front claws against the material of his jeans. Those multicolored eyes drew him in flooding his mind with the knowledge he needed.

"Eep!" Wendy cried in surprise as Samuel's eyes flared encasing her within that strange glowing light. "Samuel Ross!" she shouted covering her naked breasts and her untrimmed bush a reminder of a time before her illness. "You envision some clothes on me right this second!" Wendy said her cheeks heating to a bright red hue.

"Why?! I've seen Kelly and Charlotte nude," Samuel said tilting his head to the side.

"But Samuel...," Wendy said looking off to the side. She wanted Victor to be the first one to see her nude again. Yet as she glanced out the corner of her eye she saw her son's cock flex at the sight of her. "Do you really want to see your mother like that?" She couldn't deny how her heart raced as her son nodded vehemently. While it had taken a few months for her to remember who she was when her daughter gave birth to her new form. Another couple of months for her memories from the last few months of her time in the hospital to come back to her. She knew her son had seen her at her worst. Seen her hurling up everything after every chemo treatment. Her son cleaning her up without a second thought as she soiled herself when she lost control of her bowels. "Okay, but promise me this stays between us alright?" Removing her arm that covered her breasts, watching her son's eyes widen as he gazed unhindered at her bare breasts. Her eyes glanced down as her son's cock strained against his pants. "Your mother was weak as you know, so I'm not as neat as Charlotte or Kelly," Wendy said moving her hand away from her womanhood.

"Say something Samuel!" Wendy said bashfully as she looked into his wide eyes.

"Mom, you're beautiful," Samuel said. Wendy looked worryingly around as everything turned cold and gray. Time seemed to stop outside of a three-foot radius around her. An old, worn, squeaky hinge resounded as it swung back and forth. Yellow-orange light flickered in the distance as it swung on that noisy hinge. Her alabaster pale skin shone against the backdrop of that inky darkness. It seemed to Wendy the very substance of wherever they were made-up the cloth material and her silky raven hair.

"W-w-who are you?!" Wendy asked nervously.

"You've known me all your life my acolyte," Hekatê said her unearthly voice rang out against the void.

"Hekatê!" Wendy gasped. She had always heard her voice, yet Hekatê never once graced her with coming face to face with the goddess.

"Yes, my child," Hekatê said her cold eyes looked over to Samuel, "I have fortified my Herald's body, yet his spirit needs something I can't provide for him. Your son-my Herald-will need all the strength for the task I have set forth for him. Something only a mother can give him. His spirit is weak too much runs through his mind sapping his strength. Thoughts of you, thoughts of failure of not stopping your illness. An illness I might add was given aid by the very same people that are after my Herald and your family."

"Norman!" Wendy growled.

"Yes, that rather detestable mortal," Hekatê nodded, "along with that coven that has long since out lived its usefulness."

"Tell me my goddess, what have you need of me?" Wendy asked bowing to her patron.

"Do what a mother always does, give your son strength that only you can provide," Hekatê said with a knowing smile. As quickly as she appeared the goddess of magic vanished in a blink of an eye.

"I always thought you were Mom," Samuel said blushing rubbing the back of his neck, "but I didn't think a son should say that to his mother," he said speaking as if nothing had happened.

"You should always tell your mother she's beautiful, Samuel," Wendy purred closing the distance between them. "Samuel is this for me?" she asked running her hand up and down her son's cock. "You've gotten so big my sweet baby. Grown so strong since I've been away. I'm sorry I kept this all from you," Wendy said softly caressing his left cheek. "I know the anger you must have felt all these years' not knowing the whole truth. Yet you were such a loving, caring son always by my side taking care of me when things grew difficult. Always biting your tongue whenever you visited your ailing mother," she said looking behind Samuel as a bed materialized behind him. "It's okay Samuel you need to feed the need we all have," Wendy said taking hold of his hand bringing it to her left breast.

"Go on baby, I know you need it," Wendy stuttered as she felt her nipple hardening underneath her son's hand. "Your mother is going to make sure you're strong enough for what is to come," she said ominously.

"What...," Samuel began to say only to be stopped by his mother's finger.

"Just know I know, and I approve," Wendy said grimly, "they need to be stopped, and you are the only one that can do it. You are the only one on earth that has the power needed to bring down the coven. I know this is going to be a hard road for you, but trust in us Samuel, trust in those that can give you what you need," she said slowly moving her son backwards. Kissing her son sweetly surprised at how good he was at it. She wondered if it was because of her sister or daughter. Smiling down hungrily at her son as he bounced on the bed. "Mmm...Samuel, it's been some time since I've done this," running her hands down his chest, snapping the button of his jeans, "please, don't hold it against me if I'm not as good as my sister," she said hiking down his pants and underwear. Her eyes were glued to her son's cock as it snapped back slapping his stomach. Wendy didn't know why she was so nervous. It felt like it was her first time all over again when Victor took her virginity.

She knew she would have done this long ago if she hadn't perished. To bring her darling son into their world as she had done with her daughter. It was always a family ordeal. That each one of them were to be present as they brought the newest member into the fold. Yet she was denied that privilege. Denied the chance to see her son graduate, to see her son off to college, to teach him what this world holds. However, past wrongs no longer mattered now as she licked up the back of her son's cock. "Samuel, I can't maintain this spell for too long I hope you can understand," Wendy said, giving her son's cock a light kiss as she rose to her feet. "I know you might have wanted more time with me in this manner, but my body doesn't have the energy needed to keep this spell sustained for too much longer," she said, her body hovering over her son's.

"It's okay Mom," Samuel said his fingertips brushed along her left cheek.

"How is it that you grew into to such a caring man?" Wendy asked her lips inches away from his.

"Because my mother raised me to be a caring man to a point," Samuel said with a loving smile.

"I see," Wendy said mischievous grin, "then kiss your mother for teaching you how to be such a good man," she whispered. Her eyes fluttered as their lips touched. Reaching down between her legs, she needed to hurry she didn't have that much time left. She could feel her body weakening the longer she allowed the spell to continue. A soft gasp escaped her lips, biting her lip as the head of her son's cock inched into her womanhood. "So, baby do you like the feel of your mother's pussy wrapped around your cock?"

"Mmmhmm." Samuel nodded unsure if he could keep his moan from escaping his lips if he spoke.

"Would you like for your mother to visit you in your dreams again? Would you enjoy having your mother fucking you every night in this mind of yours?" Wendy asked as she softly rocked her hips.

"Really?!" Samuel said in awe as his hands held on to his mother's hips.

"Mmmhmm," Wendy purred as she rode that hard pole. "Why wouldn't I? Why wouldn't I give my son everything he needs? When it was you that made sure that I was always taken care of," she said, hearing her juices resounding as she rocked quickly on his hard rod. Even though it wasn't real that didn't stop their bodies from believing the sensations weren't real. "Let your mother take care of you," Wendy moaned feeling her son's cock swelling with in her hot molten channel.

A dark wet blotch spread across the crotch of his jeans as Wendy fell forward onto her son's chest. A sweet smile spread across her lips. Knowing that she could finally repay her son for all the times he had taken care of her. Her small tired body crawled beside his, lifting Samuel's left arm as she snuggled against her son. Bringing his arm down, rubbing her cheek against his chest slowly drifting off to sleep beside her dear son.


Kelly stood in the doorway to her bedroom. Leaning against the doorframe gently running her finger along her lower lip as she took in the sight before her. She always wanted to see her brother on her bed. Regardless that she had given birth to her mother's new body. She always wanted to see her brother laying with her child. To know that he was hers as she was his. To show him that this was where he truly belonged. In her bed, her arms, and in her heart. Then she noticed something. It was faint, yet it still lingered in the air. The smell of semen. Arching an eyebrow when she noticed the dark stain on his jeans.

"No, she wouldn't," Kelly said to herself shaking the thought from her head. Gently taking Samuel's shoes off so not to wake him. Ever so softly pulling down his pants peering perplexingly down at his soiled underwear. Licking her lips as the smell of his cum filled her nostrils. Placing a small blanket over his exposed waist, so when he awoke Samuel wouldn't freak out once he did.

Quickly hurrying into the bathroom, her back pressed against the door. Her eyes fluttered as Kelly inhaled the scent of her brother. Nuzzling his underwear, her eyes fluttering as the scent of his manhood filled her head. Her tongue licked along that wet salty spot. She just couldn't help herself. Her brother's cum was just so delicious to her. Soon that magically charge cum filled her body with its lingering energies.

"Sammy?!" Charlotte said, sticking her head into Kelly's bedroom after two hours had passed. Her eyes fell upon his covered groin. She knew Kelly had disrobed him earlier. Knew that something had happened, while they talked in the kitchen about the fate of her parent's home. "Sammy?" she softly called to him as she stood at his feet. Wondering if she could get away with pleasing that cock of his while he slept. However, that was not meant to be as Samuel stirred in his slumber.

"Hey," Samuel said groggily stretching his muscles. "Charlotte, what am I doing in here?" he asked looking around his sister's room.

"You collapsed after you healed your father," Charlotte said, looking down forlorn at that blanket that covered what she hungered for.

"Wait! It actually worked!" Samuel said sitting up in a hurry. Looking confusingly down at the blanket that covered his manhood. "Umm...Charlotte, where are my pants?"

"In the dryer as we speak. You had an accident in your sleep," Charlotte said with a mischievous smirk, "how about we enjoy ourselves, hmm?" she asked leaning forward the tips of her fingers brushed along his jaw, her lips skimmed along his before sinking into their shared kiss.

"You can't have my son," Wendy said waking up. Her puffy cheeks heating as her son looked back at her. Wondering if he remembered what happened in his dream. "At least not when I'm in the same room with him," she said looking towards her sister.

"But Wendy," Charlotte said in a child-like moan teasing her sister. "What can you do anyway you're a toddler?" she asked crossing her arms.

"I can be here for my son like he was there for me," Wendy said moving to sit beside Samuel.

"Is that so? Pray tell, just how are you going to do that from way down there?" Charlotte asked crossing her arms below her breasts.

"Simple. Help my son find Norman and see that man comes to a nasty end," Wendy said darkly.

"Wendy," Charlotte sighed, "we don't even know for sure it was..."

"Yes, I do. She told me," Wendy said sternly.

"You talked to Hekatê?" Charlotte asked skeptically.

"Yes," Wendy nodded, "we need to find him. We can no longer hide from that man. He has already hurt my family far too much. It's high time that blowhard understands just who he pissed off. I will not have that man coming after my son or daughter."

"Alright," Charlotte sighed in defeat. She knew this side of her sister all too well there was no talking her out of this. Wendy could be pigheaded and stubborn as the best of them, however, that is also what made her sister one of the best witches she knew. "Do you want me to go fetch the scrying board?"

"If you don't mind," Wendy said smiling up at her sister. "Samuel, do you remember what happened in your dream?" she asked once her sister was out of the room.

"Yeah." Wendy fought to contain her giggle at her son's rosy cheeks.

"It's okay Samuel to like being with me," Wendy said placing her hand on his left forearm, "I know this form doesn't do wonders for...," her eyes dipped low. "But what I said while we were in there, I meant every word. So, have you thought of a way of destroying the coven? Hekatê isn't one to suffer failure, son. She is a cruel and harsh mistress, yet very benevolent to her followers that heeds to her commands."