Family Secrets Pt. 04


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"Mmm...Samuel," Kelly moaned softly her eyes fluttering loving the feeling of her ass filling his hand, "you know how much I love it when you do that?"

"I know," Samuel said with a knowing smile, "why else would I do it, hmm?"

"I wish you didn't have to go," Kelly sighed as her forehead pressed against his. Her eyes narrowed tasting her aunt's lingering juices on his tongue as they kissed. Cursing her aunt's luck, wondering just when and where he had eaten their aunt out; and why it couldn't have been her that got to feel her brother's tongue parting her throbbing labia. They so needed to feel Samuel's lips plucking, sucking, teasing them until she begged for him to stop, which in her defense would never happen. "You be careful, so you can come back to me and Charlotte. Because this is where you will always belong," Kelly whispered.

"Hello Samuel," Eva said smiling seductively at him as the passenger side door opened, "I've missed you," she lied. She didn't care one bit about any one of the members of the Goodall family only what they could give her -- namely what Samuel could give her. Once they have drained Samuel of his magic he would no longer be needed and would be quickly disposed of. With the rest of his family excommunicated no one from the coven would ever believe them once Samuel went missing. All she had to do was string along Samuel just a bit longer. Then when the time was right she, Beth, and Pamelia would reach heights neither one could by themselves.

"Okay," Samuel said playing coy with her.

"I did! I swear it!" Eva said her hand rubbing his left inner thigh. "George, take us to the house," she commanded, "now once the luncheon is over how about you and I experience the warm sun on our skin."

"Sure," Samuel said looking out the window. One he wasn't going to be fucking her ever again, two he needed to speed up the incubation period on his parasite. He wasn't going to allow them another day on this earth; nor was he going to allow them to move against his family while he had breath in his body.

"Samuel, I know this is all new to you, and how we moved so fast since you've a waken as a witch," Eva said pressing her body against his, "I don't want you to be frightened off," she said hoping to put Samuel underneath her spell. There was no time left to find another to fill in for Samuel. He had to be the one. The one that would move her and her cohorts to heights of magic that few mortals could ever experience.

"I'm not f-frightened," Samuel stammered putting on his act.

"It's okay Samuel," Eva said tugging on his earlobe, "there is nothing wrong with that," she said, her index finger turning his chin towards her. "Stick with me Samuel, and I'll teach you everything," Eva said before she kissed Samuel passionately. While it was true he was only a tool for her, however, even if he was just an expendable tool that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy her youthful tool. "You know how much I've missed this?" she asked rubbing Samuel's groin.

"No," Samuel said weakly hoping she was buying into his meek persona. It was easier to slip underneath their radar if they thought they had any hold over him.

"Here," Eva said, taking hold of his hand guiding it underneath the hem of her skirt. "Can you feel how wet I am? How my pussy aches from not being able to feel your cock inside of me?" she asked breathing heavily against his neck as her fingers guided his along her slit. "We did enjoy each other, didn't we? You did enjoy fucking me, right?" Eva whispered into his ear. She knew that he did. All she had to do was to get him to admit it. Knowing how all young men were like when they got a taste of pussy, so easily controlled as all her fuck toys were. Although, she was going to miss fucking Samuel once their plan came to fruition.

"Y-yes," Samuel lied seeing the predator in her eyes. Keeping his smirk from his face, knowing soon she would be lying at his feet along with all the others.

"Excellent. Now I know you want what is best for your family," Eva said, stroking Samuel's cock through the fabric of his jeans. "I can help you with that. All you have to do is follow everything I tell you. Then I know once the whole coven gets a good look at you then it would be a simple matter of reinstating your family; and all you have to do is feed me this delicious man meat," she purred the tip of her tongue teased Samuel's nose.

"Ma'am, we will arrive shortly," George said trying not to peer in the rear-view mirror.

"Thank you, George," Eva sighed, slightly perturbed that she wasn't going to be able to tease Samuel awhile longer. She wanted all the time she could get to wrap the young man around her little finger.

Samuel was greeted by a cheery, welcoming crowd as he entered that historical home. He wondered how much damage his plan was going to do to the old house. As the crowd pushed and pulled at him Samuel knew some of them were good people. Unaware of Eva's and her ilk's schemes that had doomed them. Yet he knew if he disobeyed Hekatê the pain he had inflicted on Norman would be nothing compared to what awaited him once she got her hands on him. That was one thing he wasn't about to do. He would mourn for their deaths once it was done. Should whomever judge his soul once he was dead he'll face that judgement once the time comes. Whether or not they knew of her dealings they too would meet the same fate. Ignorance did not mean they were innocent. They had reaped whatever gains Eva had stolen, lied, or swindled from whoever was Eva's mark at any given moment. The knowledge that was implanted into his mind as he slept told him that much.

"Hey Samuel," Vlad said waving at Samuel as he approached, "man, you're almost there, almost one of us," he laughed heartedly as he placed his arm around Samuel's shoulders. "From what I have heard the council has taken a liking to you," Vlad said giving Eva a knowing nod. She had tasked him with buttering Samuel up to ensure that he would be drawn into her web.

"Samuel!" Annabeth shouted waving her hand high in the air as she pushed her way through the crowd. Ever since he had left yesterday her cunt had yet to stop throbbing due to whatever he had done to her. Not that she minded one bit, the fucking he had given her was the best she ever had, and she wanted more. She just hoped she could entice him to stuff her cunt to the brim with that orgasmic cock of his.

"Hello," Samuel said as nicely as he could. Eyeing Vlad out of the corner of his eye. Wondering how many of them were working against him and his family? How many of them knew of what Eva and Norman plotted?

"Come now, I know you can do better than that," Annabeth said wrapping her arms around his waist. Giving Vlad a look to beat it, while she might disagree with her mother most of the time. The thought of that she herself could run the coven far better than her mother could do if she could learn how to tap into whatever magic Samuel used ran through her mind. She was, however, in total agreement that they needed to bring Samuel into the fold. Although, it was mostly for her benefit. "Especially, after what we did yesterday," Annabeth cooed as she rested her chin on his chest, "why don't we visit that room once this silly thing is over, hmm?" she asked standing on her toes not giving Samuel a chance to pull away as her lips locked around his. "I see you're all ready," Annabeth said mischievously peering down at the hard-on she felt pressing against her stomach. "Will you do that thing again? I want to know what thirty orgasms feels like."

"That will have to be later Annabeth," Eva said from behind her daughter. Keeping her annoyance from her voice at the sight of her daughter hanging onto Samuel. She wasn't about to allow her daughter to have another ride on that cock of his without her having her fill first. "Come Samuel, the luncheon is about to start," she said gently pulling him away from her daughter. Giving the signal to Beth to move the coven into the banquet hall. She wanted to get the luncheon over with as quickly as she could, all so she could have a ride on his cock; and maybe, just maybe she could get him to do that thing her daughter spoke of. "You must be hungry," Eva said leading Samuel towards the buffet table. Samuel eyes zeroed in on the punch bowl knowing it would be the best receptacle for his parasite. Glancing over to Eva knowing he needed the energies that saturated her sexual fluids. The table jarred as Samuel pushed Eva backwards against the table. "Samuel!" Eva gasped in surprise as his fingers roughly pushed her panties to the side. Grabbing hold of his arms as his fingers plunged into her wet snatch.

"Samuel, not here, okay?" Eva said trying to keep her voice steady as those fingers sought out the depths of her womanhood. "Oh fuck!" she hissed low as his fingers skimmed over her clitoris. "Behave Samuel," Eva said seeing people approaching the buffet table, "ah yes, we would love to have you come by tomorrow. Carrie has a lovely class on spell work," she said quickly before scurrying away to the bathroom. She needed to dry her sex so no one would smell the scent of her arousal.

Samuel looked around shyly before drawing the glyph on the side of the punch bowl for the parasite, adding one to draw the coven members to the bowl, and another to speed up the incubation period to an hour. Any sooner it wouldn't have the desired effect upon their bodies. Moving off as he saw his instruments of his destruction swimming within that sweet red liquid.

Samuel waited patiently for the hour to draw near has he watched the punch bowl from afar. Sensing his pets had infected each and every one of them. When the first howls and the huge crashing of plates as the elderly man fell through the folding table. Samuel hid his cruel smirk as others began to join the chorus. Samuel stalked his prey from the shadows as their magic burned their bodies from the inside out. Beth began to petrify from the soles of her feet upwards. Pauline's eyes exploded in her sockets before falling face first into her boiling hot soup.

"Mom!" Annabeth cried out as her fire magic engulfed her body in a searing ball of flame.

"What's happening!" Eva yelled horrified as she watched her daughter crumple to her knees. "No!" she shrieked as her skin began to sag, wrinkles rapidly formed, undoing the years' she had used her magic to keep her young. Her heart raced in fear as her body aged right before her eyes.

"You know I was really surprise how stupid you could be," Samuel said coldly as he stepped out into the light.

"What?! You did this to us! Why we were going to help you!" Eva said her vision darken as cataracts rapidly formed over her eyes.

"Do you honestly take me for that kind of a fool!" Samuel spat, "I know it was you and Beth that gave aid to Norman to hex my mother. Did you think I wouldn't seek revenge? That you could get away with murdering my mother?!" he growled gripping her chin, snatching her head backwards as he stood over her. "I've dealt with Norman already, Hekatê is keeping his soul entertained while she waits for you. Tell me how wise was it to piss off a goddess? It was she that ordered your sundering, and I was all but too happy to oblige. Maybe if she allows your soul to be reborn maybe next time you won't try to usurp the goddess of magic's will," Samuel said an evil light flared in his eyes as Eva's body crumbled to dust.

"You have done well my Herald," Hekatê's disembodied voice filled the banquet hall, "Go rest. Great things await us," she said ominously.

"Well? Is it done?" Kelly asked as she leaned against the fender of her car watching her brother walking down the steps that once was the coven headquarters.

"Yes, the coven-Eva-and her ilk will no longer threaten us," Samuel said grimly.

"Good. They deserved a thousand times over for what they done," Kelly said; yet she prayed whatever happen in there wouldn't haunt her brother. Slightly jumping as that historic house went up in flames at the snap of Samuel's fingers. "Come, we best leave before the fire department gets here," Kelly said pushing off the fender of her car.

Pulling into a secluded cove, killing her engine as the waves lapped at the shore. Peering over at her brother as his aura pulsated. Feeling his magic filling her car as the sea breeze flowed into the interior. She hoped this spot -- known only to locals -- would ease his mind. It was this very same spot she and Samuel would come just to get away. When their mother was diagnosed this was where she and her brother hid out. Comforting each other trying to understand what was happening to her mother.

"Samuel, now that the coven and Norman are dealt with," Kelly said turning in her seat. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, eyeing the blanket in the backseat she had placed there once Samuel texted her. "What's going to happen now?"

"How would I know, I can't see the future sis," Samuel said with a coy smirk.

"Well, what...," Kelly stopped herself feeling her cheeks heating, "what will become of us, Samuel?" she asked praying that she played a role in his life in the years' to come.

"I think...," Samuel said dropping his chin into his hand. Pondering the words Hekatê had said to him. Was she going to call on him again? If so was he going to have to kill again? He had no qualms about what he had done. The coven had sunk into its sin long ago when they allow such things to take place underneath their noses. However, he couldn't in good faith murder in cold blood. "For now, it will just be us. I would've thought you wouldn't have a problem with being around me unhindered," Samuel said shooting his sister a coy smile.

"Do you mean...," Kelly chewed her lip fighting herself from climbing into her brother's lap, "that I'll finally be able to act like I'm your lover/girlfriend?" she asked her eyes flaring in hunger at his nod. "That maybe once the solstice is over you'll might want to go on another date with me, maybe somewhere fancy, then afterwards take your sister home and make sweet love to her?"

" have sex with my hot sister," Samuel said tilting his head to the side, "you know how insane I have to be to pass that up right?" he asked looking over at her.

"Demented. I would say," Kelly giggled, "though I would hate to have to put you in a hospital ward," she said teasingly.

"Hey. You never know that is probably be the only place they'll actually believe that I believe that I'm a witch," Samuel joked.

"Mmm," Kelly mused running her fingers up Samuel's forearm, "I do wonder if they'll have conjugal visits?" she asked playing along with his joke.

"Oh, I think I can wiggle my fingers and sneak away for a hot tryst with my sexy sister...," Samuel was taken by surprise as Kelly assaulted his lips. Her tongue invaded his mouth, her fingers weaved through his hair as Kelly gave into the lust she felt for her brother. Samuel tried to take breaths, but his sister was like a demon possessed. The deep rumbling purr emanated from her throat as Samuel cradled her braless breasts. Nodding against him as he played with her nipples, her right arm reached through the space that separated the two seats. Her hand aimlessly searching for the blanket she had brought with her. Kelly wanted to experience having sex on the beach, and who better to experience that with than her very own brother.

"Samuel, do you know why I brought you here?" Kelly asked from around his lips.

"Nah-uh," Samuel grunted.

"This was where I was able to comfort you, now I hope we can banish those painful memories with something magical," Kelly said pulling the blanket into her lap, "that is if you want to make love to your sister here on this very beach," she said pointed to those white frosty granules of sand.

"Again, I must say, how insane would I have to be to pass that up?" Samuel asked with a knowing smile.

"Last one there has to eat his sister!" Kelly giggled as she darted out of her car. Samuel just sat there shaking his head at his sister's childish display. "What took you so long?!" she pouted playfully as she knelt on the blanket.

"Some strange woman just ran out of her car, leaving her car door open and left her car keys behind," Samuel said tossing Kelly her keys.

"Well...," Kelly blushed hard as she watched her brother lowering himself onto the blanket, "it's not every day a woman gets to experience the man she loves in the wide-open world like this," she said walking on her knees towards him. Running her hands up his chest, with a sneaky smile pushing her brother onto his back. "I believe we've been here before?" Kelly cooed as she stared into her brother's eyes.

"Seems we have," Samuel agreed running his hands along his sister's hips, slipping beneath her shirt. Watching how Kelly bit her lip as the palms of his hands skimmed along her skin.

"But we aren't going to be interrupted this time, are we?" Kelly asked breathing heavily as she felt his hands caressing her breasts.

"I believe we won't," Samuel said over the soft rolling waves and the shore birds.

"Good," Kelly said grinning down at him before renewing her assault. She knew he was going easy on her breasts so that she wouldn't squirt breastmilk down onto him. Kicking her shoes off with the help of her toes. Her hips wiggled excitedly as Samuel pushed down her pants. She had no idea how she managed to get out of her pants once they were around her knees, yet where there is a will there is a way. "Oh Samuel! God, touch me some more, feel how hot my pussy is just thinking about your delicate touch on those aching lips," Kelly moaned sensuously.

"I have to say Kelly, I never thought I'd actually enjoy having sex with my family members."

"But you do enjoy having sex with me, right?" Kelly asked brushing back her hair behind her ear.

"Oh yes, without a doubt," Samuel said inserting a finger into Kelly's molten canal.

"That's it baby!" Kelly moaned loudly as her folds squeezed Samuel's probing finger, "explore your sister's eager pussy to your hearts content, because from now on you and I are going to be together forever," she said grinding her hips on Samuel's appendage. "Sammy, you know how envious I was that Charlotte got to feel your tongue inside of her before you left. My pussy needs to feel your kiss," Kelly pleaded. She needed to have her cum flooding his mouth as his did within hers. While before this all started she and her aunt were nearly starving, yet now her body was brimming with power. Power. She hasn't felt since the day she and her father conceived her mother's new vessel.

"Well then, park that pretty little thing right here," Samuel said painting his lips in his sister's juice. Feeling the rush of energy surging through his veins as his tongue touched his upper lip.

"Mmm...little brother," Kelly groaned as the pads of his fingers rolled her throbbing bud. Quickly, spinning around positioning her wet mound over her brother's mouth. Her muscles rippled in pleasure as that superheated sex touched his lips. "Go on baby, have a taste of your darling sister," Kelly cooed reaching between her legs, spreading her labia so her brother could peer into her hot sex. Her fist curled around his jeans as his tongue ran up her quivering mound. "Yes, yes, fuck yes," she growled rocking her hips on his mouth, "get that tongue in there. Lap up that hot juice!" Kelly howled as Samuel's tongue twirled within her hot moist canal. Her hands shook as she fumbled with his belt. Tapping Samuel's hips, pushing his jeans and underwear down to his knees. Her eyes flared hungrily as that hard phallus waited for her to partake of that meaty rod.

This was no longer about her need that burned through their family. This was about experiencing the man she loved. To show him just how well she could and would take care of him throughout their long years' together. Biting her lip as she leaned forward. Her hand grasp that hard, throbbing, pulsating appendage. Loving how the heat of his erection soaked into the palm of her hand. Her eyes watched as that soft blue glow haloed Samuel's cock. Inhaling deeply drinking in the source of their magic before his cock rested firmly in her mouth. Her head slowly rocked, her tongue swirled around Samuel's cock. Her squeal was muffled as she came upon his tongue. Looking down her stomach seeing her deep violet glyph for fertility, then to the midnight blue one underneath hers. Her eyes widened at the pleasant surprise. She had no idea how he knew that glyph. She wondered what else he had learned in their grandparent's house.