Family Secrets Pt. 04


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"Yeah, I kind of got that from my dream this morning," Samuel said knowing how high the stakes were for them.

"So, tell me," Wendy said wrapping her tiny arms around Samuel's left arm, "just what have you come up with?"

"Mana burn," Samuel said matter-of-fact. He knew that was the only true way of draining the coven of its magic. True. It did come at an extremely high price of said witch's life. It was still the only plan he could produce while in whatever realm he was in. Even the polecat thought it was the perfect plan, however crazy that sounds.

"Oh?!" Wendy said in shock. "Samuel, mana burn only happens in people like yourself. They are nowhere gifted enough to cause that to happen."

"I know. Why I came up with this," Samuel said uncurling his fingers as he held out his hand. In his hand wiggled a transparent image of the parasite he had created in his dream. Pinchers like the leaf cutter ants in the Amazon to attach itself to the base of the skull once it had infected its host. A needle like tongue like the misquote to allow it to constantly feed on the victim's own magic. Amplifying it once it had finished filling the seed like pods that lined its segmented whip-like tail. Returning that amplified energy back to its host once the copies of itself had all the been brought to maturity. Once its offspring had fully formed only then would that tail break off flooding the host's body repeating the process until the eventual end came. However, once the said host approached another of the coven those tiny, deadly parasites would compel its host to draw near. Forcing them to make skin contact, so the parasite would infect their new victim.

"I see," Wendy said trying not to shutter at the image in Samuel's hand. "So, say once you let this loose how long would it take?" she asked as her son banished the image away.

"Hmm? I can't say," Samuel said scratching his chin, "a day, two, or a week depends on how much magic the said target has. See, the parasite amplifies the host magic doubling it every time it feeds. So, once the host has reached critical mass only then will the kill switch be activated. Then they would feel their bodies being consumed by their very magic they so covet. As in Eva's case all the magic she has used to keep her young would turn against her. Turning her fake youthful body into a dried up, sagging old hag," Samuel chuckled wondering how she was going to freak once she sees those sagging tits in the mirror.

"I see," Wendy said chewing on her lip, "so, how will you introduce this thing?"

"Orally," Samuel said as Kelly walked in with his pants and underwear in hand.

"Here," Kelly said holding out the items for him, "I put your items on my dresser that I took out of your pockets before I washed your pants."

"Thanks," Samuel said taking his underwear from her. Siding his undergarments up his legs, lifting his hips as his hands pulled that warm cloth fabric over his junk underneath the blanket. Blowing his sister a kiss when she pouted that he didn't allow her to see the goods.

"My, it's getting crowded in here," Charlotte said from the doorway, "I would suggest we move this into the living room."

"Yes, I concur sister," Wendy nodded. She pondered just how powerful her son truly was. She and Charlotte at the start of her illness, then along with Kelly once she had been born again, had tried to find Norman; yet the man either had disappeared from the face of the planet, or he had somehow warded himself from scrying spells. "Carry me Samuel," Wendy said looking up at him.

"Not this time young lady," Victor said from behind Charlotte, "your husband wishes to do that. It's been to long since I've held you in my arms," he said slipping passed Charlotte.

"Victor!" Wendy yelped as he plucked her off the bed.

"What?! I won't be able to do this for quite some time," Victor chuckled as he walked back to the living room.

"But...," Wendy said looking over his shoulder at her son.

"Now that Mom's out of the way," Kelly said pushing Samuel back onto the bed, "mmm," she softly moaned as she laid on top of him. Her tongue exploring the warmth of his mouth, her hand slipped underneath his shirt exploring the man she was going to be with for the rest of her life.

"I hope you left some for me?" Charlotte asked crawling across the bed towards them.

"Of course, auntie," Kelly said, "come have a taste of my brother," she purred as she kissed Charlotte passionately.

"Oh? I believe, Samuel likes the sight of us kissing," Charlotte cooed hungrily.

"Mmm, would my cute baby brother like to see his sister eating out our aunt?" Kelly asked breathing heavily into his ear. She took his muffled words as a yes as Charlotte was having her own fill of his lips. "Would you like to see how she squirms when I suck on her clit?" she asked as she kissed down Samuel's neck.

"Kelly! Charlotte! Get in here now!" Wendy yelled from the living room.

"You don't want to leave just yet, do you?" Charlotte asked with a sneaky smile.

"Yes, Mom can wait just a little while longer," Kelly said, slowly grinding her hips against that hard bulge underneath her. "You want to please us for a bit don't you little brother?" she asked her breath hot in his ear.

"Kelly Ann!" Wendy yelled once again.

"Ugh!" Kelly sighed in annoyance, "you will take care of us before you go won't you my sweet, cute, devilishly handsome little brother?" she asked her hand slipping into his pants.

"Yes, I promise if you do then...," Charlotte said glancing over at her niece, "we let you watch us," she said grinning madly.

"O-okay," Samuel said his Adams apple bobbed up and down.

"Excellent!" Charlotte said amused.

"I promise you'll enjoy the show, baby," Kelly said, her hand wrapped around his hard tool giving it a few long hard strokes.

"Now, Samuel, place your hand over your sister's," Wendy said once they all had gathered around the living room coffee table. Her parents had already left to prepare their home for their move to the deep south. "Allow your energies to flow into your sister and aunt as they hold the pendulum. Yes, that's it sweetheart," she nodded as she felt the magic stirring, "don't force it Samuel just let it flow from you," Wendy said in a motherly voice. Her eyes glanced over to her sister as she chanted the spell. Praying that they could find that man. There was no telling what Norman was preparing to use against her family. How she wished she had taken care of that man when he was just a creepy boy. Yet she played him off thinking once they were grown he would lose his unhealthy crush on her. How wrong she was.

Samuel watched as that pendulum swung around the map of the world. Arching an eyebrow as their hands began to move on their own. Wondering if his sister or aunt were toying with him. Yet as he saw their eyes lighting up as the swinging circular motion of the pendulum decreased in size.

"France?!" Kelly said staring down perplexingly at the map once the pendulum sank down on the city of Dijon.

"Why would that bastard flee to France?" Charlotte asked confused.

"Well, he thinks I'm dead and his hex has harmed my husband," Wendy said squeezing Victor's hand, "I would think he would want to get as far away from this place as he could should his crimes become known. If they ever did then he would have a head start to flee to a place where we couldn't reach him," she said looking grimly over at the map. A little unnerved that they had so easily found Norman when they themselves couldn't breach his wards. Was this a trap? Could her own son so easily do what they themselves couldn't?

"Well, we know where he is now...," Charlotte began to say only to be stopped as Samuel quickly got to his feet.

"Sammy?!" Kelly said worryingly as she saw the look in his eyes. "Where are you going?!" she asked quickly getting to her feet. Jumping back as a dark swirling gateway appeared in their living room.

"Sam!" Wendy called to him as Samuel neared the threshold. Taking a dry swallow as she saw that murderous glowing eye peering back at her. She now knew what her sister felt that morning as Charlotte tried to reach Samuel. "Be careful. He isn't worth dying for," she said hoping her words reached him as Samuel disappeared into that gateway.

"So, you have found him my Herald?" Hekatê asked an amused tone underlining her words.

"Yes," Samuel said coldly as he walked down that cobblestone lane. His fist clenched tightly at his side as he headed towards his confrontation with the man that took his mother away from him.

"Excellent!" Hekatê said appearing beside Samuel, "you will need a spell that will render that man to a greasy pile of ash," she said pulling Samuel to a stop. Samuel's eyes went wide as the goddess of magic kissed him. His eyes glazed over as she flooded his mind with all sorts of spells as her tongue rolled around his mouth. "You're close to fulfilling my task, my Herald. Soon all will be set right, and you and your family will be safe," Hekatê said pulling away, "follow Arcita she will show you the way," she said as her polecat familiar appeared out of the shadows.

Samuel was left confused as he stood there alone with the goddess' companion animal. Wondering just what had happened. To him it felt something else was beneath that kiss of hers. Shaking his head at the thought, "Nah," Samuel said to himself.

Samuel's nose wrinkled at the foul stench that greeted him once he had exited from the realm of magic. Holding his nose as he looked around the home Norman had taken up once he had fled from the states. He couldn't believe anyone would choose to live in a state of squalor as he looked around the room he had entered. If he didn't know better Samuel would have said the man was already dead, and his body was rotting away underneath the filth that cluttered the home. Walking through the home trying to understand the man that wanted his family dead. Then it happened. Rounding the corner that would have led to the kitchen, now turned into a conjuring room, Samuel came face to face with Norman.

"What are you doing in my...," Norman began to bark only to be thrown against the wall with a flick of Samuel's finger.

"Murder!" Samuel growl demonically.

"What?! I think you have me confused...," Norman began to say only to have an invisible force crushing his wind pipe. Sweat began to bead along his brow as he stared into those cold, glowing, murderous cobalt eyes.

"Did you believe I wouldn't find you? Fiend?!" Samuel hissed as his power surged throughout the room. Electricity arced off his body he seared his hate into the man's skin. "That you could flee from the crimes you have committed against my family!" he shouted thrusting his hand forward. Watching as the weight of his magic crushed Norman's body into the drywall. "Don't worry soon the coven too shall be joining you in Hell," Samuel sneered as all Norman's past sins bubbled out of every orifices in a black sickly ooze. "How does it feel being on deaths door as my mother once was?!"

"Who are you?" Norman croaked as he struggled to free himself. He had never felt such magic before. He knew if he didn't free himself soon then he would be joining those he had sent to their deaths.

"Oh? Don't you know the face of the man whose mother and father you hexed all because Wendy Goodall wouldn't give you the time of day," Samuel said, as blood stained chains burst through the ceiling. Wicked hooks marred their surface every six inches. Samuel wasn't proud that he took joy in seeing the fear in the man's eyes, yet Norman was a threat, one that needed to be dealt with once and for all. Smiling cruelly as the hooks pierced the man's skin at his command. Taking joy in hearing the man's screams of pain knowing this was nothing compared to what his mother had once felt. Nonetheless, the man needed to suffer before Samuel ended his foul life.

"Please, it wasn't my idea," Norman pleaded lying through his teeth to save his hide.

"You can't lie to me Norman," Samuel growled tightening his magical hold on Norman's body, "Hekatê has shown me everything! There is no way out of this for you scum! This cesspool you call a home will be your grave," Samuel said evilly listening to the sounds of Norman's bones snapping under the strain, "the goddess of magic doesn't take kindly to those that tries to play god," he said watching the man's blood pooling around his feet. "Now burn!" Samuel said sinisterly snapping his fingers watching as Norman's body was engulfed in a hissing ball of orange-red flames. Laughing madly as Norman howled as his body fueled those hungry flames as Samuel walked back towards the gateway.

"Well done my Herald," Hekatê said from her throne as Samuel entered her realm, "however, don't let your guard down yet. I do hope you took a few items of his," she said hinting at what he was going to do. "Now if you excuse me I have a soul I need to pluck from Hades. I have so many wonderful things instore for that foolish mortal," Hekatê chuckled wickedly. With a wave of her hand sending Samuel back to his mother's living room.

"Samuel!" Charlotte cried out as he appeared out of thin air. They had paced worryingly for what felt like hours to them waiting for her nephew to return. "Oh Samuel! You came back to us!" she said throwing her arms around his neck. Her hot tears dripped down onto his skin as she held him in her arms. "Is he...," Charlotte couldn't bring herself to ask.

"Yes," Samuel said darkly.

"Sammy!" Kelly gasped from the kitchen rushing to join her aunt.

"Well, I take it that man is dead?" Victor asked joining them after exiting his bedroom a slight smile graced his face as his son nodded. "Good. That man deserved to die a long time ago," he said approvingly.

"Now all that's left to do is deal with the coven," Samuel said wearyingly feeling the strain of taxing his powers.

"Come. We know what you need Samuel," Charlotte said caressing his right cheek.

"Yes, let us take care of you brother," Kelly said nuzzling his neck.

"Well," Victor said clearing his throat, "I'll take Wendy outside so the three of you can have some privacy," he said walking back to his bedroom. Which he was going to spend all the time he could with his wife seeing how in less than seven days he wouldn't be alive. Then he would have to wait nine long months to see the love of his life once again. However, the idea of going through potty training all over again didn't sit well with him.

"This way Samuel," Kelly said tugging on his right arm as she led her brother to her bedroom. How she wanted to do this when they were younger. To show him how a woman takes care of the man she loves. Yet all that was taken away from them. Now, it seemed all was being set back onto its natural course of things.

"Let me take this off," Charlotte whispered into Samuel's ear as she rose the hem of his shirt. Smirking when she heard her sister's voice and Victor's telling her "It's not for a toddler to be in the same room with grown adults that were about to have sex." Peering over his left shoulder watching how Kelly kissed up his chest chasing after the hem of his shirt.

"Mmm," Kelly moaned as her tongue flicked Samuel's nipple before her lips gently plucked at it. Her eyes glanced up seeing how her brother was enjoying her lips on his body.

"You like having us pleasuring you, don't you Samuel?" Charlotte asked kissing along his neck. She wished she hadn't worn a bra given how her hard nipples were cutting into the fabric. "Give us a kiss," she cooed resting her chin on Samuel's left shoulder beckoning her niece to her. Peering out of the corner of her eye making sure Samuel was watching as hers and Kelly's tongue swirled around each other's.

"Take off your shoes Sam," Kelly purred hungrily as her hands fumbled with his belt.

"Mmm," Charlotte moaned softly into his ear as she grabbed his bare ass, "God, I just want to take a bite out of this tight little thing," she teased.

"Just as long as you don't leave any teeth marks," Kelly giggled, "how would that look if Sammy has to explain why his aunt's teeth marks are embedded in his ass?" she asked with a mischievous smirk.

"True," Charlotte sighed, "but that doesn't mean I'm not going to nibble some time," she said blowing softly into his ear.

"Now why don't you go sit on the bed and allow us to put on a show for you," Kelly said salaciously as her hand ran up his stiffening shaft. "So, auntie, what is it like having twenty some odd years taken a way?" she asked as she lifted Charlotte's shirt. "Fuck!" Kelly hissed as she heard a pounding on the front door. "I just can't catch a break today," she huffed annoyingly. Her footsteps pounded on the floor as she marched towards the front door. "What?!" Kelly's words died in her throat as Eva stood at the door.

"Hello," Eva said putting on a pleasant smile; yet she loathed to come to Wendy's former home. Nonetheless, she needed Samuel, she needed to feel him surging through her folds as he fucked her silly. She hated how her own daughter beaten her yesterday with Samuel fucking her into a blissful state. How Annabeth held it over her all night long when she herself was left wanting. What better way to ensure Samuel was there to fuck her than to hold a luncheon for all the coven members new and old. "I know the coven has inconvenienced your family as of late. For that I do apologize. We were just so taken by your brother that we might have come off as pushy, again you have my apologies. It was never my attention to put a strain on your family. I do know how hard it is for you right now," Eva said as politely as she could. All so that she could lure Samuel back to the coven. Their plans depended on him and his strange energies. "And I know how hard he has been working around here since your father has fallen ill. I promise we won't keep him for too long. We-the council-thought it would be nice for Samuel to meet other witches like himself at a little luncheon."

"You know that is why the telephone was invented?" Kelly said sarcastically.

"Would you have answered knowing it was me?" Eva asked. "Listen I know your distaste for me and the coven for what we did to you and your family. Yet don't you see your brother is your way back in. I know once he has become a full member I can persuade the others into accepting you and the rest of your family back into the fold. Now don't you think that's a fair trade for a tiny amount of your brother's time?" Kelly jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She wondered why she hadn't heard him approaching her. "Good afternoon Samuel," Eva said smiling warmly at him.

"Hello," Samuel said with a curt nod. Knowing how Eva was lying through her teeth. However, this would give him the perfect opportunity to infect the coven. He had heard most of their conversation as he ate his aunt out while she was bent over Kelly's dresser. Fortifying some of his expended energies he had used when he had delivered out the punishment fitting for Norman. With all the coven in one place then it wouldn't be too hard to kill off those wayward witches. "It's okay Kelly," Samuel said squeezing her shoulder.

"You sure?" Kelly asked slightly annoyed that she wouldn't be getting her fill of her delicious brother.

"I'm sure," Samuel nodded.

"Excellent!" Eva said excitedly, "I'll wait for you in the car Samuel," she said flashing Samuel a hungry smile.

Kelly sneered at Eva's back as she walked down the pathway back to her car. The front door closed in a loud thud. She knew whenever Eva spoke, it was most likely a lie. It was the same when she went to the coven for help. Her skin crawled remembering what she had to do to Vlad.

"Sammy, promise me you'll be home soon your sister is hungry," Kelly purred as she pressed her body against his.

"I shall try," Samuel said palming his sister's ass, "it's not like I want to be there anymore than you want me there."