Far Pangaea 84 : Out Sorcerer


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"Pink as a baby's bottom."

"I hope I can stay this way. I missed my old skin color. Having red hair and golden flesh looked a little too bright. Thank you Kiddies." She rubs her tummy. Another flutter in her heart received their "You are welcome."

As they stowed away the armor in a sewage drain they heard a familiar voice. A very aggressive voice, "There are the witches."

Greta looks up from her nudged armor. Crouching she grits her teeth, "Bet ya'll want yer armor back. Cursed to smell like perfume. Ya'll sure?"

Gawain motions his men to surround them as best as they could. Along with Tristin and Armand were four others. Tristin moving to the left of Ruby edges near with his sword noting a difference in her, "Your color has changed. Art thee some chameleon from Merlin's collection?"

"Nope. This is the true me. I kicked your asses earlier I can do it again. Even in a corset. We need to talk. All of us. So slow down the bravado and testosterone. We are not Morgana's sisters. We were sent here to save Queen Ingrid from her. Ingrid lies in a dungeon. Morgana impersonates her on the throne."

"Deception." Armand deploys loudly.

Ruby nods with her hands in front of her, "That's right."

"Nay. Tis thee that deceive." Armand finishes his sentence.

"LEAVE OUR MOM ALONE." Erupts a united bellowing voice that enters everyone's head. Ruby felt it extra hard. Her children had disobeyed her. But, how could they have had such a burst of telepathy when not even she could hear them without assistance? The Soldier's each grew pale and looked around them in high places like idiots. Greta chuckling, "Like I said Box Canyon. Dumber than a box of rocks."

Ruby clears her mind lifting her chin ever so slightly to look over her brow with a bitter expression, "Greta? We have company."

"We do? What?" Greta stands up and observes a very pleasant surprise. Into the alley comes not only a prancing German Shepard but he escorts three horses belonging to the Soldier's behind him. The shock made the Soldier's glance between the beasts and the women in horror. Their pleas to God for forgiveness excessive.

"Xander?" Ruby mentally calls out to the dog. She knew that he couldn't hear her but she tried. After all her own mind picked up her children. She had a hunch Xander might react. He did indeed. As did the horses. Xander sitting down in front of Gawain panting yelps the words, "Put on your armor like nice Soldiers and listen to our Mom. She knows best." The Shepard tilting his head at hearing their voices. A shake of his noggin Xander took over, "Hello Colonel Goddard. Should I bite them?"

"Well now. That is a first. Hello Xander. I'm not sure how I can hear you but it is good to see you again."

"Your children being telepathic have tapped into my brain chip. My Master James Ian installed it when I was..."

"I know the story. We need to convince these guys to help us instead of fighting."

"DONE MOTHER." The joint voice of the children in her tummy recite with a snickering sound. Ruby closes her eyes knowing this was going to go badly. In her mind Ruby just couldn't get a verse out of her head. The children using it to their advantage.

Tristin's horse lingers closer toward his owner and reacts far differently than it ever had. Its lips curled and showing off teeth that chattered as its head nods, "A HORSE IS A HORSE OF COURSE OF COURSE."


Haunted yet absorbing the words the Soldier's lay down their arms. Swords lowered or sheathed.

"I do not understand this." Gawain takes a deep breath, "If you are using us you will pay."

Ruby decides to make her move. Going to the horses she claims their reins and escorts each to their rightful owner. Greta easing over to Tristin's horse to dig out her cowboy hat. With a wink she puts it on. It clashed with her dress. She did however notice Tristin eying her bosom. With a smirk she whispers, "Visor up here. I'm taken by a handsome Roman. Thank ya for the gawkin' though."

"You are?" Ruby winces, "Since when?"

"Since none of yer bees wax." Greta giggles shyly.

"Right. Anyway. Now that I have your attention please listen when I say I am not lying. I have information that implicates Morgana as posing to be Queen Ingrid."

"How might thee know this?" Gawain narrows his eyes with scrutiny.

"MY MASTER TOLD HER." Xander enters, his thoughts amplified by the psi talents of the children Ruby Goddard carried.

"How do the beasts speak?" Armand hisses with fear in his eyes.

"Relax. All of you. The beasts are only speaking with the aid of my children." She rubs her belly in front of them.

"You are of child? You look not." Gawain frowns.

"Oh I am. It's a long story you must trust me. Show respect Children." Ruby requests. In doing so her breasts light up with the letters "H and I". Ruby rolls her eyes as Greta hides her expression. She wanted to laugh hard. All eyes were glued to Ruby's massive cleavage, "Not what I had in mind." She snaps her fingers to regain their attention, "You can stop staring now."

Xander growls loudly to offer his own assistance in maintaining control. The horses moving about to block their owners vision. It was a good distraction. Greta decides to move next to Ruby with her Winchester held over her shoulder like a bad ass.

"Now ya know how I felt, Bosom Buddy."

"Enough fooling around." Ruby marches straight up to Gawain, "You're their leader right?"

"I am. Gawain."

"I remember. Gawain I swear to you your Queen is held captive in a dungeon below Camelot. My information is never wrong. Your King might be in grave danger if Morgana succeeds in whatever plan she is hatching."

"But, Our Queen is also of child. She will give birth very soon. How can it be Morgana?"

"Maybe Morgana has been playing your Queen for enough months to get pregnant."

"That would mean..." Tristin glares at his brothers.

"Right. They bumped belly's." Greta snickers then contains it.

"Preposterous." Armand growls, "Demons I say."

"NOT DEMONS." Xander yelps, "GOOD MASTERS."

"Look at least go into the dungeons without Morgana knowing and look for Ingrid. It's getting dark. Perfect timing to sneak down there. You can still save the day." Ruby expresses emotion through anxiety.

Gawain nods, "We shall investigate this. You will go with Tristin and Young Lance to a safe distance. Harm them at your peril."

"No harm. I have family in that castle too. My...son..." She smiles looking down at her belly with pride, "He is the lad that pulled the sword from the stone. I know I referred to him as my ward."

All eyes bulge at the revelation. Kneeling swiftly they bow befitting a royal mother. Although of a bastard son. Gawain then ponders, "Yet, you are of child again? You do not look old enough for the sword owner. Our King and thee?"

"Long story. It is true. Well, except for me and the King. He will confirm it in time. Trust me."

Rising the Soldiers agree. Gawain sending Tristin to lead Ruby, Greta, and Xander away. Each of the others still too afraid to go near the horses. The steeds would wander the alley for the evening. Alone.

"Nice digs Merlin." Elder James Ian admires his secret domain in a forbidden chamber of the castle. Through the Magician's eyes that is. In response Merlin mumbles, "This is quite unsettling." Responding James sighs mentally, "I know. Morgana being preggers with Art--Uther's baby just isn't right." Merlin groans before he even has time to think, "Nay Spirit I mean that you inhabit my body."

James chooses to remain quiet and takes in the candlelit room. The second Merlin stepped through the chamber door hundreds of candles instantly lit up. A spell cast that James wanted to refer to as Clap on Clap off. He decided against it. Instead absorbing as much insight as he could on the items within the room, "Is that an Astrolabe?"

"Aye. Babylonian. I have many antiquities. Many magical potions. Books written before the dawn of time."

"Eye of newt kind of stuff? Wait. That book looks familiar. I've seen it before." James forces Merlin's legs to carry him to a table. On it rested a hard bound book opened to a page held with a peacock feather.

"The tome is quite old. From the Orient."

"Book of the Living. We had it back in Pangaea. Cam and Malcolm found it in an old sailing vessel. All dead. This is the book that cast a spell over my Dad---well Jack. He used it to bring down a fallen Angel known as Verago. How did you come to have it?"

"It appeared before my eyes in a blinding blue light. Rabbits along with it. They make quite friendly pets. A gift from a...friend."

"Rabbits? My Mom Ruby had a massive run in with rabbits on the X'Hal. A spaceship crashed in Pangaea that we called home . The book just vanished one day. We never knew what happened to it. I don't understand how it could have traveled through time unless...the rabbits...right they opened a pocket dimension that led Mom to meet you. Your older self that is. She's here now so you might end up meeting her again. This book could help us get Jack back. He was cursed to roam far from us. His family. I do know he made new friends over time. So his curse only removed him from us. We did get him back but not through the book. I suddenly can't remember how. Damn these paradoxes. I'm really afraid of what will happen once I reach 2027 again. The year Orin Ridge captured me and took me back to Pangaea. You see I saved my friends and took them home to 2027. Years after they were originally lost. But every time something happens to deviate from that timeline it screws with the current line. That's why I'm jumping bodies to reach the future and figure things out once and for all."

"I understood none of that." Merlin hisses.

"Sorry. Let's concentrate on one thing at a time. We stop Morgana. Only you can probably do battle once the magic starts flying. I'll just help you any way I can. Pretty smart here. High I.Q."

"Gesundheit!" Merlin presumes James had sneezed. How did he know German? "Didn't sneeze but thanks."

The sudden ring of a gong gathers Merlin's attention, "The King calls. Queen Ingrid must be nearing labor. Only one ring calls the Midwife. Another shall request my services." "Morgana is having a daughter correct?"

"So sayeth the Oracles. I think." The Magician had conflicted thoughts.

"Oracles? Let me guess three women. The Fates? Maybe Morgana's sisters also using illusion to deceive?"

"Perhaps. Or, a Midwife. I have been away so I learn only what Tremellyn has told me through messenger. I must touch the Queen myself to seek the truth."

"Let's go do that then."

"We cannot. Not unless summoned."

"Great." It became a waiting game. In the meantime James sat Merlin down to go over the Book of the Living. If all else failed he wanted to rescue Jack. If he could just figure out how. Merlin his best chances.

A bucket of hot water from a flaming hearth rains down over both James and Moe. Sitting naked together in a large wooden tub. Embarrassed like never before. Not one but three handmaids were there to care for them. Sponging them with soapy, well sponges. It felt good to have his back washed but James didn't much care for the old hags present. Moe just liked to splash the water everywhere. Cleaning him took effort. His fur thick and matted. Being touched didn't seem to bother Moe.

After a second warm bucket they heard a door creak loudly behind them. As James reads minds he hears a familiar voice. Eyes bulging her thoughts were quite stimulating. He hears how handsome he is. That made him smug. With swagger he lays back and stretches his arms out along the rim of the tub. Reaching him she offers a soft, "Hello My Prince." Another glare to the handmaids she ushers one away. The other two she informs, "Take yon Jester to his room and brush him thoroughly. I will finish here." The old women look to each other troubled by her sudden authority. It takes her to say, "The Queen's orders. Pamper him."

Moe didn't want to leave the water but James mentally suggested he go eat and enjoy the brushing. Not knowing what brushing even was Moe had the curiosity to find out. Splashing wildly as he leaps up from the tub he climbs out and goes with the women. Fruit sounded good. As he vanished and the door closes Guinevere smiles down at James.

"How may I serve thee?"

James suddenly froze, "EEP! Ummm, I'm still dirty. Bathe me?"

"As you wish." She kneels beside the tub and claims a floating sponge. Soaping it up she reaches out and dabs at his chest. Her eyes were so blue he wanted to go swimming. She found his eyes in their silvery tone as if mirrors to the soul. Amid their momentary eye contact James didn't realize her hand reaching down to wash his..."I better wash down there."

"Do not be foolish Young Prince." She giggles and resists. Her sponge caressing his sudden erection. Having never been touched by a woman James Ian whined. Finally, he leaps from the water and climbs out covering himself with his hands. No towel in sight. His clothing gone to be washed. She blushes and stands up before him, "Am I not pleasing?"

"YES! I mean no. I mean..." He knew this girl would one day be Uther's Queen. He couldn't tarnish her chastity like that. Even if he was bold enough to do so . Sure he was a pervert but there was a time and place for everything. This was not the time. Regardless, Guinevere unties her lace bustier and lets her dress fall to the wet stone floor. Hiding her hands behind her back as she stood totally nude before him. James turned pale. Before she could seductively get too close he backs up toward a balcony when he hears a loud clearing of a throat.

"Oh hell no. I leave you alone five minutes and you're looking at other girls?"

Eyes bulging to the max James turns to witness a big surprise, "SOPHIA?"

"Put some pants on I can't take the temptation." She jumps down from the balcony ledge having dispatched a lone guard in her climb to reach James. Guinevere suddenly lost control of herself and expressed a dizziness. Her hidden dagger revealed she reacts with anxiety. Eyes rolling back into her head she storms toward James. Sophia immediately leaping in front of the boy, "Don't you dare touch my Man. Hussy."

Dagger slicing downward Sophia scowls and lets it strike her. The blade splintering and being absorbed into her Tyrants. The blade was tasty. Prepared to punch Guinevere James yells out, "Sophia stop. This is Guinevere."


"King Arthur's future..." He chooses to whisper the rest, "Queen Guinevere." Sophia pauses as Guinevere loses her mind and attempts to lash out at her. James carefully dodges Sophia's flesh and dives on top of Guinevere wrestling her to the floor. In very awkward positions as they rolled about. Sophia raises an eye brow and folds her arms over her chest. Her Man was getting a bit too frisky in his battle. She could even hear James faking how strong she was.

"Seriously? Moe could have beaten her in thirty seconds. Get off her already."

"I can't she might try and hurt you. We both know how that outcome would end. You're not eating the future Queen of Avalon." He suddenly grits his teeth at admitting her future to her.

Hearing him Guinevere shakes off her spell and comes back to reality. James laying on top of her with a sizable erection far too close to her inner thighs. With a loud scream she panics. As much as she lusted she had no concept of how things escalated this far. Let alone the oily skinned beauty also standing there watching. Bitterly.

"What is happening?" Guinevere whimpers, her eyes tearing up.

"Oh, I don't know. Trying to stab my boyfriend." Sophia grimaces coldly, "Well, when he gets older that is. And, cuter. And less scrawny. Anyway, you can let her go now Stud."

James frowns at having to conclude Sophia was right. He needed to behave. There was a current Queen to rescue and a Witch to be ratted out. It was obvious to James that Guinevere was sent here by Morgana to slay him. Her spell concluding when the blade was eaten. Standing off of Guinevere he offers a hand to help her up. Her eyes glued more to his dangling manhood than a gentlemanly assist.

"Yo Queenie. Eyes up here on my fist."

"I know not what I have done. I beg forgiveness Young Prince."

"Prince?" Sophia chuckles, "That's hilarious."

"I pulled the sword from the stone." He corrects himself again whispering, "Ok, Moe did I just held it."

"Smooth move Squire Boy. Let's find Moe and get out of here. Ruby and Greta are looking for you."

"How did you find me?"

"Snuck in through the sewers. I heard some guards talking about the boy with the silver eyes and his pet monkey. Said you were in the tower. Easy enough climb." She flexes her biceps smirking.

"Mom knows I'm here. We've talked telepathically. We have to save Queen Ingrid. She's held captive in the dungeons below Camelot. Morgana Le Fey is posing as her. Both Queen's are pregnant and ready to give birth."

Guinevere looks haunted, "Morgana Le Fey? We must tell the King." No clue that the Witch had deceived her as Ingrid.

"Not yet. We have to catch Morgana by surprise." James suddenly feels a breeze come over his skin and realizes he still stood there nude. Looking around he uses a bucket to hide his limpness, "Speaking of surprises...My older self is here. He's hanging with Merlin."

Sophia drops her jaw, "He's here?"

"Ummm! Yeah I'm here. But, yeah I'M HERE!"

"Where is he? Do I look pretty?" She frantically tugs at her hair.

"Seriously? We don't have time for your flirting with...well...Me. Chill out Sophia."

"You're right. I'll head to the dungeons and rescue Queenie. Ingrid? I thought it was Igraine? Ugh! Migraine."

"I'll get Moe and Guinevere here can show me the way there. Secret passages even. Has to be some." He edges past Guinevere and retrieves her dress as she rises. Looking away he lets her get dressed in soggy clothing. He then winces, "Can you go get my clothes?"

"Yes, Young Prince." She scurries away. Once she does James drops the bucket and stares at Sophia. She tried to look away herself but grit her teeth. There he was...her Man as she thought taunting her. Groaning she pivots on the ball of her bare foot and heads over the balcony. James chuckled. Even under stress he loved tormenting Sophia. As Guinevere returns James too gets dressed and they were off to collect Moe. They found him brushed out and wearing a sleeping gown. Ribbons in his hair. James just had to laugh. Guinevere worried more about her King. Gown tossed the ribbons remained. Moe liked them.

"I did not have an affair." King Uther sits next to his Queen as she lay there in labor pains. The Midwife preparing for delivery. Ingrid/ Morgana moaning at her child's eagerness to be born. Ignoring Uther she closes her eyes and mumbles a spell. Her belly shrinking slightly then growing again. Back and forth. The Midwife terrified by the sight. Uther too releases his Wife's hand and stands in awe, "What be this?"

Morgana goes into impersonation mode and cries out, "What is happening to me Husband?" Her words proving effective Uther turns to his door and flings it wide, "Ring the Gong. Summon Merlin." In seconds the gong rings once again.

In Merlin's chamber the gong is heard just as James using Merlin's hand rips a page from the Book of the Living. Knowing it was Merlin's call to action he let the Magician take the lead.

"Do your thing Merlin. I have your back." James then reaches out to his Younger self, "She's going into labor. Go after Ingrid."

Younger James, Guinevere, and the colorful Moe were already heading down a stone stairwell. Dark and foreboding. A single torch to light their way. Rats screeching in the shadows. Guinevere hated rats, clinging to James as he wields Excalibur. Having retrieved it from their assigned quarters.