Far Pangaea 84 : Out Sorcerer


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"Already on our way Older Me. By the way. Sophia's here if you haven't sensed her. She's heading to the dungeons ahead of us. I filled her in. At least if we run into trouble she can even the odds."

"I knew she was close. I found the Book of the Living. I think we can save Jack. Remind me to pass a page off to you before you head back to the portal."

"Awesome Dude." He grins as Guinevere looks at him.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Myself." James didn't lie.

Outside the castle the Soldier Tristin guides Ruby and Greta along. Playing as if he had two comely wenches in his needy charms. The ruse meant to keep the situation under wraps until they moved past the palace guards. Being Soldiers even they could not enter the Castle uninvited. Acting drunk he hugs the girls tighter and lands a hand on each of their bosoms. Ruby wanted to break his hand. Greta stomped his foot causing him to limp. Reaching the guards they were forced to stop.

"Tristin? Is that you?"

"Aye Frederick. Come to share the wealth with thee."

Greta takes a deep breath and bats her eyes at Frederick and his fellow guard. Her flirtation leading to a chuckling grin from another guard, "On duty we are."

His partner promptly inspires his duty until Frederick pats his back whispering, "Keep it down Lad. A bit of fun on duty will make the night go by faster." As Tristin releases Ruby and Greta into their charms an immediate pawing up led to knees in their groins. A love tap punch from Ruby knocks them cold. Tristin prayed this was not a huge mistake.

"Dungeon entrance is this way." He leads them through a door and down into the depths of Camelot. Xander prancing behind them from his hiding place with Lance. He could smell his Master in the air. Taking the lead the German Shepard whined toward Ruby. She could hear him say, "MASTER IS AHEAD."

"James is close by. Let's be careful here. Greta? You know what to do." Ruby prompts her friend into going invisible. Shedding her dress to her life fiber suit and stealthily heading out on her own. Winchester in hand. Hat atop her head.

"Thy friend is quite fetching." Tristin admits.

"I LIKE FETCHING." Xander retorts. Only Ruby could hear him this time. She snickered slightly.

"Yeah. She is. Element of surprise just in case. Have Lance lay back to keep anyone from following us." She directs as Tristin motions the young Soldier to stay behind. Although edgy of the shadows that seemed to slither he followed orders.

As Ingrid/ Morgana writhed in her bed chamber as if possessed by some demon Uther cringes near the door. Prepared to call upon guards to hold her down to prevent hurting herself or their unborn child. He chose to refrain until Merlin arrived. Their Midwife battered about in her attempts to keep Ingrid calm. Within the disguise Morgana laughs, her charade meant to instill fear in her half brother. As soon as the spell fulfills its role in switching babies with the true Ingrid, Morgana would release Ingrid who would be shrouded in the illusion that she was Morgana. Let her brother cleave the head of his Queen without ever knowing the truth. The ruse was too perfect. The daughter within Morgana would soon become a son. Her daughter finding a new home within Ingrid. Happily ever after once Uther had a son. If only Guinevere had taken out James, her unexpected obstacle. Stupid girl that Guinevere.

"Forgive me Ingrid." Uther calls from the door, "I did not tell you the whole truth. There was a girl. Her name was Mildred. The boy surely her son."

Morgana laughs within her tortured act, "Ignorance Brother. How you have managed to stay a King this long is beyond even me. Soon, I will take your life and place our son upon the throne. This land will be mine."

A rap on the door leads Uther to usher in Merlin. Shuffling forth the Wizard narrows his eyes at the sudden impressions probing out upon Ingrid's belly. Uther halting Merlin by hand reacts, "Be she possessed Old Friend?"

"Let us find out." Merlin escapes Uther's grasp and steps to her bedside. Morgana opening her eyes to stare up at her fellow Sorcerer. With narrowing gaze Merlin holds both palms over her belly and begins a chant. One to calm her. As well as decide the sex of her child. Within James Ian's spirit admires his work. Knowing he might need to intervene if she attacked physically.

"What's the diagnosis Doc?" James asks Merlin.

"Be still." He replies in thought mid spell, "It seems there are two children at play here. Ahhh! I see. She intends to exchange children in the womb. Ingrid must be found immediately. Her life might not survive the transference."

"On it." James dedicates himself calling out to his friends and family, "MOM? YOU NEED TO FIND INGRID FAST. MORGANA IS TAKING HER BABY AND SWITCHING IT INTO HER. Vice versa."

On the dungeon stairs Ruby halts Tristin, "No time for taking this slow. Ingrid may be giving birth down here to Morgana's child. Anyone gets in our way gets a whupping. Come on." She darts down the stairs rapidly, catching up to Xander. Tristin hot on her heels. Reaching the bowels they hear a shushing noise. Torchlight cast around they witness a stone doorway slip open. Out comes a welcomed sight. With a loud gasp Ruby reacts with a tear, "James."

"Mom? MOM!" He races into her arms as Moe jumps for joy. Tristin spying Guinevere he moves to her side. Guinevere tells him what she has heard. He concurs that her knowledge is accurate.

"Don't you ever run off without me again. Do you understand Young Man?" Ruby was becoming more and more motherly. Her concern for James bonding closer. Family stayed together. Her children within light up her bosom with M and E. It was a joyous moment. One that faded as Greta reports in behind them.

"I think I know where the Queen is being held. Two really big fellas watching over a wall like its a cell. Can't see or hear no Queen hollarin' but I'm bettin' that's where she's holed up."

"Greta." James jumps to hug her as well. Even with her invisible. Tristin clings to Guinevere at the sight of an invisible woman. Guinevere trembling but smiling at Tristin holding her close. Hormones at work yet again. James steps back and seals his eyes, "Hang on I'll track Ingrid. Ingrid? Can you hear me?"

One loud scream later James winces, "Yep. Behind the wall. She's in agony. We have to go."

Ruby takes the lead with Greta and Tristin behind her. James racing with Moe and Guinevere to the rear. Reaching the deepest recesses Ruby halts her group. Eying the guards she realized quickly that they were not ordinary men. While armored like traditional palace guards these guys were giants. 7 feet tall with massive muscles and very large swords. One holding a mace as a preferred weapon.

"I'm going in." Ruby allows her body pigment to go gold. Feeling her body swell with energizing cells. Her kids giggling inside like a ride on a swing. Greta joining her boldly with her Winchester ready to waste a saved bullet or two if necessary. Xander found them just as they advanced and charged in snarling.

The guards realizing they had company mobilized into a fighting posture. A mace swinging wide at the canine nipping at his feet. A swing that finds air as the dog dodges his attacker.

"Find your target Dung." The bigger guard growls facing Ruby. She became a blur as her fists pounded his torso like a jackhammer. He felt no pain and slaps her aside. "Well met Larjas." His companion guard grinned.

Behind everyone James looks at Moe, "His name is Large Ass, HA!" Moe laughing in his own monkey like manner is joined by a frightened Guinevere and Tristin. Untimely their amusement faded fast. A Winchester shooting Dung in the kneecap helped. In the echoing confinement of the dungeon they couldn't help but hold their ears. Dung limping charges toward Greta. As if he could see her. He could only guess at her position due to the gunshot. In his advance everyone had to move back. Behind them a drainage aqueduct for the sewers. Losing balance James drops his sword Excalibur into the pool the ducts fed into. Tristin moving into position to defend them.

"My sword?" James glares into the dark waters. Moe huffing at him, "Mine." Guinevere merely shrugging at their banter. As battle raged around them the waters bubble up with the pungent scent of urine and shit. Rats in a sudden panic within the shadows. Up out of the water rose Sophia Ridge in all of her smelling glory. Sword in hand and strangely not dissolving.

Both Tristin and Dung pause in their fight to bear witness. Tristin swallowing dryly, "The peasants spoke true. The Lady of the Lake."

James chuckles, "That's no Lady. Lady of the cesspool."

"You're a riot. I should swallow your sword for that." She flings it at him as she crawls up from the pool to charge toward Dung. Tristin stepping aside. Dung never knew what hit him. His mace ripped from his hand. Along with his wrist. Agony felt the giant topples back into the water. He would bleed out there. Rat food.

Tristin looked at her with horror as she winked at him in passing. Off to help Ruby against Larjas. Ruby and Greta were holding their own. James took the initiative to stop her, "Sophia? Wait. I need you to take this wall down carefully. Ingrid is on the other side. Ready to give birth."

Sophia hesitates and follows him to the wall. Feeling around it a bit her acidic hands leave palm prints. Before striking it she turns to James, "By the way I carved a heart on Stonehenge with our initials in it. You can remind your older self how much I adored him."

"Me. Aww! Punch here."

She listens snickering and utilizes her strength to rip chunks of wall out until rubble begins to collapse. Tristin moving in with a torch for light Sophia motions him away, "I got this Spartacus."

"It is Tristin."

"Sure it is." Her body illuminating like a floodlight blinds everyone. Screams of pain guide her to cast light upon Ingrid. Tristin peering in spots her.

"My Queen." He crawls through the hole and reaches Ingrid. Noting her belly battling about from within just as Morgana's was. Horrified he resists his fears and picks her up. Moving quickly to relinquish her into James and Guinevere's arms. Once out he joins them. Calling out to Ruby Tristin reveals, "We have the Queen."

"Get her to the King. Guard her with your life. We'll be right behind you. James? Get upstairs. Take everyone with you. That means you too Sophia. Greta? I got Large ass here. I need you to go round up some horses. We have to hurry back to our drop point."

Everyone in turn evacuates. Ruby made a snap decision that she hoped she didn't regret. Changing history was bad. But, everything they had done in Pangaea alone probably messed things up as it is. What was one more incident? Glock in hand she shot Larjas in the balls. The giant doubles over with an expression of disbelief. With a set of roundhouse kicks she pummels him again and again until he too staggers backwards into the sewer water. He couldn't swim. The shit went down the toilet.

Ruby headed up. Catching up fairly quickly they gathered at the head of the stairs. Gawain and his fellows were waiting. Guinevere in her hurry tripped on her skirt and fell forward. Mouth wide and squealing she was caught by the young Soldier Lance. Not before her face collided with the Young Man's crotch. Eyes bulging both found their gaze locked once she was pulled upward. Lust at first sight. Go figure. She liked Lance a lot. He liked her a lot.

James and Moe await Ruby with Xander circling them excitedly. The pup was grateful to have his friends back. Sophia eyes the sword in James possession and stops in front of him.

"Why didn't my touch melt that sword?"

"Enchanted. Must be why." James looks at the blade more closely, "Whoa! I think this metal has Mercurio in it. That could be the reason."

"Matches your eyes." Sophia winks then sticks her tongue out at him. A Soldier attempts to offer Sophia his cloak but she waves him off, "Sorry Sir Cuteypie, but you might want to hang on to that if you wanna keep it." He looks at her puzzled by her rejection. She extends a finger poking it with a nail and it instantly melts through the material. He swiftly reclaims it and looks it over with awe, "Thanks for offering though."

Ruby nudges the boys, "Go with Greta."

"I can't. I have to see this through. Besides My older self has a page from our missing Book of the Living. He says it might cancel Jack's curse."

Ruby brightens up, "What? Seriously? Fuck! What good will it be if we get stranded here forever? Fine! Let's go. Sophia take Xander and Moe to join Greta. I'll go with James and the Knights."

"I don't think they're called Knights just yet." James points out.

Sophia hesitates, "I need to see James again. He's inside Merlin. It may be my last chance."

"Dammit!" Ruby growls, "Come on then. All of you."

The band trails Gawain and Tristin with Ingrid. Her pain threshold beyond coping. Blood was staining her tattered dress as it was. Not a good sign. Reaching the upper corridors they hear Morgana also screaming. Gawain and Armand kick open the door to the Royal chambers shocking Uther.

"What is the meaning of....Ingrid?" Uther darts his gaze between the two twins in appearance, "What is this I see?"

Gawain lays Ingrid on a cushioned early type loveseat and lets Armand sit with her. Gawain then approaching Uther with sword drawn.

"My King? This is the true Queen Ingrid. The woman in thy bed is Morgana in disguise." A sword half unsheathed awaits Uther's command. Uther uncertain looks to Merlin for advice. Both women were lost in their labors. Merlin frets a bit confused until James offers an idea.

"Can't you just conjure a spell to reveal the true appearance to Uther?" In response Merlin does indeed try. A mist swirls in the air at his fingertips, turning lavender with a hint of yellow. Glazing it over Morgana the Witch resists the spell. She was indeed powerful. Crying out to Uther Morgana as Ingrid screams, "Slay the Witch. Our child's life is at stake."

Uther leans toward the real Ingrid and draws a dagger approaching her. Uncertain he delays a final decision. Merlin with James within him knows the truth but to prove it was necessary. Suddenly, Ruby enters with Young James wielding Excalibur.

"Let me try." James uses the reflection in Excalibur to offer enlightenment. Hovering it over Ingrid he see's the truth. Moving quickly toward Morgana he again peers into the reflection. Being enchanted the blade bears witness to reality. Morgana's vision appeared with a haunted look.

"This is Morgana." The Witch snarls at her discovery and calls forth a spell to secure her from intruders. An invisible shield over her.

"To slay me will end your children's life Brother." Morgana cries out, the transference nearly complete.

"I do not understand." Uther looks with an agonized expression.

Merlin in turn pieces things together, "The girl in Morgana is being replaced with the son of Ingrid. I cannot stop it or both children will perish."

"How can this be?" The true Ingrid screams reaching out to Uther. He races to her side kneeling to hold her hand. His Soldiers not knowing what to do.

"Do something Merlin. Ease my wife's pain." Uther then looks up at Young James with Ruby gripping her son's shoulders. Merlin eases next to Ruby as elder James speaks through him.

"Mom?" Ruby creases her brow, "James?" Both found the timing awkward.

Morgana begins laughing at their dilemma, "Your son will rule this land Uther. There is nothing you can do. My son now." Her barrier warding off Armand as he tries to touch her. His sword merely stopping in mid air as he collides with an invisible force.

"Let me at her." Sophia barges in. Uther shocked by her nudity. Gawain quickly explaining her assistance. Sophia inches through the door and eyes Merlin. She could almost see James in his eyes. Merlin nods realizing what Sophia might try. Whether her plan worked remained to be seen. Approaching Morgana Sophia reaches her hand out discovering the barrier. Both hands now applied she defies the mystic influence and attempts to eat her way through it. Certainly not easy. As her caress weakened spots in it Morgana hisses. Her laughter fading at realization.

"Get away." Morgana snarls, her eyes burning red.

Young James moves next to Sophia leaving Ruby to worry. Hip to hip James raises Excalibur over the weakening areas and slips the blade through the barrier. Its tip drawing close to Morgana's throat. Fear grew in the Witches eyes. That changed to a deadly smirk. She would not die that easily.

Seeing this Uther steps to the right of James glaring at the maneuver. Merlin joins them. He was amazed at the joint effort involved. As their attempts reach a pinnacle the true Ingrid passes out. Her belly halts its tortured morphing. Gawain offering information as he kneels to feel the Queen's forehead. Ruby crouches beside him to check her pulse. It faintly existed. But, what of the baby?

"Sophia?" Merlin / James the elder peers over her shoulder, "Try something for me. Concentrate. Tell your little friends to leave your body and spread out over the field. As long as they have a hold on you through your palms they won't perish. A full on assault might rupture the field entirely."

"I can do that?" She brightens her eyes.

"The bond you have with the Tyrant Tears is unbreakable. As long as you nurture them they will obey you. Go ahead."

"Okay Old guy." She sticks her tongue out at Merlin knowing full well it was James in there guiding her. Committed she closes her eyes and communicates with her symbiotic allies. The gloss of her flesh fading as the barrier receives the shine instead. Now visible the sounds of sizzling penetrates the air. She was doing it. The Tyrants were having fun, "The Tears are laughing." She giggles. Proud of her Merlin pats her butt. Eye contact made Sophia smiles, "I miss you James."

"I'm right here." Young James groans.

"Not even close." She sneers at him.

With a loud scream Morgana begins chanting. As her body convulses so begins Ingrid's assault. With a sudden awakening Ingrid snaps a glare at Gawain. Uther returning to his wife's side. With a deathly stare Ingrid expires. Her ripe belly ripping open before their eyes. Ruby insists they get back and forces them to retreat.

"This can't be good. Everyone out of the Royal quarters." Moe and Guinevere are escorted away by Lance. Moe resistant because of his fondness of his new family. Terror had not set in for him. Regardless Ruby pointed for him to leave, Moe listened. Ruby then turning her attention toward young James. Sword still primed for a death plunge once Sophia's friends had eaten their way through the magical shielding. To Ruby that was a big if. Seeing Ingrid's belly shredding it was obvious there was more to her baby than met the eye. While all eyes watched blood cascade from Ingrid and Uther's emotions losing it, Morgana adds fuel to her spells. Turning now on the Soldier's present. Ruby realized the Witches intent and examined the expressions and lost eyes of Gawain, Tristin, and Armand. They had succumbed to her control. This was going south fast.

"Your Highness? You have to leave this room now. GO!" Ruby forcefully pushes him along as he spies swords being drawn and advancing steps in his direction.

"My Men! Morgana has claimed their souls."

"More than that. Go I'll do my best to rescue your child." Ruby slams the door shut on Uther and turns quickly to face Armand. A swift sidestep saves her from being impaled. A lunge toward Armand energizes her body and she relocates her elbow to his nose. Sadly, it was broken and he fell backwards gushing blood. Tristin and Gawain circle Ruby looking for an opening. In doing so Merlin/ James casts a spell that makes the stone floor beneath the two soldiers become tar like. Boots firmly stuck to the floor. Ruby then disabled Tristin easily. A single punch to Tristin's jaw knocks him unconscious. He collapses to his knees and drops to the tar. Gawain kept slashing his sword at Ruby who ducked each swing. He was far enough away to avoid hurting. She merely overlooked him in favor of the erupting ooze from Ingrid's lifeless form. In her spillage a baby flows forth to the floor and cries. Cord dangling it lays there a moment before Ruby realizes it begins growing. In seconds it had tripled in size. Becoming grotesque in features. Umbilical cord whipping about it crawls to its hands and knees and drags Ingrid from her resting place. It was morbid beyond description.