All Comments on 'February Sucks - Payback'

by Farmers_Son

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

OMG! Someone get a cork and plug the dike! There have been so many continuations of this story that it's gotten laughable! This one was awful. PLEASE STOP!

SwordWielderSwordWielderalmost 3 years ago

Very good story and it fits with the original story very well. It does deserve 5 stars. I personally don't agree with him forgiving her; I would have divorced her.

sem999sem999almost 3 years ago

i didn't see this as a attempt to crating new memories .i see this as a rubbing nose. 1 star

Kurt_044Kurt_044almost 3 years ago

This story is well written but I can’t believe any man could let bit go like that.

SouthdownSouthdownalmost 3 years ago
A Broken Record!

Marc LaValliere will always be a bad guy here in L.W. and 'Linda' will always be the name associated with a cheating, skanky slut(Apologies to Lindas everywhere) This story is totally dry and holds no interest for most readers any more. The original story I never really appreciated as the great work of literature some misguided readers and authors credit the sullen derge! Sorry George! I gave this story 2 stars, one for Farmers_Son and one for G.A. who are both in need of a little star skill after such poor stories!

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 3 years ago

if he wasn't going to fuck her, why play along? its another version of the cuckold chronical. The fact that he stayed with Linda shows he's a pussy. Your worried about the kids, they along with her friends and her have no respect for him anyway.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 3 years ago

The first page was good, about Linda and her husband trying to make things work again.

The part I never got from Mr Anderson’s original was why Linda ever told the complete truth. Why not shade things a bit, admit to the sex, but not rub his husband’s nose in it by going on and on about hoe Marc was the best stud ever. That set it up so her husband could never compete.

Why wouldn’t Linda have thrown away that stupid blue dress? That’s always going to be a bad reminder of what happened.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

No, Mr. Main Character, you COULDN’T care less. THAT’S the height of indifference. Being unable to care any less than you do. If you COULD care less, you aren’t there yet!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So first Linda cheats on her husband with the help of her friends and then next year she takes her husband to same location to celebrate her birthday, with the same friends who had helped her chest on Jim, all to show how much she "loved" Jim. Then the author introduces Marc Lavalliere so that he can shift the blame int his shoulder and portray him as the sole villain, and the readers are supposed to forgive Linda even thout she didn't clearly rebuff Marc's advances. Great story, Cuck-lord FS. Welcome back to literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

well written. But the whole best sex ever thing would be a major block to remaining together. Shoot guys know it cant always be great for her, but to know for a fact you do not rock her world the best is a lot to overcome. Mentoning it in the story afterwards doesnt jell well with an ending of them staying together.

And frankly no guy would not have turned and walked out of the place seeing his old friends there.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapualmost 3 years ago

I love the part that Jim suck it up and stayed with Linda.

Yes I could feel his emasculating moments every time his mind suddenly turn on the "movies".

I am glad they stuck with each other in the end.


But boy, I don't know if I like it or not really like it.

I mean, the moment Linda came down the stairs in that infamous blue dress,

for me, everything from thereon was CRINGE MOMENTS in capitals.

At that moment, it is apparent that Linda still has the power, she still think the marriage centers around her, Jim was wimpy as Linda took over control and manipulated every aspect of the scenes until the part where Ellen came in. That "blue dress" really made me want to stop reading -- but I did finish the story though, almost having second thoughts. Well, at least the author portrayed Jim as the best person from all the characters.


Though I didn't really like but you stirred up some (cringe) emotions in me while reading this. Thanks for the effort and sharing Farmers_Son.

justwetwojustwetwoalmost 3 years ago

"Will no one rid me of this turbulent storyline?"

Thank you for writing this. It is very well written and was a pleasure to read.

That said... this framing has gotten a bit long in the tooth.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
I could care less means you must care enough that there is room for there to be less.

The expression is “ I couldn’t care less. “ thusly you don’t have any caring for the matter.

This one always bugs me.

Sort of like how people might not like a story where even the original losers find a way back and don’t go through life hating.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

Her idea of wearing "The Blue Dress" for him was stupid. Then she wants to recreate the night? Why doesn't she just stick a knife in his gut and twist?


I still don't get into changing INTO sexy lingerie. Why not just wear it? It's not going to stay on long anyway.


So far, Linda's plan is working to perfection, LOL.


"You ruined your wife's birthday supper." - Ir wouldn't have been ruined if she didn't try to recreate the ruined night.


"Remember, we are making new memories to override the old ones." - Yeah, that worked SO well at the restaurant.


"I am sorry but I still remember how he made me feel." - I'm sorry, but that CAN'T help things.


I was wishing that Linda DIDN'T give her blessing to his having a night with Ellen. It would have been better if he had left her begging for him to not go.


When he said that he would never do anything like what Linda did, that was in a different world, before Linda opened the door. I truly believe that if Marc had never happened he never would have even danced with Linda, or at least not without Linda's OK, and he certainly wouldn't have gone off with her.


I'm sorry, I can understand him not following through, but under the circumstances he's done nothing worth "crawling on his belly" for.


NO, he doesn't need to ask forgiveness, he never really did anything. Any hurt she felt at what he DID do was well-deserved, as she herself said.

kencorokencoroalmost 3 years ago

That part when Gene's wife succumbed to douchebag is just stupid and unnecessary. Didn't he already lost his dashing looks by that time.

You could have easily made it that Marc tries something with Ellen that warrants a violent retaliation by her bodyguards. You already foreshadowed that during the dance.


I already have no respect towards the husband. Instead of writing him as playing along with Ellen to show his wife and her friends how it felt, you made him actually contemplate on actually doing it.

Rather than making him look faithful in the end, it only support his wife's and friend reasoning for not being able to reject the temptation from a celebrity.

Then he declares he'll be crawling over his belly for his devastated wife. Why didn't he request the same from her.


"If I do this I am no better than LaValliere in respecting marital vows."

Wrong comparison! If you do this you are no better than your wife, Linda in respecting marital vows.


And this idiot Linda knows their marriage is shaky. Instead of focusing on mending that relationship, she brought along her friends so their relationship can be repaired too. Even wore that traumatizing blue dress, buy a new one you stupid idiot. Plus, replacing his reservation thoughtlessly to go back to that offending place.


If you wrote someone as offensively idiotic as this wife, please write something than can redeem that. In this story, nothing is written that will redeem her stupidity. That is a huge hole in this story.

Seeing her husband left with a beautiful model will only make her feel betrayal. It won't fix a stupid thoughtless bitch.


As always with reconciliation stories, why is it always the wronged husband that have to make the most effort to repair the relationship. The cheating wife rarely makes the move, and if she did the effort are lackluster and often unconvincing as shown in this story. Thankfully no counselling trope here.

Too bad only the husband is shown to be thoughtful enough of his wife's feeling on his leaving with the model. If only his wife is shown to have the same thought about her own betrayal, this might have been an acceptable story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What is this bullshit?

How stupid is that wife? Recreating the night? Repairing relationship with her friends while her own husband is still hurting? If she did bought that dress, how easy it is to buy a different one. An

You can't portray a wife this stupid and just leave it like that. At least show her effort to change. Show that she understood how selfish she is towards her husband.


You should have learnt something from the criticisms on Epiphany ending.

You can't just make the wife keep piling on her offense and then just leave it. Make her earn the forgiveness and make her redeemable. Emotion alone can't fix or prevent wrongdoing. It's not just about husband being heroic for protecting his wife. This wife also needs to show she is worthy of saving, and she never did.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Can we please just let this story die? Absolutely no new ground was covered here. Let's be honest, the original wasn't that great. Let alone good enough for 63 endings.

LenardSpencerLenardSpenceralmost 3 years ago

Given the unlikely situation that their relationship continued, this weak, pathetic piece-of-shit husband should have grown a backbone and told his slut wife, on the night of her birthday, to immediately take off THAT blue dress. Then taken a knife/scissors and cut it to shreds in front of her. Telling her to put something else on. All that crap from her about making her slut clothes her husbands was just BS.

Then the manipulating bitch changes all the bookings her husband had made. WTF. Has this guy no self respect at all? Sorry, but all that fiance crap didn't ring true at all. Her wanting to fuck this pathetic apology for a man just wouldn't happen. Maybe PRETENDING to do so to piss off ol'Marc but this husband has all the attraction of a wet towel. Also, Linda encouraging her weak husband to go and fuck the model... more BS. Sorry Farmer, the story just doesn't run true.

SkubabillSkubabillalmost 3 years ago

It's really good to see Farmers_Son posting again. Keep coming back.

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 3 years ago
The absolute opposite of love is to not care anymore, but the opposite of revenge... not, not caring. Revenge is eye-for-an-eye type stuff. To not care anymore, to turn the other cheek, is not revenge. It maybe what forgiveness is, but not revenge. In fact the opposite of revenge is forgiveness.

The only time to not care anymore is revenge is if the offender wants offendee to remember the offense. But so many bullies, like Marc the asshole, do their damage, laugh, and move along totally forgetting and not caring about the damage they caused, and then bully someone else.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 3 years ago

I liked it a lot! Too bad that Linda was actually tempted again, but he did the right thing and seems to have pulled her back from the brink. There's a chance for them. I still don't care much for Dee.

Rw43Rw43almost 3 years ago

So all day long I've had Mettalica's version of that song playing through my head. You know, the video in which the blond stripper concludes by saying "I would do it all again" in spite of the fact that she exposes her little girl to abuse and possible molestation every day.

Metallica's variation of the Bob Seger classic is a lot like your variation on George Anderson's original.

Thanks for treating the original with respect instead of turning it into a cartoon using characters who bore no resemblance to Jim and Linda as many writers have done.

It's not fair to criticize other writers for whatever form their creative expression takes, but it is fair to blame them for turning a novel into a coloring book; by taking Jim and Linda, two responsible, devoted sacrificial expressive adults (one of whom has a major meltdown) and turning both of them into toddlers pitching tantrums, some of the addending authors have demonstrated that they are still incapable of creating powerful and moving characters of their own.

But that's ok, in the sense that writing should be a growth experience.

Your story, however, captures the dilemma of the original in a nutshell: even though both spouses WANT to grow past that night, (a major contrast with most versions) how do they do it? Every memory he has of their previous relationship, every little way they communicated their devotion to each other has now been tainted. So as he now tries to come up with new means of showing his attention to her, he gets frustrated because they are unnatural, less expressive and more forced. He can't stand to see her in blue, or in lingerie because they invoke terrible memories; the lovemaking they are still working at is probably mostly in the dark. She knows she allowed the Assh*le to take her husband's place for a night, so she wants to give her husband the same things she gave the assh*le, and believes that she is making a statement to Jim that she has restored him to first place in her heart; Jim though doesn't want the offerings that she gave another man FIRST.

Reconciliation may not always be a viable outcome, but it is the essence of the February Sucks saga. If the relationship is dead, there is no story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Not worth the paper it would have been written on

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 3 years ago

Nice attempt at keeping the characters somewhat the same as GA wrote them.

The real problem is that the characters were not believable or likeable.

Any man finding Linda worth more than pissing on is simply pathetic.

Linda was a lowlife as written and as unworthy a partner as can exist.

I do not buy the scene where she was slapping Marc because he was engaged.

She obviously didn't give a shit about her husband, children or marriage when she was a whore for Marc so the outrage she displayed when finding out about his fiance was frankly unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Hmmm, there’s so much wrong with this story I don’t know where to start. The fact that he’s still with Linda to begin with is the glaringly obvious one. Then the fact that he’s El Presidente of the SIMP club may have something to do with it? The realisation that his friends are all arseholes could be the clincher but perhaps the fact that his wife is a cum guzzling arse acrobatic tunnel cunted whore might just kip the discussion into wtf land!

Next story, make sure the males actually have some balls and not a projection of your own inadequacies.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 3 years ago

One of the better sequels - well done! 4*

whateverittakeswhateverittakesalmost 3 years ago

I'm not sure why you had to bring the toxic hangers-on into this story. They served no purpose except to highlight how badly Dee needs to have her mouth sewn shut.

Carioca_ManCarioca_Manalmost 3 years ago

I don't remember commenting on any work in this "series" of texts. Not even in the GA original.

Maybe because I didn't like the direction the story took. Getting Jim with the autruism of not betraying Linda, for maintaining a unity of his family (see Emma and Tommy) and his integrity. Even though I was left with the shame, the disrespect of Linda, her "friends" and family and especially with the horns and a reminder that Marc "Asshole" Deville, fucked his wife in every hole several times.

I don't have the stomach for it, and even if the court cleansed me up in favor of the ex-wife, I would still divorce the slut.

This author, did not escape the same premise of the original and several RAAC lovers and Cuckouders on duty.

Someone will say that the asshole had his pay, but so what??? Jim was not married to Marc. Marc owes no respect to him or anyone else. Who should respect is the wife, fiancee, girlfriend or whatever the term of the moment.

Cheating happens when the committed partner deviates from that commitment and engages, on any level, with another person, whether male or female.

Some authors had ideas very close to mine, and their readings were more pleasant. I applaud the effort of this work, as I'm sure the author took a few good hours to do it, but still, more of the same was left to me.

But as I always write and repeat, that's just my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

No for any number of reasons. No because he was back with Linda in the first place. No because Linda admitted to being tempted again. No because Linda insisted on going to the same club and doing it with the same “friends”.

TeggeTeggealmost 3 years ago

Decent right up to the point where he falls to his knees...

Wildbill314Wildbill314almost 3 years ago

Why can’t people just let it go?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You can't fix GA's incoherent mess, and this was awful.

Freddog6601Freddog6601almost 3 years ago

This story was just too far out there to enter the realm of believable unless the husband is a worthless groveling whimp with severe masochistic tendencies.

In any case, I didn’t find the an enjoyable read.

KittyCampbellKittyCampbellalmost 3 years ago

He earned his gold cuck badge, didn't he?

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 3 years ago

That’s one of the better sequel/endings. I just can’t get my head around why Linda kept the blue dress, shocked that any woman could be stupid enough to think her husband would ‘get past’ her betrayal while she kept a souvenir.

Even more shocking is how Linda tried to recreate the fateful night using the same former-friends and locations. Was she again taking advice from idiots, who Jim didn’t want to know anymore? She wasn’t going to erase Jim’s mental images, or his memory of her extolling Marc’s sexual skills.

It seems she went to a lot of trouble recreating an awful night. Just. Plain. Stupid. Even if she didn’t expect Marc to reappear, Im surprised Jim didn’t just leave her at the restaurant, telling Marc ‘she’s yours’.

Regguy69Regguy69almost 3 years ago

FS, I thought you were going to turn him into the shallow fucktards that his wife and asshole were, but you pulled him back from that pit. Of course, I believe Jim should have dumped the bitch and made the best life he could as a part time dad. Linda reaffirmed her affliction by admitting she was, once again (still), temped to go off with the asshole. Where was her righteous indignation when he approached them? She didn’t react until Jim was being captivated by Ellen. No, Jim should have grabbed her wrist as she stood up on that fateful evening and insisted she stay with him. If she refused and walked off with asshole, go home, get the kids and start the divorce.

RanDog025RanDog025almost 3 years ago

The best of all the Mark LaValliere stories! 5 stars for sure.

xbowxbowalmost 3 years ago

Could not give this a good score. I am not against reconciliation but have trouble with one in this case but that isn't the reason. It was more the I want to wear the blue dress and you need to get over it attitude and the ambushing him with her inviting the assholes to dinner and then pushing him into going along 'for her'. Those actions showed an attitude that really made the reconciliation a tough swallow. Of course then there is Linda going ballistic and slapping Marc because he came after he when he had a fiance! Hypocrisy is a fact of life but that took it to extremes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I like some of your story's man but I'm sorry you lost me when they were still together. I don't care if he is out for revenge. How can he possibly stay with her? She doesn't respect him. She can't. She can't love him romantically either. You cannot respect somebody and do what she did. You cannot love someone romantically and do what she did. It's not going to happen. I am not just talking about the cheating. That is a sign of disrespect alone but she made no effort to protect his emotions and self worth.

You cannot respect your spouse and leave them publicly humiliated and emasculated by leaving with a stranger to cheat. The supposed celebrity idea is a red herring. It is inconsequential because it is overshadowed by the glaring inconsistency in character development. Come on people. It's fucking obvious. Every alternate take is a reaction to this even if the writer doesn't realize it.

Anyway, to continue, You can't love and respect your husband by being delivered back home by the man you left with and then tell your husband it was the best sex of your life. That is dehumanizing demasculating and otherwise completely cruel and lacking an empathy. The wife cannot be both a happily married, well adjusted, devoted wife and mother and do all that. She might be swayed and seduced to have a discrete affair away from her family to protect them while cake eating. That happens ALL the time with both husbsnds and wives. I would have believed that story. But it wouldn't have been inflammatory which was obviously the intent. God am I so sick of this fucking story. Starsong1977

AngelRiderAngelRideralmost 3 years ago

It's the worst fucking story I've ever read it's actually worse than the original

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Any version of this story that includes Jim staying with Linda is utter fucking bullshit. No real person would put up with that level of disrespect.

The only acceptable ending is Jim with sole custody of his children so her poison can’t corrupt them. Linda, Marc, and the so called friends also have to suffer.

One Star only.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You were behind the 8 ball from the start trying to flog this dead horse and it just descended into ridiculous. Good fiction should challenge reality , this challenged nothing.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

@kencoro Re: "Rather than making him look faithful in the end, it only support his wife's and friend reasoning for not being able to reject the temptation from a celebrity." - I disagree. This wasn't about him being unable to resist the temptation, since she had already opened that door. We'll never know how susceptible he'd be to temptation if she hadn't already done it to him.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

@Farmers_Son, if you're going to write the umpteenth version of a story it had better be EXCEPTIONAL, one that even the haters would have to give 5 stars. I'm sorry, but this ain't it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thanks for a great start to my weekend! My only complaint is that you don't write more often.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 3 years ago

boring.... yet ANOTHER classic FARMERS SON wimp pathetic husband. I intentionally waited until there were over 30 comments on this story just to see how can we actually will be. And the vast majority of rational readerss here know that the wife wearing the blue dress on their special night out a year later is still just irrational the masculine eating hatred by the author.


And having a wife beat up the football player while the husband stands by and trembles in fear is CLASSIC farmers son shit story writing

JonDoe315JonDoe315almost 3 years ago

This seems more like real life but the story still sucks because he stayed with the cheating bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You stayed true to the original where he is a sad shadow of a man. So after all this she still had the best sex of her life? He will forever be somewhere in maybe the top ten but a good provider? Why oh why kerp the cheating bitch! She wears that damn dress, goes to tjat club, states she is tempted to go with mark!

Just a continuation of s story that angers so many.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

One of the few attempted sequels that stays reasonably true to the characters in the original.

KRD19254KRD19254almost 3 years ago

Farmer, one big issue was your beginning of THIS story you relied on an understanding of the initial story but after reading some 20 alternate endings I was lost for a while. A small prelude to setup the conditions of your story was needed to insure the reader is in the right story/context mind for a drop-in ending.


Your lack of ass kicking of Dee and friends STILL does not sit well with me. She was at the center of the problem and 'few' L writers seemed to grasp this giving her proper suffering.


Going back to the scene of the crime was very stupid for Linda to force him to overcome. And it nearly killed that marriage, again. Linda (and DEE/others) are not the sharpest knifes in that drawer to not see the potential blow up that almost happened. The only glue to this marriage was his love for two kids. Otherwise he would have bolted as I almost did. Life is too short for this shit and the unknowns that Linda seemed to keep pushing.


3.75*, Hooyah, no salutes...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

God awful. Just....god awful. Where to begin? She said "let me wear my blue dress for you" and he doesn't wonder right then how she got her hands on it after he threw it away? Yet he says nothing? Huh?? So did she dig it out of the trash? If he despised that dress to the point of throwing it away, how could she even consider the idea to wear it again? Then he's so shook he can't drive but she still wears that dress. Then her plan is to have a do over, right down to the same people who watched or helped humiliate him? And he sucks that up too? At this point I'm wondering if the old memories aren't better. Then the dumb restaurant scene yet they are still working on those new memories.... Just awful. Page two he has friends holding him back? Linda finally says something? They just happen to end up at the same hotel? Look, I appreciate you authors but this is the first time I wished I could block someones story. Maybe her plan worked to overwrite his memories but funny thing is, they didn't overwrite hers. She gets her husband and keeps the memories of the best sex of her life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I really don't get the obsession with the GA story. The multiverse of endings is just bizarre at best. Let it go, people.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

His moral character might be flawless, but his logic is severely warped.

Him getting revenge on people that have wronged him deeply IS NOT in the same category as what his wife did to him. Yes, he is still married his wife. But she broke almost every single vow when she humiliated and left her husband for a fling with a celebrity, and then developed a slight emotional attachment towards marc.

The marriage is ONLY alive because he wills it. His wife killed it. He rushed to put it on life support. He sacrificed his self worth, his character, his pump oxygen into the dying marriage he's got. I might add with his wife still holding the metaphoric knife with warm blood on it. She even tried to minimize it....which is ANOTHER layer of soul crushing disrespect.

So nobody doubts his value as a man. He is a man's man. His wife didn't do shit to help him. Nobody did. He did it all by himself. With her actively killing it. And even in her sorry and pathetic damage control state....all she did to make it up to basic bitch stuff that ANYONE should be doing at college dating levels of romance. So no, she's a horrible excuse of a wife.

A revenge affair wouldn't make him weak. In fact....women like his wife ARE STUPID. she would see his kindness AS A WEAKNESS. She's already made that mistake. She's too entitled and stupid to see the world in a different lense. She even gave him a nod of approval, because I secretly think it makes her proud of her husband. just like she felt giddy at the idea of a superstar seducing her.....she sees her husband as having celebrity value if a model wants his dick. we just all assume she's grown by leaps and bounds in a single year....but i don't see it. she would be crawling on broken glass to earn him back. instead she's playing therapist with her 'exposure' she qualifies and deserves that position. i'm not saying exposure treatment is bad, but should the cold blooded slut wife be the one to give it to him? how does she justify it to herself? she seems entitled...even now.

and i never got the sense that she was much of a great wife. maybe an average lover when they were younger. nothing about her stands out. so her husband has to pretend 'he's above it all' warping reality to believe her betrayal equals what he was given permission to do. and that she deserves the perfect man. because why wouldn't he begin to resent her? he's this amazing guy....he never cheated. but she so easily cheated. why wouldn't that resentment fester, and push him to seek a woman that actually deserves a man like him?

this wasn't a drunken mistake. this was a planned thing. public humiliation. and minimizing after the fact. there are so many layers of cruel here....that she can't be given an easy path towards reconciliation. you made me love the husband more in your story....but i resent the wife even more now.

wonder203wonder203almost 3 years ago

You can not write an average story when you are the 47th or so person the write the same

story line.

fritz51fritz51almost 3 years ago

I love this series, but I don't like the weak husband versions. Staying with Linda - for any man with a shred of dignity, not likely, but go for it. Prove to me that she deserves a second chance.

When she comes down the stair case with the SAME Blue Dress on that she disrespected him in with asshole, having changed his reservations for dinner to return to the scene of the crime... any response by Jim OTHER than finally kicking her to the curb is unacceptable. Sorry, she continues to be a self absorbed cheating slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"George Anderson's great tale" seriously? Admittedly a lot of authors took a stab at fixing it, but only because the original was so horribly broken. Would have been so much better off just to start over.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


Stop kvetching. His was better than yours.

BSreaderBSreaderalmost 3 years ago
Nice take

A nice take on this story, you write very well I may need to read somemore of your stories keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This should have been a 3 since it's really more or less a rehash of the Linda birthday/Ellen scene in the original. But because it's Farmers_Son I bumped it up to a 4.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Are there really people out there who are as stupid as the ones in this story?

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


Other then staying with the cheating wife it was a good tale. I like that the asshole got his and he could play aroung no more. Staying with the wife and seeing the old friends was another story. Still not a bad tale. Four Stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

ANY writer trying to continue/finish this story which wasn't that great in the first place is just flogging a dead horse, enough of these 'February' stories! 1*

Impo_64Impo_64almost 3 years ago

This was good until the cheating wife rage attack because her lover was engaged...That night even knowing he was married she would have gone with him the same way...The bad part about that attack is it was there to make this dead marriage to resurrect and have a happy ending...Another mistake was the show up of those false friends again...He should have left as soon as he saw them...So barely 3*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Dont/didnt like it. The selfish wife, eager to undo all the ill she had participated in, still thinks only of herself . She disrespects her hubby by changing their date plans, includes the x friends who had intimate knowledge of the husband emasculation and thinks she knows best how to restart the marriage while totally ignoring(and doesn't empathize) w/ hubbys issues and pain.

Myself, her admission that it was "the best sex ever"for her would make it impossible for me to forget or reconcile. The knowledge that she would have that memory forever means that I would always be second best(maybe not even), that she stayed w/me for the kids etc. Fuck that, no never no how.

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

No, you failed recapture the true angst of this sad tale. You made him a wimp and her a saint, again.

What self respecting man would put up with Linda’s total disrespect for her husband. It is appalling what she did to her family and to constantly throw unforgettable night into her husbands face continually afterwards Is down right disgusting to say the least.

Even in your story she reminds Jim a couple of times of her world being rocked by Asshole Marc.

The fact she wore the blue dress and returned to the Morrison dance club with her conniving friends to “re enact the night of her seduction is absolutely mind blowing.

She cancelled the restaurant and did not tell him, she booked Morrison’s and did not tell him, arranged her friends to be there and did not tell him, and wears the infamous blue dress despite his feelings. What respect does she truly have for Jim????


That’s obvious from what we are shown in this poor story.

She had to have known Asshole would be there, after all we are told he constantly her seeking another tryst, sends her flowers etc.

Of course she knew he would be there, only her husbands actions stopped the travesty from happening again.

The entire Ellen fiasco just proves what a cuck wimp Jim has become. He actually needs to fuck her to get his self respect back and to truly show the pain to Linda the pain and devastation he endured when she fucked, all her holes, asshole.

But no, the author needed to factor in moral bullshit which just made Jim look even more wimpy than what he is. The ending disgusted me completely. What a cop out by the author.

I have been married 40 years to my lady, never strayed and the same for her. We raised 4 boys.

Went thru all the ups and downs in life but are still very much in love as we were when we first met all those years ago.

I respect her and she me. We agreed long ago that any cheating would be the end, no second chances. Without trust and respect marriage is very hollow indeed.

When Linda cheated, especially the way she cheated, and the telling and reminding of her husband how her world was rocked would be the end of ANY marriage.

No respect of him and her no trust ever would guarantee a divorce, regardless of the kids.

We all know it, so why don’t you write that instead of the gobbledegook you did write Farmers_Son???

Reality and truth make for good stories too you know?

Try it you might like it.

Scores 2/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This February Sucks version was well written as I expected from this author but I was disappointed when Jim left with Ellen. Knowing how betrayed he felt and the damage to his marriage he was trying to repair I can't see him leaving with his seductress . As the saying goes Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right.

Dlh143Dlh143almost 3 years ago

I wish somebody would find something else to write about. Once again, Jim is left a sniveling wimp! Linda and Marc cuckolded him and nothing else is going to change that or help him forget. This story is now the proverbial dead horse! 1 star!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

All those who continue to be outraged because the stories don't fit their exact moral code really should just write their own stories instead of expecting authors on this site to do their bidding.

FabGMxFabGMxalmost 3 years ago

Sorry but no. In the original was not only unrepented after her night with Marc, but boasted her infidelity claiming that was the best of her life, and then its Jim who choose the high ground or the martyrdoom of cuckoldry just for the sake of his children.

This one its not much better. She really wants to replicate that night? With all the details including the dress, underwear, place etc. Sorry no.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I have the same criticism of F-S’s sequel as I do nearly all of the others. People try to write the sequels by changing the premises that GA set in his February Sucks world. This was the closest at dealing with the situations that GA left us, but it still cuts out major parts of GA’s world.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Poor effort…..


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Dum is not the best way to rate this story. Anybody know something better?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Should of left it alone

The fact that the wife planned the night again to prove to husband that she was his and then when her lover shows up, she can't even reject him, just keeps her head down? Then you go and throw the husband a bone by giving him a chance to make the whore feel the same pain he did, only to rip it away from him by having him turn the other women down and then have him go running back to the whore and apologising? Fuck no. The only alternative ending this shitting story should have is the husband dumping the whore and getting revenge on them both.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A different approach, but in the end no better than the others. Linda and Jim are two one-legged people who now stay together so they can fake walking, or in their case fake being in love and married. Whoever knows what desperation exists between two fucked up spouses? In the end, who cares?

Thanks for the effort.

kencorokencoroalmost 3 years ago


I agree that wife already opened that door, and even turn the room into a sidewalk with that birthday dinner stunt.

But at the same time, this author keep selling us the crap that the husband still love his wife so much. Even portraying him as 'heroic protector' against the douchebag. And that crawl over his belly apologizing bullshit.

Unless the author write that husband admits that he didn't love her that much anymore, that temptation scenario seems irrelevant. Seems the author is trying to put down the husband and bring him down to his wife's level with that scene. Common reconciliation trope.

I would have preferred he goes through with it after the wife begs him not to. Author even made the husband berate the model while sympathizing his own wife.

I think the real problem here is the story itself. It fails to make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The tit-for-tat plot seemed juvenile and the characters weak. Linda must be emotionally tone-deaf to think that wearing the same dress (did she rescue it from the trash?) would not trigger nightmares for her husband. And going back to the same restaurant and the same low-life friends? Does she have an evil streak or is she low IQ? Those moves didn't make sense. In addition, her husband was a weak character. First, he should have asked Linda to change out of that soiled dress before they ever left the house. Second, leaving the restaurant with Ellen, his nemesis' fiancé, was a low blow to Linda, a real dick move, even if he did come back early. Third, work on your dialogue. Your characters don't converse so much as give speeches to each other. I gave it three stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just more of the same to male the original story longer. She is still a cheater that is still tempted to have sex with marc and no matter what she says or does he will keep her and stay married. She has the perfect life. Hate it.

Rw43Rw43almost 3 years ago

Re. The Anonny who disliked my comment so much he had to tell me so on my personal email address:

No one forces you to read comments.

No one forces you to read stories that you hate, and by now you should know what "February Sucks" refers to.

If you are truly mature enough to visit a porn website, you should be mature enough to realize there will always be people who think differently from you, especially since you don't bother persuading people to see your viewpoint.

I will continue to read Anonymous postings, because about 30% are from thoughtful people who have a valid reason for not getting an ID tag.

However, the other 70% are from gutless cowards, trolls, parasites, people with anger issues or who use words as weapons instead of tools to have a discussion. If you want to persuade me to your point of view, get an ID so we can have a conversation.

Otherwise your rant was about as meaningful to me as my neighbor's dog barking.

So I have now reached out to the Anonymous community--again--to encourage you to leave your anger in the forest. Stop sniping from the trees. Your opinion is important, but it's not the only one, and it will be totally ignored if you keep hiding behind Anonymity. If YOU respect your opinion, give it validity by getting an ID.

If you think GA's original story was trash, and all of us who think differently are stupid, tell me what kind of stories do you treasure? Discussion is all about persuasion, and you don't persuade anyone of anything by calling them names.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing...

Good to see you’re up & running again!

This sequel is one of a few that ( in my limited opinion) has managed to capture GA’s original intent&reflections, sad to acknowledge that most will never understand.

Thanks again

lujon2019lujon2019almost 3 years ago

I ignored the rest and dropped to my knees in front of my lover, my wife. I took her too cold hands into my own and tried to warm them from my touch. "I am here, Linda. I didn't have sex with her. I couldn't do that to you, especially now that I KNOW I am nothing but a cuck who wont ever do anything about the fact you fuck other men.



Fixed it for you

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 3 years ago

Interesting: for all of the negative comments, this story is still scoring 3.57 at the moment. Seems like not everyone hated it.

It takes a brave author to post a story in LW which does not have the unfaithful wife and her boyfriend mugged, murdered, raped or molested.

clarkgarbleclarkgarblealmost 3 years ago

Frankly this is among the worst endings yet to a terribly overrated original. The characters were absurd and did ridiculous things and the plot was juvenile and very poorly presented. UGH.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Nice to have the Farmer writing again. The story is well done, but not one of my favorite sequels. Linda kept the dress, sets up an evening with the same friends at the same place, admits to being tempted again by Marc, and he still thinks she is worth keeping. Not in any world is she worthy of forgiveness and reconciliation. He turned Ellen, one beautiful, selfish bitch, down , just to return to the same with Linda. Just doesn’t work for me.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

This story moved a bit like a Jacuzzi full of cement. Decent: 4/5!!

firedog451firedog451almost 3 years ago

Enjoyed the read, though I have to agree that wearing the same dress was a bit much.

Jetcrash747Jetcrash747almost 3 years ago

An interesting story. Only I don’t see the Neanderthal backing down, it’s not in his make up. He is aggressive in football and life in general. Sorry you can remake him into anything but the aggressive asshole that he is.

kencorokencoroalmost 3 years ago

@ReedRichards, very few if any was asking for a violent revenge. We only asked for a logical outcome, such as divorce. There is outcome other than BTB and RAAC, which is divorce or a logical reconciliation. The author of this one failed to write a convincing reconciliation. That's why some readers are mad for reading the same unacceptable outcome when the character progress is the same as the GA's original. If it's just a shortened version of the original so why even bother. It's just the same offending character still not repentant of her offense.

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - DITTO to the comments below

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 3 years ago

Couldn’t finish it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago

@lujon2019about 24 hours ago

.Fixed it for you

You can't fix any one or anything until you yourself is fixed.

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago


All of the February stories are better than yours, so don't be talking the others down.

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago


"We'll never know how susceptible he'd be to temptation if she hadn't already done it to him."

So why are you worried about it enough to comment on?

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago


ever whine much? What a bunch of nit picking whining.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

tralan69er with 3 consecutive comments for @sbrooks103x? Go to /c/gay-sex-stories if that's what you're looking for.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

I agree with his reasoning not to fuck Ellen,but for the life of me can't understand why he didn't dump Linda,as she deserved.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

You made Jim a true CUCK!!! RAAC sux!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

As crappy as the human race truly is, there are good honorable people out there (Mary not many, but some) I have met one and a married couple. So don't discount someone doing the right thing for the right reasons.

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago


Why would I want to read the stories of your life and times.

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