February Sucks - Payback


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I found out she was a model. I don't get the swimsuit edition of that famous sports magazine but she had appeared in it many times. "I hate having sand in private places but that's what the photographer wants so we all have to roll in the sand," was her comment on that kind of modeling. I could only nod.

Finally she told me why she had approached me. "I am Marc LaValliere's fiancé. I am gone on photo shoots a lot and don't know many people here locally. This isn't a hotbed of fashion like New York and Paris so I have to be where the action is."

I nodded dumbly again. "Anyhow I live with Marc on one of his estates. It is very private. What I didn't know was that he owns a few other houses here in town and goes out and makes a habit of seducing women and taking them to one of those houses whenever I am gone. I just found out recently about his affairs and I feel he needs to be taught a lesson before I dump him. Are you game?"

I nodded again. I still couldn't talk to this vision of perfection. She continued. "Here's the deal. I want to seduce someone right in front of him. He professes that he loves only me and is very jealous of anyone encroaching on what he believes is his private domain. I have investigated some of his conquests and found out how he humiliated you in front of your friends with your wife's help. I applaud you for sticking with her but she also needs a dose of her own medicine."

Finally I found my voice. I croaked out a question. "Why me? There have been many other victims of Asshole LaValliere's so, again, why me?"

"In the first place most of the others dumped their wives. There would be no payback to the women if I seduced the ex-husband. In the second place you are good looking and I can easily imagine making love with you. I fully intend to cuckold Marc complete with pictures and video if necessary. Are you still game?"

I needed time to think but she didn't give me any. "Since we have been dancing Marc and his entourage have come in. He owns part of this place so he believes he can do anything he likes. I have my own security so he won't dare try to stop me. As a matter of fact he is staring holes in us as we dance."

She and I twirled around and I saw my nemesis sitting near the dance floor. It looks could kill I would be six feet under with him pissing on the pile of dirt. It made me smile at her. As we circled the floor again I glanced at Linda and the gang. Dee looked to be fit to be tied. Dave had a slight smile on his face. Phil was looking all around like he expected someone to attack. If they knew that Ellen was Marc's fiancé I could understand Phil's anxiety. Jane just looked disapproving but Linda looked devastated. I guess she finally had a clue as to what she did to me.

"So is Marc going to come after me?"

"If he does I will sic my friends on him. His entourage is composed of teammates, not hard-core security. My guys carry guns and have the experience to use violence if needed. After I confront him I will let him know that any retaliation will go badly. I think that reminding him that the income stream relies on his knees staying unharmed will slow him down a bit, don't you think?"

She rubbed her groin against mine. Of course my little head liked that and responded. "Ooh, I feel him and he seems to like me. Shall we dirty dance for a bit? This fast number seems appropriate." With that she slipped from my arms and turned and twerked against my groin. God, what an ass, what a body, what a person. How could I resist. I kept my pelvis locked against her gyrating ass and held onto her hips. She turned her head and blew me a kiss and smiled.

Marc came out of his seat and was across the room before she could stand up and turn again to me. When he tried to grab me very strong arms circled his torso and pulled him back. Ellen and I stopped. I guess the drama caused the band to stop also.

"Marc, Honey, do you know Jim here?"

He shook his head. "No, but he is getting ready to have his head knocked off."

"Really, you don't pay attention to the husbands of the women you fuck?"

He tried to deny it but Ellen wasn't having any of it. "Look, Marc, I am going to leave here with Jim in a few minutes. I am going to take him to my penthouse hotel room, the one I reserved just today, and I am going to fuck his brains out. With any luck I will forget you and how you have seduced and fucked so many married women. I will also try to forget how many men you have humiliated. Do you have any idea how many families you have destroyed and how many husbands and wives have committed suicide because of what you have done?"

He shook his head in denial of the pain he had caused in the past. "I have never once seduced a woman, married or single, who didn't want to be seduced and bedded by a superior male, not a wimp like this shithead."

"Well, this shithead didn't divorce his wayward wife or commit suicide. He hasn't crawled into a bottle or become some kind of masochist so that idiots like you could count coup on his head. No, instead he sucked it up and has tried to put his life back together, which is more than I see you doing after I fuck his brains out."

"Why are you doing this?"

"The answer is simple, because I can, that's why. I will be gone overnight with Jim here and tomorrow we will talk about fidelity and whether our relationship will continue past that time. You have the option of doing nothing and going to our shared domicile and waiting or you can try to stop us. If you try the latter then Gene and Roy will get to show you how your knees cannot support your weight anymore."

Marc looked a little pale at the comment about his knees. He didn't even look at Roy or Gene. I suppose he knew how much protection Ellen could count on from those two. He kind of deflated.

"Those other women meant nothing to me, Babe. Believe me when I say that. They were just quick diversions while you were away. Once we are married there will never be another woman for me."

I found my tongue at last. "If that is true, Asshole, then why are you sending Linda flowers and asking her for more dates and to even leave me for you? Are you planning on setting her and my kids up in one of your many houses as a concubine that you will stop and see once in a while? You are the lowest of low. Just because you are famous, give money to presumably worthwhile causes and know how to fuck then any woman is fair game no matter what happens afterward. You don't create, you just destroy."

Just as he started to challenge my comments a whirlwind called Linda descended and slapped the living shit out of his face. "You son-of-a-bitch. You cock-sucker. You seduce me, cause my husband so much pain, lie to me and try to destroy me completely and you have a fiancé? I wish I had never seen or heard of you. I will make it my life's mission to let every donor to your causes know what kind of cad you are."

Since Gene and Roy were still holding Marc he couldn't defend himself. Linda kept slapping him. There was blood from a split lip and his eye was starting to swell shut. It was red right now but promised to be a nice black eye by tomorrow. Then she backhanded him and her diamond ring, you know the engagement kind, laid his left cheek open pretty deep. She finally stopped when her tears of frustration and pain finally overcame her. Wow, I hope I never piss her off like that.

She turned to Ellen and blubbered out, "Take him and fuck his brains out. Give him the night of his life. He deserves that and more. Just please return him to me in the morning. I will wait in the hotel room until check-out time tomorrow. If he isn't back by eleven then I know I have really lost him."

I was speechless again. Dee and Dave gathered her up and the rest of my party left. Marc's entourage took him off. He looked like the school bully who finally showed how much a coward he was when someone finally stood up to him. He was devastated. His shoulders were slumped and he suddenly looked years older than he was. Sorry but I felt no sympathy toward him.

I suppose they were headed to the nearest ER to get his face looked at. He needed stitches in that cut on his cheek at least. Roy and Gene faded back into the background and the band slowly started up another tune. I told Ellen I needed to sit for a bit. It had been a stressful few minutes.

We had a drink or two as we sat and chatted. I was no longer in awe of her beauty. She was too far out of my class to even fantasize about so we got to know each other a little better. She admitted she swung both ways. "On a photo shoot there actually is a serious undercurrent of passion. I know I tell Marc that nothing goes on but after a day of the stress of getting that right shot or perfect look sometimes you just have to do something or explode. Getting drunk or eating everything in sight is not a good option so sex becomes the stress relief. So you either get with one of the female models or, if you are lucky to have a shoot with a male, one of the guys. A couple of the photographers are good looking and need some stress relief also."

I guess I just nodded as I had no idea or preconceived notion about the subject. She continued. "But, I don't have sex with any married or committed person. Yeah, I am his fiancé but there has always been something lacking for me. I guess that's why we have not married. When I do it will be with someone real, like you. Someone who knows where his head is at all times and isn't deluded by publicity."

Finally we headed for the hotel. Crap, by sheer coincidence it was the same hotel where Linda had reserved the room. I hoped to not run into any of the circle of friends. Was I doing the walk of shame before the act? I suppose so.

Anyhow we soon made it to the penthouse suite. It was almost the same square footage of the main floor of my house and certainly more nicely appointed. There was even a grand piano in the corner. I wondered how many guests actually played more than Chopsticks on it.

It was now the moment of truth. Ellen excused herself and went into the bedroom area to "get into something more comfortable" and I was left to my own devices. There was no mini-bar in this suite, no it was a fully stocked wet bar near the piano. I mixed myself a strong drink, I suppose to give me some Dutch courage (apologies to the Dutch), and poured a white wine for Ellen.

During the short time she changed I tried to bet on what she would be wearing or not wearing when she came back out. I imagined everything from fully nude, after all she didn't need clothes to enhance her fantastic looks, to a pair of sweats and a tee shirt. I knew everything she would wear or not wear would look extremely sexy on her.

I don't know whether I was disappointed or not when she finally made her entrance. Gone were the makeup and the glam hairdo. Ellen wasn't a plain person without those but she was very much the more approachable person with her looks toned down. She was actually wearing a tank top, which made her braless breasts very touchable and her nipples stood out. It looked like she actually had puffy nipples, at least through the thin material.

She was wearing a pair of tap pants that seemed molded to her perfect bubble butt. She spun to show me and I almost dropped to the floor to bury my face in her rear cleavage. I could imagine that every square inch of her body tasted like strawberries and cream. Yeah, I know, not possible but I could fantasize, right?

She danced up to me, took the glass of wine from my suddenly rubbery fingers and took a sip. "Thank you, that was very nice of you. Marc started out being this thoughtful but lately he has been a selfish jerk. He will grab a beer, swig it down, burp loudly, and then ask me what I would like to drink. I then have to pour my own libation."

She then slid up close and gave me our first ever kiss. It was Heaven on earth. Like a clueless teen I almost fell over reaching for the follow up when she broke contact and stepped back. Suddenly I was sweaty palms and dry mouth, just like I was on my first ever date. My stomach was clenching and my cock was hard as a rock.

She giggled, just like a schoolgirl. I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or not. "No, Jim, please don't take this the wrong way. I am so used to being with very experienced lovers that having someone actually be out of his comfort zone is refreshing and a turn-on. I so want to get to know you even better."

She took my hand and started for the bedroom. I followed but suddenly stopped. It was crunch time. That fateful night in February I told Jane that I would not give in to temptation and bed a goddess because I was married and I would never put it and my relationship with Linda in jeopardy. Was I better than this or was I just as weak as Linda had been? What about all of her promises since then to develop that character of strength that she saw in me? The temptation was great but what was the cost? Would she be able to forgive me? Would I be able to forgive me?

Ellen gave me a wondering look. "What's wrong, Jim? Why are you hesitating? I want this. This isn't just a way to teach Marc a lesson. I really like you and want to experience every aspect of what we could be together. Please."

"I know I will forever have some regret and I know most guys would tell me that I am a fool but I shouldn't and I can't. If I do this I am no better than LaValliere in respecting marital vows. I would have to call him and apologize for ruining his life even though he can't be that kind of man."

She tried again to pull me towards the bedroom. "Please, Jim, do this for me. Help me to get back at him."

"Why? You are as bad as he is. You fuck on your photo shoots. He fucks around while you are gone. You actually deserve each other. Both of you feel superior to everyone else. It's only what you want and when you want it that is important. Everyone else is just a pawn. I'm sorry but Linda is devastated and I will be crawling on my belly trying to be the man she thinks I am."

I pulled free and left her. As I opened the door she suddenly slammed it shut again. "Jim, I need to apologize. While I would gladly make love with you and will truly miss the experience that I know we could share, I would have been disappointed in you if you had given in to temptation. I felt you would be strong enough to say no to me and you have proven yourself. I will call your room in the morning and tell Linda what kind of character her man has."

With that she gave me our second and last kiss. You know what? It wasn't nearly as wonderful as that first one. It was more like the kiss you might get from a good friend, not a lover. And I was good with that.

Without another look back I left the penthouse and went down those many floors to the room Linda had booked for us. I slid the cardkey in the lock and opened the door with it turned green. I was actually surprised to see that Linda, Dave and Dee, and Phil and Jane were there. I figured they would have all gone home by now, giving Linda a place to stay and grieve as they were actually good and staunch friends for her.

Dee started the inquisition. "What are you doing here, Jim? What about Ellen? You couldn't have had the sexual experience of your life in this short amount of time."

The others, except for Linda, echoed the disbelief that I was actually present. Phil and Dave shook their heads at the thought that I might actually pass on a sexual encounter with a goddess. Linda just looked like she had lost everything and couldn't process that I was actually standing in front of her.

I ignored the rest and dropped to my knees in front of my lover, my wife. I took her too cold hands into my own and tried to warm them from my touch. "I am here, Linda. I didn't have sex with her. I couldn't do that to you, especially now that we are finally starting to heal. Like you I didn't think about how this might harm Ellen or Tommy but all I could see was how it was making you feel and remember how I felt in February."

She started to rock back and forth and the tears started again. She must be hearing me. "Also, I wouldn't be the man you believe me to be if I gave into that temptation and that need to destroy you any more than you destroyed yourself these past few months. Please forgive me for giving into that temptation for even a little while."

She jerked her hands from mine and jumped on me. I was a little off balance on my knees so we went to the floor as we embraced and started to kiss and talk at the same time. It was truly just the two of us in our own little world again. For now it was all we needed. Emma and Tommy would become part of us tomorrow. Right now we needed to be just us.

When we came up for air we realized that the others had gone. They must have realized that we didn't need them anymore. It truly felt as though the night of hell had never happened and we had reset. Suddenly we couldn't get enough of each other. We stripped each other and fucked, not make love. That was later, after we got off the thick pile carpeting, and made it to the luxurious king size bed.

We loved, we laughed a little, we cried with relief as we climaxed. We were back. Yes, it wasn't quite the same. We had grown up some and matured a little more but we would be stronger for the experience.

And, yes, there were some sad and bad days ahead. Sometimes I would get an image in my brain and my cock would wilt at the most inopportune moment. This would send Linda into a funk and we just had to learn to trust each other and hold each other and weather the storm until those images faded back into the recesses of my brain. Conversely Linda would sometimes get melancholy and would retreat into herself for a while. It didn't last long, especially when I realized it was her guilt or her brain wondering if I had succumbed to some kind of sexual interlude with Ellen, so I would make sure to acknowledge her feelings and work hard to reassure her of my love and fidelity.

You might ask, what about Ellen Vickers and Marc "The Asshole" LaValliere? Well, I don't have any "wink, wink" direct knowledge of what happened but somehow Mr. LaValliere fell down a set of stairs in his palatial estate home a few months later and both of his knees were severely damaged and he had to retire. A "little bird" chirped in my ear that Ellen's bodyguard, Gene's, wife succumbed to Mr. LaValliere and Gene took offense to it. I guess that losing Ellen gave him carte blanche to restart his career of seducing women who were spoken for. Some people never seem to learn.

This came after most of his endorsements dried up. It seems that his scar on his otherwise perfect face didn't make him look dashing. As a matter of fact a tabloid published the story of how he got that scar. Names weren't published but, for once, the meat of the story was true in spite of LaValliere's and the team's public denial. I suppose reconstructive surgery could remove the scar but the damage had already been done.

I guess his fallback of a dancing instructor was also out the window as he could barely walk after multiple surgeries. His worthy causes also saw donations slow to a crawl as donors and potential donors received reports via social media about the destruction he had caused many relationships. Did we do the reporting? Nope, didn't need to. I guess Ellen gave him a going away present. It seems Mr. LaValliere kept a diary of whom he bedded and when. Surviving families were provided with information about what had happened to each and every woman and her man. Multiple lawsuits for wrongful deaths and ongoing psychiatric problems were filed. None really got anywhere as he was not directly responsible for any deaths but a couple of anti-big sports reporters got hold of the information and made sure that social media blew up on him.

I have no idea where he is but he doesn't seem to hunt in the same venues he used to. Maybe he has to pay for his pussy now. I could care less. That is the true revenge. I could care less about him anymore.