Folk Music

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Dottie and Kyle go from best-friend cousins to lovers.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/30/2019
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Dottie was sitting on the couch while a group of folk music singers serenaded her, courtesy of the public television station. One of the women began what Dottie knew would be a long intro, so she didn't turn the volume down when the phone rang. The caller ID showed that it was after nine on a Friday night, and the display read "Schollenwei." Her Uncle Bill's last name was Schollenweis, but it didn't fit on the screen. She wondered why he was calling and hoped everyone was okay. The voice wasn't her uncle's. "Hey, Dottie, you doin' anything?"

Since no one in that generation called her Dottie, she realized it was her cousin Kyle. "Just watchin' TV," she answered.

Kyle paused. "The Blacksmiths, right? I can hear 'em doing 'Said the Miller to the Maiden'."

"Is that the title? I never saw it written out. I just assumed it ended with 'Heavy Laden.' Anyway, I recorded it yesterday, and I just got around to watching it."

"Mind if I come over? We haven't harmonized in ages."

Dottie detected something sad in Kyle's voice. She knew she couldn't get him to talk about it on the phone, so she played along. "Sure. I'll start the popcorn." She stopped the DVR.

"See you in a few minutes."

Dottie remembered all the times that her parents or Kyle's had cooked popcorn on the stove, never a microwave. (Dottie's mom was Uncle Bill's sister.) Since Kyle lived about twenty minutes away, she knew she'd have just enough time to dig up the cooking oil and pop a bowl.

She had just turned the burner off just when the doorbell rang. She opened the door, Kyle walked in and they hugged briefly. Their ears both curved the same way their grandfather's did, but it looked feminine, so Dottie was the only one of the three who liked it. Other than that, the only resemblance between the two cousins was being white. Kyle had short, medium-brown hair, and Dottie had sandy blonde hair that came almost to her waist. They weighed the same, but the weight looked athletic on Kyle at just under six feet, and much different on Dottie, who was only five and a half feet.

Kyle saw how Dottie's breasts were hanging and concluded that she didn't have a bra on. Her drawstring shorts matched the shirt. He guessed this was what she typically wore when she was in for the night but not ready for bed yet, which made sense if she was watching TV at this time of night.

Dottie thought Kyle's shirt looked like the kind that they advertise to men by saying that their girlfriends will want to wear them. He was wearing jeans that looked relatively new. She had already guessed that he wanted to talk about something. Between his nice casual clothes and the time of night, she thought he must have come from seeing his girlfriend, but she'd let him tell her when he was ready.

Kyle sniffed the air. "You must cook popcorn the same way your mom does," he said.

"Just a slight tinge on the kernels at the bottom," Dottie replied.

Kyle followed her into the kitchen. "You mean these?"

Dottie was far enough ahead of him that only his fingertips touched her butt when he tried to slap it. She was glad he tried; it meant that his mood had improved. She took the lid off the kettle and poured the popcorn into the wooden bowl that she'd placed nearby. She picked one of the burnt kernels off the top and tossed it to him. "I mean these, dumbass." She poured salt over the bowl.

Kyle stepped in front of the other burner. He picked up the pan with the melted butter and poured it over the bowl. Dottie shook the bowl gently so they'd have butter and salt all the way to the bottom. "Shake it, baby!" Kyle exclaimed.

She did it again, but this time she shook her hips in an exaggerated fashion and asked, "You like it like this?"

Kyle smiled, both at what she did and at the way she smiled while she did it. He proceeded to sing "Shake Your Booty" in a way that allowed him to avoid admitting it.

They headed back to the living room. Dottie went to the list of shows on the DVR so she could put the concert back on. Before she could scroll down, Kyle exclaimed, "Did they bring back Secret Message?"

Kyle was referring to a game show that aired before either of them was born. The DVR showed that she'd recorded seven episodes. "No, one of the local stations added it to their digital subchannel."

"Let's watch those!" Kyle said.

"Sure!" Dottie agreed. They watched half an episode with Charles Nelson Reilly and Joyce DeWitt, and then Kyle sat next to the TV. For the rest of the episode Dottie gave the clues, and they did better than any of the contestants.

"This brings back great memories," Kyle said.

"Same here," Dottie agreed. "I remember all the summer days when you'd watch the reruns with me on cable. I still love communication games."

When the first episode was done, Kyle said, "Now let's switch." Dottie started the next episode and took his place. They did even better with Kyle giving the clues, but by the time that episode was halfway through, Dottie noticed that he was getting most of the popcorn, and she moved back next to him on the couch. Once the popcorn was gone, she ended up lying on his lap, and they shouted their clues for the remainder of the episodes.

As Dottie deleted the last episode, she remembered Kyle's tone on the phone and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I broke up with Judy."

"I figured it was something like that. Why?"

"I think I was just going out with her for her looks."

"I met her a couple times," Dottie pointed out. "She has a brain."

"Yeah, but we just don't have any common interests. She likes extreme sports and performance art. I like word games and blockbuster movies. I even suggested a chick flick just so I could follow the plot."

"What about music?"

"Death metal," Kyle answered.

"You poor thing," Dottie said, and she stroked his chin.

"Hey, speaking of music, let's finish that Blacksmiths concert."

"Works for me," Dottie said, and they went back to the couch. The DVR menu showed that it was the middle of the night, so she was glad it was the weekend. Dottie observed, "It's always more fun to watch something like this with someone else, so I'll start from the beginning," and she did. After a couple of Stephen Foster songs, they did a medley of bawdy songs from the 17th and 18th centuries. The lyrics were on screen, so they had no problem singing along. They stood up like they were the performers, and they both acted out the secondary meanings of the words. By the time they got to the fifth song, they were touching each other intimately.

After that part of the show was over, the station went to a pledge break. Kyle and Dottie sat on the couch again. "Did you enjoy that as much as I did?" Kyle asked.

"Probably more," Dottie answered.

"How come?"

Dottie moved her hands all over herself and Kyle's chest. She explained, "When we acted the songs out, it was the closest thing I've had to a date in a month."

"At least it's a date with someone you have fun with," Kyle said.

"I always have fun with this date," she replied.

"How long has it been since someone kissed you?" he asked.

Dottie thought out loud, "Not counting Grandma Schollenweis ..."

She paused so long trying to remember that Kyle interrupted her, "That's too long," and he kissed her on the lips. He waited a few seconds and added, "You didn't stop me."

"That's 'cause it felt natural," Dottie replied. "But I still want to see the rest of the concert."

"Me too," Kyle said. "It's why I came over. Or at least why I said I wanted to."

They sat down on the couch again, and Dottie fast-forwarded through the rest of the pledge break. A half-hour later, the Blacksmiths were doing a more conventional love song, and Kyle started singing along. Dottie was lying on her side, her head on his lap. At the end, he asked, "Why didn't you harmonize?"

Dottie's skin started to flush. "I ... I just wanted to listen to you."

"Yeah, but I like hearing you join me. I remember my mom telling us that two people can both have good voices but not sound good together, but we actually do."

Dottie turned the tables. "Why didn't you ask me? I would've."

Now Kyle was embarrassed. "I've never sung to a girl who liked it before. It was nice not to be interrupted."

Dottie stopped the playback. "Do you remember 'Separate Lives'?" Neither one of them was born when it came out, but they both liked music from all eras.

"That's what my mom heard us singing when she said it!" Kyle answered.

Dottie sat up. "Let's do it now!"

Kyle sang the first line, and they harmonized the entire song. They had both remembered the words since they sang it together several years ago. "That song always makes me think of you," he told her when they finished.

"It should," Dottie said. "When you moved back into town two years ago, I kept thinking of it."

Kyle assumed that she was talking about a family New Year's Eve party when they were still teenagers and dismissed it. "You look pretty comfortable lying down," he said. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," Dottie said. She let him lie with his back to the back of the couch, and she lay with her back to him. Kyle laid his head on the arm of the couch so he could still see the TV, and he put his arm over her side. Dottie started the concert again.

A couple songs in, Kyle's elbow was hitting Dottie's thigh to the rhythm of the song by hitting her thigh, and she didn't like the distraction. She nudged on his elbow, and his hand moved under her shirt. She had forgotten that her bra was off, but she was reminded when his fingertips touched the bottom of her breasts. Another entire song had played before Kyle noticed what was happening. "Sorry!" he said. "Like you said, it felt natural."

Dottie pulled her elbow to her stomach and stopped him from moving his hand. "It does," she agreed. She wasn't looking at him, but she could see his smile reflected in the TV screen. During the next song, Kyle moved his hand up and caressed her breasts. She responded by moving back so he was trapped between her and the couch.

Kyle didn't have an erection when he was rubbing her breasts, but he got one when he felt her butt grinding against him. He moved down to kiss Dottie on the ear. He didn't have to look at the TV screen; her smile was plain to see. She jostled his arm a little, and now he was rubbing her nipples. "Is this what you want?" he whispered.

"For now," Dottie answered.

Kyle continued to stroke her breast through another song, and then he told her, "Lift yourself up." Dottie supported herself on her elbow. Kyle pulled his right hand out of her shirt and slipped his left one in. She let herself back down. Now he was able to caress parts of her breasts that he couldn't reach before.

Dottie turned onto her back and kissed him. Kyle put his right arm out to balance himself and planted his hand between her thighs. When he pulled it toward him, his palm passed over her crotch. They realized in the same instant that she didn't have any underwear on either. Dottie smiled again, pulled her hand back and stopped him from moving away. "Keep doing that," she said. For the duration of the next three songs, they kissed while he rubbed her breasts and her pussy. The shorts were always between his fingers and her pussy, but he could tell her lips were separating underneath the fabric.

Another pledge break interrupted the concert. Kyle and Dottie both ignored it. Kyle told her, "You and I have everything that Judy and I don't."

Dottie laughed. "Like family members who get along!" Then she took a serious tone. "I've known that longer than you have," she said.

"What do we do now?" Kyle asked.

"Exactly what we're doing," Dottie answered. She pulled the hem of her shorts toward the front of the couch, exposing her pussy flesh.

Kyle continued stroking her, but now the contact was direct. He wasn't even looking where he was touching her. "Why don't you take your shirt off?" he suggested.

"Why don't you?" Dottie answered.

Kyle sat up and pulled on the hem of her shirt. She raised her arms, and he removed it, tossing it over the arm of the chair. "I used to tease you, saying that I wanted you to show these to me."

"I remember, and now I'm doing it happily," she said. "But I meant for you to take yours off."

Kyle hurriedly unbuttoned his own shirt while Dottie licked her index finger and rubbed each nipple. Kyle moved down and sucked her nipples into his mouth one at a time. He ran his fingers through her pubic hair for several minutes while he enjoyed the sight. Dottie got impatient. She took his hand, bent the fingers down and put them over her pussy again. Kyle took the hint and put his index finger inside her. He moved slowly at first, but when she arched her back, it was the kind of positive reinforcement that he needed and he picked up speed. "Dottie, I've wanted to spend a night like this with you for so long."

"Sucking my tits and finger-fucking me?"

"Watching shows we love and singing together," he said. "I never let myself think about the rest of it 'cause we're cousins." He kissed her on the lips. "Kissin' cousins!"

"My mom told me once that I should look for a guy who likes spending time together doing the same things that you and I do," Dottie told him.

This time it was Kyle who laughed. "I think most guys would like doing what we're doing."

"She meant singing. And games, and stuff like that."

"Well, you've found one."

Kyle inserted his middle finger, and Dottie said, "And now I've found two!" Kyle added another finger. "Make that three!" she giggled. When he had three fingers pistoning all the way in and out, she groaned, "I want you, Kyle! I want you!"

"I want you too," he assured her.

"You asked how long it's been since anyone kissed me?" Dottie repeated. "It's been longer since I've been made love to."

"Let's take care of that, too," Kyle whispered. He got off her and undressed. Dottie pushed her shorts down to her ankles and kicked them off. Kyle stood in front of her. He didn't do anything with his dick, but he asked, "Did you ever see this before?"

"Have I seen a penis? Sure." She could tell that wasn't what he meant. "Have I seen yours? Maybe. I remember when we had Margie's graduation party at the lake, one cousin's trunks got waterlogged. I can't remember whether it was yours or your brother's."

Kyle sighed and turned away from her. "It was mine."

Dottie put her hand on his knee, and he turned back. She looked up at him. "Are you blushing?"

"It's the old 'can't be a perv with the one you have a crush on.' As soon as I knew my trunks were down, I knelt below the water to pull 'em back up, and I remember hoping that you, specifically, didn't see what happened."

Dottie was incredulous. "Out of all our female cousins, I'm the only one who's not built like a model, and you had a crush on me?"

"It doesn't mean you're not beautiful," Kyle insisted. "Besides, it wasn't even about looks. We're two of a kind, just like your mom said." He stopped and chuckled.

"Now what's so funny?" Dottie asked.

"Not quite a decade ago, you were the only woman I didn't want to see me naked. Now I'm naked because you want me to be." Kyle wasn't doing anything with his dick. Dottie was still staring at it when she heard him ask, "Does this couch turn into a bed?"

"Thank God it does," she answered. She got up and showed him where to pull on the frame.

"Great, now it's fully extended," Kyle noted.

Dottie tapped her finger on the head of Kyle's dick. "So are you!" She climbed onto what was now a bed.

"Do you know why I asked?"

Dottie looked at Kyle longingly. "I hope it's because you want to act out one of those songs."

"You want me to row the boat ashore?"

"I want a blessed union of souls." Kyle still didn't answer. "Create the monster with two backs." Still nothing. "Fine, I'll say it plainly. I want to have sex!"

Kyle got in front of her. "Yeah, but we didn't need to convert the couch for that." He separated her thighs and moved in. He stopped for a moment to enjoy his first sight of Dottie's soft blonde pubic hair. "This would have been really uncomfortable, though." Kyle used his fingers to part her hair and then he licked down the space that he'd created. "And I wanted to do it as soon as I realized that I was palming you."

"Oh, Kyle!" Dottie cried.

Kyle made a circle around the lowest corner of her pussy lips, then licked upward through the space that had opened between them, finally circling her clit. "I love you, Dottie," he said. He licked down the crease between each of her legs and her pussy. He put his tongue at the corner again, but this time he zigzagged up the left side of her pussy lips and down the right side. He folded his tongue and darted inside her.

"I love you too, Kyle," she moaned. She put her hands on his head, urging him to plunge deeper into her chasm. He reached up and caressed her nipples. He couldn't see them while he ate her, but he remembered from a few minutes ago how big her areolas were. Soon even he wasn't satisfied with how deep he was going, so he took his hands off her breasts and put them under her buttocks. He knew it wasn't possible, but he thought his tongue had reached the end of her cervix and was now inside her womb. He ran his tongue around in every direction possible, like an infinitely-pointed star. Her moans stopped, and soon his big beautiful cousin's big beautiful pussy was flooding his tongue with her juices.

Kyle drank them up as fast as she could produce them, and then he moved up. He kissed a line up her belly. He sucked on each of her nipples again and kissed her mouth. "I want you, Dottie. I've never wanted anyone this much."

"Take me, Kyle. I'm yours! I always have been. When you were living in Indianapolis, you were only two states away, but it felt like you were on the other side of the world."

"I'm here now, and I've always been yours," he panted. "You could have asked me any day, and I would have come over."

Kyle placed his cockhead over his cousin's pussy lips. At first he just made a sawing motion, watching the head move up and down over her clit and waist. Then he put it between her thighs and ran it underneath her pussy. He would have liked to draw it out a little longer, but he saw her cunt lips turn redder than he'd ever seen any flesh before, and he couldn't be that selfish. He didn't even have to hold her lips open. He was prepared to slide his cock in slowly, but she pulled down on his shoulders and he was inside her in two seconds. "Make love to me, Kyle! Make love to me!"

Kyle had arched his back so he could go back to sucking on her tits while he thrust into her. "Always!" he assured her.

"Oh, God, Kyle!" she moaned.

He could feel his balls bumping her thighs. "Oh, Dottie!"

"Faster!" she implored him.

Kyle abandoned her tits but watched them jiggle while he fucked his beautiful cousin's pussy even harder. Dottie was glad she still had her contacts in. With her breasts off to the sides, she could see her pussy lips separate while her handsome lover's cock went in and then rejoin when he pulled back. They shouted various terms of endearment and lust until Kyle felt his balls pulling up. "I'm almost ready, Dottie! Where do you want it?"

"Fill my waiting womb with your seed!" she groaned.

"Your yearning uterus is gonna get what it wants!" he answered. "Your selfish cervix!"

Dottie groaned until she could say, "I want your sperm, and not just sporadically."

Kyle had his hands on her hips and stammered, "Your vuh. Your fuh." As gave her what she asked for, he trembled and told her, "I guess we ran out of words."

After the first shot into Dottie's womb, she was able to say. "Couldn't think of a good adjective to go with vagina?"

Kyle continued, "And 'Fallopians' wouldreally have spoiled the mood." When he finished, he noticed that Dottie had put her hands on his buttocks, ensuring that she got all of what she asked for.