Four Wives Club


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“Jerry,” He said, putting an arm around the kid’s shoulder as they walked toward the kid’s truck out behind the building. “You fucked my wife, didn’t you?”

The kid couldn’t look at the man. He hung his head in shame and said, “Yes.” He saw no reason to try and evade the inevitable. He didn’t know if the woman had confessed, or they’d been seen, or what. All he wanted to do now was keep it from his wife. This guy had displayed no sign of rage yet, and maybe there was a chance…

“How many times?” He was impressed that the kid didn’t try to deny it, or even make excuses. That was good too, another point in the kid’s favor.

The kid did look up at the man this time, “Five, no, six. This week was the sixth time, Mr. Goodman.” He had lain himself at the man’s feet. He was prepared to take it on the chin, just so long as his wife didn’t have to find out. He started to plead his case, but was interrupted.

Roger looked at the kid and said, “Jerry, what gave you the thought that you could just walk into our lives and fuck all these women? How many other guys are paying you to fuck their wives, like I am?” His tone was hardening.

Jerry was tense, wondering if this was a prelude to the man going off the handle. He decided to stay on the truth track and level with the guy, “Mr. Goodman, there’s no easy way to say this, and I’m not trying to justify what I’ve done, but those ladies, uh, well, they all propositioned me.”

Roger asked, kind of expecting a particular answer, “Propositioned you?”

“Yeah, well, blackmailed me is more like it, or extorted, or whatever the term is. They, well, your wife actually, told me that if I didn’t play with them, she would swear I attacked her in her room, and that the others would say they heard a fight and came to help her.” He bowed his head, waiting for the reaction.

Roger knew the kid was telling the truth. He’d suspected this from the beginning and now it was out there. The women were willing, even the driving participants. His wife was extorting this kid to fuck her, and fuck all the others. The bloody bitches were taking matters into their own hands and correcting what they thought was wrong with their marriages. And they were using this not all that reluctant pawn in the process. It was obvious from Jerry’s performance in bed that he wasn’t “into” the act, and only going along to avoid the threat of exposure for something he didn’t do.

“Goddamn!” He thought. His wife and the others, were in deep! This kid could go to the police and they could arm him with a mic and get incriminating evidence on his wife that could send her to jail, and Roger’s reputation to the shitter. She was risking everything! And the sad thing was, she didn’t even realize it!

Roger couldn’t help but admit to himself that the problem originated with he and other husbands. It was their choice, not the wives’ or Jerry’s, not spending more time at home, romancing their wives. But that was at least legal! His wife was risking a huge scandal, one that involved several families, and one that could easily end in a civil suit with this kid walking away with everything they all had.

Roger straightened as his mind cleared and his plan surfaced. The threads had been weaving for a couple days now, but they were suddenly all lined up and intersecting in an organized way. He knew what he wanted to do, and he needed some help. His tone with Jerry suddenly changed to one of co-conspirator.

“Jerry, I’m mad at you, but I’m mad with you more. I also appreciate your being honest with me. You don’t know how many times in business… well, that’s another story. Ok, here’s what I have in mind….”

On the phone, 11:15 AM, Saturday

“Hello?” Rita answered, hearing her husband still in the garage, revving the engine in his 1967 Mustang.

“Hi. It’s Jerry, your gardener.” He was looking at Roger sitting beside him in the man’s office, and listening in on a headset attached to the same phone. They’d just arrived, having spent the entire drive over rehearsing in Roger’s car.

Rita recovered from the unexpected voice, and said, “Yes, Jerry, is there something wrong?” Just then her husband would walk through the door. She placed her hand over the receiver, or made it look that way, for she wanted the caller to hear her. “Oh, hi Dear. It’s the gardener.” Then back into the phone she asked, “Is there a problem, Jerry?” She smiled at her curious husband, and he continued on to the bathroom. A problem with the gardener was one thing he didn’t want to hear.

“Yes, there’s a problem.” He stopped speaking again, as instructed.

Rita was fidgety to say the least. Alternately looking at the bathroom door where her husband had disappeared, she asked in a whisper, “Jerry, can’t this wait until Monday? This is very inconvenient timing.”

Roger smiled, envisioning how she must be covering the phone to keep her voice from reaching her husband. He nodded reassurance to Jerry.

“No. It can’t wait. I am turning this thing around. When I get to your house on Monday morning, I better find you laying face down on your bed, dressed in your best bra and panties, and with a garter belt and stockings too. Have your toy of the week nearby. Do you understand that? That’s face down, not to one side, but your face buried in the pillow. I’m taking charge of our little sex game Rita, and not letting you bore me to death anymore.” He’d done it! He’d gotten the entire script out, just as Mr. Goodman had written it. He looked at the man for confirmation.

Roger smiled at the lad and patted him on the shoulder. They waited a moment longer before hearing a whisper, “Well, yes, but…” And Roger depressed the ringer on the phone.

He was smiling broadly and patted the kid on the back. “That was excellent, Jerry. Three more, and you are done, relieved of the whole mess, and the video’s I have will be destroyed. You will just have to trust me on that one.” He waited for Jerry to swallow hard, then nod his agreement.

Jerry had no way of knowing if there was any video, but the women couldn’t be trusted to deny their relationship anyway. And besides, Mr. Goodman had obviously seen him with Mrs. Goodman, and that was enough threat to reckon with. He made the same call to the other three women.

When they were done, Roger drove Jerry back to his apartment, and confirmed one last time some further arrangements between them. The boy was not comfortable, but he sure felt better with this conspiracy than getting put in the spotlight with angry husbands and maybe worse. He trusted this Roger Goodman, and hoped he’d be out of this whole affair soon. Jerry climbed the stairs to his apartment, excited to tell his wife they were going on an all expense paid trip to Vegas.

68 Seaward Lane, Master Bedroom Window, Ten AM, Monday

Jeanne and the other two women, Gina and Ellen, crowded each other to see Jerry as he pulled up in his truck. It was just now time for that to happen, and the women wanted to see what had changed in the young man. Rita’s emergency call to each of them had been most intriguing.

The truck pulled up as usual, and what they thought was Jerry stepped out, a back pack of some sort over his shoulder, and walked quickly up to the front door. He was wearing coveralls and a wide brimmed hat, so there was little they could see of him. The front door to Rita’s house was also hidden from view, as the window from which they were watching was further back along the side of the house.

Minutes later, they all moaned in disappointment as the shade on the upstairs bedroom just across from them, where they knew Rita would be waiting, was drawn closed.

64 Seaward Lane, Foyer, Ten-Oh-One AM, Monday & Next Door to 68 Seaward Lane

Roger closed and locked the front door and walked to the rear of the familiar house to do the same to the back door. He donned the leather mask he’d picked up along with a few other things at the sex shop on the other side of town. His rings were in his pocket along with his watch. Unless someone saw his face or heard his voice, it would be difficult to recognize him as not Jerry.

He returned to the foyer and stopped at the bottom of the stairs. There was one last chance to end all this before it got started. He could walk right out of there now, exchange the truck for his car, and go back to his office and confront Jeanne alone later. He didn’t have to go through with this, this combined mission of retribution and self-satisfaction. But he didn’t want to back out. He still wanted what he wanted, and was prepared to go after it. He was going to exact his due from these women, and a little more.

64 Seaward Lane, Master Bedroom, Ten-Oh-Four AM, Monday

Rita heard the footsteps in the house, but only discerned where they were coming from when she heard them mount the stairs. They were slow, but deliberate, and walked directly to her second floor master bedroom, where she’d met Jerry on several occasions already. He knew his way around, she thought. But what is he up to this time, she wondered. Rita also wondered if the others could still see her through the window.

She heard footsteps enter her room, then the shade pulled, and then felt a depression on the bed. “Jerry” straddled her back and immediately applied something to her head, blinding all light from her eyes. He let her head back down, on its side now, and began to pull her hands behind her back. Rita was as titillated from this treatment as she was curious as to what had brought it on. She started to say something, when a ball gag was suddenly thrust in her mouth, and pulled tight in some kind of straps around her head. It was with more than a little anxiety she now lay there, her hands secured rather loosely behind her back, and blindfolded and gagged, with “Jerry” straddling her body.

“Listen to me, very closely,” The whisper came from directly outside her ear. It didn’t sound at all like Jerry, but who sounded like themselves when they whispered anyway. She couldn’t put a finger on it, but something was wrong, and she was getting a little frightened.

“Until now, you have been in charge. You threatened to expose me as a rapist if I didn’t do what you wanted, and frankly, all of you are pathetic lovers.” Roger hesitated, trying not to laugh.

Rita was shocked. It WAS Jerry, but where did he get all this confidence…?

Her thoughts were interrupted by more of the whispering, “It’s my turn now. You have put me in such a no win situation as to force me to give in, even join you. So now it’s my turn to have fun, my way.” He slapped her on the bare skin of her ass.

Rita jerked to attention with the slap. It shocked her rather than hurt. It even sent a sensual electron or two between her legs. While she was on a fence with danger on one side and wanton pleasure on the other, she was willing to wait a little longer to see which it was going to be. The voice came back to her ear, “You did as I instructed, and that is good, for you. I see your little fantasy toy on the dresser too, which is good. And now, I want to know why that toy is so special.”

He got up off the bed, and returned with the clear gelled, vibrating dildo. Roger touched it to Rita’s face, traced it around the side of her mouth that was up and exposed to him. He ran it down her cheek, then her neck, then dragged it over her back, down her spine, and down the crack of her ass to the seem between her thighs. He dragged it all the way down that seem to her ankles and then down over the bottom of one foot, prompting a jerky reaction to its touch. Then he brought it back up and retraced its path, mirrored where he could to the other side of her body

Rita sighed a few times during this exercise. Roger was getting the lay of the land. He wanted to find out about her, what made her move, and what didn’t. He quickly learned that Rita, though sensitive to his and the dildo’s touch in certain areas, was quite insensitive in most. He noticed, as he dragged the device around her body, that her mouth was moving on her gag’s ball. It was full of holes, so she could breath, and that let her vocal cords at least emit sound. She was liking the dildo action, but much more so when he neared one of her entry points.

Rita was undergoing a wave of sensations as the dildo was dragged around her body. She was amazed at her own reaction when it came close to her asshole, and revealed in clear terms her over sensitivity there. She wondered if “Jerry” had picked up on her movement’s correlation to the location of the dildo, and figured he had not.

Roger turned Rita over on her back, pulling her semi-restricted hands out as far as they would go on the limiting strap between them. This let her be comfortable at least, and he wanted her comfortable for his plan. He then pulled his back pack close and began to work on her legs. Securing her ankles to the ties on her wrists, he was able to pull them up nearly to her ass, and to thus push her knees straight up.

He then wrapped some very secure straps to her upper thighs, just below the clasps of the garter belt on her stockings, and secured a strap from them to her shoulders, using her own weight to hold her knees toward her head.

Rita suddenly felt totally and frighteningly exposed. Her knees were up and almost reaching her chest, and her entire crack was open to anything he wanted to do. This fact was driven home by the next sensation, that of her dildo attempting to enter her pussy.

Roger noted the gasp she took through the holes in the ball gag as he thrust the dildo through her pussy lips. It had no lubrication, nor did it need any for she was hot as hell for something, anything in that hole. Her chest relaxed with the satisfying fullness reaching into her, and she relaxed into the sensuality of being raped by her own toy.

Her mind was suddenly wrenched from its relaxing state however, when she suddenly felt something pushing at her ass. It seemed huge, for it would not go in, certainly couldn’t, she thought, and would surely go away any second. But it did not. Instead, she felt a finger slip beside the pressured pushing object, and actually enter her ass.

Rita was in a frightful state. With sensations of raw sexual penetration burrowing into her, she sensed she was about to be fucked by something larger than she had ever tried, and in the wrong hole! She tried to scream through the gag, but heard only wanton desire come out the other side.

Roger greased the dildo plentifully with the KY-Jelly he’d brought, replaced his finger in her ass with it, and finally succeeded in getting the butt plug past its widest point, letting her relax her sphincter muscle on the considerably smaller groove.

Rita knew all too well that her ass was now full. The plug made itself clearly known to her through the seemingly massive size and pressure it exerted on the rubbery walls of her chute. She wiggled involuntarily to prompt more contact and sensation, an act that Roger noted and smiled at. Rita was horny as ever now, and wanted these toys vibrating or otherwise moving in her body.

The bed began to shift and sag around as “Jerry” apparently moved to her head. Rita thought, “Could he be…” Her question was soon answered.

Just as the gag came off, he slipped his cock into her now stretched mouth. She nearly gagged on the boy’s meat, but was somewhat amazed it seemed a bit different than she’d thought. Perhaps because she’d had the gag in her mouth, she was able to feel a relative size difference that was less intrusive in her head. For whatever reason, it felt easier to take it in than she’d expected, and she began sucking on the shaft immediately.

Roger began pumping Rita’s mouth with his cock. He too was getting lost in what was happening. He had his neighbor, his next door neighbor, tied up in her bed, and was fucking her in three holes at once. The thought sent him over the top and his orgasm came with loud moans and large spurts of cum, draining into Rita’s eager throat. She didn’t miss a drop, or say a thing until he was spent.

Rita was at once disappointed in the early cum of “Jerry”, as usual, but pleased with the variety in their sex. He’d surprised her with the delicious multiple penetration, but he’d just cum too soon and if history was any teacher, he would now just want to leave, as he had on all occasions so far. She sucked once more on the shrinking cock in her mouth and waited for him to pull out and untie her.

Roger was as disappointed in himself, as he was sure she was in him. He’d blasted his load down her throat with abandon, only to realize he’d cum so soon he’d embarrassed himself. Here was this beautiful woman below his gaze, lying naked accept for some very exotic lingerie, and fully opened to his whim. Instead of pulling his shriveling cock out of her mouth, he leaned forward and dropped his head to her crotch.

Rita was shocked by the sudden attack of “Jerry’s” tongue on her clit. His softened cock was hardening again in her mouth while his mouth attacked her pussy around the stump of the dildo inserted there. Now THIS was what she was looking for! She immediately began to massage his cock with her mouth while grinding her hips up at his head to force her cunt inside him as far as she could. She felt his hands on her ass, pulling her up to him and kneading her flesh. She felt his tongue skirt around her pussy and travel to her ass, and begin to lick around the edge of the stuffed hole. She was writhing in ecstasy when she finally encountered one of her rare orgasms with a man instead of a toy.

Roger was proud of himself, feeling once again a bit of those good old days when he could fuck and suck and party into the night. He hadn’t lost it all just yet. Sitting up a bit, but not removing his cock from Rita’s mouth, he noticed he was back to full bloom and ready to cum again! This brought a smile to his face and he began to swirl the dildo and butt plug in Rita’s groin around in circles.

She responded quickly with more gyrations of her hips, in opposite direction to the devices in her body, to accentuate the motion. She was in her most precious state, penetrated in all three holes, like never before, and passed a first orgasm and quickly traveling toward a second. Only once before had she managed to get beyond this state, and she suddenly shivered with the thought of what would happen if she did succeed to the next step.

Roger was smiling. He could feel Rita stirring again beneath him. She was sucking hard on his cock, attempting to devour him. Her hips were in motion, fucking the toys and humping up at his hand on her clit. He pinched the little nub between his thumb and forefinger and almost laughed as she jerked beneath him, reacting to his every touch now. Suddenly, she bucked up hard at him, and yelled around his cock. She was undergoing a much more intense orgasm than even the first only a few minutes ago. He was almost frightened for her safety as she violently humped his hand and the toys, and gobbled on his shaft.

Rita was beyond the point of no return. She could cum now in ever shorter periods of time, and with ever increasing intensity. She knew her body well enough to know exactly what was happening. It was like a forest fire creating its own wind to fan the flames. Her body was jerking involuntarily, augmenting every touch and sensation it was receiving. The sensations from the toys in her cunt and ass were being further aggravated by this reborn gardener, pushing her to new heights of orgasmic delight. She was breathing like a bull in heat, pushing his cock out of the way with her tongue to suck in huge gobs of air as her body attempted to consume him and the toys.

Roger felt like an animal under attack, with no other option but to attack back. Rita was jumping off the bed at him, pulling him down and trying to envelope him. He thought about loosening her hands in sympathy, but thought better of that when he considered she might just tear him apart. He fell into her rhythm instead, and began to pump his second load of cum down her throat.