Four Wives Club


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Jeanne passed through the living room on most of the scenes, and disappeared. The camera had simply picked up her motion, remained on for a few seconds while there was none after her departure, and then turned itself back to “wait” mode. On a few occasions, on Sunday mostly, he saw his own image pass by the camera. It was eerie. Then he saw his wife and the girls, the time stamp reading Monday morning at nearly ten o’clock. They were exchanging banter about one thing or another, and suddenly Jeanne said, “Shall we?”

They left the camera’s view in the direction of the front stairs, the same stairs they would use to approach the bedroom from which they could watch! He was astounded yet again with his wife’s sexual enterprise and wondered what tomorrow would bring when it was her turn to experience the new “Jerry,” and when the others would try to sneak in on him and his wife as they were together. The whole situation was getting more complicated, and more confusing to his senses.

He was about to turn the viewing off, when Jeanne and Rita both entered the living room. Checking the time stamp at the bottom of the display, he determined that this particular scene was occurring while he was ravishing Gina this morning. They stopped in their tracks to face each other in the middle of the living room, in front of the couch, and aggressively hugged and kissed! They were instantly moaning, saying words he could hardly hear, “… for so long…”, “…why…”, “… to have you…”

Roger was shocked as they stripped each other of their shirts and bras as if they were on fire. They were, he realized, but not in the normal sense of the word. He watched the video through to the end before he realized it was nearly five o’clock. As he was about to turn the machine off, in total surprise at what he’d just watched his wife and neighbor do to each other, when he noticed the little “fill” indicator to the right of the image, indicating there was still more video in the queue.

He made his pre-closing rounds of the building quicker than ever, wanting to get back to the video. Once there, he resumed its play and watched as the women all gathered around the table to hear the much agitated Gina tell of her experience. The amount of information that was piling back at Roger was immense. Each time he did something in the pursuit of his mission, he apparently ignited one or more other fires at the same time. The women were erupting.

While Gina went on about the absolute mastery of the now gloriously famous “Jerry,” he couldn’t help but reflect on the scene of his wife in the arms and mouth of Rita. He heard Ellen even chimed in with how she couldn’t help but masturbate herself after the gals had left her house.

It was then that Rita and Jeanne looked at each other, and passed whatever signal they needed, and gushed their confession out on the table with the others. As if in some kind of séance, they all held hands suddenly and agreed to make tomorrow afternoon’s meeting much more enjoyable for all of them. They split up and the camera went blank, and the “fill” indicator was now empty.

Roger sat back in his desk chair and tried to fathom all that had happened. He’d discovered his wife with the gardener, a lump of a lover, only to find out that she was in cahoots with her three best friends in the same act. Then they not only consented to his demands about preparation for “Jerry’s” next visit, but they’d shared their experiences with each other. They’d even tried to watch each other! When he saw his wife and Rita attack each other’s pussy’s more ravenously even than a man might, he was nearly blown away. And now, they were planning a massive all girl orgy, right after he finished his wife on his next visit. It was all much more than he’d had to deal with to formulate his plan in the first place, and he decided he needed to adjust.

Roger sat at his desk for another three hours contemplating his options and considering their results. When he finally came to his conclusion, he ran it through once more and made sure it all tied together, pardon the pun. His last act before heading home in the dark was to call the sex toy store, only to hear their recording and find that they opened at nine in the morning and closed at seven, an hour ago.

68 Seaward Lane, Master Bedroom, Ten AM, Wednesday

Jeanne lay on her stomach, face into the mattress as she’d been instructed. She could no longer hear the girls giggling in the next room, waiting for the right moment to sneak to her door and get a glimpse of what was going on while “Jerry” was with her. She could hear the footsteps coming up the stairs.

Roger entered the room and quickly hooded his wife like he’d done to Gina, and secured her hands behind her with an added twist of securing them not to each other, but only to her feet, which he bent upright to do so. With her left wrist now joined to her left ankle, and right to right, he added one more item, a ball gag. It was extremely satisfying to him to be able to do this to his wife, not because she was any kind of a nag for she sure didn’t complain much about his absence, but because he hadn’t really exercised any control over her, ever. Now she was his slave, unable to get anywhere without him, and subject to his every whim. Those whims were running through his mind, threatening to steer him off track.

With his own mask in place, he checked himself in the mirror. He was unrecognizable, for sure. The leather suit he’d bought this very morning and worn under his set of street clothes that he’d taken from the real Jerry, completely covered his body. The gloves he now wore ensured no one would see his ring finger, or any other part of his skin. He was ready, except for his materials in the bag.

Moments later, he walked to the bedroom door, and opened it slightly, with him hidden behind it. He put a hand around the edge, and held up one finger, with a kind of sharp stop to its motion, and waited. Though he had no way of knowing if the women were there, he’d bet himself a million that they would be. He was beginning to understand how their minds worked together, and he was reading them like a book.

Rita stepped through, bumping into his hand as she was in such a hurry to be next. His first act, after closing the door, was to pull her aside, blindfold her from behind, and whisper in her ear to remove all but her panties and bra. He next placed cuffs on her wrists and feet, and walked her to the bed. When she was lying face down beside her friend and now casual lover, he pulled her wrists back and her legs up and linked them together as he’d done his wife.

He moved quietly back to the door and pulled it half open again. He could hear Ellen and Gina arguing as to which would be next. Ellen must have waited long enough, given that Gina had already benefited from a meeting with the new “Jerry,” and pushed her way by and into the room. As if told to do so, she stopped just a step beyond the door and waited for “Jerry” to emerge from the behind and blindfold her like the others. He put the cuffs in place and walked her over to the bed, kicking the door closed in the process.

Gina pouted and waited anxiously in the hall.

Ellen was confused and disoriented. She’d been peeking through the door when “Jerry” had positioned Rita directly beside Jeanne. Now “Jerry” had walked her a few steps and turned her around a few times before moving her onto the bed. He also pushed her body in the opposite direction from what she expected, and quickly pulled her ankles up to her wrists and coupled them like the other two women.

Once finished with her, he let Gina in, and the four of them were soon side by side on the king sized bed, blindfolded and wrists fastened to ankles. He stood at the foot of the bed and looked at the veritable smorgasbord of female meat just waiting for him. His wife was especially inviting in her lingerie and he was looking forward to fucking her brains out. But he had four women to deal with now, and he had to pace himself, as well as get them their fill in the process. He looked at it like an empirical problem – so much energy was required to execute so much sex, and each party needed “X” amount of sex, or “XXX” as he smiled at his own analysis.

There was no way he could muster enough energy on his own to satisfy the equation in each of them, so he decided to use their energy as well. The optimum efficiency would be to have them use their energy to satisfy each other, accomplishing both objectives at once, while maybe leaving him just enough of a job to do that he would be easily able to finish them off. He had no idea if all this would work out, but he was determined to try.

His first step was to find out what he was up against. He already knew that Rita and Jeanne had found a taste for each other, literally. Though they didn’t know he knew that of course, he assumed they had all put themselves in this situation voluntarily, and were thus open to just about anything. He stepped over to the bed, pulled Ellen nearly to the edge, and turned her inward on her side. Then he reached over to Jeanne and pulled her on her side facing Ellen. Their bodies were already head-to-toe, a feat he’d accomplished by confusing the last two women to be placed on the bed, and he adjusted their positions slightly to ensure the head of each was as close as possible to the crotch of the other, though not touching.

He performed a similar operation on Gina and Rita, thus forming a pair of 69’ing couples, separated only by inches. Once again, as he’d done every time till now, he got the video camera out and placed it on its tripod and initiated the coverage. He’d decided early on to film all his actions, if for no other reason than to show he didn’t do anything to anyone who didn’t want it done. If by some chance any of them ever decided to turn on him, or “Jerry,” he’d have proof they were more than willing participants.

But after seeing what he had so far, and experiencing just a small piece of all the wonderful things he saw he could partake in with not one but four women, he’d imagined that the video might come in handy for other purposes. His mind had lingered long on that dream the previous night, anticipating today, but he put it out of his mind now, to concentrate on the mission at hand.

Both Rita and Jeanne sniffed first. They all had to breath through their noses with the gags in their mouths, and the sex of each of them was slowly becoming known aromatically. Each was capable of emitting at least some of their wetness under the circumstances they were in. Almost simultaneously, the two more experienced women lifted their heads and slowly moved them forward toward the source of the scent they were picking up.

Ellen’s body jerked at the touch of the leather mask in the closed triangle of her crotch. She could feel something harder push against her vulva, while there was more contact all around her thighs just below. She realized suddenly that it must be a head, and probably from one of her friends that was pushing up against her mound. She froze.

Gina had a similar experience occurring, though not knowing it was Rita’s head in her crotch anymore than Ellen knew it was Jeanne’s head in hers. In both couples, the intruding partner began to push harder at the “V” of each target, attempting to get them to open up and let them in. Roger could easily see that Jeanne and Rita were ready to dive headlong into this action, hot and breathing heavily through their noses and the aerated ball gags. Finally, one, then the other of the two attacked women lifted their upper leg and let the attacking head enter their sexual region.

It had not yet occurred to either of the novice 69’ers to perform a similar action on their partners, thought they could obviously smell the growing scent before their noses. Rita and Jeanne were showing signs of frustration with their gags. Though they were aggressively diving into the crotch of their respective targets, they were essentially unable to savor the actual liquids emitting there.

Roger stepped quietly over to his wife and removed the ball gag from her mouth. He was just as surprised as Ellen when she dived back into Ellen’s cunt with a force and eagerness that somewhat frightened her. Her body tensed at first, then relaxed, then opened further by lifting her leg and allowing her attacker better access. Ellen must also have suddenly realized that a similar opportunity existed for her and she began to nudge her head into Jeanne’s crotch.

A nearly identical action took place with Gina and Rita when Roger removed Rita’s gag, but in this case Gina, a bit more experienced than Ellen, had already begun to reciprocate. Roger removed her gag as well and the two women on the left side of the bed were deeply entangled in each other’s juices, tongues and hair.

When Ellen had had a chance to increase her own tempo and appetite, Roger removed hers, the last of the gags, and let the women all go at it for several minutes. Before long, they were adding audio to their lust and groaning and moaning through orgasm after orgasm. He was amazed at their enthusiasm as a group, a kind of team, all enjoying the hell out of this orgiastic romp with the gardener. If they only knew, he thought.

And yet, Roger thought, they could all have been doing this for months, even years before this. Why hadn’t in fact, they done this before? As far as he could see from the video of action on his living room floor, that was the first time either Rita or Jeanne had ever eaten another woman’s pussy, let alone each other’s. And now, the next day, they were consenting in advance to be tied up, brought together in an orgy, and set upon each other to do what they’d never done before. The whole scene was astounding, and his leather suit was suddenly very hot.

Roger pulled the leathers off and left himself naked at the foot of the bed. He turned the video off so it wouldn’t pick up his image, and put the machine and tripod back in his bag. Then he reached back into his bag, and pulled out four double dongs, two about eighteen inches long, and two about twelve inches in length, and each with a kind of same material flange around the center of its length. He repacked everything else to keep the area clean, and ready for a quick getaway if necessary, and approached the bed.

With his hand, he spanked each one of the women on the ass cheek most exposed. In each case, there was a little yelp of pain, a pink hand print where he’d landed, and a head withdrawing from its pussy-buried position. This was the reaction he’d wanted. He then repositioned all the women on the bed.

Starting with Ellen, he dragged her toward the foot of the bed to clear Jeanne’s feet and ass, both extending from her shoulders about the same distance due to the hands fastened to the ankles. Then he rolled Ellen over on her knees and shoulders, with her head sideways and down on the mattress. This left her in a terribly exposed position with her ass sticking mightily toward the ceiling.

Roger positioned Jeanne similarly, but with her head at the head of the bed, and her ass in line with, and about a foot from Ellen’s, though neither could know that. He then inserted one end of a twelve-inch dildo into his wife’s pussy.

Jeanne let out a gushing breath of air as she felt the heavenly penetration she’d been longing for. At first, she couldn’t tell if it was real, but the dildo gave itself away when it bottomed on the flange, and moved no more. A man’s cock would never be able to stay that still.

Roger then worked Ellen back toward her partner Jeanne, and eventually aimed the other end of the dildo at the other woman’s very slick lips. As Ellen realized there was a magically positioned device behind her, waiting to be taken advantage of, what remained of her modesty disappeared and she wiggled and worked her body back until the dildo was buried and her ass delightfully flopped up against another. To her, it didn’t even matter who’s it was. The two of them began fucking each other with their asses up and began groaning in pleasure once again.

Roger took his time engaging the other couple in the same exact act. It didn’t take him long anyway, for the partners were listening to the blissful moaning of the other couple and cooperating in any way they could to speed things up. Before long, they too were impaled and timing their movements to pull and push in opposite directions to maximize the penetration and draw on the dildo. The scene was one Roger had never even dreamed of ever seeing. What man could?

He let them go for about fifteen minutes. When they slowed, he walked over and slapped each on the ass again, this time careful to get their opposite cheeks from earlier. They all understood the call and ceased their activity, though each seemed to have a kind of homing instinct to push themselves together and bury the dildo between them when they stopped.

Roger stepped over to Rita and Gina this time, deciding to give them first shot at the next act. Standing beside them, opposite their joined asses, he quickly fastened a broad leather belt around the waist of each woman. There were straps, two, hanging off the back sides of each belt and he let these fall to the women’s sides.

Then he brought out one of the eighteen-inch, double dildo’s. He applied some lubricant he’d brought for this purpose, and began to insert the hunk of jellied meat into Rita’s ass. His technique was to aim, and suddenly shove the head into her hole with no warning, catching her off guard before she or her body had a chance to tighten her sphincter. The lube would take care of the rest, he thought, and it did.

“OH!” Rita said uncontrollably, then added, “Ohhhh,” as her muscle began to relax immediately, having been fooled and finding no reason to fight any further. After he rotated the double dong one way, then the other to spread more of the lube around her entrance, he began an ever expanding pumping motion to drill the beast into her butt. Rita was so hot and horny it didn’t take long. She was involuntarily beginning to move her hips to accentuate “Jerry’s” plunges to take more and more of the device up her butt. This didn’t bother Gina one bit, for the pussy dildo began to move in her.

Finally, the ass-fucking dildo would go no further into Rita. She was full, and she could feel the central flange bottom against her ass crack. The sensations were exquisite, and then she realized there was more coming, if this dildo was anything like the one in her cunt.

“What’s he doing, Rita?” Jeanne asked and suddenly wished she hadn’t. Roger had been ready for this and immediately laid a slap on her ass that stung more than any up to that point. She yelped and muttered, “Sorry,” into the sheets.

Roger paused at his wife’s whispered question. Though he’d never thought of his wife in a submissive role, he was pleased at once when he realized she showed no sign of such behavior in her response. It was obvious she didn’t shy from the modest pain of spanking, but she was no “sub.” His sex life had suddenly accelerated exponentially in the past week, and the last thing he needed now was to deal with a whole new environment in the bedroom.

The free end of Rita’s asshole penetrator was fully lubed and ready. Roger looked at the puckering anus of Gina and smiled as he contemplated his next act. The tall, lanky blonde had somehow rubbed him the wrong way, though he could not figure out why. Maybe, he was misinterpreting his reaction and she was actually more enticing than the others. Whatever the cause, he was going to enjoy his next act. The jellied dong poked instantly through her anal opening, stretching it like it had never be stretched before, and produced a muffled scream from the woman that brought all three of the other women to full attention.

Ellen asked, “Gina! Are you all right?”