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Even though he was as surprised as I was, Frank of course became the life of the party. "Mrs. G! Good to see you. Haven't seen you for a while."

I could tell Mom was happy to see him as well. We couldn't really see her face, but you could just tell. I could barely make out the pretty yellow dress she'd worn for the date.

"Hi Frank honey! Nice to see you! Seems like every time you're over is when I'm out. You avoiding me young man?"

"No way. Mrs. G. You're still the nicest mother in our crowd. And the prettiest. Can I tell you you're the sexiest?" He paused and laughed and she laughed too. "You know that. Just bad luck I've been missing you."

"Oh Frank you are so full of B.S." She was right about that.

Mom bent down to kiss first my cheek and then his. Frank took this as the cue to step forward as the host of our little group.

"C'mon in Mrs. G. You got a nice 4 man tub here with just 2 lonely dudes in it."

She laughed. "Well I don't know about that. Billie won't want to think his mom is watching him." That sounded weird but then she changed the subject. "And how is Amy?" Mom knew Amy well and knew they were together. Before he could respond she went on "Hey. What's that smell?"

It was time for me to speak so I tried changing the subject too. "How was the date Mom? How is Mr. Anniston? You're home so early."

"Fine, I guess. Fine. But what is that smell?"

Frank took over and followed his philosophy of never apologizing or even realizing there might be something for which to apologize.

"It's weed. Mrs. G. I brought some over for the boy here. He's having girl troubles and I wanted to cheer him up."

I thought she'd be pissed. But Frank was a guy who always got off scot-free no matter what he said or did.

"Girl troubles? That's news to me. Is there something wrong with you and Rachel?"

I said "Oh, no. She's good. Just a spat I guess." Frank enjoyed putting me on the spot by making his lies revolve around something I had to back up. I liked it.

"Then why the marijuana? You know I don't allow that here."

Frank stepped in. "C'mon Mrs. G. There's no harm in it. A couple of beers and a couple of joints are good for what ails us. Hell it's basically legal now anyway."

Frank was wrong about that. It wasn't 'basically legal.' It was legal. But it stopped Mom. Still he wouldn't let it go.

"Maybe you'd like to try it? You're home from a date at 9 o'clock. Sounds like it might not have been the best date of all time."

Mom laughed appreciatively at this great insight.

"He's a ....." and here she had to describe him with a noise: 'fffffffttttttttttt' which I'm pretty sure translates as 'washout' or 'loser.' She laughed again, a little louder this time.

And I agreed. I knew Mom wanted a boyfriend but no girl should have to have Mr. Anniston for her boyfriend. I again felt that guilt because I had a sex life at 18 -- hell I had 2 sex lives! -- and she had none. She missed my Dad still and I wondered if she'd ever find that part of herself again.

Mom had pulled a chair up to the edge of the hot tub. Frank took out another joint and moved across the tub to show it to her. It was unlit but he brought it up towards her mouth anyhow.

"So try it. Just a hit. No biggie. Good for what ails ya."

She paused as if tempted but then said "No. But I will have one of your beers if that's OK."

"Course it is. Yeah that Mr. Anniston! Wow. I was so shocked when I heard you two were dating. I mean, good shop teacher but like zero personality."

Mom took a swallow of beer, started giggling and said "You're an easy grader Frank. Zero might be too high." She let out a whoosh of air and sipped her beer. For a few minutes we all fell quiet; not even Frank knew how to follow up with questions about the date, and Mom obviously was not going to talk about it further. I could see him looking at her, studying her in the dark. I could see her staring into space or at God knows what else. She drank the beer down though and we did the same with ours.

"The stars are pretty tonight." And then, to my amazement, "You know I might take you up on a hit of your weed."

That one even stopped Frank for a second.

I said "Mom!!" in my most shocked your-son-will-now-be-in-charge-of-looking-out-for-you tone. (Protective son.)

"Oh shush Billie. Frank's right. After a night like this a beer isn't going to cut it." My eyes had adjusted to the dark and I could see her legs were slightly spread and that I could see up her dress from our angle. Too dark to see her panties of course, if they would even have been visible. I wondered whether Frank could see up there too to her thighs.

"You might like to know I was smoking when you were 2 years old. Not often. But your dad and I did it. It's fun sometimes, don't know why I haven't indulged for the last 15 years or so."

I went with "Mom!" again. Frank went with "Coming right up Mrs. G."

VIII.Mom and Weed

I realized right away that mom might have trouble with today's quality and strength of weed. I wasn't really shocked to find out that she and dad had once dabbled. But dabbling on what was out 15 years ago and smoking the kind of grass Frank brought were world's different. Frank and I knew that. She probably didn't.

Frank had jumped out of the tub, dried his hands off and was lighting up. He took a deep drag and then walked over to hand it to mom. All I could see was the red tip of the joint and the outline of her face as she took her first drag. Frank was right over her looking down as she sputtered after the drag, and I wondered whether he could see down the modestly low cut blouse she'd worn on the date. I wondered whether he could see her bra or her tits. I wondered what he would think of them if he could. I thought they were pretty nice. Not saggy at all. She didn't have Amy's tits at the age of 34 but I think they were as nice in their own way.

"Sorry to be dripping all over you Mrs. G."

"It's ok honey. The water feels good."

"Here, let me show you how it's done." Now Frank bent over to her face and demonstrated the correct way to hold and drag on a joint. He brought it to her lips, held it there for her and said "Now you." She went. He said "A little deeper Mrs. G. You can do it....Now hold it in." (Yeah. I knew, of course I knew.) For some reason her hand was on his hip as she turned her face up to him to accept the joint. This time she took a better, deeper hit and held it in the way Frank had shown her. She let it out with a whoosh.

"Oh my! I feel it."

Frank took a quick hit and just as quickly handed it back to mom. She dragged on it, held it in and then expelled with a big cloud of smoke.

"Good girl Mrs. G. You're gonna like that hit. Now go again, quick." She did.

"Oh. I like that feeling. Haven't had that rush for ages."

"Nice, huh Mrs. G?"

"Mom you better be careful with that. It's pretty strong." I was keeping up my scold but I didn't really mean it. Something had changed, something beyond them getting high together, and I wanted to see how it would play out.

"Don't listen to him Mrs. G. He's a pussy when it comes to smoke."

"A pussy, huh?" She laughed and watched Frank drag on the joint. He handed it over to her again quick. A few sparks flew and he brushed them down the front of her blouse and off her skirt. If she noticed him brushing his hand on her breasts she didn't say anything about it. Instead she took a deep drag and repeated "A pussy." The joint was almost gone. Frank offered a hit to me and I took it. Mom had stood and was brushing herself off some more.

She said "Oh Frank. You got ash smudges all down the front of my dress! Now I'm going to have to change."

"Bathing suit Mrs. G. The night air. The warm water. A couple of beers. We got more weed here and there's still just 2 lonely dudes in this big tub. The night is young."

She was giggling while he said it and then her response was "Hmmmm we'll see." She disappeared into the house. A minute later we saw her bedroom light go on, then the bathroom light.

IX.Frank and Mom

For about 2 minutes we were quiet. I wasn't really wondering what she'd change into, just wondering how bad it would be when she did. For some reason I felt sure it would be the pure white bikini Dad had got her on our last trip to Hawaii. That made me nervous and got me feeling all protective again. Before we ran out of time I decided to take a shot at reasoning with him.

"Ahhhh what's going on here Frank?"

"Don't know dude. Playing it by ear."

"I know you are, and that's the problem. You know that's my mother, right."

"Still gonna play it by ear. Your mom's a hottie."

"And you remember about us, right?"

"Yeah. Of course. No problems there."

"But then...." We saw the bathroom light turn off and I realized Frank was hardly listening to what I said. His eyes were glued to her bedroom window.

He started up. "Listen dude, just follow my lead here. OK? You're mom's gonna be fine. Let her live a little will you? And then you and I will get away. Maybe tomorrow. Or the next day." And he repeated "Just follow my lead." So I did. (Pussy.) It never occurred to him that he wouldn't get her if he wanted her. And it never occurred to him that I might not want to participate in a plan for him to fuck my mother.

When Mom came back out she left the kitchen light on and we could see more of her as she emerged. It wasn't good but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't the tiny white bikini after all. It was the peach seersucker one-piece. I knew it well. It had a demi underwire bra built in that wasn't too bad but did expose the tops of her tits. Like putting them on a shelf. Guess she figured the bikini would be too obvious.

Frank whistled at her. "Hot stuff Mrs. G. C'mon in."

She scooted over and in fast. I could tell she was nervous and buzzed. She sank to her neck to obscure the view of her boobs.

"Another beer Mrs......."

"Frank I'm gonna scream if you call me that one more time. It's Ellie, ok?"

"Sure Ellie! Pleased to meet you." And he scooted to the seat next to hers to make a show of shaking her hand. "Another beer Ellie?" He was hardly pretending not to look down at her breasts during the exchange.

"Yeah, don't mind if I do. Are we gonna smoke again?"

"Of course we are. Let that last one mellow first, k? We get a nice solid, warm buzz going."

Mom was alternating between seeming very nervous, very high and very girly. Frank gave her a beer and it dropped right through her hand into the water. Frank's arm dove down between her legs to grab it and she was giggling as he brought up the frothing can between her thighs. Mom said "Ooops"as he set it aside and got her a fresh one. She took a nice gulp of beer and smiled at him.

She looked at me and I could see her better now. She looked surprised to see me, like she'd forgotten I was there. Her eyes seemed a bit unfocused, but I could see her deciding that she better pay some attention to me.

"You sure you and Rachel are ok?"

"Yeah Mom we're fine."

"Well she's such a nice girl. You better take care of her." Mom seemed stuck for anything else to say on the subject so the 3 of us sat there being quiet. Everyone seemed just to be waiting for something to happen.

Mom must have used the time to get over her modesty about the suit. She now stood up, a little wobbly, turned to Frank and said "So do you like it?" She spun once so he could see her ass in it too.

"It's wonderful Ellie, just gorgeous on you. I only wish we had better light out here."

Satisfied Mom sat back down with a plop and a big grin on her face. "Got it in Hawaii. Got some nice bikinis there too but you know I figured I better not...." Mom didn't know how to finish her sentence so she just stopped. Still she couldn't stay off Frank so she turned to him and said "You never told me how Amy was doing. Another fabulous ..." and did she slur that word a little? "...fabulous girl who you'd better be good to."

"Oh. I am Ellie. Amy's the best. In fact I was just showing Billie a video I took of her."

Holy shit. He wasn't going there, was he?

But mom didn't bite on the comment. What was he going to do if she had asked to see it?

"And my that Amy is sooo pretty" elongating the 'so' like a teenaged girl would. "I wish I could look like that again." She chuckled at that but you could tell she was really picturing how it was when she was younger and, presumably, hotter.

"You two both better take care of your girls. We girls need lots of TLC you know."

"Yeah you do." Frank turned mom gently so her back was toward him. He began to massage her shoulders. "Don't know how Mr. Anniston screwed this thing up on you. If you were my girl I'd never leave your side. I sure as hell wouldn't let you into a hot tub with 2 hot guys like us. You'd get all the TLC you wanted. How's that feel?"

"Like heaven."

"Ready for another smoke Ellie?"

I started in "Mom you might wanna....." I was no longer sure if I was just pretending to protect her or I really was trying to protect her.

She cut me off with "Don't be a pussy about it Billy. I want to have fun tonight" and then burst into hysterics as if she'd just told the funniest joke of all time.

Frank took up her cry: "Yeah, no pussies in the hot tub tonight. Or maybe it should be just one pussy allowed.......right Ellie? One pussy is ok." And he never stopped the sensual massage of her shoulders.

Mom just snickered like a young girl hearing her first risqué joke. Then she took up the cry "One pussy is very good." Her face was shiny and red, like all the blood in her body had gone there.

I realized the massage had somehow caused her body to rise up. That underwire bra was popping her tits nicely and Frank had leaned in over her to look down at them. Now he turned her back and got busy lighting up their smoke. I declined and just watched the 2 of them go back and forth with it. They stayed close to share and I could see one of Frank's hands had gone underwater. Was he massaging her thighs now? Frank started moving the joint to her lips again rather than to her hand, rubbing it against her lips and blowing smoke in her open mouth. Those made her laugh for about a minute till she started coughing and he had to pound her back.

Mom sat there giggling and by now I knew that she was completely wrecked.

X.Me and Benjy

Frank said "Billy. You think you might be able to run down the store and get some rum or something for me and your mom? I think she's ready for a real drink soon."

Mom brightened up out of her stupor at that. "Yeah. Rum. I love rum and coke. I wanted that asshole Roger to take me for a drink tonight but we had to go bowling instead. Bowling! Fuck."

"Mom..." but it was no use.

"Now listen Billy your mom already told you no being a pussy tonight. Right? Now she wants one drink after the asshole let her down. Don't you want her to be happy? It'll be just like when me and Amy went out to make her mom happy that day. And that turned out pretty good." I could see him smiling at me now. "You saw how happy that made everyone. Besides, I'll be here for Ellie's TLC."

Mom took another sip of beer and said "Yeah, like making Amy happy. She's soooooo pretty!" She had no idea what she was saying.

With that he reached his left arm across her body and tits to pull her closer. The hand ended up practically cupping her far breast and he seemed in no hurry to remove it once he had snuggled her body into his. Mom did look kind of shocked at that. But mainly, I think, because she again realized that I was still there. Then Mom twisted her torso slightly away from him, almost defiantly, so that the tit would rest more firmly in his palm. I think she wanted me to get a better view of it there. His thumb ended up over the top of the wire cup on her flesh while his palm supported her breast from below. I gave up. (Defeatist o Realist?)

"OK by me then. If it's what you want mom."

"Run in the house sweetie and get my purse? We need some ...." well presumably 'money' but it seemed like she'd forgotten the word. " know.....for the rum."

So I got out and dried off quickly before going inside. I realized that, despite my many objections to what was happening, the two of them had managed to give me an immense boner. More boner than the video of Amy sucking him off had given me. But there was no risk of either of them noticing. His hand was stilling cupping her breast and I could hear her whisper to him as I entered the kitchen. Whatever.

I found the purse on the couch and pulled out her wallet. I was now a little afraid to go back out there, afraid of what I'd find. I could hear her giggling and the deeper tone of Frank's whispers, but I couldn't quite make out what was being said. Still, how far would Frank push her with me right there? I peeked around the corner of the sliding door and to my surprise found that they had separated a bit. At least it was safe to go back out.

Mom had submerged down to her chin (again) and was looking up and saying how pretty the stars were (again) and making a big effort to appear pretty normal. Frank didn't need to bother to pretend. He knew I would be on his side.

"That's a good boy, Billie. Get us some rum, honey. And some coke. And go to the Benjy's Market. You know where Benjy's is, right?" I nodded but I don't think she was paying attention anyway. "That's the only one open now and Benjy has the best prices anyhow."

Yeah, that and Benjy's was 20 minutes in the car each way. Smith's Liquors was 5 minutes away and I was pretty sure it was open too. Still we could save 15 cents at Benjy's so I knew she was making sense.

"Got it. Benjy's. I'll see you two in about an hour." See I wasn't being a pussy at all. I was starting to enjoy this. And I was enjoying the feel of my erection rubbing against my trunks. I pulled on my tee shirt and got into flip flops. I grabbed Mom's keys and left the deck.

As I did she cried out to me "Remember to go to Benjy's" and then "Oh, look Frank. Is that Orion?"

XI.I Text Frank

I remembered, but there was no way I was driving to Benjy's, or anywhere else, that night. I wondered if Mom would make him stop, or could even stop herself, till she heard the car leave the garage. As I got to the edge of the driveway I looked back at the 2 of them and had just enough light to see that they were in a deep embrace kissing. I figured his hand was in at least the top of her suit by then, and the only question was whether he was going to fuck her right there in the tub or somewhere else. She was too far gone to think through the need for the sound of a departing car.

I told you earlier that I got into blowing Frank on kind of a whim but then I got into the taboo breaking aspect of it and grew to really like (ok: love) it. My rock hard dick told me this was an even bigger taboo: watching my mother getting fucked by a guy, a guy I happened sometimes to blow. I was long over my disappointment of not getting his cum for myself tonight, and I was starting to realize that this could be even better. I thought again of how she had her own secrets. If I could watch Mom blow him, or get bent over by him, it would crush the taboo of a lifetime. I was in. Frank knew I would help, probably before I knew myself, and here I was finally fully signed up at last to do my part.

Since he liked having me in my room I figured he might want to have her in her room. But I needed to be sure. I took out my cell and texted him.

"Where you gonna do her?"

I watched him picking up the text while he was kissing her, reading it over her head.

I could hear him say "Give me one minute Ellie. My Dad is locked out and needs to know where I left the spare key. One minute."

Mom was saying "Hey, don't leave....." He jumped out and texted back.