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"Bend your back down Ellie....Make that cunt pop....Raise your ass up higher and spread your knees. Good girl Ellie! You remember what it feels like."

He knelt behind her and shoved in to his balls in one strong thrust. I could tell from her noises that Mom could have cum again in that position but now he was fucking her for his own release. He went at her fast and hard and came inside her after about 2 minutes.

Frank slammed down to the bed beside her, but she was too used up to move out of position for a minute or more. So she knelt there, ass in the air. Finally she crashed sideways over Franks legs looking up at the ceiling. Her knees were up. I watched and recorded as his heavy white cum drooled out of her swollen cunt.

I, of course, had never been able to see Frank fuck a girl before. I stood stunned in the closet with the camera still rolling on Mom's pussy. Stunned that he could do her so hard. Stunned that she was so completely fucked. Stunned at the quantity of delicious looking cream dripping from her. Stunned to think of little Amy getting fucked like this. Stunned and jealous that he would never fuck me this way. Stunned and happy for Mom that she had been fucked this way.

After about a 5 minute rest "You still high Ellie?"

"Yeah I think so." Her tits were still heaving and I could see beads of sweat on them.

"You two used to fuck high like this?"

"Yeah kinda, but not like this, not really....but yeah we did."

"So how'd he keep you from cumming so loud? How'd you two fuck with Billie in the next room?"

"He had to gag me. A ball sometimes. Sometimes just panties. It's embarrassing but I've cum loud like that since I was a teenager."

The secrets were out, at least some secrets. Mom was moaning again. I whipped out my cock and draped the blue panties over them. Then I recorded video with one hand while I pumped the panties over my dick with the other.

"And Billie never knew? Never caught you?"

"Not caught, but he must have known. The heavy sessions we did up at the cabin. We'd have a sitter or Billie would sleep over your place. Ed let me cum at the cabin without the gag. But when we fucked at home he would gag me with the ball or my panties. Most times I would just suck him off if Billie was around. Still, I always felt guilty because I felt like Billie knew about me." My dick was like titanium.

"You'd like him to catch you wouldn't you. To be exposed like a slut in front of him." Now like a kind of super-titanium and the panties were getting wet from my juices. Mom just moaned her agreement, and he upped the stakes.

"Or maybe watch him? Watch him suck a dick or, excuse me, I meant watch Rachel t sucking his dick?" Mom was too far gone to wonder again about whether I was or was not a pussy, was or was not a cocksucker. Whether I was a pussy or was the king of pussy. Frank had gone there strictly for my benefit and it was nice.

"Oh my God. Rachel is such a slut. I'd go crazy if I could see her sucking him off."

Her sexy panties were a blur up and down my fat dick. Frank had spread her legs again and was alternating fucking her with the vibe and using it on her clit. Then he started spanking her pussy lightly in between strokes and Mom started going crazy again. She came hard and fast, but it was a quick one this time. She was too exhausted to cum as hard as before, but still screamed. Frank turned off the vibrator, went to place it on the floor beside the bed, only to have it intercepted by her in order suck it clean for his enjoyment.

I blew a huge load into her panties right as Mom deep throated her toy.

The two of them crashed and slept.

XV.A Corner Man

Mom had rolled on her side across the bed, throwing one leg over his left her ravaged pussy exposed to my zoom again. I used it there. Her ass was better exposed than that and had shaped itself into its loveliest. Round, warm, and firm, the skin across her ass glowed with the pleasure and content of a well fucked woman.

They slept and I waited sitting in the closet. I toyed with the cummy panties I had fucked, with the cleaner pair she'd worn out earlier that night and with the 2 bras I'd commandeered. Still they slept, his arm on the small of her back. Periodically his arm would brush up and down over her perfect ass, which responded by recurving to an even more perfect ass. Mom was truly gorgeous then.

It was 1:30 A.M. and they'd been necking, sucking and fucking since about 10 P.M. I knew that Frank would not leave her even partially unfucked. I determined to be the alarm clock which guaranteed his success. I set the times for her ravishment at 2:30 A.M. and 5 A.M. Then I'd find a way to get out of here and let them sleep the day away.

I had no thought of surprising the 2 of them in her bed. Frank had demonstrated how much it turned her on to think of me catching her with her full slut on. But that would not be part of the fun. I'd go to visit Rachel and surprise her in bed the minute her mom and dad were out the door. It would be my time.

I had an hour to kill while they slept. So I played with Mom's prettier bra for a while, then deep throated and then ate a nicely curved banana. I was tempted more than once to sneak out and record her ass and pussy up close, but chickened out each time I put one foot outside the closet. Frank's arm would move, her ass would shift and I would jump back. And the zoom was so good that there really wasn't a need to be closer, unless I wanted to reach out and caress her ass or tits or bend down to kiss his cock. I stayed put.

At 2:20 A.M. I needed Frank. Throwing Mom's plain bra at his foot didn't do much to him. I threw the empty water bottle at him but missed. I considered throwing the full bottle then but held off. Throwing the banana peel at his head worked in the end. Although waking to the feel of a banana peel on his temple confused him, he soon caught sight of Mom's naked back and ass, woke up, tossed the peel on the floor and turned towards the closet to smile and give me thumbs up.

Frank went to the bathroom. I heard him gargle, wash his face and pee while I checked out some new views of Mom. He returned and lit a joint before sitting beside her on the bed and gently rubbing her ass. He smoked and stroked for a minute or two and then tickled her cunt till she woke with a start. Mom bolted straight up disoriented as Frank had been. He changed his stroke to her tit and held the joint to her lips. She inhaled, held it and whooshed out the smoke.

"Frank! You didn't leave me. I dreamt that....."

"Shush. Didn't I tell you we had all night? I'm going to make love to you again."

"Oh God Frank. I wanna for you so bad, want us to cum together with you in my pussy. But I'm sooooo sore down there." Mom looked at him pleadingly.

I figured there was no way Mom would lightly withhold pussy, or on anything else he wanted. She was clearly serious about hurting 'down there.' I was concerned but then figured it was just because of the 2 year layoff. Her vibrator had certainly never fucked her the way Frank just had.

"Ellie, I think you need to be fucked one more time tonight. Finish the joint with me and you'll wanna fuck." They smoked it down to the roach and Frank got up to deposit it in what had become Mom's bedroom roach dish.

Then Mom jumped up. "Please Frank! I'm burning there but I so gotta pee." She headed for the bathroom.

Now in this game I wasn't a utility infielder behind Amy, I was Frank's corner man in a heavy weight bout with Mom's pussy and mouth. He'd taken her down easily in the first couple of rounds. But if her cunt couldn't answer the bell for round 3 we'd never sell these video rights for a tenth of their real value. (Kidding.) In other words I had to restrain my fighter from his natural killer instinct to make sure we got good product out of the night.

He came to the corner for a whispered consult.

Him: "Damn I gotta get to fuck her again."

Me: "I want you to fuck her too."

Him: "Damn straight I'm going to fuck her. S'why we're here."

Me: "But it's gotta be good, clean quality fucking. After the orgasms she had earlier we can't let down, can't let her pussy take us backwards."

Him: "Whaddaya mean? Whaddaya suggest?"

Me: There's more than one way to fuck."

Him: "Her ass?"

Me: "No Tiger. If her cunt is too sore to fuck imagine what she's going to feel and do when you shove that thing up her ass. We won't get orgasm shrieks, we'll get the ASPCA. Another time for that."

Him: "Then what?"

Me: "Her t....."

Him: "Oh yeah! It just came to me: her tits!"

Me: "I suggest we....."

Him: "Later Billie. Can't chat now. I'm going to fuck your Mom's tits and I think I hear her coming in."

That too was Frank. A genius and an idiot.

But Mom was coming back looking all frail and girly and afraid of the man who wanted to shove his dick in her. Frank didn't help things when he pushed her down on her back and began climbing over her. Naturally she thought the big brute was going for her pussy and stated to cry,

"What? Don't cry Ellie. I'm not going to hurt you." He said this with a rock hard cock suspended above her belly and his arms pinning her wrists above her head.

"I can't Frank. I really c....." She stopped when the suspended Frank bent his head down to kiss, suck and bite her tits.

"Your pussy's off duty Ellie. I'm going to fuck your tits." Playing up the hero angle, the guy who saves our poor sweet heroine. Such a gentleman! And it really worked.

Mom broke into a wide beautiful grin and said "Oh, Frank! I'd love for you to fuck me there."

Which he did. Fucked her almost as hard as he had fucked her before. He drooled a long line of spit between her pretty tits to make her new cunt wet enough to fuck. She pressed her tits together and the cunt was complete. He had Mom mewling like a kitten when that fat pole slid inside. The first few strokes smashed through that cunt and hit her in the chin. Then a few hit high enough above her chin that she could kiss/lap the head of his dick. He lubed the valley between her tits again with spit. And then he destroyed that fresh new cunt. He was hitting it all the way to the balls so she could reach her head forward for a decent suck at the end of each stroke. They fucked like beautiful wild animals and I could see Mom nearly came from the effort. In the end he came like a breeding bull all over her pretty face.

Remember the old Rod Stewart song "You Wear It Well"? Could have been written about Mom. She wore Frank's beautifully. They were neither of them in a hurry to clean her body off, so they played sperm games for another 10 minutes before scooping it all into her mouth. They swigged some water and crashed again.

The corner man would not get the credit, but he does have the video.

XVI. Cut the Knots

I dozed off for a few minutes at 4:45 A.M. and have sometimes wondered what might have happened if I'd fallen completely asleep. I was seated in Mom's closet with the camera in my lap and with a second load of my cum deposited into the cup of her cutest blue bra. I started awake and saw Mom had shifted so her ass and cunt were directly above my line of sight to the bed. Pretty! And recorded for posterity. But now it was time for Frank's final go at her.

When I got up and stretched I found that Frank was already stirring on the bed. I threw the 2nd banana peel at him anyway, just because it was fun. But he was a quick one. He snatched the peel out of the air before it hit him, rolled Mom on her back and draped the peel gently over Mom's tit. He found the vibrator again and used it and the peel to stimulate her nipples until she awoke.

Her tits had been well fucked and there were dry splotches of his cum all over them and all over her face. He'd needed me -- even if he'd never know that -- to settle on a tit fuck for the next to last act of their show, but he didn't need me to figure out the next one. He'd told Mom about 5 hours earlier that she could earn another blowjob by performing well in the night. He may not have meant it that literally or cruelly but then again he may have. In any event Mom had sucked and fucked her brains out for him and she had earned the right to suck him off as the sun rose.

He went methodically and she watched. No words were spoken. He took a heavy pillow from the bed and dropped it on the floor about 5 feet from where I hid. He was awake enough to angle it square to the closet so that I'd get a nice side view of his cock going in and out of her mouth.

He nodded her down to kneel there. She did. I almost could have reached out and stroked her breast. She waited.

He took the ties from the end of the bed and knotted them together. He bound her wrists behind her back and looped the ties under her ankles. He bound her ankles together and looped the chord back up and over her wrists. Pulling it tight for more tension he lifted her ankles from the floor so that she had to balance on her kneecaps to stay upright. He tied her off and held her head to help her adjust to the position.

Weak shafts were beginning to light the room. I ducked a little deeper behind the dresses.

He went before her and gave her his middle finger to suck deeply. Then the other hands middle finger. Mom was balanced pretty well by then so he went to the bathroom and got a warm facecloth to clean the dried cum from the tit fuck. Her tits and face and neck were cleaned, but there wasn't much to do about the streaks of cum in her hair. Other than to add to them.

He began. His hands went low to balance her by her tits while she leaned slightly forward to accept his cock between her lips. He let her suck just a bit and then released her tits so she'd fall back slightly and release him from her mouth. Mom had good lubrication from her mouth and it was sliding in easily. Then he'd do it again, letting her mouth go a little deeper around his cock. Then deeper again. Once he had two thirds of the fat wet cock in her she was balanced by it and he didn't bother to hold her tits.

Now he began to fuck her face. Her earlier blowjob had been a simple warm-up for this one. He was going in her hard and fast and deep and I began to see (and record) the muscles in her throat bulging out. He gently held the back of her head to make sure she didn't fall and Mom was pistoning down on his dick as fast and as hard as he was pistoning into her throat. I saw her tits bouncing and bobbing like little boats caught in a hurricane. Then he was in her completely, swollen nuts banging off her chin at each hit. He held her in place, fucked hard 2 or 3 times, held her and then ejaculated his load down her throat. He held his cock in place, and her mouth tight up against him until she finished cleaning, and then laid her gently on her side with her face angled away from me.

Frank found scissors in a drawer of her bureau and cut the knots at her ankles and wrists. They sat together massaging her joints until she felt she could stand. He helped her up and held her for a long embrace with her face in his chest.

"Are you happy?"

"Yes, Frank."

"Still high?"

"Just a bit now. I need sleep.....Are you? Happy too?"

"Very. You are an incredible woman Ellie." Made Mom blush. He was sincere and we all knew it.

"But can know? Some other time?"

"You mean have a relationship?" Frank gave her his wistful faraway look, like a sad lover leaving for the front. He knew what he was about to get from her and wanted to have fun with it.

"I know you have Amy and I would never want to hurt her! But you can have us both. Amy won't know, and if she won't have sex with you it's only fair." Mom was working hard to convince herself. She said "I know it will be hard on you. I know how close you and Billie are. He just loves you to death. If you can't, because of him, I'll understand." She stopped, looked sad and said "I'm such a bad mother." She was on the verge of crying so he put his arm around her and hugged her naked body close to his.

"You're not Ellie. You're a great mother and a fantastic lover."

"Then we might? That's all I want now, that we might."

Now Frank gave her his faraway stern and determined look, a man who will do his duty no matter what the personal cost. "I'll try Ellie. That's all a man can do. I'll try." I almost laughed out loud and I could see him smile in my direction, smile for the camera. But Mom totally was buying it.

She broke into a huge smile and kissed his chest. Mom looked up and said "We can be so careful Frank. He won't ever ....Wait!" Some new thought had occurred to her. "Wait! We can use the cabin! Billie never goes there except with you --if you and I are there he won't want to go up alone!"

"Yeah! If we go up he'll just figure I'm with Amy." Which is exactly what I would have thought before the night's events.

Mom bit her lip, thinking the thing over. Then "Oh no! He doesn't take Rachel there does he?"

Frank was always ready. "Nah. He always fucks her at her house. Her parents won't let her go up there -- they're too protective." That part was actually true. It's nice when your girlfriend's parents are protective but clueless about what happens right under their noses.

Mom got a sly look I recognized. But this one was a bit different. I'd have to describe it as slutty-sly. She licked her lips then and said "It can be our secret, something just for us. Something Billie and Amy will never know."

Frank smiled down at her, hugged her tight and said "Then go wash up and you can see me out."

Mom went to the bathroom and I got my last look at her body. Should a mother of 34 be allowed to have an ass that beautiful? I skedaddled out of the closet. Frank and I shared thumbs up. I took the time to touch my fingers to my lips and then to his spent cock. He smiled for me. Then I skedaddled out of her room and out of the house. I brought everything with me, the soiled panties and bras, the water bottle and the camera gear. I'd guess I was out of the driveway before Mom was out of the bathroom. I drove to an all-night restaurant and got coffee and a huge breakfast. Then I used their wash room to get myself at least somewhat presentable. I left there and drove to Rachel's house and then parked a quarter of a mile down the road. It would be another hour till her parents left. Then I planned on getting some sleep in Rachel's bed. And more.

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