Freshman Ch. 08: Like Father Pt. 02


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"That was fun. Hope it helped you relax."

Rich's glassy stare was lost in Rachel's tits but he finally reacted and looked back up to meet her. Her expression was enchanting. Her eyes were wide and sparkly and her smile so invitingly warm. Her cheeks were a bit pink and her forehead had a gentle glow and sheen. It took his breath away.

His voice cracking, he tried to find words to respond.

"Yeah, it was, um-. Well..."

He trailed off as he realized he had no idea what to say. It was "what"? Amazing? Shameful? Wrong? Unbelievable? The hardest he could remember coming in years? The best blowjob he may have gotten ever?

It was all those things. And his brain simply could not reconcile that at the moment.

Rachel grinned as she realized he wasn't going to be able to offer any sort of intelligible response. Stepping back, she pulled her shirt down, finally slipping her boobs back under their still far-from-modest enclosure. She re-buttoned her jeans and chewed her lips as she looked around the room. What now? She guessed it was probably time to get going.

She was about to step back and head for the door when she paused and looked up at his face. While the experience needed nothing further to enhance it, she couldn't resist ending it the same way it had begun with some flirty quips from her roleplaying.

"Well, was there anything else you needed before I go, Mr. Sanders?"

She tried to contain her amusement as Rich's eyes widened again. She knew his brain was too fried to play along with her game. But it was fun anyway. However, it wasn't entirely make-believe...

Glancing down momentarily, she stepped back in close and raised her head to look directly at him. The goofy grin was gone, replaced by a calm but serious expression. Inhaling smoothly, she reached forward and placed her hand on his chest as she spoke in a firm, earnest tone.

"No, but seriously. If you ever think you're hiring again, I really hope you keep me in mind. Just consider tonight my resumé."

She grinned as he stiffened in response. Stepping up onto her toes, she brought her lips in closer to his ear as she dropped her voice to a low purr.

"I'll come back for another interview anytime you want."

She dropped back to her heels and winked at him as she ran her fingers over his chest a final time and disengaged. Completely changing her tone as if none of the events of the past half hour had occurred, she shrugged and spoke casually.

"Anyway, I guess I should be going."

She indicated over to the door.

"Did you wanna...?"

Rich shook himself free and nodded with a deep breath. While the entire encounter had been surreal, Rachel's final teasing words had somehow taken things to an even crazier level. Was she serious about what she'd said? Did she actually want to come work for him? And then they could-?

He broke away from the impossible thoughts and swallowed as he crossed the room with her and unlocked the door. The pair made their way silently through the main area of the basement with Rachel only pausing briefly to retrieve her jacket. Greg was still snoring loudly in the exact position they'd left him in. Rachel smirked to herself. She wouldn't wish his future hangover on anyone.

As they ascended the staircase and stepped into the kitchen, Rachel paused to pull out her phone. She twisted her lips and thought out loud about who might be able to come get her. It was a Saturday night after all and most of her friends were probably in various stages of intoxication. She knew Rebecca had stayed in but she wasn't so sure if she wanted her best friend to know where she'd been.

Sighing and deciding to go with the cab route, Rachel switched her phone over and clicked a few buttons. Glancing up at Rich, she smiled and raised a brow.

"Um, I think I'm just going to get a cab. I don't think I have any sober friends left at this hour."

She grinned and returned to the screen. But Rich's voice unexpectedly interrupted her.

"Cab? No, look, I can drive you."

Rachel stopped what she was doing and looked up to meet his gaze. Her lips parted into a smile and she cocked her head.

"Are you sure? It's really okay. Seriously. I can just-."

Rich cut off her off and stepped forward.

"No, that's silly. I'll take you."

He turned and scooped a pair of keys out of a bowl on the kitchen island. He actually couldn't believe the words had come out of his mouth. The best thing would be for her to just walk out of that door as quickly as possible and never come back again. But he'd felt suddenly guilty about making her arrange her own transportation. Setting aside the unspeakable pleasures she'd just laid on him (which he tried not to think about), she had gotten his boy home safely in the first place. Returning the favor was just the decent thing to do, even if everything he'd done with her to that point had been anything but.

Rachel watched him for a moment before nodding her head and smiling again. She hadn't been all that crazy about paying for a ride. And if she was being totally honest, the idea of not ending the night with Rich quite yet really turned her on.

"Okay! Um, well, thank you! That's really sweet of you."

Turning on her heels, she followed Rich through the laundry room out a different door she'd entered from. As he hit a switch starting the mechanical squeal of the garage door rising, he indicated to a blue Lexis SUV parked against the far wall. Rachel smiled and walked with him and was about to reach for the door handle when she stopped suddenly and spun back around. Seeing Rich's confusion, she put up a finger and called out playfully.

"Oops! One second. I left something in his car!"

Rich nodded and slid into his seat and turned the key as he watched Rachel skip out towards the driveway. He'd just finished buckling his seat belt when the passenger door opened and she hopped in, a silly expression on her face. Rich narrowed his eyes in confusion before stiffening as recognition took hold.

In her hands, was a folded-over, sexy looking bra. Rich's eyes darted momentarily to her chest, passing over the still noticeable indentations of her nipples. Swallowing hard, he looked back up at Rachel as she grinned sheepishly in return.

"Yeah. Almost forgot..."

Rich realized he was staring again so he turned quickly to face forward. He felt his cock twitch unexpectedly and he suddenly regretted offering to drive her home. Fuck. He just needed her to be gone.

Rachel grinned in amusement at Rich's renewed sense of awkward discomfort. In any other circumstance, a boy's father discovering that she'd left her underwear in his car might've ranked among the most mortifying moments of a given week or month. But as she swished her tongue over her gums, still able to taste him in her mouth, it was laughably clear that they were way, way past that being of any concern.

The car backed out to the street and soon they were on their way. No one spoke and Rachel only fidgeted in her seat as she replayed all of the surreal and exciting details of the evening. She'd tingled a few times as she'd caught Rich's eyes darting over to her, specifically her chest. Being alone with him in such a confined space revved her up all over again and she she'd practically squealed with exciting delight as an idea for one final bit of fun popped into her head.

Clearing her throat, she turned to him and smiled. As soon as he acknowledged her look, she reached down and casually pulled her t-shirt back up over her torso. She couldn't see him but his gasp was unmistakable as her large breasts dropped free into the chilly air. Pulling the shirt over her head and shaking out her hair, she smiled again at his wild expression and spoke casually.

"Sorry. Just probably a good idea to put my bra back on before I get home."

She grinned as Rich swallowed hard and managed to nod in agreement. His face had blanched again and his eyes darted around tensely. Laughing out loud, she continued in mock protest.

"Jeez! I didn't mean to freak you out! I just figured, you know, that you probably wouldn't mind..."

She giggled again and began to slip the straps of her bra back over her shoulders. Reaching behind her back, she hooked the clasp before fixing and tucking her boobs into the cups. She was about to follow suit with her shirt when she paused and froze in place.

Her eyes widened and a wide grin stretched across her lips as she looked up at Rich and then back down to where she'd just been staring. Even in the dimmed light of the cabin, it was blatantly clear that Rich had gotten hard again. His flannel plants once again sported their signature red and black striped tent.

Rich quickly realized what she was looking at and he reached down awkwardly to adjust. It was surprising to him as well, given how thoroughly Rachel had just dominated him, but he'd begun to feel himself re-rising to the occasion from the moment he'd seen the bra. And when she'd whipped off her shirt and so blatantly displayed her perfect breasts again, what had been a slow burning fire had exploded into a blaze.

He thought desperately to think of something to say to deflect, but Rachel beat him to the punch. Setting her t-shirt back down, she raised a playful eyebrow and spoke out jokingly.

"Wow. Really?"

She paused and licked her lips.

"Pretty impressive."

Rich swallowed hard as he turned the car down a different street. His heart was racing now and each thump was accompanied by a matching throb between his thighs. He didn't know how much further the ride was but he desperately needed it to end quickly.

Rachel watched his struggle with devious eyes, occasionally flicking her gaze back down to the situation in his lap. The blood began to pump hard for her as well and she shivered as another idea popped into her brain. One far less innocent than the last.

Her fingertips tingling, she twisted her lips and spoke again.

"You know, it really was sweet of you to drive me."

She watched as he turned to look at her, his eyes darting between her face, her chest, and the road.

"You didn't have to do this."

Rich nodded and cleared his throat to offer a disarming response.

"It's no problem. Just want to make sure you got home sa-."

He cut off as a sound froze him in place. A click.

Her seatbelt.

His throat dried up as he watched her slide the strap back behind her body, freeing herself for unimpeded movement. As she leaned towards him her heavy breasts hung downward, offering a torturous view. He tried to catch his breath as his eyes fixed onto the gold locket swaying hypnotically in front of her magical cleavage. What was she doing?

Rachel held her position for a moment, simply watching him with full amusement dancing in her eyes. She knew she had him trapped again. And she almost couldn't believe what she was about to do.

Sniffing gently, she turned her head back towards the windshield and indicated with her hand.

"Turn left up here. At that light."

Rich furrowed his brow and glanced back at her in confusion as he processed her instruction. He was grateful that she'd seemingly changed the subject but it didn't make sense.

"Left? That doesn't-. Won't that take longer?"

Rachel smiled gently as she looked back into his eyes.


Rich narrowed his brow in further confusion and he began to form the words of an objection when his heart stopped and clarity rushed painfully into his brain. Before he had even had time to react, Rachel had slid her body over the center console and brought her knees up onto her seat. Now fully facing him, she began to lean in close.

Rich almost swerved the car as he felt her shoulder rub into his. His brain racing to catch up and put the brakes on the new development, he managed to choke out a stuttered objection.

"N-no. What are you-?"

Rachel interrupted his objection as she giggled and stroked the side of his hair.

"Relax. I just want to thank you for the ride."

Rich gasped as Rachel's hand came suddenly between his legs, squeezing his cock firmly through his pants. His heart beat into his ribs and he gripped the wheel tightly as he felt her peel the soft flannel downward, bringing him back into the open once more. He didn't need to look down to know that his dick was pulsing thickly, aimed straight up towards the sky.

Offering a final, desperate attempt to shut her down, he searched her face with pleading eyes.

"We can't do this again. It's already bad enough that-."

But Rachel only cut him off again, this time bringing her lips to his ear and whispering softly.

"Shhhhh. It's okay. Just take care of the wheel..."

With a playful wink, she grinned and slipped her head gracefully under his outstretched arm, positioning her face directly over his lap. Her senses tingled and her stomach fluttered as she focused her eyes on her target and let the exciting reality take over. She parted her soft lips and moved forward, and just as Rich's tip slid into her mouth for the second unbelievable time that night, she spoke again, completing her thought.

"...I'll take care of the rest."

NEXT -- Chapter 9: Office Hours

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2learnmore2learnmoreabout 5 years ago
Thank you, TRC

Just saw your comment (You know ...) posted as of 04/05, as was my earlier comment (Saddened ...)

I want to thank you for providing the additional context in your comment. I can certainly see how you could go back and forth about these kinds of details. Further, moral dilemmas and related conflicts are absolutely necessary to the development of the story, the character(s), and of course the overall message.

If a message is to be the triumph of good over evil, the evil must be introduced and developed. Frodo et al had Sauron, Harry Potter had Voldemort. Rachel must have challenges, as well as failings. Without these there is no opportunity for growth, for commitment to honor her own truth, and even to find out what that truth may be. Without obstacles there can be no victory.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all your writings on Literotica, and have left several comments. My comments have been intended as (hopefully helpful) feedback from an appreciative reader, and fan.

Thank you for pointing out the consideration you have given and do give to the implications of your storylines. You have a pretty lengthy track record of “happy endings”; you have earned the trust that “negative” plot lines will be used to enable more “positive” outcomes.

Thanks for listening, and many thanks for the ongoing care and consideration behind the scenes which we the readers (and fans) do not see.

TheRachelChroniclesTheRachelChroniclesabout 5 years agoAuthor
You know, it’s funny.

When I write these stories, I constantly flip back and forth between thinking I’ve pushed too far and thinking that it’s all so boring and tame and nothing meaningful actually happens. And my opinion changes after the fact, too. What once may have seemed wild when I was writing it feels bland in retrospect. Or a storyline I’ve mapped out that sounded exciting seems gratuitous. And then ultimately, have I really just written “Girl gives blowjob and then feels things about it, Repeat x50”? Like, approaching a million words on that? Really? Haha.

I, too, had hesitations over this affair. And I tried to convey that through the guilt and shame both characters fought against. Ultimately, I thought it was too hot and too much fun to forgo, even as it crossed clear moral boundaries. All of this has always been about an imperfect person who does imperfect things.

I appreciate your opinion. I always enjoy hearing about how a certain plot comes across to you readers (whether positive or negative). It’s not only helpful for future consideration, but it’s just interesting and fun.

Thanks to all for taking the time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Saddened about crossing the line of adultery

There have been moral issues before that, to me, indicated mental health issues (during the very sad, dark days)

I was hoping that Rachel and Rich would be able to stop themselves before their orgasms. Harm has been done to Rich, and to Rachel as well.

I wish Rich had been divorced at the time, not married over 20 years, faithfully.

She doesn’t need more guilt. I dread the eventual crash.

I very much hope healing and redemption come to Rachel, and that the relationship with Rebecca survives, with Rebecca’s love helping to pull her thru.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Well worth the wait!

TheRachelChroniclesTheRachelChroniclesabout 5 years agoAuthor
I appreciate you guys.

I feel a little pretentious whenever I comment on my own writing, but I’ll say that there are definitely times I’m more excited to submit a story for you all than others. Some chapters I don’t love and the best I can do is grind through them as they fill out pieces of the story. But some I really look forward to seeing your reactions on. And this was definitely one.

It was initially only one chapter but it ran a bit long and I didn’t want it to be rushed. So I split it out so I could go into more detail and really play up the tension on both sides. The theme of Rachel’s specific fantasy in this one is not something that is necessarily congruent with the current time period of her life. But it is something I do hope to expound on in the future. And if that ends up coming to fruition, I didn’t want it to feel like it was contrived with no backstory. All I’ve ever tried to do is be mindful of planting seeds as I write that could be harvested later. And I think this one has a lot of potential. We’ll see.

As always, I so appreciate your comments and thoughtful feedback. Feels good to be back.

Ps - I fucked up the chapter title when I submitted (should be ch. 8 obviously). So I’m gonna submit an edit. So if you see it change I didn’t want it to confuse anyone.

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