Futa House


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Shawna nodded, gave Chris one last glance, then left.

"I wish you wouldn't treat me like a public toy," Chris said as he stood up and stretched.

"Did you want me to tell her to piss off?"

"No. Just... you could have asked before inviting her to watch and touch me and stuff."

"I could have," Melissa agreed. "But she seemed nice. Too shy for her own good, though. I was trying to help her with that."

"Being nervous around a horny futa is wisdom, not shyness. Ditto for a boy willing to be a fucktoy in a public bathroom like this, I imagine."

"Pff, whatever. I'll work on her. You'll see."

"I'm afraid I will, too."

Chris's underwear was way too much of a mess to put back on. Melissa had thoughtfully brought him a spare pair, only her backup didn't thrill Chris.

"You want me to wear panties?"

"You don't have to," Melissa said. "But I think they'll fit, and they're gonna be way cleaner and comfier than your messed underwear."

She didn't appear to be joking, so Chris finally sighed and took the panties. "Fine. But I'm just gonna look silly."

Melissa watched him as he slid the panties up and into position. She then examined and adjusted with a critical eye. "You don't look silly. They actually frame your ass really nicely." She gave Chris's butt cheek a quick pinch. "I might need to get you something a little tighter in the front for a proper fit."

"Yeah, yeah. 'Cause my dick's smaller than yours. I get it."

Melissa gave him a soft kiss. "Don't be upset. You look totally cute and bangable. And dick size isn't always a good thing. You should see how much we all have to spend on underwear that fits us properly."

"Poor you."


Chris had his next class with Steph. She was in a bizarrely good mood all through the lecture. She kept smiling to herself until she realized she was doing it, then reined herself in.

Chris waited until after class to ask what was going on.

"Oh, I get to see my brother this weekend," Steph said, blushing slightly.

Chris was pretty sure he hadn't met her brother, not that he'd met any of the girls' families for the most part. He'd seen a few parents here and there when they'd dropped their daughter off, or came for a visit, but that was about it.

"Is he the one you, uh..." Chris said, trying to recall what he knew.

Steph blushed even harder. "Yeah." She grinned helplessly. "It's been so long since we've messed around. He'd never admit it, but I'm pretty sure he misses me always pestering him for sex." When Chris didn't say anything right away, she gave him a funny look. "That doesn't weird you out, does it?" she asked. "I'm not sure we ever talked about it."

Chris shrugged. "I don't know, really. I mean, it definitely doesn't weird me out. It'd take something pretty crazy to really faze me at this point. But, like, the way futas interact with their families is... different, you know?"

Steph nodded slowly. "Yeah, that's fair. Don't you have a futa mom though?"

"Um... apparently so, yeah. But I never knew until basically when I got dropped off here."

"Wow, really? Crazy. She must have hella restraint."

Chris flushed in turn at the idea that his mother might have lost control at some point and decided she needed to use her son as the sex toy he'd only recently become. "I try not to think about that too much. That actually does weird me out a little." He shrugged. "Mind you, all her friends that used to visit her, often with trips to her bedroom, that all has a brand new perspective for me now."

Steph giggled. "She used to take lots of people to her room and you never wondered about that?"

"I wondered, sure. But lots of them were other women, and it wasn't like they locked themselves in Mom's bedroom and didn't come out. They also spent a lot of time in... the... basement." Chris slowed down at a sudden realization. "Which Mom had furnished for no good reason that I ever saw. And would usually lock the door." He face-palmed. "Oh goddammit."

Steph put a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. It probably really wasn't that obvious at the time, not until you knew. I mean, your mom taking a steady parade of people to her sex dungeon probably wasn't as obvious as it sounds."

"Wasn't a sex dungeon," Chris mumbled. He was feeling pretty slow about figuring out his mom's secret life. He trudged silently alongside Steph for a while until he realized they were going the right way. "Where are we going?"

"I'm s'pose to take you to see Miss Carlyle," Steph said. "I was gonna mention it, but we got talking, and then you just seemed sad."

"Miss Carlyle? My mom's friend? What does she want?"

"I dunno. She stays pretty involved with Futa House, though. She might just want to see how you're doing."

Chris sighed fatalistically. "She probably wants to bone me."


A short walk later, and after giving Chris a chance to compose himself, Steph knock at the door to Miss Carlyle's office.

"Ah, good. You're here," said Miss Carlyle from behind her desk. "Please, come in. Close the door."

Chris and Steph each took a seat. Chris was uncomfortably reminded of the girls underwear he had on as he sat. Not that it was physically uncomfortable; if anything it was even cozier than what he was used to. That in itself made it all the worse for his confused emotional state.

"So," Miss Carlyle said, "little Christopher MacKenzie. You've been fitting in well at Futa House, I trust? No problems?"

"Uh... no. No problems. Not really," Chris said, squirming ever so slightly. He was really hoping they were going to start discussing what exactly he did at the house.

"Good. I've been waiting to see you until you were settled in. I think it's been long enough."

"Has it?" Chris asked quietly.

Miss Carlyle ignored him. "You have an extra class to take. I think it's time to get started on it."

Chris blinked. "What? An extra class?"

That didn't make sense to him at all. He'd expected to be immediately bent over the desk, or propositioned, or something sexual, at any rate. The possibility of an increased workload had not been mentally prepared for.

Granted, he had quite a lot of help with his current classwork, and Miss Carlyle must have known that, but he wasn't sure he could handle much extra even so. Almost all of his free time was already spent getting his holes filled, pounded, and creamed.

"You'll be getting credit, of course," Miss Carlyle said. "And it'll be one on one, or perhaps two on one, as the case may be. It should be quite helpful for your academics." She stood and began fiddling with her outfit.

Chris rolled his eyes and stood as well. So it was sex after all. He didn't know Miss Carlyle nearly well enough to understand what her game was or why she was playing it, but bending over to satisfy a futa's perverse urges was something he had quite a lot of experience with by this point. That he could handle.

Miss Carlyle and Steph both cooed over his panties as he pulled his jeans down. He blushed at their reactions, but stood quiet and obedient as they fawned over him. Their reactions at least confirmed that Melissa hadn't just been messing with him, and that the panties did look good on him. At least, good from the perspective of horny futas, which wasn't necessarily a generalized opinion on fashion.

"What a little cutie," Miss Carlyle said as she fondled Chris's butt cheeks. "Molly was so generous leaving her boy here with us."

"Thanks? I think?" Chris said.

Miss Carlyle ignored him. She felt him up some more, then enlisted Steph to her help her strip him entirely.

Chris felt a little uncomfortable being naked and examined in unfamiliar territory. Every now and then he heard the sounds of someone passing by outside the office, though Miss Carlyle didn't seem the least bit nervous about being discovered severely molesting a student.

It was even more nerve-wracking when the groping stopped. Chris looked over his shoulder to see Miss Carlyle disrobing while staring hungrily at his butthole. He knew it was happening, regardless of anything he might say or do. He just had to relax and take it.

It would have been nice if she could have made the trip to Futa House, was all. He would have been much happier in his room, or anywhere in the house, really. He'd come to think of it as a second home of sorts. Her office, despite being rather spacious, was making him feel claustrophobic and anxious.

Steph stroked Chris's hair as he lay across the desk. "Don't worry. Miss Carlyle's one of us. She won't hurt you. Not on purpose, anyway."

"No, I know," Chris said. "It's just... there's people out there. And I've never been here before. And usually Natalie or Sasha are around when someone new decides to take me for a ride."

"I'm here," Steph assured him. She squeezed his hand. "My brother used to get nervous sometimes. Like that time I made him suck me off in front of my friends. He didn't like that at first."

"Wait, what?"

But Chris never got to find out about Steph's story, or what it could possibly have to do with him. Miss Carlyle had stripped sufficiently for her purposes, which left her mostly naked except for her stockings, heels, and necklace. She laid her cock on his lower back, and the sudden weight of it gave Chris a whole new reason to be nervous.

"Oh my god, she's huge!" Steph hissed with wide, disbelieving eyes.

Chris craned his neck to try and get a look. "Um... maybe-"

"Don't worry," Miss Carlyle said soothingly, "I waited until you had enough experience to handle me. There's a reason I didn't jump you from day one."

"Yeah, but I still don't think-" Chris said desperately.

"You don't need to think," Miss Carlyle said. "Just relax and be a good little boytoy."

She slid her massive cock up and down Chris's butt crack, rubbing her shaft against his sloppy and gaping hole. He was afraid it wasn't sloppy and gaping enough for her monster.

"Stephanie, would you please lube us up?" Miss Carlyle asked. "I see he's been lubed up already, but we may need more."

"Yes, please," Chris said. "Lots more."

Steph got to work. Coating Miss Carlyle's full erection took a worryingly long time. She then lubed up Chris's butthole, getting the outside and as much of the inside as she could reach without balling her hand up and fisting him. He was half-tempted to ask her to do that for extra warmup, and to delay the inevitable.

Steph then held Chris's butt cheeks spread wide open while Miss Carlyle pressed the head of her mighty cock to Chris's inadequate bumhole. She pressed harder and harder, causing him to grip the edge of the table and hope she'd give up, but she finally popped inside.

"Oh fuck!" Chris said.

"Precisely," said Miss Carlyle. "But that's just the tip. Don't tense up on me now."

Chris did his best, and Steph went back to stroking his hair and murmuring soothing encouragement, but it was only barely enough. Miss Carlyle penetrated him further with excruciating slowness. His poor ass was getting stretched out like never before.

When Chris was unable to help moaning and grunting with each thrust, Steph stepped in to make sure no one outside would hear the noises and feel the need to investigate. He was entirely unsurprised that her method of choice was to gag him with her cock.

He spluttered and drooled a little as his airflow was abruptly cut off, but he had sufficient experience to handle a sudden throat-fucking without choking or passing out. The required focus on timing his breathing actually did help to distract from the anal reshaping he was going through, though not by enough.

Chris was fucked from both ends. Steph's assault on his mouth was going much faster and harder than Miss Carlyle's continued attempt at getting all the way inside his ass.

Steph came down Chris's throat once while waiting for Miss Carlyle to get in, then took a break while her cock softened a bit in his mouth. She never pulled out, so as not to forgo her duties as a living gag, and soon enough hardened up again for another go. She went slower and gentler, having taken the edge off with her initial orgasm, but her speed gradually picked up as she got properly horny again. It didn't take all that long, really.

Chris's ass was getting destroyed like never before. The sheer size of Miss Carlyle's cock was tearing him apart, and the strain on his butt when she started thrusting for real was just too much. He gurgled and drooled on Steph's dick as he tried to tell them both to stop, but he wasn't given a chance. He just had to bear with it.

The pain eventually faded to a dull ache, and for occasional brief moments, Chris almost enjoyed himself. Even when he wasn't facing sharp pain, the sensations were still too intense to really properly appreciate, however, and he really wished Miss Carlyle wasn't quite so huge.

"Fuck that's good," Miss Carlyle moaned. "Boys this age just have the softest, tightest little buttholes."

"Sure do," Steph agreed conversationally. "I thought I was gonna miss my brother really badly this year, but Chris's bum is just as lovely, and I get to play with him practically every day."

The two of them exchanged more pleasantries about how nice fucking Chris was, while continuing to roughly pound him all the while.

Chris groaned and grunted as Miss Carlyle's dick somehow made him cum despite its unwieldy girth. Or, perhaps, because of it. Either way, he made a mess all down the side of her desk.

Miss Carlyle finally came in his butt a while later, and Steph dumped another load down his throat shortly after that. Chris was barely able to stand on his own by that point, and he was generally a sloppy, well-fucked mess of a boy.

He was made to lick Miss Carlyle clean, but at least she didn't try and shove her cock in his mouth. His jaw wouldn't stretch the way his butt would, and he was afraid she'd break his teeth if she tried forcing her way in.

"Very nice work," Miss Carlyle purred. "Of course, we'll need to have more sessions. Perhaps twice a week? I'll set up a schedule for you."

"Oh god," Chris breathed. "Please no?"

Miss Carlyle tilted her head and gave him a soft glare. "What was that?"

"My butt can't take it." Chris reached back and felt himself gingerly. "It can't even close up after what you did to it."

"Yes. That's why you're getting more training. So you'll be able to handle older, more experienced cocks." Miss Carlyle smiled predatorily. She stepped back in her heels and gave her softening cock a few idle strokes. "I do so enjoy my work at times."


Chris, naturally, didn't get much chance to rest up upon returning to the house. A small cluster of girls were waiting for him, and they all cooed over his panties, much to his annoyance, then fawned over his sloppy and gaping butthole.

He gave in and lay on his tummy in bed while the girls took turns prodding and fingering his loose ass while it did its best to close up again. He at least took some small, pyrrhic satisfaction at the complaints they made when they tried to pound his bum. He just simply wasn't up to their standards of tightness for the moment. Served them right not even giving him an hour or two to recover.

Tiffany was the only one who actually seemed to really enjoy his temporary looseness. She got much better access than usual as she dove into his butthole and lapped up the deposited cum.

All in all, Chris's mouth and throat got more of a workout than usual, and his ass eventually managed to more or less close up again. He was very grateful for when lights out was called, and the remaining horny futas were shooed out of his room.

Natalie came over to sit next to Chris once the room was otherwise cleared out.

"I hear you had a 'lesson' with Miss Carlyle today," she said.

"Yeah. I guess that's what you'd call it," Chris said. "She's fucking huge."

"Mmhm. That's kinda what happens. Our dicks don't stop growing when you'd think they do."


"I mean, boys are pretty much full-sized at your age, right?"

"I guess."

"Well, I'm not. Sasha's not. No one in the house right now is. Probably."

"Oh, fuck. You're all gonna get as big as Miss Carlyle?"

"Eventually. Maybe. Hard to say. But bigger than we are now, for sure."

Chris groaned. "I'm not gonna make it."

Natalie giggled softly. "Don't be so dramatic. It'll be a while before any of us get any bigger to an extent that you'd notice. And if any of us are still together by then, you'll have plenty of experience, and won't be whining so much about it."

"Easy for you to say. Miss Carlyle wants more sessions with me."

Natalie nodded a bit more seriously. "Well, yes, that might be a concern. We could always try and get you warmed up better on those mornings. Try and get you ready for her."

"You mean you want to pound my ass harder than you guys are currently doing?"

"I wasn't gonna put it that way, but kinda, yeah."

"Ugh. I'm really not gonna make it."


But Chris was, in fact, mostly just being dramatic. Just as he'd learned to satisfy a few dozen lustful futas every day, so too did he learn to accommodate Miss Carlyle better, as well as the extra-hard poundings the girls gave him to 'warm him up.'

He was basically enjoying himself, other than those odd sort of hiccups in day to day life. The regular butt and throat fuckings he received had become anywhere from tolerable to quite pleasant, or even pleasurable, mostly depending on who was using him at the time. The girls all had their own styles, some of which suited him better than others.

Other than that, Chris also took what opportunities he could to spend more time with Ashley. Everyone tended to be pretty accommodating with any sexual requests he made, but she was the only one he felt something a bit more with. Something deeper than just getting off. Although part of that was just the refreshing novelty of a futa who liked getting fucked in her butt more than pounding his.

"You've been sneaking in to see me an awful lot lately," Ashley remarked as they cuddled in her bed. "It's a lucky thing Jan's off playing with Talia so much, or the others would start to talk when they heard about it."

"Well, I don't have to keep com-"

"No, no," Ashley said. "I like it. Don't get me wrong."

Chris idly fondled her breast. "It sounds like you want to say something about it, though."

Ashley shrugged. "I'm not sure. I guess I've just been wondering why. As far as I know, you don't sneak off to sleep with the other girls."

"That's true. Though Nat does come sleep with me sometimes. She likes falling asleep still inside me, which is honestly kind of comfy and cozy." Chris shook his head. "Which is probably a pretty fucked up thing to say. Goddamn I'm getting slutty."

"Yeah you are," Ashley said. "Basically everyone in the whole house, once or twice a day. That's some serious fucking."

"It is. I guess maybe... I like how you're probably the only girl here I can just lie with. Just cuddling and talking."

Ashley giggled. "That's only 'cause we just finished having sex."

"Yeah, no, obviously it's still pretty sexual. But I've been feeling your tits for a few minutes now, and you haven't tried to roll me over and stick your cock in me. I appreciate that."

"I see." Ashley gave him a teasing grin. "So you like me because I don't use you quite as hard or often as everyone else?"

"Now you're twisting my words."

"I am. I like making you squirm a little."

Chris kissed her shoulder and dropped his hand down to her tummy from her chest. "I think that, like, even if you weren't so happy to let me fuck your butt instead of vice-versa, I'd probably still want to hang out."

"Ooh, so romantic."

Chris laughed along with Ashley. "Yeah, yeah. So I'm not doing a very good job explaining here."

"That's ok. I basically know what you mean. I like hanging out with you too. Partly for sexual reasons, and maybe partly because you're the only boy here, but also... I dunno. You're just easier to hang with. Less highly strung."
