Futa House


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Part Four: A Dedicated Scholar


Life couldn't be all lying around getting pounded by big-dicked futas. Only a few days ago, that would have been so self-evident as to be meaningless to Chris. All of a sudden, it made for a jarring transition as classes started up.

Natalie had to chase away a flock of girls waiting for turns to get an early fuck in so he could be prepped. He'd been fucked and cummed in repeatedly already, and the worst of the mess had to be quickly showered off before he could be dressed. At least he'd already managed to get some breakfast, even if some cheeky girl had shot her cum all over his food first.

"Alright, now remember," Natalie said as she guided him toward the door, "we've arranged your classes in nice time blocks, and Ashley's going to be with you in your first class today. Then Jan will-"

"Remind me why I need escorts again?" Chris interrupted. "Because I don't think anyone else is going to have someone tagging along to take notes for them."

"No one else has nearly the full-time job you do," Natalie answered patiently. "And you needn't think we're taking any chances on you not passing something."

"Right, but isn't the point for me to learn things?"

Natalie patted his head. "Sure it is. And if that's what ends up happening, great. If not, we've got backup plans. Now off you go."

Ashley was waiting for him. She along with the other three girls starting university this year along with him had all been detailed to shadow him to the lectures they shared, as well as any labs, tests, or projects. Chris honestly had no idea how they were planning on doing all his work for him with no one being the wiser, but since it was apparently something that happened every year, he imagined they had their ways.

Chris was initially quiet and lost in thought as he and Ashley walked along. There wasn't much other foot traffic at first, not until they got onto the more traveled paths. Ashley kept glancing at him, but it took her a while to say anything.

"Thank you for yesterday," she finally blurted.

"You know I didn't have much to do with it, don't you?"

"I mean, I guess. But, like, you let us all have a turn, and you're so patient and everything. And your butt's so nice."

Chris couldn't help smiling at the earnest gushing, however misguided it may have been. "You're welcome. It's apparently what I do now."

Ashley fiddled with her hair a little awkwardly. "Do you like it?"

"Getting butt-fucked?"

"Yeah. And the other stuff. All of it."

Chris considered the question. "Overall, yes. I think ideally I wouldn't be trying to take quite so many cocks every day, and some of the girls could be a bit gentler, but I'm becoming strangely ok with basically all of it."

"Just ok?"

"Well... some of it I like. Really, really like."

Ashley walked closer, her interest overriding her shyness and desire to keep a step or two away. "What parts? Like, when you're taking it in the butt, only not too rough? Is that nice?"

Chris cocked his head, and Ashley abruptly stepped away again, putting more space between them.

"Sorry," she said. "That's probably not a good question to ask."

"I think it's fine," he said lightly. "Considering you've fucked my butt, asking about me liking it almost certainly isn't rude at this point."

Ashley was quiet a moment longer, then, "So do you like it?"

"Honestly... I think I prefer it when it's really gentle. Actually, when they're not even moving. When I'm just filled up, and I can feel the cock inside me, warm and firm and pulsing, and there are arms around me, breasts pressed against me, warm breath on my neck..." Chris trailed off.

Ashley had become noticeably flushed. "That does sound nice."

"You think so?"

She nodded, but withdrew slightly into herself. "Yeah. But, like, I've never had a chance to try it. I don't actually know if I'd like it or not."

"Having your ass fucked?" Chris laughed softly. "Well you came to the right place for finding out about that."

"Easy for you to say. You get all the cock."

"I assure you, I will gladly share some."

"You might. I don't think they will. The way everyone looked at you yesterday... I think I'd just feel embarrassed asking anyone to help me out."

Chris wanted to argue with her about it, but stopped himself. He still didn't really understand the dynamic of the girls fucking around with each other. It pretty clearly happened, but he hadn't seen enough to understand the logic to it. They clearly didn't just fall into bed together all the time. Not nearly the way they did with him.

"If you really want to try it," he said instead, "I'm always here."

He didn't expect the offer to be taken up, at least not right away. Ashley, however, immediately whipped her head toward him, having gone slightly doe-eyed.

"You mean it?"

"Well... yeah. Why would I not?"

"I don't know. I wasn't sure if you liked that sort of thing."

Chris was taken aback. "You weren't sure if I liked putting my penis in girls?"

Ashley flushed. "Ok, so maybe it was a bit silly of me. It's just... you seemed so happy with girls doing you all evening, and I never saw you fucking them or anything. Just, you know, kneeling there, taking it."

"That's more to do with them than me, I can assure you."

They walked along in silence for a while. There really was just an unnecessary distance between Futa House and his classes, Chris felt. The privacy was nice and all, but surely there had been a better compromise.

Ashley uncurled herself as the minutes passed, slowly letting go of her self-conscious desire to hide.

"I've never felt comfortable with boys," she said. "Or anyone, really. Not in, like, a sexual way. I've never had anyone to try things out with."

"Yeah. I know that feeling," Chris said. "Or at least I used to. It all seems so far away now."

She reached over and squeezed his hand before withdrawing again. "I know it was a weird way to meet, but I'm glad we did."

Chris smiled lopsidedly. "Me too."


Classes themselves were essentially just the same as high school, only in bigger rooms with more students. Chris took notes and tried to pay attention, despite knowing that Ashley's notes could be copied for him at any point, and she'd be happy to go over anything with him later that he hadn't caught.

Such were the rules, apparently. He was valuable to a whole group in a way that he'd never been before, and it was a weird feeling. He wasn't sure whether to be glad or annoyed that they had no intention of letting him fail a course.

There were more lectures to attend as the day progressed and, subsequently, the week. Ashley traded off with Melissa, Jan, and Steph according to which of them shared the relevant class with him.

Melissa was the first to recognize the potential of her position. The others treated the time as a responsibility, and maybe a chance to hang out with their shared boytoy one on one. Melissa realized that she and Chris had time to themselves, time when none of the other girls were competing for his attention or, more to the point, his body.

Chris was bemused when she dragged him into a girls' bathroom after class, but didn't immediately clue in as to why. She checked all the stalls and seemed delighted that the room was empty.

"So, uh, what's up?" Chris asked, still oblivious.

Melissa grinned wickedly. "It occurs to me we have, like, almost half an hour before I need to hand you off," she said.

"Yeah, I know," Chris said. "What's that have to do with a bathroom? I'm not really supposed to be in here, you know."

"Oh I know."

The look on Melissa's face as she approached him and pushed him back against the wall finally gave away her cunning plan. Chris nodded and accepted his fate gracefully as she pressed her lips to his.

"Ah," he said. "I see."

"I thought you might."

Making out and groping in a public bathroom. Yet another new experience for Chris. As per usual these days, he wasn't quite sure he liked it, but it wasn't unpleasant either. Mainly he was worried about someone walking in on them.

He was even more worried about getting caught when Melissa pulled out her cock, and shortly thereafter pulled his pants partway down.

"I don't know if this is a great spot for this," Chris said. "Maybe we should wait?"

"What, wait to get back to the house? Where I don't have you to myself basically ever? Don't think so."

"But maybe... you know..."

Chris's arguments faltered as Melissa dropped to her knees and shoved her face in his ass. He did enjoy receiving analingus, he couldn't deny that even in his own head. It was even better when she reached around to caress his cock and fondle his balls.

"Fine," he said. "Just try to be quick, please."

"Do my best," Melissa assured him cheerfully.

She did, indeed, do her best. It was a bit less lubricated an entry than Chris would have liked. Melissa promised to remember actual lube next time so as not to have to rely on her own salvia copiously slathered over his butthole.

Once he loosened up it wasn't too bad. Melissa struck a decent balance between going slow and gentle, and moving fast enough to cum in a reasonable time frame. Still, it wasn't fast enough.

Chris winced as the door opened and a pair of obliviously chatting girls wandered in. They stopped short as they witnessed the casual ass-fucking he was receiving. Melissa didn't.

"Do you mind?" Melissa asked without breaking stride.

"Oh my god," one of the girls said with wide eyes. "She's... she's..."

The other girl nodded dumbly. "Guess the rumours about this campus are true."

"Oh they're true alright," Melissa said, just a hint of annoyance in her voice at the intruders who hadn't yet vacated. "If you'd like to be next, you're welcome to keep standing there and staring."

One of the girls seemed to actually be considering, oddly enough. Her eyes didn't leave the area around Chris's ass, which was constantly being pummeled by Melissa's thrusting cock. The other girl had to tug at her friend's arm repeatedly until she finally started moving again.

"Thought they'd never leave," Melissa grumbled. "They were throwing me off with their gawking."

"Didn't seem like they were throwing you off," Chris said, still flushed red from being caught getting his ass pounded. "Didn't seem to bother you at all, really."

"Well... I guess it didn't much. I mean, compared to how many people watched me fuck you that first time, this wasn't hardly anything. Still, it's rude to stare like that."

"And taking over a bathroom for an illicit fuck isn't?"

Melissa smacked his bottom. "No sassing me while I'm pounding you."

"Uh huh. Sure."


Time at the house became even more chaotic and demanding once Chris's classes got into full swing. Too many horny futas, too few tasty boy holes to go around.

Other than Jan and Talia, there were a couple other hookups happening, which at least briefly helped relieve some pressure. Some of the girls brought someone home, or had sleepovers elsewhere, but mostly the played amongst themselves, and it was usually only when Chris was too busy to satisfy everyone.

Natalie, Sasha, Tiffany, and the twins maintained priority status, so they generally got enough action to suit them.

Beth and Layla tended to just wander in and have their way with him, so nothing much changed there. Tiffany indulged her peculiar fetishes as she felt like it, and other times simply dumped some cum in Chris.

Natalie and Sasha, however, took the on the responsibilities involved in keeping Chris sane. They made sure he had some time for studies and assignments and things, as well as making him cum from time to time just to make sure he didn't get too pent up.

Honestly, Chris felt like he ejaculated enough simply from getting ass-fucked, even though it was sporadic and he hadn't quite figured out what triggered it in him. He was not, however, going to mention that. Not when it might mean the end of butt-fucking Sasha, or getting casual handjobs from Natalie under the desk while she privately tutored him in his room.

Sasha tried helping with teaching him as well, but her efforts tended to fall apart. She often got too excited and ended up fucking Chris instead of helping.

One evening she did kind of manage to do both. Chris was lying on his stomach in bed, laptop in front of him. Sasha had given him a quick fucking and an anal cum load, just to take the edge off. Afterward, she was able to lie on top of him, cock still snugly buried inside him, looking over his shoulder and giving and advice and tips. It was rather pleasant for both of them.

"You know, I've never really appreciated how nice it is just being inside someone like this," Sasha said. "Even without any actual fucking."

"Try being on the other side of it several dozen times a day," Chris said. "You'd figure it out a lot quicker."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You like to pretend like you don't enjoy yourself."


"But we all know you love it," Sasha declared without letting Chris defend his honour. She kissed his shoulder for emphasis.

"I like some parts of it," Chris admitted. "Maybe even love, but I don't know if I'd go that far."

"Pff, whatever." Sasha pointed at his laptop's screen. "Back to work. You need to finish up here so I can fuck you again."

"Can't imagine why I'm distracted," Chris grumbled sardonically. He stabbed at the keyboard a little awkwardly from his position and got a few more things written in.

Sasha amused herself by moving her upper body around, lifting and lowering it, and generally just rubbing her boobies all over Chris's back and shoulders. He could make out the stiffness of her nipples at times, causing yet another distraction for him.

Chris eventually got even squirmier than Sasha. Between her teasing and having her amazing naked body on top of him, not to mention her cock filling him up, he was pretty goddamn horny. Grinding his erection into his mattress helped keep his arousal at bay somewhat, but it didn't do anything to make it go away.

He finally had to give up and push his laptop away. "Ok, I need a break."

"A fuck break?" Sasha asked hopefully.

"Yes, actually."

"Ooh. You want a turn in my butt?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

"No problem."

Sasha pulled out slowly, making a very satisfying sucking sound as her cock withdrew from its home. Chris felt sadly empty once she was out.

Once Sasha got into a comfortable position, Chris spent a while just licking and nuzzling her delicious bum while she cooed and luxuriated in the intimate attention.

"Damn that's nice," Sasha purred. "One of these days, I might have to find a full-time boytoy just to eat me out before bed every night. Sooo relaxing."

Chris was so worked up by the time he started actually fucking Sasha that he came inside her pretty quickly. He got a few minutes of pounding her sweet tushy, but then it was all over.

"Mmm, butt-cum," Sasha said. "You musta been right on the edge, huh?"

"Well you were on top of me for a long time," Chris said just a tad defensively. "I told you I needed a break."

"So you did." Sasha wiggled beneath him. "And I'd say you got one. Back to work?"

"In a minute."

Chris stayed where he was, enjoying the reversal of getting to be the one softening inside her, then simply not pulling out. He eventually rehardened, still balls deep in her ass.

Sasha let Chris stay atop her, and simply pulled his computer back over and carried on doing his work for him.

"Hey! I'm s'posed to do that," Chris said.

"I know. But you'd have to get off me for that to work. You can't balance your laptop on my head, and I'm not even gonna let you try, just in case you were considering it."


Chris didn't want to move, which limited his options as far as fighting with Sasha about doing his homework for him. Besides, just once couldn't really hurt. Not when he got such a sweet trade-off for it.

He could have fallen asleep right where he was. Sasha made such a comfy bed. She was softer, warmer, and far more sensual than any actual bed could ever hope to be.

"You two look cozy," said Natalie from the doorway.

Chris looked over at her and smiled lazily. "I really am."

"Kinda neat having someone in my butt without it being sexual," Sasha added. "Like, actively sexual, I mean. I guess it's still kind of a sexual thing."

"I'd say so, yeah," Natalie said. She padded closer, slipping out of her panties and shirt as she neared. "Is it gonna bother you too much if I tag in?"

"Nah, it's fine," Sasha said. "There'll be other chances to experiment with stuff like this."

"Yeah there will," Chris agreed. He definitely wanted to do that sort of thing some more.

Sasha slipped away, naked and unselfconscious about it as ever. Natalie took over Sasha's original spot on top of Chris instead of beneath him. Her cock slid easily into his still nicely warmed-up butthole.

"Did you get all your work done?" Natalie asked as casually as if she hadn't just mounted him from behind.

"Uh... not quite. Sasha was trying to help, but she got a bit distracting. Then she took over and I have no idea what she wrote."

"Better check on that then, hadn't you?"

Chris nodded agreement and tried to focus on his laptop's screen. He could almost ignore Natalie and just enjoy the lovely sensation of fullness she provided as long as she wasn't moving, but as with Sasha, that only lasted so long.

Natalie was more restrained in some ways, but the more Chris got to know her, the better he understood that she wasn't any less of a horny sex-maniac than Sasha. She was just subtler and more in control of it, was all. She nuzzled his neck a bit, which was tolerable and somewhat possible to tune out, and nipped gently at his ears, which was less so.

Eventually she was rocking and grinding on his ass just as bad as Sasha would have been. At that point Chris had to once again push his computer away.

"Alright," he sighed. "I guess I'm as done as I'm going to be."

"Are you?" Natalie asked innocently. "Good." She paused a moment in the midst of pulling back for a longer thrust. "I could get one of the new girls in to finish up for you, if you want. That's what they're there for, you know."

"Yeah, I got that. Maybe let's revisit the issue when you're not about to fuck my ass, hm?"

"That's probably a good idea." Natalie giggled. "Because I really, really need to pound your cute little butt."

"Yes, I thought you might."


Chris found himself with an opportunity to chat with Jan before their next class together. Since she and Talia were basically the only ones in the house who seemed like they might have stumbled into a lasting relationship of sorts-which, given the standards of the house, only really meant that it was more than a one night stand-he couldn't help but be a bit curious.

"How's it going with you and Talia?" Chris asked.

Jan flushed slightly and glanced around. No one was near enough to overhear a quiet conversation. "Good, I think. Maybe. I don't really know much about these things. Especially with other girls like me." She shrugged. "It's really not how I thought it was going to happen."


"I dunno. Maybe it's silly, but I always kind of assumed I'd meet a nice boy, and somehow... well, I really don't know how it would work, but I kind of thought it would. Some kind of fairy tale thing."

"That's fair," Chris said. "Lots of people have fantasies like that, I think, even though I'm pretty sure it rarely happens so poetically for much of anyone." He smiled at Jan. "But you seem happy. That's worth a lot, right?"

Jan smiled back, still somewhat red in the face, but it was fading. "I am. I'm actually really happy. Talia's so sweet, and she knows so much about... you know..." Another blush reinforced the remnants of the last one. "Sex and stuff," she finished in nearly a whisper. "And I like being with her even when we're not doing... that stuff."
