Gargarean Group Ch. 04


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Katie returned to the microphone, asking, "Isn't my future husband a gorgeous hunk?" Her Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid cheered, but Katie was taken aback by the lack of enthusiasm in the all-Amazon audience's response. She gave her mother another nervous glance before continuing, "Jim is 28 years old, exactly 6 feet tall, and weighs 205 pounds. As for the vital statistics you all want to hear;" she paused to add suspense, and then chuckled, announcing, "Jim was circumcised when he was an infant. When he's aroused, his erect penis is 5 inches long, with a very impressive girth."

A sarcastic voice sneered, "When is that going to happen?"

"When is what going to happen?" returned Katie confusedly. "I don't understand."

To prevent any more snide comments, Ms. Esme explained, "The Amazons want to know if Jim is able to attain an erection, Katie. So far, we have no evidence that he can get aroused. He did not get an erection during his interview, and he has not gotten one here tonight."

Katie was flustered. "I can assure you that Jim gets erections all the time. In fact, Dr. Joyce witnessed one during his physical examination."

"We want visual proof," said a brazen Amazon.

"Yes, here and now," someone seconded.

David felt empathy with Jim, who looked even more befuddled than Katie. He'd been shaved bare and then stripped naked in front of more than two dozen women, including two of his fiancé's friends and her mother! Now, despite his embarrassing situation, they expected him to obtain an erection. David saw a look of horror in the man's eyes; he was probably wondering if they expected him to masturbate for them, just to prove he could get his dick up.

His future mother-in-law came to his rescue, sort of. "Why don't you help him with that, Karen," she suggested from the front row.

"ME!?" exclaimed the Maid of Honor incredulously.

Katie chuckled. As a veteran Gargarean Group member, she was used to seeing Amazons sharing their male family members with their 'sisters'. In fact, she'd seen her dad and her younger brother getting their dicks admired and pleasured by her 'sisters' on many occasions. This was the first time her Maid of Honor, Bridesmaid, and fiancé had been 'exposed' to the Group, however, and she could tell by the shocked expressions on their faces that this situation was more extreme than they had expected. "Go ahead, Karen," she urged her college roommate. "You have my permission to get Jim aroused."

Karen hesitated, asking, "Isn't it illegal to do that in public?"

"The Gargarean Group is a private club," answered Ms. Esme, "and as such, masturbating a man in front of its members is completely legal."

The Maid of Honor still hesitated. She and the groom exchanged a wide-eyed glance as she quietly inquired, "Are you okay with that, Jim?"

"It doesn't matter what Jim wants, Karen," interrupted the Mother of the Bride. "Katie has given you permission to stroke her fiancé's dick. You must prove to us that Jim is capable of getting an erection before she can marry him or become a Gargarean."

Too embarrassed to look into the Groomsman's eyes again, Karen reached her shaky right hand downward, grasped his stubby penis, and commenced masturbating him. Her nervousness made her clumsy, and Jim's incredulousness made him red-faced and unresponsive. Karen steadied her hand and soldiered on; determined to stroke his floppy cock until his shaft became stiff.

David remembered how disconcerting and dismaying an experience it was to have his penis pleasured in front of a live audience. On the other hand, watching some other man masturbated by a beautiful woman was extremely erotic. David's dick had relaxed while he watched the other Presentations. Watching the X-rated stage show, however, threatened to revive his erection.

Karen persisted, and soon Jim's cock was obviously expanding in her hand. Before long, the performing pair proved that his penis could indeed erect. When Karen released him, his 5-inch long, red-tipped hosepipe stood vertically on its own. The demonstration ended with the most enthusiastic applause that Jim had yet received. Everyone in the audience was satisfied that the soon-to-be-married man was capable of reproducing. Everyone, that is, except for the bride's mother.

Ms. Helen rose to her feet, saying, "Don't stop, Karen. Keep going."

David, Eddie, and the foursome on stage were shocked by her demand, but the Amazons surrounding them laughed and urged the Maid of Honor on.

Confused, Karen glanced at her friend for instructions. Katie was irritated by her mother's interference and inquired, "What are you doing, Mom?

Ms. Helen answered her daughter's question with a question of her own. "Does Jim have an ejaculation problem?"

"No, Mom," Katie impatiently replied. "Ask Doctor Joyce; she obtained a semen sample from him during his physical."

Appalled to have his sexual ability publicly questioned, the aroused man's whole body trembled, making his stiff dick quiver.

"I want to see for myself," retorted her mother. "Karen, continue masturbating him, please."

The Maid of Honor hesitated as she glanced at the shocked face of her friend's intended, and the angry face of her former roommate. "I'm sorry, Ms. Helen," she said after making her decision. "I won't do that."

"Then I will," said Katie's mom.

David was shocked by what was happening! The Bride's Mother, who was in her mid-50s but looked younger, was wearing a full-length black ball gown. She was an older version of Katie, with the same slender body but bigger boobs, and short, dull-blonde hair. Ms. Helen agilely climbed onto the stage and strode toward center stage, intent on masturbating her future son-in-law until he proved that he could give her grandchildren.

For a moment, Jim seemed perplexed and paralyzed when his future mother-in-law displaced Karen at his side. She reached back and gripped his bare backside with one hand and began stroking his already aroused cock with the other.

The Amazons in the audience laughed and urged Ms. Helen on. This was something they rarely saw: a man aroused to orgasm during his presentation! Usually, the only ones who climaxed were the more shy 18-year-old young men who were easy to over-excite. On this memorable night, however, they were going to witness a mature, 28-year-old, man masturbated to ejaculation!

The audience was to be disappointed, however, for the Bride and Groom, with Ms. Esme's help, soon separated the hand of the Bride's Mother from Jim's throbbing cock. Katie ousted her mom from the stage and restored Jim's clothes while the hostess took control.

"Let's give a nice round of applause for Helen," said Ms. Esme graciously. She led the ovation as Katie's overzealous mother returned to her seat. "I think we can all empathize with a mother who wants to have grandchildren. There is no need for Jim to prove it here, however, because Doctor Joyce informed me that she has received the boys' lab results. She was delayed by the weather, or she would be here now. Excuse me while I check to see if she has arrived."


While Ms. Esme left the theater in search of Doctor Joyce, David quizzed his stepmother for information about the Gargarean Group. For once, he received some direct answers.

"Alyssa, now that you are a member of the Gargarean Group, does that automatically make my dad a Gargarean, too?" he guessed.

"Yes, it does," she replied.

"Does he know!?"

Alyssa and Aubrey laughed at his unintended jest. "Yes, he knows," chuckled his stepmother. "We discussed it before I joined this evening. He understands the requirements of being a Gargarean and thinks it will be fun." She answered his questioning look by adding, "Your father will be presented to the Group at a future date. There wasn't time for Ms. Esme to interview him, and he has to have a physical examination with Doctor Joyce as well."

Aubrey elaborated, "David, all male members of a family become potential Gargareans once a female relative joins the Group. Even pre-existing husbands, like your father, are only 'potential Gargareans'. All males, no matter what their relationship to the Amazon, have to be vetted, like you, Eddie, and Katie's fiancé, Jim."

"After they reach the age of 18, of course," interjected Alyssa.

"Yes; boys under the age of 18 are future potential Gargareans. Each adult male must pass the interview, a medical examination, their presentation, and the charter members' vote before they are officially Gargareans."

"Have you told Dad that you'll be stripping him in front of the Group, like you did me?" asked David skeptically.

"Of course!" was his stepmother's surprising reply. "He's nervous but looking forward to it."

"He is!?"


Ashley had joined them and was kneeling in the aisle beside Aubrey's chair. She eyed his lap and seemed disappointed to see that his erection had subsided. "You can't deny, David, that there were parts of your Presentation that you really enjoyed. I saw it in your eyes on stage, right before I pulled down your clothes. Admit it: as long as you can remember, you've had a secret fantasy to show your dick to women and see how they responded."

He grudgingly admitted, 'Well, yeah. I guess."

The two busybodies, who were turned around again, tittered delightedly.

"Of course you did," Ashley retorted with a chuckle of her own. "Most men have the same fantasy."

"Now you know what it's like!" exclaimed Aubrey, who then gave him a compliment. "I've been an Amazon for a long time, and I've rarely seen a candidate receive a more positive response than you did, David."

He had more questions, but Ms. Esme returned to the theater, accompanied by Doctor Joyce.


The Gargarean Group's appointed physician, wearing a modest black evening dress, stepped onto the stage, acknowledged the crowd, and apologized for being late. Gazing down at the front row, she said, "Which one of you is Helen?"

"I am," answered a voice from behind the audience. In the sixth row of the theater, Jim's future mother-in-law stood. She had moved and was now sitting with her daughter and the rest of the bridal party.

"Oh, there you are. Ms. Esme tells me that you are worried about Jim's ability to procreate."

"Yes, I am," Helen replied worriedly.

"I can assure you that there is no physical reason why Jim cannot give you grandchildren."

His mother-in-law's face became radiant.

The Amazons laughed and the doctor chuckled to see the mother's relieved reaction. "Why don't you go ahead and have a seat, Helen," she suggested, "while I present all of the candidates' lab results."

Katie's mother lowered herself into her chair and lovingly patted Jim's knee. Doctor Joyce stepped onto the podium and raised the microphone in preparation of speaking. She withdrew a sheath of reports and notes from her black handbag as the audience quieted.

"I can assure all of you that, based on my physical examinations, each of the three candidates is perfectly capable of achieving and maintaining an erection. Every one has a healthy penis that functions normally."

The audience briefly interrupted her talk with applause and amused chatter. They quickly quieted as she continued her report.

"The results of their semen analyses have returned from the lab. The amount of specimen collected from each candidate was sufficient for analysis and within the expected volume range. You will be happy to here, Helen, that your future son-in-law not only ejaculated during his physical examination, he actually contributed a larger sample than the other two candidates." She chuckled and reported, "Katie and Nurse Cassidy did the honors. Jim had to overcome some initial nervousness about being masturbated in front of us; however, they soon had him gushing like Mount Vesuvius."

The Amazons laughed uproariously. David looked back in time to see Ms. Helen, with a pleased expression on her face, proudly patting her red-faced, future son-in-law's knee again.

"Each boys' semen sample was found to have a sufficient sperm density for impregnation of a fertile female. Sperm motility was adequate for all three but best for David. The lab technician wrote, and I quote, 'His little guys really go!'" Doctor Joyce chuckled and explained, "Sorry; I've known her a long time, and sometimes she adds a little humor to her reports."

The audience chuckled. Aubrey and Alyssa lovingly clasped David's hands again. The two ladies sitting in front of them looked back and gave him an amused smile. Their eyes gazed down at his lap, but they were disappointed to see that the tent in his sweatpants was gone. They faced forward again.

Doctor Joyce glanced at her written notes and continued, "The morphology analysis - that is, the size, shape, and appearance of their sperm cells under a microscope - was acceptable for all three. The pH balances of their fluids were correct and their fructose levels were within the expected range. In a nutshell ladies, David, Eddie, and Jim all have healthy semen, and the ability to deliver active and viable sperm upon request. There is no physical reason why they cannot become Gargareans, and all three are well-qualified for contributing to your sperm bank."

Finished with her report, the physician returned her notes to her handbag and dismounted the stage. The Amazons clapped for her and cheered for the men's clean bill of reproductive health. An aura of excitement and expectation filled the theater.


Ms. Esme stepped to the microphone and announced, "It is time to take a vote. Would the three candidates please return to the stage? Only the boys," she clarified when Ms. Helen leapt to her feet. "Everyone else, please remain seated."

David reluctantly stood, nervous because the noise from the crowd now made the theater sound like a strip club. He led the three-man procession down the aisle, followed by Eddie and then Jim. All three were assaulted by noise and groped by Amazons on either side of them. Lecherous hands attempted to pull down their clothes, but they firmly held on. Even Eddie refused their attempts to strip him. Female fingers fondled their bottoms and fumbled for a feel of their cocks. The women too far away to reach the men urged their 'sisters' along.

David had nearly reached the stage when a hand gripped his elbow. "Just a minute," said the authoritative-sounding voice of the woman holding him. She turned him to face her as she rose from her loveseat.

He recognized her instantly, and her unexpected presence dumbfounded David! Her name was Venetia, but everyone knew her as simply 'V'. When in college, this gorgeous and glamorous woman won a state beauty pageant and then finished as the second runner-up at the national finals. After that, she became a sought-after fashion model and red carpet celebrity. She currently served as the anchorperson on the statewide evening news, and did occasional reporting for national news broadcasts. Although she was now 38 years old, V was still beautiful and had a reputation as a female philanderer.

She was wearing a low-cut, little black cocktail dress that exposed her deep cleavage. David's eyes inadvertently gazed down the bared curves of her breasts as she rose from her chair. "David," she said when she was standing.

The candidate had to look up to see her face. They were the same height, but he was barefoot, and she was wearing heels. V was still an All-American beauty, with a fashion model's bosomy body, long, golden-blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. The delicate features of her face were subtly enhanced by makeup.

"You certainly get my vote," she said as the fingers of her left hand curled around the nape of his neck. She leaned forward and began a prolonged kiss. Her right hand caressed his bare lower back. Her bountiful breasts compressed against his chest.

The Amazons surrounding them hooted and applauded.

David's eyebrows rose. He was astounded to be kissing V! Although surprised, he willingly succumbed. He gripped her shoulders and marveled that a lowly lawn care worker could suddenly find himself pressing lips with a local celebrity. Being a Gargarean suddenly seemed to be an excellent idea! His penis began to respond, like when Joy had kissed him at the interview.

David felt V's right hand leave his back and touch his belly. He didn't protest when her fingers slid down into his sweatpants and beneath his briefs. Her forearm held his clothes back as her fingers pulled out his penis. She caressed his cock and coaxed it to grown. Women nearby made teasing remarks, for they could see V's hand encouraging David's dick. He didn't care. He was enjoying the clean smell of her; the touch of her soft lips against his mouth; and her bosomy body against his chest. Her long fingers curled around his cock and stroked him until he was hard.

The miraculous moment ended when David was fully aroused and his penis erect. V pulled away and gave him a self-satisfied smile. She then bent forward, said, "This is for luck," and gave the tip of his stiff dick a quick kiss. After she'd stowed all his private parts back into his underpants, she returned to her seat.

David was in a lust-crazed daze as he continued his short journey to the stage. All around him, the Amazons tittered and snickered to see the horny hump holding out his sweatpants. Ms. Esme was also obviously amused by his aroused condition when the trio of candidates stood and faced their appreciative audience.

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" a group of the youngest charter members began chanting.

Eddie didn't even hesitate. He let his black sweatpants and briefs drop to the floor and revealed to the audience that his small penis was excited and erect. They cheered him.

Seeing this, David thought, "What the hell!" and surprised himself and everyone else by following Eddie's lead. After disentangling his stiff dick from his tight underpants, he let his clothes drop. The women cheered his willingness and ogled his upright cock and tight balls.

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" the crowd continued to shout.

"Come on, Jim, take it off!" Katie urged from the back of the theater.

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!"

As Jim hesitated, the chant became more insistent. "TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF!"

The oldest candidate finally relented and let his clothes drop to the floor. Unlike his younger companions, however, he was not aroused and his penis was floppy. This did not deter the Amazons from cheering and shouting their approval when all three men were presenting their penises again.

"We will start the voting with David," said Ms. Esme when they were naked. She looked up toward the source of the spotlight and requested, "Please bring up the houselights, Edward."

The theater brightened. For the first time, the candidates could see their audience's faces.

"Give me a show of hands," said Ms. Esme. "How many of you want David as a Gargarean?"

Every Amazon, including the hostess, enthusiastically raised her hand into the air. David smiled sheepishly, because the crowd's vocal approval was deafening.

"GOOD, GOOD," shouted the hostess, trying to quiet them so that she could continue in a normal voice. When she could be heard, she asked, "This seems unnecessary, but is there anyone opposed?"

Laughter ensued, because not one hand cast a dissenting vote.

"Passed unanimously," said Ms. Esme. She walked to the naked candidate, who was grinning. After chuckling to see his level of excitement, she shook his hand, saying, "Welcome to the Gargarean Group, David! Congratulations."

The procedure was repeated for Eddie and Jim, and both of them also passed unanimously. Afterwards, Ms. Esme announced, "Thank you for participating, Amazons. You will find cocktails and canapés in the great room, where you will have the chance to meet and greet our three new Gargareans."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

3 inches? And that is ok with the women present? Unbelievable that such a small penis/cock would even make it through the initial processing. Maybe a young woman that wanted to deepthroat a cock would like such a small one. Maybe he would be a good slave or some other menial task but not certainly it could satisfy a woman especially with this group. Oh, yeah. now David is way ok with the humiliation and degradation he has been put through? Well, have to read more to find out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I can say that I fucking loved this

I only wish I were younger and had this chance !!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Excellent story. I love the gargarean story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

So usual in femdom stories written by mentally-castrated men - humilation, nudity and NO SEX.

Women needs sex, are you heard about it?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Terribly unbelievable

A bunch of bat shit crazy women in a some stupid group band together to humiliate men and the men let them? Why? As you pointed out in the start of this dumb chapter David could have and would have prevented the three women from stripping him, thereby demeaning, degrading and humiliating him. What he should have done was record the entire series of events on his I-phone and outed the entire organization. Now that would have made an interesting story. This was just silly and implausible. To see all the women involved explaining to husbands, friends and family what they were involved with would have been a riot. What a bunch of stupid bitches. What a stupid story. No stars.

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