Ghosts of The DMV


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Jainy just stared. The clock showed it to only be seven in the evening. Strange that someone would go to sleep so early in the evening. She shook her head and settled back down on the couch. Perhaps her coworker was just stranger than she thought?

About an hour later, Jainy was lost in a favorite television show, something strange happened.

There was a drifting light in front of the television. The redheaded woman appeared for just a part of a second, floating in the air and pointing at the bedroom. Jainy jerked back and yelled in surprise. She looked around hurriedly and tried to see her again. She reappeared for the same flickering image leaning in midair towards Amy's room, a cheeky grin across her face.

Jainy got up and ran towards the bedroom door. She reached for the knob but a heated moan stopped her hand. From outside the door, she heard "No. Aiko, stop! Oh, damn you two. She saw you this evening and now you're doing this? We did so much today already!"

Her heart thudded and she felt a cold chill up her spine. From the sound of it, she was led to believe that the two naked women she had seen were in fact real. The fiery Irish and the sultry Japanese... She couldn't help it. She turned the knob and cracked the door to peak in.

Thankfully, Amy's bed was adjacent to the door so she didn't need to open it far. She knew Amy probably would not like her peeping, so she might as well be discreet.

"Brianna, what're you doing out there?" Amy asked the ceiling. Her body was squirming about in the dim bedroom and the moonlight through the window was barely rising high enough to touch the bed. She didn't appear to be touching herself, as she was simply clinging to the bed, yet she was very wet and writhing with pleasure.

Jainy didn't understand what was going on and she could only stare. She watched as Amy's body jerked sharply with a powerful orgasm and she gave hissing moan. Something was groping her breasts and there was an invisible force pushing in and out of her pussy.

"Ghosts? Specters? She's having sex with them?" Jainy murmured, still not seeing anything. Amy reached out and kissed the air above her.

Whatever had been happening took a minute break. Amy caught her breath and Jainy found herself reaching into her pants. She pushed them and her panties around her knees. If she was found peeping, how much worse could things really end up? She might as well enjoy it.

The feature presentation began just then. Amy nodded and squeezed her own breasts. There was a ripple of shadow over her nethers and she inhaled loudly. Jainy could see the way the pleasure surged forth in her and rushed to her limbs. It was exciting to see.

It had been more than enough so far to get Jainy wet and needy. She slipped a finger into her own pussy and cooed along with her. Something was pushing against Amy's body. Her muscles clenched and her body writhed. Jainy plunged her own wet pussy and held onto the door, watching intently.

"Aiko! Where are you putting your hand?" Amy gasped deeply. She looked down at her waist, "No! Don't do that yet! I don't want to be done yet!"

Jainy strained to try and see what was happening. There was a flicker of color and she saw the Japanese ghost just for a second. She was kneeling over her, hand buried to the wrist in her pelvis. Not in her pussy or ass, but literally phasing through her flesh.

Realization hit her. The ghost was teasing her pussy from the inside out. Jainy's hand worked harder and she panted with her tongue out. Lust was dripping over her fingers and dampening her panties. The display was such an erotically charged show that Jainy was having a hard time controlling herself.

Amy inhaled sharply and there was the thump of her arm against the wall. She squealed loudly and her feet pushed against the bed. Her body jerked upward and she wailed. Her pussy erupted in a glistening shower down her sheets and Jainy felt an empathetic orgasm clench up her insides.

As she came, Jainy stumbled and fell forward, shoving the door open and sprawling across her floor. Her panties tripped up her legs and she scrambled to get up on her knees.

Instead of being furious or embarrassed, Amy was laying incoherent on the bed. She was breathing hard and her tongue hung out the side of her mouth. Her eyes stared blankly at the far wall and Jainy sighed with relief. She was quick to yank up her panties and hurry back out of the bedroom. The door shut with a soft click and she hurried for the couch, pants pulling back up over her butt.

She slumped down on it and put a hand to her forehead, "What a close call. What is even going on here?" There was a sound and she clenched her mouth shut. A shiver ran up her spine. There was a giggle behind her that didn't appear to have a source. She quickly yanked the blanket up over her head.

That was enough spooky for one night.



Brianna snickered, an arm slung around Aiko as they watched Amelia and her daughter walk out the door. Jainy was staying home today to recover from her breakdown yesterday. It was a perfect situation for the two ghosts to perk her right up.

Jainy stood by the door for a second and then she dug in her pocket for her phone. She dialed a number and waited. Someone answered and she said, "Alright. Come on over. Just like I wrote in my email. There's some kinds of ghosts around the apartment. Yes. I assure you, I saw what I said. She was being molested by the ghosts!"

Aiko glanced at Brianna, "You think she's...?"

The Irish ghost smiled evilly, "Oh I hope! I haven't got to mess with a ghost whisperer in years!"

"Thank you. I agree to being filmed. Come over as soon as you can." Jainy said and she listened for a moment before hanging up. She sighed and then called to the room in general, "That's that. Whatever ghosts are in this house, get out! I've called up the best ghost hunter in town and she's going to come shoo you out!"

Brianna giggled, "A ghost hunter! Oh I can't wait!"

"Booo!" Aiko exclaimed, lunging at Jainy and showing herself momentarily.

"Waaahhh!" Jainy squealed and threw her hands up before her face. She whimpered and fled out the door, "Oh I just don't know how Amy can live here!"

Aiko smirked and Brianna smacked her on the butt, "Don't terrorize her! We're trying to help her. Save it for this supposed 'Best ghost hunter'."

"Okay, okay. You're right." Aiko nodded.

It took maybe a half hour for a dark black hearse rumble up and park in Amelia's spot. The ghosts floated out the door and looked around. Jainy was sitting on the apartment steps and she was staring at the car. It had dark windows and had lots of weird little accents. Crossbones in the rims, a skull hood ornament, deep red roses painted on the doors. The grill was in the shape of sharp chrome fangs.

Out of it climbed a character that matched the car. She was a hair under six feet with very pale skin and a curtain of raven hair down to her waist. She was thin and flat-chested with a tight little butt and long legs. Her face was sharp like a hawk's and she had a pointed nose. Her attire was no less strange than the car. She had on a small top hat that was held on by hairpins and a pair of black round glasses. She had piercings galore, ears, eyebrow, nose, lip and no doubt more further down. Her shirt was skintight, over it she wore a long duster. From the waist down she wore long cargo pants and knee high combat boots. Everything was entirely black and chains rattled from her pockets and from the hem of the coat.

She stood still for a moment, staring up at the apartments. Her eyes closed and she held out a hand, as if sensing something. Then she nodded and pulled a black bag from the car. Her eyes flitted up to Jainy, "Jainy Fields?"

"Yes!" Jainy got to her feet.

"I'm Luna Specter." The woman walked up to the steps, "Mind showing me inside? It's best if we act quickly. The higher the sun climbs, the less likely these ghosts are to come out."

Brianna barked out a short laugh, "Oh Aiko, we are going to have so much fun with this woman!"

"Be sure to stay hidden at first. We can't scare her off too easily." Aiko giggled.

While they were talking, Jainy opened the door, "Yes ma'am! Please come inside. I'm glad you came on such short notice. I never expected to be witness to such a... A..."

"Ectoplasmic episode." Luna filled in, "Do not worry, this is what I do for a living. I will be able to handle what I find."

The ghosts, both still giggling, floated along idly behind without the 'ghost hunter' being any the wiser.

When they got inside, Luna had a camera on a tripod set up in the corner to film the room. She was quick about it and it took her barely two minutes to get one set up filming the bedroom as well as Kaitlyn's overly pink, childish bedroom and the bathroom. Luna turned to Jainy, "So, the way you described it, you glimpsed two different ghosts multiple times in the living room. Then later in the night, you heard a commotion in the bedroom and went to investigate. It was there you discovered the apartment's tenant being assaulted by these ghosts."

"Yes. That's right." Jainy nodded.

"Mmhmm. If what I think is right, you most certainly do have a pair of dangerous ghost on your hands. Let me run some tests." Luna said, pulling a large black box that looked suspiciously like a painted makeup kit from her bag. She opened it on the table and pulled out a number of tools. The first she picked up was a long white crystal and then she grabbed a tuning fork. She tapped it on the crystal and hummed, "Those here from the great beyond! Answer my call! I am Luna Specter, and I assert my power over you who have passed on!"

"Oh my god, this is hilarious." Brianna hissed, covering her mouth as she shook with laughter.

"Watch this." Aiko snickered. She reached into the repurposed makeup kit. Her hand phased into the beads in one pocket and she rattled them.

Jainy and Luna stopped. They both looked at the box. Luna looked up quickly, "They have heard my words and responded."

"Hey, are you getting the same feeling from her that I am?" Brianna looked at Aiko.

Aiko thought for a second and then nodded, "Yea, I think we should do a little more than mess with this woman."

Brianna slipped over behind Luna and slid a hand through her coat. She pressed her hand to Luna's cute little bum and felt down it. It might be small but it was pleasant to the touch and very soft.

Luna twitched her hips in surprise, "They're trying to contact me! I feel their presence!"

"I'm sure you do." Aiko said, floating around the table. She reached through Luna's shirt and felt her chest. No bra and there was a piercing in her nipple, a metal bar. Aiko gave it a quick tweak and watched Luna twitch.

"These are definitely... Erotic ghosts. They are touching me quite brusquely." Luna said, "Worry not, I have plans." She reached in the kit and pulled out a small iron rod and a vial of water. She sprinkled the water on the carpet around her feet and held up the rod. Her voice came out in an almost comical attempt at baritone, "I command thee, forgotten ones, away! Touch me not!"

As if by that command, both Brianna and Aiko jumped on her at the same time. Brianna grabbed her small breasts in both hands and fondled her eagerly. Aiko slipped down behind her and pulled her cheeks apart to rub her ass with one finger.

Luna shivered powerfully and the piece of iron fell from her fingers. Her pale cheeks went rosy and she looked around hurriedly.

"Luna?" Jainy asked worriedly.

Luna shook herself and grabbed the kit, "Perhaps in the bedroom. Closer to the original incident to garner more power over them. These ghost are certainly strong."

As she was turning to the bathroom, Brianna grabbed the knife out of the kit and flung it at the doorway. It stuck in the wood with a hum in the blade. Luna stopped cold, her eyes wide. She licked her lips and swallowed.

"Brianna, that was a little mean." Aiko scolded her.

"I didn't throw it at them." Brianna said defensively.

Luna was still startled as she spoke, "I... That... This is one... Of the most dangerous... Miss Jainy, I don't think it's safe for you to be in here anymore."

"Okay!" Jainy exclaimed and she fled the apartment.

After the door shut, Luna gulped and pulled the knife from the doorframe. She looked around and headed into the bedroom, "Ghosts from beyond. I do not wish you harm. I simply wish to make the lives of the living easier by helping you pass on!"

Brianna swooped around her and kissed her full on the lips. She appeared for just long enough to giggle and wave before she faded away again. Luna stared in utter shock, her voice coming out in a choked stutter, "A... A real... A real ghost... Oh god... Oh god, I can't do this. I don't know what to do about a real ghost. I'm just an internet personality. Don't hurt me! Please!"

Aiko slipped in behind her and fondled her little butt in both hands this time. Luna squealed and leapt forward. Brianna drifted down and put her head between Luna's thighs, running a tongue teasing up the outside of her pussy. The ghost hunter shuddered and let out a little moan, "That... That felt... Really good, actually."

"I think this one is catching in quicker." Brianna said and she flicked her tongue out again.

"Ohh! Look... If this is what you ghosts want... I wont argue. Just don't hurt me and I don't mind letting you have your way. Honestly, I just put this all on for the internet. I take the film, I put in a little CG of a shadow here or there. I make it look good and post it for people to watch. I'm not really out to hurt ghosts or anything." Luna gasped when the tongue touched her. Her words were harried and she didn't look so confident anymore.

Aiko slipped her arms around Luna's neck and floated up behind her, "We're not here to hurt you."

"Wha-!?" Luna jerked in surprise at the voice in her ear.

Brianna floated upward and caressed her cheek, "We're just out to help lonely women. You seem like it."

"I- I- I-" Luna's face was red by now, "Well... It has been a long time."

She slipped her coat from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. The tight shirt was sleeveless and her bare arms were a stark contrast to the dark cloth. Her hands shook a bit as she dropped her pants, her black thong with them. Her eyes were darting all about and she stepped out of them, "Okay, go ahead. I won't try to stop you."

"We're not rapists." Aiko cooed, sliding a hand smoothly down her fair ass.

Brianna caressed her hips and kissed her cheek, "We're just really good at telling when a woman needs something."

"Then why don't you show yourselves." Luna said.

The ghosts drifted around in front of her and they faded into view. Luna's jaw dropped as she looked at their naked forms. Brianna's full, plump body with all it's freckles and her fluffy red hair. Aiko's thinner, more sensual form with the tan skin and small, Japanese curves. They floated forward and put their arms around her, Aiko whispering to her, "Just lie back and relax."

"We'll make all your worries go away. You'll get up feeling refreshed and wonderful." Brianna assured her.

"Okay..." Luna murmured and she sat down on the bed. She spread her legs for the ghosts and bit her lip nervously.

Brianna moved in and dug her tongue in. The pleasure was immediate and wonderful, making Luna slump back on the bed. She gasped with a little moan and her body shivered with sensation.

Aiko phased through the bed and oriented herself behind Luna, sliding her arms around her shoulders. She pressed herself to her back and held close to her, "Just relax and let go. Nothing in the world matters right now." Her words were heavy and they pulled on Luna's eyelids. The embrace of her ghostly body was soothing. She cooed in her ear, "Let your body grow heavy. Let your limbs be limp. Focus only on quieting your breathing. Enjoy the pleasure."

Luna's eyes fluttered low as Brianna's licking dug deeper. She slowly fell into a light dose in which her body only felt pleasure and her mind was utterly empty. The orgasm was low and steady as it grew. A constant warmth and tension building in her middle. She was dimly aware of the ghost wrapped around her body, fingers gently teasing her breasts or caressing her collar. Her entire body seemed to just be getting hotter and hotter. She was on the cusp of orgasm when she realized what was going on.

Brianna's head had phased into her crotch and her tongue was actually rubbing a deep part of her pussy that had her insides humming wonderfully. Her eyes widened in surprise but it was too late and her climax burst over her. Heavy breath became shuddering moans and gasping cries. Her midsection clenched up and her body sang with pleasure.

Her back arched and she grasped at the sheets. Passionate ecstasy filled her and stars burst in her eyes. She jerked and flopped limp, her heart pounding in her chest. Aiko had disappeared from behind her and Brianna had sat upright. Luna wiped at her forehead and propped herself on her elbows, "What the hell? How did you two even do that?"

"We're very good." Brianna smiled.

"And we've had decades of practice." Aiko floated lazily over next to her.

"So care to go for more." Brianna smirked.

"Yes!" Luna exclaimed, head bobbing eagerly.

"That's what I like. Turn over and give us a look at yer cute bum." Brianna twirled a finger.

Luna did as instructed, but not before stripping off her shirt. She tossed it aside and raised her butt in the air, poising her naked sex for the ghosts. She looked back at them, "So what's next?"

"Oh, I have no doubt you'll enjoy it." Aiko smiled and she put her hands to Luna's naked ass. She leaned down and ran her tongue in a circle around her ass. Luna shivered and clenched up a bit.

"Oooh! That feels really kinky." Luna exhaled, laying her head down on her arms so her ass was angled higher. Aiko took the hint and pushed her tongue in.

"So have you ever had a womb massage before?" Brianna asked, laying down sideways to Luna. She stuck her head under her belly and poked her playfully.

"Uhhh... No? Oh, man that feels good." Luna moaned as the tongue delved deep into her bum.

"Well when you're not getting pounded by hard dick, a little known fact is that your womb is very sensitive. It's not easily touched so few women get to experience this. As I understand it, it's pretty intense." Brianna said, sliding her hands up into Luna's middle. Her fingers caressed the deepest parts of Luna's womb and began to smoothly massage it.

"Whoa. That is really deep. Feels like you're just rubbing my insides. It's weird... But really good." Luna took a deep breath and held onto the bed. Her body was being touched and pleasured in such exotic ways.

Aiko wriggled her tongue as deep as it would go, matching pace with Brianna's internal rubbing. The two of them had Luna squirming and whimpering in their hands before long. Aiko changed over to her fingers. She was teasing and finger-fucking her asshole with a passionate pace while her other hand went at her pussy. Brianna's fingers rubbing her womb were really the top though and she went flailing into another wild cum.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Just like that! Like that! Yes! More! Ahhhhh~!" Luna howled and thrashed before flopping over sideways on the bed. While she laid there gasping for breath, Brianna laid over next to her and Aiko slipped down on top of her ghostly companion.

"So how is it?" Aiko asked, smiling knowingly at her.

"I... I need a new career... Ghost seducer instead of hunter." Luna smiled happily.

"Glad to be of help." Brianna smirked.

There was a moment of silence and then Luna sat up, "Hey, one thing. Was that womb thing what you did to the woman here? In Jainy's email, she described one of you reaching inside her but she went practically catatonic with pleasure almost instantly. That didn't sound like what you did to me."