Ghosts of The DMV


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Amy pushed her head back and dragged the devil down her shaft. She groaned loudly and the devil wailed in excitement. Her body jerked and she ground her hips against Amy's lap. White spunk seeped out around her shaft and ran over her lap. Wonderful ecstasy surrounded her cock on all sides and she let go of the devil.

"Definitely not disappointing." The devil cooed and slid free of her pole.

"My turn." The second said.

"A moment to rest." Amy held up a hand.

"What fun is that?" Brianna scoffed.

She and Aiko thrust hands through her crotch. A massive pressure and heat flooded her cock and it jerked to full erection in moments. She moaned loudly and humped the air, spurting precum in a large arc up her belly.

"Doesn't look like you need one." The devil giggled and mounted her.

"Holy fuck." Amy gasped as her cum-lathered flesh vanished into another little bit of heaven.

"The prostate is a pretty great thing." Brianna laughed, sliding back from her.

Amy grabbed tightly to the devil's hips and thrust up against her, "Come on! More!"

"Oh yes! Amazing! Fuck me harder!" The devil wailed in bliss.

Jainy and her devil girl were reaching their climaxes rapidly as they masturbated to the show. People were stopping and staring now. One girl had even sat down across from their booth and was playing with herself. She only had on a smattering of body glitter anyway.

"That's it. I wanna try fucking you!" Amy exclaimed, sitting upright. She held the girl tightly and stood up, turning around to set her on the booth seat.

The devil girl moaned happily. "Do it!" she agreed vigorously.

Amy held tight to her hips and drew her cock back. She shoved the entire length deep into her clenching hole. Without any restraint, she pounded away at her with all her might. The girl's eyes slowly rolled back in her head as her voice became a cacophony of bliss.

"Let's make you cum good inside her." Aiko said, running a hand up her sweaty, undulating ass.

She pushed two fingers in her asshole and spread it wide.

"Really good." Brianna agreed and shoved some fingers into her pussy.

"Oh God! Oh fuck! Yes! This is so good!" Amy squealed, her hips a wild blur as wet slapping sounds drummed from her crotch.

Aiko rubbed hard at her new prostate and she orgasmed wildly. Her dick plunged deep inside the devil girl and erupted with white seed. As she wailed and spasmed, cumming wildly and without control, Jainy felt her own pussy clench on skillfull devil fingers and her back tensed up. Pleasure popped through her body like fireworks. It was beyond fantastic.

The both of them were left in a world of pure pleasure as their bodies sang with it. By the time either of them were coherent again, the triplet devils were gone and they were cuddled alone in the booth.

"Wow this thing is amazing." Amy sighed, poking her flaccid cock.

"I still haven't ridden it yet." Jainy sighed.

"Hey, you know. I think those were real succubi. Those tails weren't attached to their Gs." Brianna said, posing like she was sitting in the booth next to her.

"Uhhh... What?" Amy stared.



The tension in the room was painful. Amy and Jainy sat between Amy's parents in their dining room. They had made a trip up to the north side where her dad lived in order to stay for the weekend and make introductions. Amy knew her dad Peter wouldn't care, he knew she was gay, but his new wife apparently did. Amy hadn't spoken three words to her step mother Sherri since the wedding last year, but apparently things weren't going well. The house had been tense before Amy told them of her and Jainy's relationship.

Though really, the wedding had been a huge Catholic affair so Amy should've guessed her step-mother's reaction to learning her step-daughter was a full on lesbian.

The meal finished up and Sherri cleaned up with a brusque efficiency. She threw Peter one dirty glance before disappearing up the stairs to the second floor. Peter huffed and rubbed a hand over his brow. He walked into the living room and flopped down in a plush chair.

"Is this all my fault dad? I knew she wouldn't take it well, being Catholic and all, but this seems a bit extreme. You're not to blame, what was with that look?" Amy sat down on the couch across from her dad.

With the way things were, she could see now why Peter had advised her not to bring Katelyn along. Amy thought it strange because how much Peter adored his granddaughter but she listened and left her with her ex husband. She might not like the man sexually, but she couldn't deny that he was a good dad and a rather nice guy. She had full custody of her daughter but that was only because Greg never argued over who Katelyn would go with or when he could see her. He got her a weekend or two a month and just about any evening he wanted.

Peter shook his head, "No, no. It's not you. That was just another thing on the pile. It's our marriage. Something weird is going on and she doesn't like it."

"Hey Amy! There's a Succubus in the basement!" Brianna exclaimed as her head poked up through the couch cushion next to her.

"What the hell!" Jainy cried out and lurched away from the couch, having been in the process of sitting where the ghost's head now was.

Peter looked at Jainy, "You okay?"

"Fine. Sorry. Just surprised at something." Jainy grumbled and sat down on the arm of the couch.

"Yea, dad, if you think you have it weird, try being haunted. I have two ghosts that live with us." Amy chuckled.

"Hi there!" Brianna appeared and floated up to sit on the couch properly.

"Wow. Uhh... Hi." Peter's face reddened as he looked over the buxom Irish ghost.

Brianna smiled, "Aren't you just the sweetest. So why do you have a Succubus living downstairs?"

"Uhhh, saw her did you? Yea... Revana is why our marriage is having trouble. Turns out guardian angels are real, but just like they have a presence, so does the other side." Peter groaned.

Amy blinked, "You have a guardian succubus?"

"Yea, sort of. She came to me after that car crash last fall. Because I'm married to Sherri, she is obligated to share the contract with her." Peter said.

"Contract?" Amy cocked her head.

"Yea, when I got in that car crash, I broke my spine. Doctors said I'd never walk again. I didn't ever tell you because I didn't want to worry you. You had your own troubles raising Katelyn on your own. Kind of a desperate time for me. Revana showed up next to my bed one night and offered me a chance to heal myself completely. The price was that she would be allowed to live with me and feed off me on a daily basis." Peter said, wringing his hands together, "And I think you can guess how a succubus feeds. Sherri has not taken it well. The only reason I thought she didn't leave me is because she felt bad that I did this for her. I couldn't ask her to stay with me when I'm crippled, so I took the offer. Didn't read all the fine print though. Says Revana gets to feed on any partner of mine as well. If we ever deny her, she can take back the contract that healed me."

"Oh hell. I bet she isn't a fan of that with how she reacted to Amy and I." Jainy said.

"Actually... That's my point about why she hasn't left me. I think she loves it. I've seen how she looks when Revana takes her hand and leads her upstairs. It's not revulsion. She looks guilty." He raised an eyebrow, "Why would you feel guilty about something out of your control unless you enjoyed it? She's Catholic. Revana is from down below and this is all adultery."

"Wow! You lucky dog dad. You ever get her to feel better about all this and you're going to be living the high life with two gorgeous women." Amy laughed.

"Yea, like that'll ever happen. Pretty certain I'm sleeping in this chair for the rest of my life." Peter snorted and turned on the television.

"Hmmm..." Brianna hummed, glancing a cheeky eye at Amy.

"You aren't." Amy gave a crooked smile.

"Oh yea. If I can get a stuck up tight ass milf in a restaurant, a coiled up Catholic is easy prey." Brianna floated off towards the stairs.

"Oh I have got to see this." Amy got up.

"What is she doing?" Peter asked as they headed up the stairs.

"Gonna fix all your problems dad. You and Jainy just hang out here for a while and ignore whatever you hear." Amy bared her teeth in a wide grin and followed Brianna.

Peter rolled his eyes and flicked the movie up a few ticks of volume, "I don't want to hear anything or know anything when Sherri starts yelling."

Jainy flopped down on the couch and put her legs over the arm, "Some how I don't think that's going to be what you'll hear."

Peter shrugged his indifference and flicked through the channels.

Upstairs, Brianna flew through the door and found Sherri sitting in her bed with a book in her hands and glasses on her nose. She really was an attractive woman. She wore a short pink negligee that framed her large cleavage and left her long, shapely legs bare across the bed. Her fluffy brown hair was tied in a loose mess behind her head and she was very intent on her book when Amy knocked on the door.

"Yes?" She said curtly, looking up.

"Hey." Amy stepped in and closed the door.

"What do you want?" Sherri asked, quickly flipping the blankets over her bare legs.

"Just to talk. I'm not going to attack you. I'm just curious where we went wrong? What did I say? I feel like you don't want me around." Amy asked, faking a few fidgets and a look of insecurity.

Brianna was already in the bed next to her. She was ogling her massive breasts and poked her head beneath the blankets to see her thighs again.

"Don't act like a child. You know exactly why. Your choice of life styles is immoral." Sherri snapped her book closed.

Amy leaned back against the door, "Why though? Why does that have to cause such a rift? I've been nothing but kind and yet I feel like an invader in my own father's house just because I'm gay."

Brianna straddled her waist and slid her hands up Sherri's sides. She cupped her breasts through the silken cloth and gave a little coo of delight. Sherri didn't show any reaction, but Amy could see Brianna rubbing teasingly around her nipples. Instead she just pursed her lips, "It's not just you. You have a daughter. You are exposing her to your way of life and it is harming her. It's why people like you shouldn't have children, look at what a terrible mother you are."

That one actually stopped the words in Amy's throat. Not because she thought Sherri could be right but because where was this bitch's right to judge what was good for her daughter? She loved her daughter more than she loved anyone else and her first priority when she brought Jainy home was protecting her daughter. It really made a sharp turn in Amy's attitude. Originally she was going to play fun and have a good time until Brianna got her so worked up that she could dick her step-mother's rather fine ass. Now that she decided to bring her daughter in it, her plan changed. Now it was to fuck her until she breaks. Her dad can have a dick-hungry brain dead slut when she's finished.

Apparently Brianna sensed her emotions, or perhaps she just took as much offense to the comment as Amy had, because she sat back and shoved her hand through her chest. She grabbed her heart in a fist and Sherri gasped in shock. She grabbed at her breast and jerked her head back as her chest grew immeasurably tight. Her lungs wouldn't pull any air and she began to panic. Her vision darkened and her body grew heavy. It was as big of surprise to Amy as the comment had been. She knew the ghosts would probably be capable of pain if they wanted to, but actually seeing how they could do it was an entirely different matter. She quickly stepped around the bed towards them, "Brianna. Don't hurt her."

"Sorry, I've grown fond of you and that comment really struck me." Brianna said as she let go of her and scooted back, leaving her to collapse against the headboard. Her skin was pale and sweat glistened on her brow. She was breathing heavily and she stared at Amy in shock. Amy calmly picked up the book from her lap and glanced at the cover, "A Woman's Hidden Lust? Doesn't sound like very Catholic reading material."

"What... What did you do to me?" She stammered, fear filling her eyes.

"Me? I did nothing. This is Brianna." Amy held up her hand. Brianna must've revealed herself on cue because Sherri yelped and jerked at the sudden appearance of a woman on her lap. "She is a ghost and my friend. She grabbed your heart from the inside, probably didn't feel too good. Never actually seen her do that before but she took exception to your comment. Well, don't worry Sherri, it's not your fault you're thinking the way you are. You've been convinced of things that just aren't true by a religion full of close minded bigots. So we're going to help you."

"No. No, stay away from me." Sherri waved her hands and scooted back across the bed.

Brianna floated towards her, arms slowly encircling her neck. She moved closer and looked into her eyes, "Why do you deny yourself. Everyone knows you love being fed upon by that Succubus. Don't feel so guilty. Your body needs to be pleasured. It's only natural." The way she spoke was enchanting. Her voice was soft and very enticing, caressing her ears like velvet and worming its way into her mind like the sweetest of poison. It coursed through her body and infected her with a wanton desire that released the deepest held lusts within her. "Just lay back. Give in. It will cost you nothing and you won't feel anything but glorious pleasure. Your whole body will feel like heaven. You will know ecstasy that women only dream of. This one night of pleasure will slake a thirst so deep you can't fathom what your life will be like after. Your body cries for it. Your soul agonizes over the denial you have forced upon it. All of your being craves it and so why resist...?"

By the time the ghost was finished speaking, Sherri was laying on her back with her arms splayed above her head. Brianna's deep green eyes held her mesmerized and she caressed her face lovingly. Her whole body was pressed along Sherri's and she was bent over her, slowly leaning in closer. She pressed her lips to Sherri's and it was like a spell being broken. The woman kissed back with such a fiery hunger that she pushed the ghost up into the air. Brianna pulled back from her with a laugh.

"Do it. Do everything. Everything you said. Make me feel the pleasure. Slake my desires. Please!" Sherri begged, sitting up and crawling forward on her hands and knees, "Get Revana. Peter. Anyone! Just fuck me until I can't see straight!"

"Wow. Brianna, that was really impressive." Amy gave a short laugh and pulled off her shirt, "Alright, have fun with her while I undress."

"Woo!" Brianna swept down on the mindlessly horny woman again and pushed her head between her thighs.

Sherri flopped back among the pillows and spread her legs wide. She yanked off her negligee and her big boobs jiggled all about, "Yes! Lick me, please!" Brianna's tongue did just as she asked, digging deep into her soaking wet slit. Sherri moaned happily and pushed her head back against the headboard, "Yessss~! So good! Oh you're as good as Revana! I love it!"

"You know, I have got to meet this succubus before I leave. Got cornered by a couple the other day and they were pretty fun." Amy said, tossing her panties on the pile. She crawled up on the bed and Sherri stared at her.

"You have a penis?" She exclaimed.

"Something Brianna and her friend did. We still don't know how, but it certainly works great." Amy stroked her cock for emphasis.

Sherri started to say something but it was lost in a whorish moan when Brianna dug her tongue in extra deep and slid a ghostly digit into her asshole. Amy poked her ethereal form and she reluctantly floated aside. Sherri watched with eager desire as the cock moved closer to her nethers and she held her breath in anticipation of its penetration.

But it never came. Amy grabbed Sherri's knees and held her tip a hair's breadth from touching her and she looked at Sherri, "So are you done being all bigoted and stuck up about a little girl on girl?"

"What? Why now? Put it in me. Pleaaaaase!" She whined, trying to wriggle her crotch forward.

"Because this is my little revenge. Tell me you are okay with me being gay." Amy said.

"Fine! Fine, yes, I'm alright with you being gay. Now please." Sherri groveled, straining against Amy's better leverage.

"Uh-uh. One more. Say I'm a good mother. From one mom to another, tell me." Amy said, staring her down.

"Yes. You're a good mom. I was wrong to criticize you just because you're gay! I'm sure you're great with your daughter! I beg you, please stop-" Her words cut off as Amy's thick shaft sank deep into her. She pushed her back against the headboard and dug in as deep as she could get. A long, joyous moan filled the room.

"Now that was mean." Brianna giggled, sliding down through the bed. She slipped beneath them and sank her fingers into Sherri's soft butt. While Amy's cock slowly ground back and forth, she leaned up and stuck her tongue into Sherri's tight ass.

"Ohhh! Do you even have kids with a pussy like this?" Amy groaned, drawing back and pushing in again.

Sherri gurgled, "Guhh... Ye... Yea... They're old as you. Oh God I need this dick."

Amy obliged her and thrust more, digging her thick head deep inside her. She could feel her pussy clenching sporadically between her thrusts and Brianna's rimming. Then something else tightened around her pole even more. She inhaled sharply, "Oh! Brianna, that's you right? That feels really good!"

Brianna had reached up through Sherri's pelvis and wrapped a hand around her pussy, squeezing her cock harder. She was jerking her off from inside and it was providing the both of them a whole lot of pleasure.

"That feels so great!" Sherri wailed, eyes rolling back in her head. Amy groaned and plowed her hard, her dick buzzing with her orgasm. Thick spunk burst inside Sherri's womb and she was left breathing hard as Amy held still.

With her cock deep inside her, she felt Brianna let go. A moment later, Sherri abruptly clenched up like a vice and her body seized, back arching and eyes going wide. Amy gasped and almost fell on top of her. With how her pussy was squeezing, her dick felt like it was utterly trapped.

"Tickle, tickle." Brianna giggled, fingers dancing gently around Sherri's clitoris. Amy pushed against her and dragged herself out of Sherri's spasming muscles.

Brianna kept it up for a few moments more, driving another orgasm through Sherri before letting her collapse exhausted against the headboard. Amy looked over at Brianna as she floated up onto the bed, "Really? Trying to cut my dick off?"

"Felt good, didn't it?" She smirked.

"Kind of, yea." Amy huffed, rolling her eyes.

"What... What was that?" Sherri wheezed, "What did you do to me?"

"Does everyone ask the same question?" Amy said, reaching out and grabbing Sherri by the hips.

"Pretty much." Brianna nodded.

"No, stop. Let me rest." Sherri asked desperately.

"Oh please, you can handle more. I wanna fuck your ass next." Amy laughed at her and pulled her towards her.

"You what? My...? I... I don't know..." Sherri glanced around fearfully.

Amy lifted her legs and turned her over on her belly, "You know you're gonna love it."

Sherri bit her lip and then nodded, "Yea, you're right. Do it. Fuck my ass."

"Whatever you did Brianna... It worked." Amy growled as she pushed her wet cock between Sherri's cheeks.

Brianna shrugged, "I hardly did anything. They are all her desires."

"Oh my lord that feels good." Sherri moaned lushly, digging her fingers into the pillows. Amy pressed down on her and reveled in the glorious heat of her ass.