Gnarly's Angels Ch. 07: Behind Blue Eyes


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"Brought you some clothes." He motions with a shift in profile. "Got you car key too. I have a small gas can in my Jeep. We can go get your car. If Roy's watching he'll think you ran out of gas and I gave you a lift back to your car."

"Good idea. Can I get down now?" She nibbles her lower lip.

"Sure." He carries her to his bed and hurls them on to it. Another fifteen minutes of passionate kissing, led to sweats being tugged down. Another penetration sends Crystal over the edge. A lasting impression makes her fall in love. A hasty shower together polishes off their serenity.

Dressed now Crystal sneaks home for more comfortable shoes. Gnarly also fully attired in jeans and a vintage Queensryche T-shirt he had bought online from their Operation: Mindcrime tour, headed back to his Jeep. Tool box placed in back, while there he checks his small gas can for gas. Barely any in it, he decides it didn't matter. He could feign its contents while filling her tank. It was all an act in case Bad Cop Roy or any of his cronies were keeping her car under surveillance.

Waiting on Crystal he decided that maybe it wasn't smart of him to be seen so early in the game. He might need to enter her situation at a better time. Gnarly was into strategy and up until now he hadn't had time to survey the battle zone. He knew he couldn't tell anyone what was going on with her, out of the confidence building he and Crystal had achieved in the short time of his rescue. Naomi couldn't know, at least not yet. The landlady was a bit headstrong. She would understand Crystal's plight but would want to do her part in dealing with Roy. Gnarly nor Crystal wanted to endanger her. Who then? Not many of the ladies in the Brownstone had a car.

Just as he decided there wasn't an option he had a brain fart. The Uber driver needed an Uber. Looking one up on his cell he discovered one that might create less stress on Crystal, another female but of obvious Muslim origin. Before calling upon the woman he chose to consult Crystal first. Heading inside the Brownstone he marched into Crystal's apartment without even a knock. She was in her kitchen grabbing a juice from her fridge.

"Trying to think smart here Blue." He raises his cell screen showing her his Uber idea.

"So I resort to calling one of my own to get a ride to my bread and butter?"

"Here's my concerns. Roy doesn't know me at this point. Wouldn't it be better to stay behind the curtain until I'm really needed? I will NOT abandon you."

"I know you won't." She pats his chin. "Actually, I know that girl. Not many Muslim women drive. Fatima's a rare case, her husband doesn't object to her occupation. He's a Caucasian American. Retired military. Lots older than Fatima."

"I didn't know that Muslim women didn't drive all that much."

"Yeah, places like Arabia just recently began allowing women to drive in their country. I see what you're doing. I had her private number in my cell but no more cell thanks to Roy. I might need your cell to reset a few things once I get a new phone. After I get my car I'll swing by Sprint and purchase a new one. I've got insurance so at least it shouldn't cost me a small fortune. Time for an upgrade anyway. Go ahead and request Fatima before she gets another fare." He hands her his cell allowing her to do it. Having never used Uber in his life he figured she would be quicker. Once done she passes his cell back to him.

"Guess we won't need the gas can now."

"Right! I'll just have her drop me off and get the car. Things should be alright for now. I don't really believe Roy will push his luck so soon. I'm more worried about working at Barbarians tonight. After work he might be waiting on me."

"I'm there if you need me, even though I start my part time job tomorrow."

"Thanks Gnarly. Just promise me you won't do anything to land yourself in jail. I don't have enough money to bail you out."

"Me neither." He frowns. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"I know this sounds crazy but I'd rather endure Roy's crap than see you locked up because of me."

"We deal with this a step at a time."

"If I don't resist him I won't get all bruised up or worse. It's bad enough I'll need to wear a more conservative outfit tonight to avoid red flags. Easy enough to say rough sex in a club scene. Guys love that. Even the club owner has a pervy side. He and his wife. There's a few other people at the club that know Roy is infatuated with me. I'm pretty sure they might assume these bruises are from him. I'll need to make them believe otherwise. Too bad we can't use the excuse I hooked up with a rough and tumble Metalhead." She smirks.

"You object to my stopping by Barbarians later tonight? Introduction to the owners? Maybe land a job there two days a week?" He rethinks that idea, "Trouble is I'll need to probably keep Friday and Saturday nights free due to my newest part time job. Their busiest nights most likely."

"No I don't mind you stopping by, a comfort in knowing you're close by means a lot. Just don't go digging into anything about Roy. He doesn't know you as of yet. We should keep it that way. Safer don't you think? What's that job?"

He nods understanding her worry. He certainly didn't want trouble unless it became unavoidable. "Roadie for the band Milkbone. Setup before shows. Designated driver."

"That sounds fun. You get to be around the music you like."

"Connections everywhere. Starting with them is smart."

"Good for you." She eyes the clock on her kitchen stove. "I better head down. Fatima should be here shortly."

"Alright. Be careful." A tender hug led to a peck on the cheek.

Following her out they hear a loud squeal coming from upstairs. Gnarly grins knowing the voice. With a wink toward Crystal the two parted ways, the blond meeting her ride on the street out front. She luckily had a twenty stashed away at home to pay her fare.

Seeing her on her way Gavin took a stroll upstairs to see tenant Vicki Chow inspecting her new bicycle. Sneaking up on the Chinese beauty he stands with arms folded. Listening to her giddy reaction to the brand new bike, eyes sparkling.

"I didn't buy you a new outfit. Didn't know your size."

Startled Vicki in her kneeling position looked his direction with fingers over her mouth. A wince guided him to assist in her rising to her feet.

"Still pretty sore?"

"Better, but yes. You did not have to buy me a new bicycle. Could not my old one be repaired?"

"Frame was bent. You're back in business once your wounds heel. Probably should have called a..." He refrains from saying a cop after knowing about Roy. Not that all Police Officers were bad, just leaving him with a hesitant taste at the moment.

"I did not see the other driver well enough to give an Officer any description. As long as I am alive."


"Please forgive this one for being a burden." She shies away.

"No burden. Friends help friends. If you ever need anything let me know."

"A massage might help me heal faster." She blushes hiding her smile.

"Quit that." He reaches over and turns her profile to face him. "Smiles are meant to be noticed."

"I was raised to hide my emotions. That is why I moved to America. To begin my own journey."

"Where you from?"

"Hong Kong. My very traditional. They are very unhappy with my decision to move here. I wish to be independent of them. To make them proud of me."

"You're in law school right?"

"On hiatus as the American's say. I am taking what few courses I can online in the meantime. My grant has run out. Not to mention my VISA only has 28 more months before it expires."

"Not nearly enough time to finish law school even if you were financially able to. Sorry to hear that Vic."

"I work very hard to save money. I will pay you back for your kindness."

" won't. When and if I ever need something from you I know you will be there for me."

"Yes. Anything." She blushes.

"About that massage. There's a gal in the building who does that for a living right? Only lady I haven't met you. Kelly wasn't it?"

"Yes. She has not returned from her trip."


"Perhaps more." She shies knowing the truth. "She...accompanies Men."



"Hey if it pays the bills." He chuckles. "Tell you what...I have a few things I wanna get done before I start my part time job tomorrow. If you're still awake later I'll give you a massage. No strings attached. Don't you try nothing." He points at her winking.

"You have seen my shyness. I could not..."

"Quit faking it already. I saw ow you acted when Heather looked you over in your bra and panties. You wanted me to see you. Even that first day I was in your apartment you wanted to play with yourself. Shy then but it was on your mind. You can't fool me Ms. Chow."

"You moved your shoes outside."

"Yeah, I didn't realize I might be disrespecting your culture by wearing shoes in your apartment."

"In China I might have objected. I find myself making the same mistake. You may bring them in."

"Actually? I might need my shoes back." He grins. "When I visit I'll leave them outside. Otherwise I'll keep them at my place."

"They are your shoes." She shyly smiles.

"Alright." He steps around her to pick up his footwear. In standing he finds her closer to him than she had been. Looking down at her she kneels in front of him. "Ummm! Whatcha doing?"

"Your lace is untied."

"Ohhh, right! I don't know what I was just thinking."

"You are a man. I know what you were thinking. As you said strings until they are attached." She ties his shoe then bows over his feet before standing.

"Not quite what I was thinking." He laughs.

"I will await my happy ending." She blushes and moves around him to enter her apartment. A final shy grin she closes the door.

"Damn!" Shaking his head Gavin headed back downstairs. Dropping his shoes off at his apartment he decides to check the mail on the first floor front landing. Curious to see if his address change had gone active. The mailboxes were in the front entry. Key in hand he opens his narrow box to find nothing.

Peering outside he noticed Crystal still waiting on her ride. Grimacing he opens the front door for a draft of fresh air.

"Running late?"

"Guess so."

He decides to step out further and sit on the front step, "Keep me in the loop Blue."

"I will. Unless I think it endangers you. I owe you one Rockstar."

"You don't owe me anything. I just want you to be safe."

"We both know this is going to get worse."

"Probably so. Well figure this out together. Don't even try pushing me away."

"Here she comes now." Crystal avoids his versatile threat. Pulling up to the curb was a Blue Kia Sorento. Windows rolled down Gavin could see the driver. As Crystal got in back the driver Fatima waved at Gavin. She was gorgeous even wearing a pale lavender Hijab.

"Dang! Her drivers Gal Gadot." He smiles waving back. "Fast and the Furious 20." He chuckles to himself as Fatima bats her eyelashes at him with a sly grin. Crystal looking his way while talking to Fatima shakes her head. Rolling down the back window the blond leers out.

"Fatima thinks you're sexy."

With another wave Fatima sets the SUV in motion. Long gone Gavin stands up stretching.

"I love women."

Gavin smirked knowing he had it going on. As he headed back indoors he hears a growling scream that makes him halt in his tracks. Wincing at the disturbance he starts to knock on his landlady's door out of concern. It was then that he hears her talking to someone with an agitated voice. Deciphering the word Mother made him turn tail and run. None of his business.

Returning to his apartment once again he takes time to scarf down some potato chips. Lays! Can't eat just one. Glass of tap water to quench his thirst, he snatches up Naomi's Master keys before heading back up to the third floor. Once more checking on his prior sanded cabinets which was ready for painting he tours the rest of the apartment. Using his cell to snap pictures of tasks that he considered running by Naomi to get the apartment ready for rental, he sighs at the shape things were in. Leaving one apartment he journey's into the second vacancy for similar snapshots. That apartment was in far worse shape than the other. This apartment had ripped wallpaper everywhere. Appliances were old and dented. Both the toilet seat and the claw tub had a crack in it, shower curtain ripped from its rings and dangling. Some things were cosmetic enough to fix easily, others not so much. Deciding on what he could do without bothering Naomi he uses his pocket knife to remove very similar cabinet doors in the kitchen and the bathroom basin. Hinges old and cranky come loose after a bit of strenuous encouragement. A quick journey to the apartment across the hall he brought his work gloves and sandpaper over and began sanding. Two hours later he had accomplished a miracle. The doors looked good. More to paint once Naomi brought the goods.

Opening a window he leans out for some fresh sunshine. Lingering there he notices the Brownstone behind Naomi's. Two things caught his eye. It appeared as if a tour was going on outside as a very dapper African American male in a three piece suit took notes on what he presumed was the exterior condition of the buildings foundation. He too was taking pictures of things that obviously needed repaired. A second man who was dressed rather slumlord showed him around.

Secondly, he looked up a bit to see the Telescope boys watching his Brownstone's rooftop again. From their reactions it was obvious that someone was up there for them to watch. He concluded that it might be Beth sunbathing. Good girl he thought.

Just before backing away he heard the back door open and close below him. Another look out he spots Naomi dressed to kill in a white dress and large white earrings. In her hand was a folder. Curious he stood there watching a bit longer. She walked across her parking lot and entered a back gate leading toward the men outside. Reaching them she hugs the black man who in turn kisses her on the cheek.

"Huh! Wonder who Billy Dee Williams there is? Good looking fella." It was obvious they knew each other very well, his hand on the small of her back as he points out certain features on the Brownstone. This Brownstone had small balconies off of each apartment. Rusty railing that appeared loose in some of the apartments a topic of conversation. Definitely not up to code. As the man moved his hand slyly to rub her ass Gavin chuckled. He laughed harder seeing her reach behind her and remove it. The pudgy Slumlord merely shook his head at their behavior. Sad to say even he was checking out Naomi, rubbing his stubbled beard with amusement. As the trio finished their backyard tour they walked around the side of the house. Again Gavin attempted to get back to work when one last thing caught his eye.

Down the back alley Police car crept through at an angle. Turning around rather than driving past the Brownstone's lot. Seeing the driver Gavin snatched his cell out and zoomed in what he could taking a picture.

"That you Roy?" He wondered. He would show Crystal later for a confirmation or paranoia hunch. He heard whistles distracting his photoshoot knowing well it was the Wolf call Brothers across the way. Pocketing his cell he decided to shut the window and lock up for now. Temptation led him to the roof. Shirtless, it was hot, he was sweaty.

As the door opened he quickly discovered that it wasn't Beth that was the center of attention. To his right danced two young beauties butt naked and waving their nightshirts.

"Remaking Dancing with Wolves? Where's Costner?" He calls out.

"GNARLYYYYY!" The girls raced to hug Gavin from both sides. Ignoring them, he eyes the men across rooftops. They were casting him a thumbs up. Smirking at his luck he turned his focus on young Amber and Julia's baby sister Brooke.

"What are you two exhibitionists up to?"

"We came up to smoke and saw the guys watching us. We just felt like being evil." Amber bounced in step rubbing her tits on his arm. He tried not to think about those striking pink nipples trailing his bicep and ribcage. Pretty difficult job to say the least.

"Be evil with usssss." Brooke begged reaching her right hand down to rub his crotch. He didn't resist physically. Mentally another thing...

"Now! Now! As tempting as this is I've got...not necessarily better things to do, but things none the less. You two need to behave. You teasing those fellas not knowing them might get you into trouble." He knew they were harmless, but the girls didn't. "Besides that Naomi's across the way looking that Brownstone over. Don't let her see you dancing on the edge. Where's Julia today?"

"Sleeping. That's why we came out here so we wouldn't keep her awake. You wore her out yesterday." Brooke giggles attempting to change his mind while still rolling her palm over his erection. That size change couldn't be helped. The girls were hot as fuck. Yet, something held the Rocker back. Maybe it was the fact his dick was exhausted from so much pussy of late. Naaaa! He just had other things on his mind.

"She dance last night?"

"Yes. Do you think I could be a stripper?" Brooke goaded him with her chin on his bicep.

"Me too. Oh my God! You're so sweaty. I love it." Amber joined in with a hand on his chest rubbing his pec.

Gavin let her continue but tried his best to change the topic. "How's your sister feel about that?"

"It's our lives. We need money. I don't want to sponge off Julia too long."

"At least you have a good head on your shoulders."

"I wish your head was on my shoulders." Brooke grit her teeth at how corny that was. "Okay, maybe not my shoulders. Anywhere else below my neck." She ended it with a snicker.

Amber saved her bestie with a need to know question. "Seriously, you think we could make money dancing?"

"Pretty sure that's money in the bank...G-string at the very least."

"Can we practice on you?" Brooke winked.

Amber slid her fingers down over his abs, while flaring her eyes toward an equally thrilled Brooke. "I wanna give you a lap dance." Fingertips now dipping an inch below his belt buckle.

"Another day Ladies. Things to do." Amber's fingers were way to close to his peaking crown. Brooke had discovered the zipper on his jeans. That made his decision all the more difficult. Fight or flight took over. "Give Julia my best." He peels their hands away before saluting at the men across the way. They instantly stood tall like cooperative soldiers at his command.

"BEHAVE!" He barks as he starts for the door, a hesitant glance to his left paused his mind, thinking of something he and Naomi laughed about. "Yep! Room enough right there for a stripper pole."

He knew the girls wouldn't listen to him, they were still naked when he reached the door. Standing side by side feeling each other up for the men across the way. Shaking his head he went back inside. He wasn't a babysitter for these barely legals. Still, he had to growl at his erection. It was always fun watching two hot chicks going at it. A cool shower was in order.

"Down boy!" He didn't listen well either.

For the next two and a half hours Gnarly took it easy inside his apartment. A cold shower soothed him and his erection down. For once he chose to leave his beast alone.

Sitting naked on his sofa he flipped channels on his TV. Without cable he didn't have many options other that playing a DVD or a video game. He wasn't in the mood for either one. Settling on a local News channel he took in the weather report and top stories for the Windy City. Nothing special except talk about State and Federal employees not being paid due to a Government shutdown. Hearing them mention a wall along the Mexican border made him laugh. "As if that's going to stop anyone. Probably already tunnels fifty miles into the states. Who needs a mule when we have the ass?"