Goddess on Film


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She laughed her callous, musical laugh. "I better be, he's gotta come home."

She dug into his heart again. He smiled reassuringly and stroked her ankle. "Lie on your back for me."

The corner of her mouth perked up curiously. She rolled heavily and settled on her back, fully revealing her nakedness, natural as breathing. Her chubbiness spread a little and her nipples gleamed like tiny nautilus shells. He shuddered as the sunlight broke over her in a wave. Sand and water twinkled around her, as if he was finding her in the gold rush. He throbbed in the pit of his stomach. He crawled slowly over her. She beamed up at him, messy and wet and wicked. "Hello, Magpie."

"Hi." He snapped a picture.

She giggled, unhooked her sunglasses, and tossed them away. He snapped again, the exhilarating moment when the sun caught her wide pupils. The scent of sea salt was heady and clean, drying his tongue and making him desperately thirsty, drying his skin and making him want to dive into the film of water with her. He held her smoky gaze and gently cupped her breast. Her flesh was so warm against the water licking his knees. He grazed his thumb over her nipple. A bolt of excitement went through him as she responded instantly, eyes closing, spine arching. She bit her wine-red lip with a throaty moan that made him buck his hips. He hastily photographed her. "Shit, that's hot."

She giggled and writhed in the sand, swirling her hair in the surf. She combed her fingers into it and arched higher, begging for touch. He took the picture with shaking hands. He blinked over her to the skipping waves, sunbeams leaping on them. He gestured for her to swivel, so she was lying along the horizon. She draped herself on the skyline in a few different poses, wrapping herself in sunlight like satin and foam like lace. Ripples of reflected light spun up her arms and tangled silver on her belly. Jackie was barely aiming the camera anymore, just clicking the button over and over as he gaped at her displaying herself with the sea ablaze behind her. His eyes stung with her brilliance. Water sloshed over her, leaving her shining and slippery and burnished rose-gold. Her curves matched the fluid rise and fall of the water.

"Magpie?" she called as he lined up a shot along the length of her leg. She was sitting propped on her palms with seafoam around her like strings of pearls, draping her in decadence.


She poked his toe with hers and gave him a pretty-please pout that made him crumple up inside. He tugged his shorts around his tightening crotch. She shimmied her shoulders. "I want to make these a little steamier."

"Oh yeah?"

She uncrossed her ankles and slowly, sensuously spread her legs. Her pussy emerged from her heavy thighs, darkly decadent under the canopy of her belly. Jackie almost sank forward, his tongue thick in his mouth. She trailed her hand over her chest, breasts bobbing with shallow breath to purposefully make her voice husk and flutter. "I want him to see how badly I want it, how needy I am while he's away."

Jackie's throat closed. He nodded.

She sucked her lip and let it bloom back, blackberry dark. "I need to be open and swollen and hot."

He gulped.

"Help me?"

His blood filled with bubbles. He nodded again and slid forward in the silt caking on his shins. He tucked himself kneeling between her legs and lowered the phone. He ducked his face to hers, gazing transfixed at her open mouth. "Only if I get to kiss you," he whispered.

She smiled and tilted her face up to his. They sank into the kiss like clouds merging, a joint sigh carrying them into a slow, familiar rhythm. Jackie disintegrated into the feeling of her mouth moving on his, the sugar-water-strawberry taste on her tongue, the tickle of heat from the closeness of her body. Her nimble fingers crept to his collar and began to undo his buttons, smooth as if she was slitting the fabric with her fingernails. She peeled his shirt from him and tossed it away, opening his freckled, fine torso to the humming air. His skin flared to life, the sun cooking his shoulder blades. She cast the shirt behind her into the sea, where it was swallowed like wrecked sailcloth. He giggled into her mouth - that was definitely going to be a problem, but he couldn't care right now. He breathed raggedly and kissed her with all the longing she had seeped into him through the lens. He felt her shift closer, pushing for him to touch her. He raised his free hand and rubbed it clean in the water, then carefully laid it along the cup of her pussy. Heat filled his hand. Her tongue drove hard onto his and made him gasp. He hardened his fingers and ran them like a violin bow up the crescent of her. She moaned into his mouth and bucked, pressing into his touch. Encouragement from Harmony was a snare, he felt as if his hand were being bound into service. When she took pleasure, she reflected it like the waves behind her. He nestled three fingertips into the softness of her clit and massaged in wide, slow circles. Her hips began to circle too, and the tip of her tongue on his. He groaned and sucked on her kiss. His fingers sank into her folds, as if he was searching an oyster for a pearl. He nibbled on her lip breathlessly. "Fuck, Harm, how does Cliff leave this?"

"You got me," she drawled, rolling her pelvis into his coaxing massage. "But at least he knows I'm in good hands."

Jackie grinned and chased her kiss again. He tucked his hand closer against her and rocked it, chasing her pulse pounding in her labia, the swell of her flesh into his hand, the sweet trickle over his fingertips. His cock thickened and ached, straining his zipper. His spine tensed. He leaned over her as her knees floated up. Her mouth opened wider to lure his kiss deeper. Seawater gushed over their legs. They shivered and chuckled into each other's mouths. He sneaked his fingers into her folds and worked her quicker, teasing out her mewls and shudders. He strummed her peak until it went nut-hard under his thumb, her hips jerking with every sharp brush. He opened his eyes dully in the kiss and smiled against her lips. He watched her body twitch and scoop under his playing. He smouldered hotter than the sun on his neck. "Wow... Oh, you feel wonderful."

She fluttered her eyes open and grinned, tossing her crinkled hair and grinding on his fingers with a little more aggression. "You don't know the half of it." She grabbed his belt loop and pulled hard.

"Whoa!" He fell forward, catching himself in the sand with the hand he'd been teasing her with, the other still gripping her phone. She sprawled on her elbows, smirking up at him. She deftly unfastened his shorts. He wriggled out of them as she slipped them from him, along with his boxers and shoes. She shelled him effortlessly and the summer heat sizzled on his pockmarked back and drew a soft moan from his throat. She gripped his hips between her strong thighs and grinned like an eel at his erect cock exposed between them.

Jackie went crimson as sunburn and snorted. "Oh, come on, it's not like you're surprised!"

She cackled and shook her head. "I'd be disappointed if you weren't."


"Mmmm..." Her fingers curled around his shaft, a bolt of lust hitting his abdomen. "Yeah." She pulled him gently forward by his cock, tipping him further on his knees until he was leaning over her, fisting the sand, his hair clouding his vision. He protected her phone in his other hand between them. She licked her teeth. She brought the head of his cock into her folds.

"Oh! Fuck, sweet, mmmph..." Jackie gabbled into a long groan, dropping his head and bowing his spine as heat soaked the tip of his cock and trickled into his body. Harmony held him firm and dragged him around her pussy, stirring her flesh, massaging her clit. She used his hardness for her pleasure as he vibrated in her grasp and pleaded for kisses with his slack mouth. She kept grinning mockingly, pecking his lips and kneading him in the generous wetness of arousal and seawater. She slipped him to the most sensitive point of her clit and shivered delectably as she rubbed herself with his straining head. She leaned back with a sigh in the bed of sand and glinting shells. He flicked up the phone and photographed her drowsy, pleasured smile framed by the golden net of sunlight in the pool swelling around them. Cool water bubbled over their legs. She burst into wild giggling. She released him and collapsed back with a soft splash. Her hair bled out into the water and dyed it burgundy. Her pussy rose into view, puffy and shining, her cunt blooming open like a foxglove cup. Exactly what she'd asked for. He zoomed in and took a picture, then another zoomed out with her reclined and ruinous beneath him. He thought excitedly of Cliff seeing those pictures, tracing the glistening trails of Jackie's fingers; that sexy, powerful man knowing how much of a mess he could make of such a divine woman almost twice his age and experience.

Harmony wriggled on her back with a tiny, adorable shudder and beamed up into the sunshine, gathering her breasts in her hands. "Mmmm, Magpie, fuck my tits."

Jackie's heart somersaulted. "Seriously?"

She nodded, eyes dreamily closed.

His pulse hiccupped. He grinned with startled eyes. He hastily clicked the camera into video mode and flipped it to record himself speaking. "OK, Boss, take a look at this pornographic display." He waved the camera over the writhing Harmony, then back to him. "Your wife is a menace and I am an innocent victim here."

Harmony whipped to sit up, splattering the lens with droplets. "Don't listen to him, Tiger!" she cried dramatically, throwing her arms around Jackie's neck. "I'm being seduced! He's a rake! I never stood a chance!" She wheeled into giggles again and tumbled backwards, pulling him with her.

He yelped and thrust his phone hand up to save it from the splash. They hit the surf, entwined and shaking with laughter. The film rocked as he took his attention from it to hiss at her, while she kept pulling faces at the camera. "Don't say that! He will take out a real hit on me!" He could only assume Cliff had those kinds of connections.

She continued her posing. "Oh, come on, you know he likes it."

"He likes it if you start it! If someone else starts it, they get strung up a flagpole."

She kissed his cheek. "Sweetie, if you were our flag, we'd all be more patriotic."

Jackie sighed and turned to the lens again. "You listening to this? A femme fatale, a shameless flirt, an absolute hussy." He pushed his cheek back to her lips. "Nothing I could do whatsoever, I'm only human." He grinned shiftily. He ended the recording just as she was giggling again. He chuckled with her and caught her mouth in another kiss that made his head reel.

She smacked her lips on his, then pushed him up to kneel over her with a kitten snarl. "Now, do as I said."

Lust clawed down his body, his cock stiff and pulsing. "Oh, yes, Ma'am." He thanked his slight frame as he nestled lightly astride her upper belly. She shifted in the sand, shoulders lapped by turquoise tongues, an apricot blush simmering over her nose and cheeks from the sun. She gathered her breasts in her hands, her long fingers indenting them, her nipples pointing sharp. He shuddered, took his length in his hand, and slowly steered himself to sheath in her cleavage. Tacky softness enveloped him, pleasure pouring through his body as he was stowed tight in her pillowing warmth. It smothered his thrumming tip and whirled sensation over him. He stared down at his local, sand-dusted sea goddess clasping his cock over her heart and meeting his eye with a tormenting suck on her lip. She squeezed her breasts to engulf him. Fresh pleasure gushed over his body. He moaned under his breath and began to rock his hips, plunging into the cushion of flesh. The softness obsessed him.

"Mmmm, that feel nice, Magpie?" she cooed sweetly.

He moaned wordlessly in reply.

"Oh my, a speechless messenger, I must be top of my game today."

He released a breathless laugh. "When are you not?" He drew tender circles around her nipple with his fingertips as he moved in a gentle rhythm.

She purred and licked her teeth. "Good boy." Her eyes wandered up his body, his dappled skin saturated in the citrus sunshine, his hair in wild zig-zags from drying, his smooth torso rippling and ridging with his thrusts. She smiled. "I like running into you too."

He beamed. His spine rolled with a flurry of pleasure. He moaned over the cry of a gull and thrust deeper, fighting to stay gentle and light as he slid back and forth on her body. His balls tingled, rested on her belly, his knees itched, rested in the silt. He held her between his thighs and sighed desperately at the fullness of her figure. Everything around him felt thick. Heat made the air cotton, the whisper of the tide rushed in his ears, the sunshine oozed over his skin like coconut oil, leaving him sticky and prickling. The embracing sensation took him over. He swayed with the waves, gazing half at her and half out to the glittering vastness. The horizon blurred yellow-blue.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she murmured musically under the lap of water.

He blinked dottily. He nodded and raised the phone to capture the filthy image of her bedded in the shimmering surf, an eager, red cock ploughing between her breasts. He gazed at the image and chewed his lip. "You are a devil woman."

She shimmied and scooped her breasts tighter. Pleasure wrapped him. The softness sank through him and loosened all his limbs. He felt like a ragdoll, only held together by the tight cord of need through his centre. But he wasn't chasing release, he was barely moving in a rhythm. He lingered in the encasing thickness in his senses and the waves of pleasure. He didn't notice them get faster, harder. He didn't feel himself pulled to the edge until suddenly he was toppling and groaning and Harmony was laughing and sighing. He jerked and flooded abruptly with release. His skin tingled, his pulse thudded. He gasped and hunched and grinned ruefully down at the gleeful woman as his cock spurted between her breasts and laced their swell with pearls. White ran in rivulets over her collarbone and chest, adorning her curves and pooling in the hollow of her throat. The seafoam drizzled her hair and shoulders, mimicking it so she looked utterly covered. She snickered and batted at his hand holding the camera. Jackie caught his breath and obeyed with a mischievous grin, snapping several photos of her iced like a cupcake.

He turned the screen for her to see. "He's gonna set fire to his office."

"Fuck yeah, he is!"

She beamed at the picture and patted his knee. Jackie slumped off her and watched with the doped smile back on his face as Harmony stood and waded into the calmed sea to clean her chest. The waves gambolled about her like trained puppies, rainbows webbing in the glimmer of her skin, her natural grace heightened as she floated in the water. She waded back to him and reached down for his hand. He took it and let her haul him up. She pulled him into the sea to his waist. Coolness enveloped him, the waves silking between his legs, the sensation lazy and luxurious. Harmony teased his nipples with wet fingers and flickered her tongue on his jaw as he splashed the sand off his skin. Jackie gazed at the etching of crow's feet around her eyes, a woman who smiled so much that it had nested in her face.What a gift. The swell pushed them into each other and they kissed in the same rhythm as the tide lapping their bodies. He took a selfie of it. "That one's just for you."

"You're a cutie." She interlaced their fingers and led him back up the beach to where her orange towel was laid out, warm and clean. The whisper of the sea followed them up the shore.

She guided him to lie beside her, twining in each other's arms. The heat of the sand crackled around them and stole up Jackie's back. He ran his hand over the dip of Harmony's waist and nuzzled her nose with his. The phone lay nearby, but this moment was a private one. This was between friends. He kissed the carved tip of her nose, then pressed earnestly to her lips. No one kissed like her, his brain carouseled and his heart ached. He gathered her close and hooked her tongue with his. Their kiss deepened, slowed. No one could slow him down like Harmony. She made every moment feel so full, so detailed with pleasure, that he couldn't rush with her. He rubbed comforting circles in the small of her back and lost himself to her lips.

The waves lapped and swept and shushed, braiding with their slow, steady breaths. The sun smothered them. They cuddled in the trust and secret vulnerability that was special to their friendship. It had been a sweaty, hectic shift, his satchel heavy and the road baking. He half-dosed in Harmony's arms and let the harried pace of his day pause. The waves rolled forward and back. Forward and back. He murmured sleepily against her cheek. "I'm really glad you moved here."

She dipped her head back an inch to grin at him, her dark eyes glimmering like polished shell. "Me too." She sighed wistfully and twisted a lock of his salt-crusting hair around her finger. "It's hard living in a big city. It's so anonymous."

"Not enough attention?"


They giggled.

She hummed and kept twisting his hair. "But it's also like everyone's in a rush. Summer shouldn't be rushed. I love it here. I love the way people experience the day, like it matters all on its own, not a step to something else, some success, some elusive prize."

Jackie caught her tone tightening. He frowned tenderly. "You're really worried about him being back there, aren't you?"

Flame flickered in her black oil eyes as they wandered along the beach in thought, a light tug on the coil of his hair in her hand. She looked back to him, the melody of her voice picking up in tempo. "You know why I love showing off to him that I sleep around? Because it makes him focus. I love his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful when they focus. And the more I make of being who I am, the more he focuses on me, the deeper I fall into those beautiful eyes. Life is so extraordinary when he's watching it happen." She smiled with smoke. "I am so extraordinary when he's watching me happen." She puffed out her cheeks and released Jackie's hair, stroking his heat-mottled, narrow chest. "But in the city, he can't focus on me in the same way. He can't focus on anything. Because he's always worried, always rushing, always feeling like something's about to go horribly wrong and all be his fault. Nothing's his fault, he's the best mind they have, but they keep him worried so he'll never leave them. But then he comes back here, to the sea, to the room where he's giving his bed to another man, and he stops worrying, because all he has to do is look at me and be proud of his love and his generosity and enjoy me and how happy I am."

Jackie smiled. "You're a really sweet lady."

She snorted indignantly. "Yeah, I am, right? Tell the fucking gala committee that, Lois Doverman has it in for me."

He laughed. He sobered and ran his hand over the dimple in her waist then down the fine trail of hair from her belly button, stopping shy of her pussy and roving up to her hip. "But I hope it's more than being nice, I hope it's more than performance. I hope you do this for you too. I hope you know you're extraordinary whether or not you're being looked at."

She smiled affectionately and pecked his cheek, leaving him blushing. "Of course, I do, Sweetie. But being looked at isn't something I really get to choose to avoid. I grew up looked at, all girls do. And I used to try to hide myself, because it felt like being a donut pecked apart by seagulls, all these demands on my body and my behaviour according to what they wanted to see." She grinned, teeth bright in the ruddy shadow between them. "Then I met Cliff, and the way he looked at me..." A small, tempted tremor skipped under Jackie's playing fingers. "Not like he was imagining something, but like he was waiting to see what was going to happen. Suddenly, I wasn't just a doll to act out a fantasy, I was a storyteller, I had all the power, all the potential, all the creative control to make myself what I wanted to be. It wasn't about what he wanted to see, he went in as a true audience. He wanted to watch me being myself," she raised a hand and shimmied her fingers in a way that rippled the sunlight, "and I got to make myself shine."