Goddess on Film


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Fuck, I regret everything and nothing.

She giggled on his cock, flickering her tongue on his tip. She grinned around his shining swell to torment the camera with her fiendish enjoyment. She popped him from her mouth and rubbed her cheek on him, like a cat. "You're so much fun. I can feel you trembling for me. Oh, Sweetie, it really turns me on."

His heart pounded.

"Mmm, I'm so wet."

He prickled with sweat. Cliff flashed into his mind again, the cut of his square jaw in a blade of golden light from a blaring TV. Harmony's engulfing eyes huge in the darkness. His large, hard fist quaking on his large, hard cock, dwarfed by Jackie's on the wide screen.

Harmony moaned with a delicate crease in her brow and gave Jackie's cock another long, sloppy kiss, her chin glistening and her lips sticky. She pulled away with a cobweb string of saliva trailing from her lower lip. She straightened up, re-emerging from the screen, and crawled to kneel astride him, not lowering her seat, centring her flushed clit in the shot. Jackie's cheeks burned as her nimble fingers slid down her belly, through thick, dark hair, and into the softness of her pussy. She pressed her protruding clit and massaged herself firmly, moving her flesh so her wetness caught the light. The sea twinkled between her legs. "Oooh... Oh, Baby Boy..." She raked her other hand into her hair and her whole body moved with provocative eagerness, as if invisible hands were steering her in a dance. "Just the thought of you inside me..."

Jackie's tongue wandered out of his mouth as her clit swelled and sparkled. His cock ached. His skin itched. She moved like a cobra in front of the sun, then sank down with swaying hips to hover over his cock. He pointed up to her and prickled desperately. She took hold of him and teased her seam with his tip. He flinched and groaned, anticipation slamming through his body. He fought to keep the phone still and zoomed in on her dripping pussy meeting his seeping cock. He licked his teeth. She hummed indulgently and sank onto him.

"Ooooh!" His grating cry of relief was drowned by her exhilarating moan. She twisted her hips, shuddered, and clutched the roots of her hair as her cunt consumed him. She settled astride him and clenched, the springy grip of her body making his whole body thrum. She closed her eyes, still grasping her cascading hair. Her chest rose and fell with deep, savouring breaths. Then her eyes flashed open and they were glittering with intent. The waves somehow reflected in them, even though they were behind her. She fixed the lens with a ruthless look of,I know you wish this was you, Hubby. Jackie's heart skipped. Her full lips bloomed into a coquettish pout. "Mmmm, you're sobig."

Jackie rolled his eyes.Give a guy a chance of survival.

Her satisfied smile made him swell inside her. His hips ached with the urge to thrust wildly and chase climax, but he had promised to serve her purpose. He glanced at the phone and realised it was still zoomed in, her sweet pea clit glistening across the screen. He nudged the zoom back out and her restless body appeared, just as she was shaking out her glory of hair and beginning to ride. She locked eyes with him through the screen, torturing Cliff with her just-out-of-reach-ness.

Her walls seized Jackie and worked him as she rolled her hips, rising and sinking slowly, tormenting him with controlled squeezes. Her thigh muscles mounded, that same strength he'd seen tame the wave now taming his body. She planted her hands on his abs and stuck him with her fingernails. She tossed her hair and flexed her back and bucked her hips. "Oh!" Her moans skipped out through high breaths that lashed the mic. "Oh, yeah, give it to me, Tiger."

He thrust and grit his teeth. His skin was so hot it frazzled the edges of the sunbeams.

"Oh God! Oh, I'm so wet for you, Baby, I need you... Yeah, fuck me..." Her voice tumbled out of her in gasping, whining babble that made him dizzy. Her lower lip trembled artfully. He clutched the phone in one hand again and flung the other into his hair, his own grasp stinging his scalp. He hissed and moaned. His cock ached beautifully.

She breathed heavier, her lips parted and her cheeks glowing. "Yes! Oh, your cock feels amazing, Baby, don't stop!"

Jackie bucked his hips and forced her to pick up her pace, grinning sharply at her from behind the camera. She returned his bright smile and matched him, scratching his abs, adorning herself with sunshine as she fucked him harder. She combed her hair to one side and golden light splashed down her neck. His mouth went dry. He thrust needily. She moaned tunefully, gasping as he drove harder, shivering in bursts of pleasure. "OH! Oh, God, I just want your hands on me."

He reached eagerly for her pumping thigh. She slapped his hand off the edge of the screen.

Oh, right, prop.

She hugged herself and sighed. "I want to be in your strong arms, filled by you, kissed by you."

He smiled affectionately and scooped his pelvis to plunge deeper.

"Oh!" She bucked and ran her hands over her misty body. She pressed into her flesh and grabbed at her belly and waist. "God, your touch..." She kept her face raised to the sun, bathing in boiling blue as she glided her hands up to her breasts and cupped them tenderly. They hung a little low, looking weighted and supple. Jackie's jaw dropped. She rubbed the smooth curves and sneaked her fingertips over her nipples, pinching them to points and rolling them like marzipan between finger and thumb. They puckered under her fingers, sweet like sucking candies. He chewed his tongue. Her cunt gripped his cock and rippled around his thrusts.

"Yeah, yeah, Sweetie, touch me, fuck me... Mmmm, you feel so good."

Her gazed entranced the lens as she kept massaging her own flesh, her eyes hooded and her hair wild. Her belly quivered as she bounced on his cock. Her breath came in soft squeals as their pleasure grew. She moaned hotly and rubbed her nipples hard, sore cherry blossoming at their edges. "God, Baby, yeah!"

He thrust hard and it threw her forward, leaning over the camera like a prowling lioness. She caught herself hard on his ribs and ground on him mercilessly, her cunt clenching and sapping pleasure from his cock. She kept herself steady with one hand and whisked the other to her clit, teasing herself breathless. He stared, teeth chattering, and hammered his hips. The phone bounced on his torso. Cliff's hand would be bouncing on his shaft, his shirt drizzling open, his muscular chest slick, his sleek hair in disarray. As his wife and her toy boy cantered to the edge, so would he, begging them in his tobacco husk to free him from his propriety, make him vulgar and willing like them, let him smear himself in their joy. Harmony sped as if she could hear his pleas. The sea seemed to stampede behind her, as if she was calling it to her, like she called everyone to her. "Yes, yes, yes, oh, take me, take me!"

Jackie made a strangled sound in his throat, pleas and vows and dirty words falling over themselves to get to his tongue, then crunching between his teeth. He glared elatedly at her, catching her eye and mouthing, "you are a bitch."

She laughed contemptuously. He thrust and turned her laugh into a squeak. She hurled herself straight and gathered her hair on top of her head, drawing up her regal figure. She seized him with her thighs and her powerful cunt. She threw herself into riding him with all her strength. He writhed and thrashed and moaned, pleasure coursing through him, wrecking him. He tried to calm her pace, to fight back, but she was irresistible. He was nothing compared to the waves and she had those at her beck and call.

"Yes, Boy! Oh! Oh, you're so big and hard for me, aren't you? Fill me, Baby, fuck me."

He pistoned ravenously into her hot embrace, into the tight, malleable, smooth clasp of her cunt and the whirl of pleasure it spun in him. His eyes darted between her live performance and the little version of her on the screen. It crisply captured all her ocean goddess details; her cellulite like the surface of beach pebbles, her stretch marks like the scores in driftwood, the knotting of her hair around her fingers like a coral reef.

"I need you, Mister, I need you."

He was blinded by sunlight. It fountained over her, shattered on her body and glittered with her vigorous movement.

"You need me too? You need this body?"

He coughed and laughed.What an insane question.

She fucked him harder, his hips burning, his eyes burning.

"You want me to come on your hard cock? You want to feel me go crazy for you?"

His fingernails left deep wounds in the sand. He nodded. He panted. Cliff would be panting too, pleading and rasping.

"Mmm, Baby, I wanna come. I'm so hot for you, I want it to break."

Jackie gasped for air, his spine splitting as a pulse of pleasure rammed his body. Cliff would be arching too, his ox-strong back grooved with the tensing of his muscles.

Harmony batted her black eyes into the camera. They went round and liquid, imploring, consuming. "I wanna come so bad, Sweetie, please. Please, make me come."

God, this woman could switch between helpless princess and heartless queen quicker than a spinning coin. Jackie smiled at the bright sky. He blew her a kiss and took up a relentless rhythm, heart racing with the joy of being allowed to chase release. She squealed and moaned and rode him effortlessly, hands still in her hair to open her body and exhibit her undulating torso. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back. Her voice shredded out of her in staccato gasps. "Yes! Yes! Yes! More! Oh! Harder! Fuck! Yes! I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Oh, make me..."

Desire overran Jackie's flesh. He bit hard on his lip and watched her zealously.

"Make me come, Baby! Give me pleasure with that beautiful cock!"

Ripples pounded into the sand around them.

"I want you so bad! Fuck, yes!" She fell forward briskly. Her hands hit his abs and winded him. Her hips went like they were mechanised. "I'm so close, Tiger, take me over!"

Jackie was transfixed. The camera was transfixed. His cock slicked in and out of her, deep, raw, pumping. Cliff would be in agony for that pussy, his own fist white-knuckled but nowhere near what he craved.

"Yes, like that! Yes, yes, ye..." Her pitch shot higher and higher until it vanished, her mouth moving silently as sweat broke out on her chest and jewelled her heaving breasts. She gasped frantically, her shoulders shaking, bouncing brutally on Jackie's cock as he smouldered and ached. He stared at her desperately, praying for her pleasure, like her husband would be, like everyone did who met her. His gaze fixated on the sliver of screen where her ass bounced on his thighs and his cock rammed over and over into her cunt.

"Ye... O... Ba..." She started to speak several times in her shrill gasp and every time it burned up on her tongue. She panted and moaned and whimpered, saliva glistening on her lip. Her walls spasmed tight on his cock, her thrusts threatening to bury him in the sand. "Oh... Oh... Oh..."

He couldn't take another second. He grunted and rolled his pelvis, piercing her violently.

Aaaaand... Cut.


Harmony screamed like a sea eagle and whipped her head back, her hair wind-milling and her body erupting into seismic shudders that avalanched down her body. Her orgasm was both feral and picturesque, a riot of colour and motion on the screen. Her walls clenched hard on Jackie's cock and with a cry of relief he let himself go. Pleasure crashed over him in a storm, lightning in his veins and thunder in his muscles. He clung to the phone and shook like he was on an electric fence. Heat flared across his body and jetted through his cock. He moaned drunkenly as he throbbed inside her. Her pulses caressed him even as his climax subsided. He squirmed on the towel, skin tingling and joints clunking loose. The blaze of the sun faded to a lapping warmth. He collapsed in a happy haze. Cliff would be demolished on his couch, his hand and stomach and open suit trousers gleaming with cum in the blinding blue light of the TV sky around the final image of his wife disintegrating into aftershocks. It would be dribbling through the furrows of his abs onto the clean, black leather cushions, matting in his chest hair, making fresh ribbons of reflected light in the dark room, iridescent and slithering.

Harmony grabbed Jackie's limp wrist and raised the camera level with her face, eyes and cheeks glowing, dark red hair in adorable chaos. She bobbed up to let his cock slide free. His release dripped from her seam, viscous and creamy. She slipped her hand between her legs and scooped a little. She sucked it sinfully off her fingertips while she looked seductively into the camera. She smacked her lips, smiled dazzlingly, and fluttered her fingers. "I love you, Hubby! Come home soon, nothing compares."

Jackie squawked indignantly. He pulled hard and she tumbled over him, still holding his wrist. He spun the camera to face him. "An absolutely savage way for her to end that video, actually? I'm doing my fucking best!"

She cackled and tussled with him to get back in the frame. "Aw, nooo! That's not what I meant!"

"You heard her! No fucking manners!" He dropped to a stage whisper. "Spank her when you get home, I'm too scared."

"Oh and like he's not!" She lunged for the phone and snatched it from him, once more dominating the screen. She blew a huge kiss to the camera. "Mmmwah! Dream of me, Mister." She winked and clicked off the recording. She dropped the phone beside them.

Jackie scooped her into his arms and covered her cheek in kisses as she giggled wildly. "'Stay quiet,' she said! 'Until I'm done,' she said! Did she say how much she was gonna put her chatterbox through? No, she did not!" He tickled her waist and nibbled her jaw and neck. "I deserve a damn knighthood!"

She squeaked and jiggled in his arms. "And you shall have one, Sir Chatterbox! Let me go!"

"No! You earned this!" He flipped her onto her back in the sand and peppered kisses all over her face and chest. She laughed wilder, threw her arms around his neck, and rolled him onto his side, also in the sand, dirtying his hair and heating his skin again. She planted a long, quelling kiss on his lips. He stilled instantly. He snuggled close and sighed into her mouth. She broke the kiss and cradled his head, beaming at him brighter than the sun. He smiled warmly and nestled against her. "Thank you. For choosing me."

"You're an excellent creative partner." She stroked his cheek. He kissed her nose. She twitched it cutely. "But I believe you have a shift to finish?"

"I mean, I could, or I could stay here and literally die of exhaustion."

"Don't die, you're not single use."

"Also you threw my uniform in the sea."

"Cliff will cover it."

"That doesn't help the rest of my afternoon."

"It can be like your gimmick."

They chuckled softly together, hands and lips petting leisurely around each other as the sound of the sea swished over them. Jackie gazed at Harmony's blissful expression and little signs of defilement, her lipstick smudged, grit in her tangled hair, and white gum on her thigh. She looked naughty and natural and at ease. He hugged her. He picked the phone back up, pressed his lips to her brow, and took a picture. He held it out for both of them to see. Burgundy blurred into mouse-brown around them and pink into amber at the meeting of their chests. His own face was smooth and relaxed, eyes softly closed as he tenderly kissed her forehead with his delicate lips. Her smile was sweet and sincere, her eyes closed too in a trusting, comforting embrace. His heart swelled. He hugged her with one arm. "That one's so he knows how much I really care about you, when he can't be there."

She hummed and hugged him too, so hard it squeezed his ribs. "I care about you too, Magpie. We both do, very much."

Jackie grinned and dropped the phone again. He furled her in his arms and felt his whole body turn into a tingling fog of cosiness and joy. Harmony hummed again and guided his face into the crook of her neck. She rubbed his back and linked their legs. She picked up her phone and smirked to herself as one man dosed drained in her arms and the other was lured from his dull computer screen by a deluge of pictures and videos.

Jackie smiled into her neck. "Tell me how he reacts."

"I'll record the time of death."

He snickered and shut his eyes heavier. He drifted under waves of sweltering sun and sighing sea breeze and Harmony's slow, steady heartbeat a few inches from his lips. They lay in complete peace for a while, fingers skating around the bumps and dips of each other's bodies.

Until Harmony's phone buzzed.

And again.

And again.

A series of messages whisked onto the screen.

[Hubby: Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?]

[I am in my office bathroom in tatters]

[I'm chewing on my fucking tie]

Harmony and Jackie raised their heads in unison and craned to look at the phone as it kept buzzing ardently.

[I'm losing my goddamn mind]

[You're so beautiful]

[You're so fucking hot]

[And royal]

[I'm breaking]

Jackie snorted and Harmony geysered into laughter that echoed around the dunes. They tumbled together into wicked triumph. The messages raced each other to Harmony's phone.

[You free?]

[Can I call?]

[Fuck it]

[I can't stand this]

[I'm getting in the car]

She shook with cackles against Jackie's body, golden with glee and red with power.

[They can do the rest without me, it's this or I throw my printer through my window]

Laughter like the tide crashing on the shore.

[I love you too much, you goddess. And I want you]

[I really want you]

Jackie beamed against her cheek as the final message slid into place.

[I'm coming home to you xx]

The sea rolled and he rolled into one more divine kiss.

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