Going Bananas

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Be careful what you put in your mouth!
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Occasionally an occurrence comes from so far out of left field that one has no choice but to just say, "What the fuck?"

It happened to me recently, Jim, for any of you that care, a benign act at a party that turned my world inside out and sideways. I had never questioned my wife's love or fidelity, not even once.

Gerry and I have been a couple since high school, I was her first lover, I know this to be true. I have since found after twelve years of marriage, that I wasn't her only, although she is still mine. We have never been too adventurous in the bedroom, not from lack of trying on my part, but from her unwillingness to try new experiences. I have always wanted more of a sexual relationship with her, but I loved her so much that I settled for what I had.

Let me expand on that last paragraph a little, the reason will become clear latter in the story. One evening, shortly after we were married, we had a nice dinner on the town. A little dancing and some romancing, a couple of bottles of wine, the night was perfect to continue our celebration back at home in the bedroom.

I took Gerry in my arms and kissed her with the passion felt only by a few select lovers in history. As our lips touched, the world stopped on it's axis for a moment. Time froze, and to me, our love was the only thing that mattered. As my tongue touched hers, the planets aligned and to this day, I have never felt like that.

I made all the right moves that night, she seemed to melt under my touch. I began to think that this might be the night that we might explore the boundaries of our sex life. I kissed and licked my way around her neck, I made love to her breasts with my tongue. Continuing down, I kissed her until my lips met musky quivering pussy. She exploded in a frenzy such as I'd never seen before, Gerry went wild as I ate her to orgasm after orgasm.

This was the first time she or I had attempted or received oral sex. I hoped that I had pleased her and she might return the favor. I positioned myself with my hard throbbing cock near her mouth, she was tentative, she didn't look pleased anymore but she understood what I wanted. Her tongue pensively tasted my hard flesh, she slowly took me into her mouth and began to suck slowly.

Gerry then backed off, "I can't do it Honey," she looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"Please baby, please, you can do it, I know you can," I groaned.

She again tried to take me into her mouth, but violently wretched and gagged. She ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I tried and tried to comfort her, I thought that I'd done something wrong. Christ, was it me? Did I taste that bad? Her answer to all my questions was no, she told me it was her, it was in her head, the idea was too much for her. Needless to say, I was left with a hard dick and a crying wife.

That night ended all thoughts of oral sex for me, at least on the receiving end. Gerry very much enjoyed it when I went down on her, but the favor was never to be returned. She felt too much like a whore and thought that I would never again respect her if she were to perform that vilest of all acts for me.

So our life went on, we lived a good life. The manufacturing business I'd started was booming, each year for us was better and better. The crazy little company that started in my garage was now a very large player with a Department of Defense contract. In fact, we were almost the sole customer of Gerry's family owned electronic supply company. Joe, Gerry's dad, was now finally seeing a return on the business he had put his whole life into. Although I was never Joe's favorite person, he seemed content to ride my shirt tail to prosperity.

Gerry's mom, now she's a real piece of work. I call her the Church lady, so, so self righteous, her word comes straight from god, at least according to her. Gerry listens to her mother's bullshit too much if you ask me, but somehow we seem to avoid each other.

Now that you've got a little piece of the picture, let's fast forward to the reason for my story.

It was a Friday evening, and we were having some friends over for diner. Three other couples that we saw frequently were coming over for an evening of food and drink. The food was great, Gerry had really out done herself with dinner. After eating, the guys as per usual gravitated to the pool table in the game room, and the girls were happy to sit around the kitchen table sipping wine and gossiping or what ever they do.

My beer was empty so I headed for the kitchen to get another. As I got to the door, I could hear the girls laughing like a bunch of hens, I hesitated before going in and stood back for a second to see what was so funny. Sandy, one of the other wives, was demonstrating for the other girls, the proper technique of a blow job using a banana. I stood there hidden from them, I was intrigued, and yes, I was getting hard and enjoying the hell out of it.

My attention was on Sandy and the way she instructed the girls. I could only dream that Gerry would use this new found information on me later, but I knew it would never happen. Sandy worked that fruit over taking almost half of it down her throat before gagging and coming up for air.

The other girls seemed to be enthralled in the display like I was, but not my darling Gerry. Gerry seemed amused but not particularly impressed by Sandy's abilities. Without a word, Gerry reached for a banana, tore it from the bunch and proceeded to deep throat the whole thing down to the stem. She didn't flinch, not a gag, she seemed to be massaging the thing with her throat muscles. She pulled it out slowly with an "mmmmmm" sound as it slid effortlessly from her mouth.

An amazed Sandy exclaimed, "Jesus girl, where in the hell did you learn that?"

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard Gerry reply, "Practice, practice, practice."

The hard dick in my pants was gone and maybe even showing signs of shrinkage. I just watched the most incredibly sexy thing that Gerry had ever done, and it signaled the end of everything to me.

As I entered the kitchen the words were already rolling off my tongue, "Well that was impressive, but I wonder who she was practicing on? It certainly wasn't her husband," I said to no one in particular.

Gerry's head snapped around to see me enter the doorway, "Jim, I can..."

"Yeah, I bet you can. Girls, I think the party is over," I said as they all stared at me.

"Now wait a minute Jim, this isn't what it looks like and the girls aren't going anywhere," Gerry said trying to cover herself and keep her allies near.

"Ok, they can stay Gerry, but I want you out of here in ten minutes," I said flatly.

"Jim, you can't be serious," Gerry exclaimed.

"GET THE FUCK OUT! Is that clear enough for you?"

Still refusing to move, "I can explain, it all a big mis..." Gerry spewed.

I cut her off mid sentence, "I think I understand perfectly, my darling wife is a professional fellatrix and I'm not the beneficiary of her talents."

By then, the other guys had gathered to see what was going on, all but John, a fact that wasn't wasted on me or Pam, his wife. She bolted from the table to see where he was, and found him still in the game room. I followed the action at that point, wandering what new developments were in store.

Pam was in his face with rancor, "Is that where you got the idea that I learn to deep throat?" she hissed.

"Now Pam, jus..." that's all he got out before her left fist connected with his nut sack. John went down hard to the floor and was having a lot of trouble breathing.

"Don't you dare come home, not now, not ever," Pam said with venom and whirled to leave.

Turning to the others, "Well, it's been quite an evening, I think you should ALL leave now," I said with emphasis on the ALL.

I turned and left Gerry standing there with her mouth open, a thing that if she would have been willing to do for me, I would have never discovered her little secret. Walking slowly, I went to one of the spare rooms and locked the door. Sleep evaded me and I wandered how things had come to this, I also tried to imagine what life was going to be like without Gerry.

The next morning I found the house empty. I made some coffee and ate toast. Before I could get into the swing of feeling really sorry for myself, the doorbell rang. It was the Church lady.

"Oh swell, it's you," came tumbling from my mouth.

"I came for some of Gerry's things. If you would be so kind as to stand aside, I will get them and leave as soon as possible," she stated in a rehearsed tone.

"Well let me help you, that'll speed your highnesses' departure," I said with a bow, waving her into the house.

I followed her to the bedroom and produced a suitcase for her to pack. She packed in silence, I watched. When she had finished loading the case, she hesitated, she had something on her mind. In her normal blunt manor, I didn't have to wait long to find out what she was thinking.

"Jim, I know that this is all a big misunderstanding, what will it take to make you come back to your senses?" she asked matter of factly.

Being the quick wit that I am, "A blow job," I said bluntly.

Her face tried not to show the disgust she had for me, "Well, I'm sure that Gerry..."

Thinking quickly on how to best push the envelope, "Not from Gerry, from you," I commanded.

She girded herself and took a deep breath, "If that's what it will take to bring you to your senses..."

I cut her off, "I knew it, you're way too willing, it was you all along, you're the one that told her that I would think she was a whore. You hypocritical old cunt, its ok in your eyes to be another man's whore but not for your husband. You're the one that filled her head with all that bullshit," I huffed.

"What's wrong with a woman wanting the same as a man? You all fuck around behind your wives back. Why shouldn't we have a little fun as well?" She demanded.

I was incredulous, "I could give a shit what you and your dickhead husband do, but for your information, I have never cheated on Gerry, not all men as you put it, are that way."

"Please, you can't be serious, you just asked me for a blow job, who's the hypocrite here?"

"I asked to see how far you were willing to go in this little charade, I would rather stick my dick in an alligator's mouth than let you near me. I think you should go now, tell Gerry to expect a call from my attorney," I said, and took the suitcase to the door.

Monday morning, I went straight to the loading dock when I got to work. I instructed the foreman to load the last shipment we had received from Joe's company onto a truck and take it back. As expected, Joe was on the phone within the hour. He was demanding to know why the shipment was returned. I simply told him that I was overpaying and would be doing business with a new supplier, then hung up the phone.

I left instructions with my secretary for her tell Joe I was busy when he showed up, it wouldn't take him long to get there. Within half an hour or so, I could hear him in the outer office. I sat back with my feet up and made the bastard sweat.

Three hours later, I walked out of the office headed home for the day. Joe was on his feet immediately trying to get my attention. "Jim, I need a word with you,"

"I'm busy right now Joe, see my secretary, maybe she can squeeze you in next week," I said coldly.

"Jim, I'm begging you, don't do this to me, we're family Jim," he pleaded.

"Cut the crap Joe, I'm not part of your family now, I never really was for that matter. I let you slide by for Gerry's sake, I've been paying at least twenty percent more than I should because you are her father. Gerry shit on me and I don't have any reason to pay your premium any more," I said.

"Jim please, I'll be ruined, I've got every dime I have tied up just trying to keep up with your demand for product. For old time sake, I'll cut the price ten percent, just please don't do this," he begged.

"Old time sake my ass, now that I see how your family feels about respect and loyalty, why should I? You're all liars and cheats, one just as bad as the other. You and yours looked down on me, I owe you nothing," I hesitated for a minute, after all business is business, "I'm a fair man Joe, you give me your rock bottom price and if it's suitable, we'll do business."

"That's all I ask Jim, thank you I'll get you the price you want." He sighed in relief.

I could have, maybe should have, made the old prick squirm but that would have been just mean. I'd exposed them all to themselves for what they were, now I was done with the lot and actually felt better for ridding myself of them. All but Gerry of course, I was still saddened by her infidelity but there was no way that I would forgive her for her actions or stupidity.

She called me the next day and thanked me for what I did for Joe, she started to tell me how sorry she was but cut her off and hung up, I just wasn't in the mood to listen to her excuses or think about her cheating on me again.

Our divorce was peaceful enough, as peaceful as those thing can get at any rate. Gerry accepted my semi-generous settlement without question.

I've moved on, and have started dating again. It's been fun exploring new sexual exploits, all except oral sex, every time a woman's lips get near my dick it runs for cover. I've found that even after all that's happened, I still think about Gerry sometimes, I loved her and it's hard to forget that, so I still send gifts on all of the usual occasions, you know, Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries so she never forgets either. Yep, I send her a dozen yellow ripe bananas so she never ever forgets. Ciao y'all.

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SatyrDickSatyrDick14 days ago


A Short, Sharp, Shot!

11/10 Dozen Ripe Bananas!!!!!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19692 months ago

I agree with anonymous, solid start and then done.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good start then finished too soon

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Meh. Two stars for a skeleton of a story.


OldmantruckerOldmantrucker6 months ago

Cant blame the hubby.. wify got Bad advice from mama.... The story said it all.. marrage is SUPPOSE to be 50/50.. course thats horse shit.. it flucuates.. 50/50 75/25 80 /20 goes both ways bk and 4th.. yea gotta be flexable in a marrage.. and yea gotta have "rules" 2.. u know. No cheating lieing. To Much flirting.. on Both sides.. thats my spin on marrage counseling.. and i suck at it ! But mine did last 43 years.. till .. i lost her... You got one u better hang on.. its gonna be a bumpy ride.. hope yall make it. Some will some wont.. thats life.. good luck.. ✝️🙋😉🤷💯👌✌️👍👍🍻🍕

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