Handcuff Sister


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All three of them were wearing down by the time Laine came again. He shot his load into Cat's mouth, then sagged back, pleasantly tired and spent.

Cat tilted her head up and opened her mouth to display her now-gooey mouth. Laine chuckled and patted her head.

"Swallow," he said.

Cat closed her mouth, then opened it again. It was empty.

"Good girl," Laine said with another loving pat.

Maggie had been down to a slow, gentle rhythm by then, and she took Laine's finishing as a convenient stopping point. She pulled out and sat back, then traced her fingers along Cat's damp thigh, admiring her work.

With no siblings left inside her, Cat curled up between Laine and Maggie. "Is it bedtime?" she asked, just before trying to stifle a yawn.

"Very nearly, I think," Maggie said. "I know I won't be up very late tonight."

Cat nodded with half-lidded eyes. Then, abruptly she bit her lip and opened her eyes wide and disarming. Her gaze flicked back and forth between her siblings. "Would you both stay here? Like, for the night?"

Laine and Maggie exchanged a glance.

"You want us both to sleep with you?" Laine asked.

"Yeah. Just tonight. I know it's weird for you guys." Cat contrived to look even more pleading and adorable. "I think it'd be nice."

"Your bed's not really that big," Maggie said.

"It's big enough," Cat protested. "I won't take up much room. I'm only little."

Laine eyed Maggie, sizing up her mood and how real her protest was. "We can use my bed. It's bigger."

Cat smiled cautiously.

"Really, Laine?" Maggie said. "That might be even worse. It'll be weird. Cat's bed's one thing, but yours?"

"It won't be weird," Cat insisted before Laine could say anything. "I'll stay in the middle."

"Damn straight you will." Maggie hopped off the bed. "Well, if we're doing this, I'm not going to bed with my snatch hanging out."

"I won't look," Laine said.

"Yeah, I'm sure you won't," Maggie said, flipping him off over her shoulder as she left the room.

"Thanks, Mags," Cat called after her.

"Both of us, huh?" Laine said.

Cat squirmed. "Well... yeah. It just feels like it would be nice, you know? It was such a good day and all...."

"I kinda get that."

"You do?"

Laine nodded. "I think so. Like how cuddling after sex is nice, and you've been doing sexy stuff with me and Mags basically all day, so... yeah."

Cat grinned sheepishly. "Something like that. You're ok with it, right? 'Cause you don't have to if you don't want to."

"Trust me, I know that." Laine leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Just don't expect this to happen again, is all."

"No, I know." Cat lay her head on Laine's thigh. "This whole day, and yesterday, they've been wonderful. And I know it's not gonna last. I know you and Mags have been treating me special. It's been wonderful." Cat looked up with heart-melting eyes. "I just want one night with both of you. That's all."

"Goddamn, Cat," Laine whispered. "It's not fair being that cute."


"Yeah right." Laine sighed as he scooted off the bed. He really didn't want to move. "Come on, we better get you cleaned up."

"Do we have to?"

"Yes. You still have cum on your butt, and I don't want that all over my sheets."


Cat acted reluctant, but Laine was pretty sure she enjoyed having him clean her up. She held still in the shower like she'd never washed herself before, and somehow Laine found himself easily slipping into some kind of caretaker role. Even after he realized what was happening, it didn't bother him enough to stop. Plus, it wasn't like he minded running his hands all over his sister's tight, wet body.

Once Cat was basically rinsed off, Laine took some time to examine her neck and wrists, the areas her bondage equipment had been occupying off and on all day. Her wrists were basically normal, as they were used to it, albeit perhaps a little paler than the surrounding skin. Her neck seemed a bit red, with some faintly indented marks that he could only detect with his fingertips.

"How's the collar fitting?" Laine asked.

Cat reddened slightly, but she also smiled wide. "I love it!"

"I know that. But is it, like, uncomfortable? Digging in maybe?"

"Only a little sometimes. But I kinda like that it reminds me it's there."

"Of course you do." Laine gave another cursory finger inspection of Cat's neck. "We can get you another one sometime if you want. One that we try out before we buy."

But Cat shook her head firmly. "I like the one you got me. It's mine."

"Yes. I thought you might think that way."

Laine patted them both down with towels, then escorted Cat to his room. He cuffed her, but left her otherwise naked for the night. She didn't argue about wearing her collar, which was good, because he had no intention of leaving it on her overnight until she was more used to it.

Cat was clearly fading fast. She rolled haphazardly into the middle of Laine's bed, and there she stopped. Laine smiled and lay down beside her. He didn't bother with the covers just yet since they were expecting Maggie still.

In the meantime, Laine lay quiet and still too, just watching Cat. She was so beautiful, and she did things to him that no one else had ever made him feel. Not even sexual things, necessarily. Although, really, they were mostly sexual to some degree.

But seeing her there, naked but for her handcuffs, utterly contented with her world, it made him happy. She'd found what she wanted from life, in her own unique way, and dragged him and Maggie along for the ride. And somehow it worked. Somehow, impossibly, they were all happy, and closer than ever before. Closer than siblings were ever meant to be.

"What are you thinking about?" Cat murmured, peeking through nearly closed eyes.

"How much I love you," Laine answered, more or less honestly. It would have taken too long to try and explain his actual line of thought.

It was enough for Cat, anyway. She wiggled closer and brushed her lips across the tip of his nose, then curled up and nuzzled at his chest. "Love you too. You're the best brother."

"Straight up best, huh? Not even qualifying that?"

"Nope." Cat yawned, somehow making it sound cute. "Jus' th' best. S'all."

Laine held her and softly ran his fingers through her hair. She was on the verge of sleep by the time Maggie returned.

"Oh great," Maggie said as she flicked off the lights. "Thanks for leaving me the inside, guys."

Maggie was still grumbling as she crawled across Laine and Cat. She'd put on a sleep shirt and panties, which Laine understood even if modesty was an outdated concept around the house these days. She didn't say anything about Cat or Laine's distinct lacks of clothing either.

Cat rolled over, and Laine heard the sound of a soft kiss. "Love you, Mags. You're the bes' sister."

"Love you too," Maggie replied fondly. "Now go to sleep, little one. I absolutely forbid you from doing anything sexy."

"Don' worry," Cat said, trying to stifle another yawn. "I'm wore out."

Laine pulled the covers up and over all three of them. It was a snug fit, but not so cramped as to be untenable. He and Maggie engaged in a silly little dance where they tried to figure out how to both cuddle with Cat without touching each other. They were partly successful. Successful enough, anyway.


Catria was gently shaken awake. She grunted in annoyance and shut her eyes tighter. She was more used to being the waker than the wakee. And besides, she didn't have anywhere to be that morning.

"C'mon, Cat," Laine whispered. "Wakey wakey."

Catria cracked her eyes. It wasn't even light out yet. What the hell?

"Wha'ss goin' on?" she mumbled. "Wha' time s'it?"

"Late. Or early, depending on your frame of reference." Laine hesitated. "If you're still too exhausted, I'll let you go back to sleep. But I had something planned...."

A little surge of alertness shot through Catria and she opened her eyes fully. Something planned, huh? At this time of night? Now that was interesting.

"I'm awake, I'm awake."

"Thought so. I mean, probably I should have waited for another night. I kinda half decided I would. But I woke up middle of the night anyway, and turns out it's just about perfect out. Dark, cloudy, warm."

"We're going outside?" Catria asked, seizing upon the information that was relevant to her.

"Yeah. It's dark enough, and ungodly early enough, that there shouldn't be much risk of being seen."

Catria smiled broadly and carefully scooted away from Maggie's embrace without waking her. "And here I thought we were done for the night."

"An easy mistake to make."

The two of them padded out of the room and down toward the front door. Laine didn't turn on any lights. It didn't make sense to ruin their night vision, Catria supposed.

She held still and let the little tendrils of excitement grow inside her as Laine affixed her collar. There was another small, unfamiliar noise following it, and Catria belatedly realized she'd just been leashed as well. She nearly cried, and would have tackled her brother to shower him with kisses, except of course tackling was not really a thing she could do under the circumstances. Not handcuffed and leashed as she was.

Handcuffed and leashed. Goddamn. This was definitely worth waking up for.

Catria tried to remain patient as Laine put sneakers on her feet like she was a kid and incapable of tying knots yet. She couldn't imagine she really needed shoes just to go for a walk around the yard, but that was up to Laine.

He put his sneakers on as well. Unlike Catria, he had also dressed enough to be halfway presentable. It would have been fun if he'd taken her outside just as naked as she was, but that wasn't really important. Her own vulnerable nudity and helplessness were the main things, just as they'd always been.

Catria let herself fall just far enough behind Laine to feel a slight tug from the leash he held. Delicious. To actually be led around like a pet was something she hadn't known she needed until now.

It was a perfect blend of naughty and demeaning. Catria's face flushed hot as she imagined what someone might think if they saw her, a submissive little sister-pet who not only allowed herself to be controlled with a leash, but even got off on it. She wanted so desperately for someone to stumble across her like that, while also simultaneously feeling like she might actually die if anyone did.

Except Maggie. Maggie would have to be shown at some point. There was no question. Hell, she probably already knew that Laine was planning on breaking out the leash at some point.

Catria's mental whirling was interrupted as they neared the road. She'd assumed Laine was just going to lead her in a circuit around the yard or something, but they were already at the end of their driveway.

"Laine?" she said.


He just kept going. Given that he held her leash, she didn't have much option other than to follow.

"Laine?" she hissed more urgently.

They were firmly on the sidewalk now. There were no streetlights near enough to illuminate them, but Catria felt all too exposed. If anyone came along....

But it was late. There were no cars, no joggers, no dog walkers. Just her and Laine.

"What?" Laine asked, still moseying along, apparently unconcerned.

"Where are we going?"

"For a walk."

"Yeah, but... on the street?"

He stopped and half turned. "Where did you think we were going?"

"I don't know. Around the yard, I guess."

Laine nodded slowly. "Does that mean I found your limit? Are you finally saying no to something?"

Catria bit her lip and looked way. She didn't like the sound of that. She didn't want to wuss out.

But she couldn't stop flicking her gaze around. Her ears twitched at every little sound. They weren't far from home yet, and she still had the comforting option of dashing back to the house if trouble should arise. Assuming Laine let her, of course.

She was panicking. She was nervous. She felt like she had back in school, when she thought her siblings might totally embarrass and humiliate her in front of absolutely everyone. Like that, only different. It was more real actually being naked in public, albeit tamer in the sense that there was no one around.

And she'd been naked shortly after accepting her diploma. In hindsight, with the context of her current situation, it seemed all the more crazy. Why hadn't she been more worried at the time about being caught? It would have been so easy. One small slip, one person wandering around where they weren't supposed to. It had been so fragile.

Just like now.

Laine was waiting. The leash hung slack between them. He'd take her back to bed if she told him to. This outing was for her, after all. He wouldn't try to push it if she really didn't want to do it.

Catria's heart pounded. Her pussy had warmed up and was beginning to show its appreciation. Her tummy was a whole clusterfuck of nerves and anticipation.

Who was she kidding? She didn't want to go back to bed. Not now. Not yet.

"Maybe just around the block?" Catria suggested.

"Sure, Cat. Just a short walk."

The leash tugged, and Catria startled into motion. Laine set a slow, easy pace, and still she found herself lagging. Every gentle pull on her collar made her speed up, but she was too wary, too focused on examining every shadow for someone lurking to maintain a constant speed.

That was part of the difference, she decided. The school had been just as risky, if not more so. But it had been lit. A double-edged sword, certainly, but she would have known if someone was coming, or indeed if they'd been caught.

Out here, along the streets, in the darkness punctuated by evenly spaced streetlights, she couldn't know. There was no way to be sure that someone wasn't watching from the window of a house as they passed, or waiting behind a tree, or about to turn around the corner during a late night run. Just because none of those were probable didn't mean that they were any easier to dismiss.

Catria flinched away from the street lights at first. She skirted around as close to the edge of their halo as she could manage without falling through someone's hedge. The habit gradually fell away, and eventually she was walking a more or less straight line, letting her blood race every time she was lit up and visible to her imagined audience.

It was so insane that she was actually doing this. Letting her brother lead her naked through the neighbourhood, unable to even try covering herself. She was helplessly exposed, at the mercy of Laine and the night.

Her pussy was dripping down her thighs. Her breath came shallow and ragged. She wasn't darting her eyes everywhere anymore, no longer searching for mysterious figures. They were still there, in her imagination, but she let them be. She accepted the possibility of humiliation in front of total strangers. She let it fuel her already unmanageable horniness.

Because goddamn was she horny.

Catria had no idea where the line between fear and arousal had been, or even that it was a line. She still felt the fear and nervousness, but she was turned on enough not to let them control her.

Some part of her had known right from the very start that she'd enjoy herself. Of course she would. It was exactly the sort of thing she loved. Just... more of a leap than she expected, and it had taken her by surprise. Now that she had adjusted, she was able to sink blissfully into the gut-wrenching pleasure of doing something crazily hot.

They'd taken the first corner with no fuss, and the second. Catria was already anticipating getting home. She loved the thrill of what they were doing, but the cowardly rational part of her was pleading for the safety of a warm, sibling-filled bed, and covers pulled up over her head.

Then Laine started across the crosswalk at the third corner.

"Laine?" Catria said, trying to tug him gently back in the right direction. "It's this way."

"I know. I thought maybe a little detour would be nice."

"Detour? You're just keeping me out here longer. That's not a detour. That's... that's...."

Catria stuttered out. Laine was staring back at her with a tiny smirk that she could only barely make out, and only because there was a light sufficiently nearby.

She could also make out the bulge in his shorts. Of course he was hard. Leading her around like a plaything. A sexy, submissive plaything.


Laine flicked the leash after a moment's standoff. Catria sighed and followed after him, across the street, away from safety.

Because she loved being his plaything, his pet. She loved that he was taking her for this stupidly hot nighttime walk. It was something he almost certainly wouldn't do on his own or with anyone else. It was for her. And it was making her a horny mess.

There was a freedom in surrendering to him, to abandoning her sense of self-preservation in favour of trusting her brother. If anything, it turned her on even more to forget her fears, to let them play inside her but not worry about them, because all she had to do was follow Laine and what would be would be.

They crossed another street, getting farther still. Catria actually slowed down a bit in the middle of the crosswalk where she was most vulnerable. Her body bared and unprotected even by imaginary barriers that the sidewalk held. A car coming along would have her lit up like a spotlight with nowhere to run.

But then, no cars came. It was late. Every reasonable person was snug in bed at that hour.

A dog barked half-heartedly at them as they passed a fenced yard. Catria had become so used to their solitude that she stumbled away and almost hit the ground. Her collar dug painfully into her neck as the leash tightened, then it went slack as Laine rushed back to steady her.

"Holy shit." Catria giggled maniacally. "That stupid dog nearly gave me a heart attack."

Laine smiled back. "You're on a leash. Maybe he wanted to be friends."

"He knows I'm not a dog, you jerk."

"Mmm. You certainly aren't."

Laine put a hand on her chest, caressing her tits. Catria was sure he could feel how crazy her heart was beating, and most of it had nothing to do with the dog.

His lips pressed firmly against hers, and his cock poked against her hip. She melted against him, unconsciously grinding on whatever purchase her pussy could find. She was desperately horny, and making out with her brother was a big crack in the dam. She needed him so badly.

Then he broke away. The leash tugged, they were moving again.

This time, Catria was right behind him. She trotted at his heels like a puppy. She wasn't scared at all anymore, she was something very different.

It was only when they got to the final crosswalk before their house that Catria realized no more makeouts were forthcoming. She slowed down and stopped right in the middle of the road.

Laine felt the leash tighten up and stopped too. He looked at her curiously. "What's wrong?"

Catria smiled. "Nothing." She slowly, deliberately, turned and bent over a little. Not so far as to risk unbalancing herself, but enough to get the point across.

"Here?" Laine asked.

"You got me all horny. Don't tell me you're not gonna take care of me now."

"I was planning on waiting 'til we got back."

Catria shook her head. "Uh uh."

"Ha, fine. At least get out of the road, though. Don't want you falling on your face."

It was an acceptable compromise. There really wasn't anything to steady herself with in the roadway. Plus it was kind of a stupid risk. They'd been lucky so far, but trying to disentangle themselves from full on sex if a car came at them was probably not a smart position to put themselves in.

Catria braced herself against a tree and presented her butt wantonly. From too nervous for a little walk to sluttily demanding public sex. Yeah. That sounded about right for her.