Handcuff Sister


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Laine entered her easily. She was wet enough to drown his cock, nevermind letting it in. He fucked her hard with almost no build up, which was just the way she wanted it. Quick, rough, and a tad demeaning. Perfect.

She kept her moaning in check as best she could. She wished she had something to bite down on, or fill her mouth, or anything really. Maybe she'd ask for a gag for her birthday. The thought started as a joke in her head, until she realized she might actually really want one.

The rough tree bark dug into Catria's skin as she was pressed against it harder and harder. The small, painful bites that came with each thrust sent sharp thrills through her. Her whole body was an electrical web of pain and pleasure, lighting up with animalistic intensity as she was pounded by her brother beneath a dark, moonless sky.

Laine nipped at her shoulder, then the base of her neck. She gasped and moaned aloud while holding her hips back for him as much she could.

Catria came, whimpering and mewling. Her legs went weak on her, and pleasure overwhelmed her senses. She only stayed upright because Laine had her pinned to the tree with nowhere to fall.

Things got a bit clearer as her orgasm faded. She was still a prisoner to lust, but she wasn't totally focused on her own base desires. There was some wiggle room for creativity.

"Laine?" Catria said, her voice cracked even on the single syllable. She swallowed and moistened her mouth.


"Cum on my face?"

He snorted in amusement and bit her earlobe oh-so-gently. "I thought it might be something like that."

His frantic pace wound down gradually, until he finally pulled out. He helped Catria step dazedly away from the tree, then kneel down in front of him.

The ground was hard, and incredibly uncomfortable on her knees. She couldn't begin to give a shit. She stared up at Laine with all the adoration a love-struck little sister could muster and opened her mouth, her tongue stuck out just past her bottom lip.

Laine brushed Catria's hair tenderly, then took a light grip on the side of her head. He pushed his cock forward into her unmoving mouth, and only once it was halfway inside did she seal her lips around it.

Catria kept her eyes locked on Laine's as consistently as she could. She held her head still and let him use her face to get off. Despite just cumming, she already felt the need building again. She'd given up having her pussy pounded, and she missed it terribly. That was the price she paid for surrendering to her fantasy.

It was all worth it when Laine shot hot cum all over her face. Every streak was another tally mark on the scoreboard of her sluttiness, and another jolt of lightning zig-zagging down to her clit. Some even got on her tongue, since she held her mouth open. She was a good girl and didn't swallow any until Laine was all finished.

"Well, shit," Laine said. "I really didn't intend on doing that."

Catria grinned up at him, mind ablaze with speculation as to what sort of picture she must have presented. "But you did."

"Yeah. Can't argue that." He tilted his head slightly. "Almost wish I could take a picture right now."

"'Cause I look good like this?"

"You look like... like a distilled version of the sluttiest traits you've been developing."

"And that's... good, right?"

"You look fucking hot, if that's what you're asking." Laine helped her stand. "You also look like someone I need to get home before we do anything even stupider."

"Oh sure, now you're gonna worry about being out here. You seemed pretty confident before."

"You complaining?"

"Hell no I'm not." Catria nuzzled Laine lovingly. She accidentally wiped off some of her facial on him, but didn't regret the gesture. She was limited on ways of showing physical affection. "It was amazing. Thank you."

Laine kissed her forehead in a spot where it wasn't cummy. "Come on. Let's get back."

He took hold of her leash, but it wasn't necessary anymore. Catria walked nestled up beside him the rest of the way to their house. He ended up putting his arm around her and escorting her like they were on a romantic walk rather than an ill-advised sexcapade.

Catria had to wait inside the front door of their house for Laine to take her shoes off for her, then unhook her leash. Those small, patronizing necessities went practically unnoticed. As soon as she was free, she darted to the bathroom, shoulder-checked the light switch, and examined herself wide-eyed in the mirror above the sink.

Her streaks of cum were marred somewhat where she'd rubbed against Laine, but the effect wasn't too badly hurt. With her 'face paint' and collar, along with a slightly dazed expression, she could almost mistake her reflection for someone else entirely. Her hand jerked against its restraint as the urge to finger herself briefly triumphed over the well-learned lesson that she very much couldn't masturbate while handcuffed.

"Admiring ourself, are we?" Laine asked rhetorically, having caught up to her while she'd been standing in awe.

"I look slutty," Catria said matter-of-factly.

"I s'pose you do." Laine stepped behind her and peered over her shoulder to examine the same image she saw. "And I assume you're enjoying it."

Catria grinned shyly. "Maybe."

"Well, the cum's gotta come off before we head back to bed."

She nodded. She'd been aware of that, even if she wasn't quite ready. "Give me a minute."

"You really need more time to preen?"

"Not exactly." Catria bit her lip. The gesture was way sexier with semen accents. "I might need something else before I'm ready to go back to sleep."

"Like what?"

Catria met Laine's eyes in the mirror, but he didn't seem like he was grasping her need without it being vocalized. "I'm kinda horny again."

"Oh. Of course." Laine reached around and put his hands on her tummy. He dragged them up and over her breasts. "You're insatiable at times, you know that?"

Catria opened her eyes wide and pleading. "Please?"

"Dammit, that's not fair."

Laine spun her around and lifted her up beside the sink. She smiled and spread her dangling legs as he knelt before her.

Catria shivered and let her eyelids fall halfway closed as Laine's tongue traced a broad swathe the length of her needy little slit. He licked at her like a puppy, all enthusiasm and not much focus, before narrowing his attention to her clit.

A pair of fingers slid inside her, complimenting the tactical tongue-bath she was receiving. Laine licked and finger-fucked her with swift efficiency. It was all about getting her off quickly, and it worked.

It was just exactly what Catria needed. A nice little orgasm to take the edge off and let her properly relax. She writhed through it, nearly falling off her perch, then Laine gave her pussy a final sweet kiss and stood up.

His face was a closer match to hers now. Juices stained his chin and lips, though the effect was far more subtle than the thicker cum-streaks adorning her.

Laine took a damp cloth and wiped Catria up like she was a helpless child. He cleaned her face, then took a moment to get her thighs too.

Catria got unsteadily to her feet. She kissed Laine, lingering slightly as her tongue traced along his lips that tasted like her, then tottered away back to his room.

Laine gave her butt a soft smack to urge her on her way. "I'll be there in a minute."

"'K." Catria paused and turned partly around. "Thanks for everything today. And tonight. It was wonderful."

Laine gave her a crooked smile. "I love you."

Catria returned the smile. She felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Some of it was physical aftermath, some of it was pure emotion. "Love you too."

She made it back to bed, by which time she was feeling the interruption of her sleep pretty hard. It was all she could do to struggle back under the covers and cozy up next to Maggie while trying not to disturb her. She was only half successful.

"You have a good time?" Maggie whispered.

"Sorry," Catria whispered back. "I tried not to wake you."

"I know you did. But you aren't always as sneaky as you think you are, 'specially when you're all squirming around 'cause you got your hands cuffed."

Maggie pulled Catria into a loose embrace. Catria nestled into the comforting warmth of her sister.

"You know what we did?" Catria asked.

"I suspect so. This time of night, I don't know what else it could have been." Maggie shrugged. "I wasn't sure Laine would actually ever go through with it. He kept talking about the idea when we were shopping for you, and a few times after. I was never sure if he wanted me to talk him into it, or out of it."

"It was kind of a stupid thing to do," Catria admitted. "But I'm so glad we did it."

"I don't think that was ever in question." Maggie kissed Catria on the side of her head. "We've got a pretty good feel for your proclivities at this point."

"Thanks for not stopping him."

Maggie snorted. "Yeah, right. None of my business, really."

"Still, though. You and Laine, you've been so good to me. I mean, you both could have been grossed out way back when...." Catria swallowed. "I was being kind of a weirdo and--"

"Shush now. None of that." Maggie stroked Catria's hair soothingly. "We love you. That was never going to change."

"I love you too," Catria echoed softly.

"I know. Now go to sleep, little one. Some of us have things to do tomorrow."

Catria closed her eyes and let her breathing slow, but didn't fully let herself drift off until Laine crawled in next to her and reformed her sibling sandwich. Only then did she allow sleep to reign once more.


Catria awoke to an empty house late the next morning. She'd been uncuffed while she slept, but her collar was still on. It had dug into her neck where she lay on it, and she decided to remove it, at least for a bit. She could always put it back in without anyone being the wiser.

Her day was, overall, quite a letdown after the events of the past few days. It wasn't like she couldn't function on her own, she just would have preferred not to, was all. There simply wasn't much thrill to be had wandering around casually misclothed when there was no one there to appreciate it. Nor, indeed, getting all bondage-y and submissive.

It was boring, that was the problem. Catria craved totally inappropriate sibling shenanigans, and instead got... a day. Just a regular old boring day.

And that was just kind of what she had to learn to deal with. The next few days were much the same. Sure, sometimes Laine or Maggie would be home with her, and they almost always were both there in the evenings, but generally the mornings and afternoons kinda sucked.

Gradually, Catria learned to make the best of it.

She always got to sleep with one of her siblings at night, so that was nice. And with some dedication and training, she was often able to be the first one up in the mornings so she could be their 'alarm clock.' One of her very favourite things was watching Laine wake up with his cock in her mouth, or Maggie with an eager little sister-tongue buried in her pussy.

Play time at night and first thing in the morning left her sleep schedule a bit lacking, but she had lots of time for naps to make up for that.

Laine was sometimes good for a quick fuck before work, but not reliably so. Maggie usually wasn't, but she seemed to have figured out Catria's restlessness, and would often be up for playing other games. Things like the butt plug challenge, with varying rules, though nearly always involving chores. Catria knew she was being used, to a degree, but since she was constantly using her sibbos for sexy fun, it seemed only fair.

Plus, sexuality aside, she was the only one of the three not working. Keeping a tidy house helped make up for that.

Evenings were the best times. Laine and Maggie developed a rhythm of sorts where they'd trade off turns occupying Catria without even having to discuss it.

For instance, Laine might give her a good fucking, then hand her over to Maggie. Maggie might then open a book and spread her legs, fully expecting Catria to lick her out while she read and ignored her. Which, of course, Catria happily obliged. Eventually Maggie would call for Laine, and he'd take Catria away and hop in the shower with her.

There was no fixed schedule or anything, but it worked smoothly enough. Partly just because Catria was up for most anything that involved sexual gratification in some form. That was the main thing.

Catria hung out with her friends some days, though never stayed late. She got brave enough to wear her collar around them, which got some comments and questions, but was more or less accepted. She loved showing off that she was owned, even if none of them could properly know or appreciate it.

Overall, her new routine, such as it was, grew on her. She loved spending time with her brother and sister, doubly so when it was sexy time, and didn't mind occupying herself for a while as long as it was only for part of the day.


Epilogue: Path of Leashed Resistance


Laine parked his car, got out, then just stood there a moment. He was used to coming home to a naked little sister doing something naughty. That was practically routine. He was not, however, used to said sister being tied up like a dog out in the backyard.

"Hey, Laine," Cat called cheerfully.

She was lying out on the lawn; collared, cuffed, and with a rope leading from her to the back steps where Maggie was sitting and sipping on a beer.

"Hey, Cat," Laine said. He thought about asking her what she was doing, but he decided it probably wouldn't do any good.

Laine sat down next to Maggie. She offered him her beer and he took a swallow before handing it back.

"I see we have a new puppy," Laine said.

"I thought you knew," Maggie said. "You've been taking her for walks."

"Yeah, but not when it's still light out."

Maggie shrugged. "She was a good girl today, and she asked to be tied up out here. What could I do?"

Laine glanced back and forth at the neighbours' yards. "I take it no one's spotted her yet?"

"Not that I can tell. I think the odds are actually reasonable that we get away with it. Hell, anyone who sees her might only think she's lying out naked and not notice the whole 'puppy sister' thing."

"And that's better?"

"Yep. Then it's only Cat getting embarrassed a little instead of awkward questions getting asked. And let's be real, she loves getting embarrassed."

"Very true. She should be careful, though, or she's gonna end up with tan lines in hard to explain places."

"Dude, I'm pretty sure she's specifically cultivating tan lines."

"But... then...." Laine tried to imagine walking around with light bands of skin around his wrists and neck. There really wasn't an innocent excuse for that sort of look that he could think of. "Goddammit," he muttered. He swiped Maggie's beer and drained the rest of it.

"Yeah. Exactly," Maggie said.

Laine ran a hand through his hair. "This is our life now, isn't it?"

"How are you only just now figuring that out?"

"No, I mean, I'm fully aware of what's going on. I just assumed that sooner or later Cat would get tired of it, or decide it wasn't really what she wanted, or... something."


"Well, maybe. I at least thought she wouldn't want other people finding out. Not really. I know she likes the risk, but the actual hassle of discovery shouldn't be attractive."

Maggie patted his knee. "I know. I get it. But I think in a weird sort of way, Cat actually knows what she's doing. Even if she wants to show off her proclivity for bondage, I'm sure she'd never let on who she's roped into domming her. So to speak."

"I guess."

"And seriously, you can't tell me you mind. Waking up to blowjobs nearly every day, a naked little nymph parading around the house, someone who's always ready to fuck, a--"

"Ok, ok. You made your point." Laine couldn't help smiling as he took another look at Cat lying out sunning herself. "You're right. I do love it. I love her. I don't want things to go back the way they were. I just also don't want her getting herself into trouble."

"You're such a dad."

"I most certainly am not."

"You gotta let her do her thing, Laine. Be who she's gonna be. If she's gonna make mistakes, get in trouble, then you gotta let her."

"That's awfully philosophical of you. Didn't you used to worry about her just as much as I did?"

Maggie smiled a little sadly. "I still do," she said softly. "But I'm trying not to let it bother me. She's so happy. We all are, really. Things are good. Why ruin it by spending all my time fretting about the future?"

Laine sighed. "You're right. I tell myself the same sorts of things. And honestly, I don't worry that often anymore. Just... you know...."

"When you come home and find Cat naked and tied up outside?"

"Yeah. Times like that."

Maggie nodded and stood up. "I'd get used to it if I were you. She's gonna want to do it again, pretty much guaranteed." She jerked her head toward the house. "I'ma grab another beer. You want one? Bearing in mind that you're not stealing mine again?"

Laine considered, then shook his head. "Nah. Not right now. Thanks, though."

He handed the empty bottle back to Maggie before she headed inside. He then sat staring without focus at his naked little sister, still happily lazing around in the grass.


Catria could hear bits and pieces of her siblings' conversation. Not the whole thing, but she was pretty sure they didn't think she could hear any of it.

She honestly didn't mind being discussed like she wasn't there. Not only did it feed into her fetish of being slightly objectified or patronized, but it was mostly stuff she knew or agreed with anyway.

It was adorable the way Laine and Maggie still fretted over her. They didn't show it often, at least not in obvious ways, but it was always there. And she was fine with that. Along with whatever else she'd become; puppy, slut, toy, lover, or any other label one might apply, she'd always be the little sister. The baby of the family.

Catria didn't intend to always stay within the bounds of her siblings' comfort zones, obviously, but she was glad they cared enough to try and corral her somewhat. It gave her a nice fuzzy feeling, even if it could be inconvenient at times.

A shadow passed over Catria's eyes, interrupting her train of thought. Laine had walked over, and was staring down at her with a crooked smile. After a moment, he pulled off his shirt and lay down beside her without saying a word.

"I guess you're not gonna try convincing me to go inside," Catria said.

"I can't imagine what that would accomplish. For someone who tries so hard to convince us she's a subby little thing, you're really not very obedient except when you want to be."

"To be fair, I'm very obedient when I want to be."

"That you are."

Laine reached over and fondled Catria's tits. She grinned, but said nothing about it. As was tradition.

Maggie joined them shortly after. She sat cross-legged on the grass and sipped at a freshly opened beer. "I'm not taking any clothes off," she informed them. "Just in case you were planning on asking."

"That's ok," Catria said. "I'll be naked. You guys don't need to be."

"Way to take one for the team," Laine said, not quite able to hold back a chuckle.

Catria matched his smile, then closed her eyes. The sun was still high enough in the sky to get some more tanning in. Maggie had been totally right; she absolutely planned on cultivating some tan lines, maybe just some faint ones though. She wasn't sure how bold she wanted to go yet.

Laine and Maggie touched her occasionally, just some idle caresses. She didn't let on that she even felt them.

They stayed out until the sun threatened to disappear on them. Just Catria and her beloved brother and sister. Her rope was unhooked before they headed in, and promptly replaced by her leash, which Maggie had thoughtfully brought out with her.