Harmless Flirting


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As anticipated, several groupies that had been eyeing up the band all night were still lurking by, and a couple of cuties were making "fuck me" eyes in Will's direction. He encouraged them by twirling sticks and making other moves that let them know he was aware of them. Soon, as per plan, Billy came back up to switch out with Will and finish out the 20 minutes left of this gig. Will thanked Billy for the favor, and as he was leaving Billy asked, "Are you sure about her?" (referring to Donna).

Will shook his head, "No."

As Will approached the table the two groupie girls, Tina and Roxy had followed, and handed him a beer. His brand, apparently, they had been paying attention. As he downed it, Donna, who was also now paying attention, moved to separate him from his new friends. She wanted to get him onto the dance floor as the band had switched to slow songs to finish off the evening. She said, "Shall we?" and held out her hand.

He said, "Gee, can't. I promised a dance to Tina and Roxy." He got Tina on his left arm and Roxy on his right.

Roxy gave Donna a little shot, saying, "Don't worry, we won't damage him!" Both she and Tina giggled.

Will and the girls joined the dancing, leaving Donna standing there with a stunned look on her face. Even more satisfying was that she was alone, everyone else at the table had already paired up for the finale. She went to the lady's room to avoid embarrassment. Will was aware of her absence because he had an eye out while dancing with the girls, but never saw her. He had every intention of remaining in his new friend's arms until closing, and Donna knew it.

When the band had finished their last song, he walked the girls over to the band stand to say thanks to Billy and the guys.

Billy said, "Good move dude, move on."

He told Tina and Roxy good night, and that he had to go. They both leaned in close and gave his face a lingering kiss on his cheeks. Tina said, "I know, we saw her. If it doesn't work out call us," and slipped a napkin in his pocket with their numbers on it.

He smiled at them, and then looked back not knowing if Donna would still be there. To get back at him, she might have got Jack or some other dude to drive her home.

Surprisingly, she was still there and he walked over and asked if she was ready to go. Her friends were milling around saying good byes and telling him how impressed they were with his ability. Donna spoke very softly, "You're mad at me, aren't you? Please don't be, it's only harmless flirting."

"Look," he said, "maybe you aren't really in the market for a boyfriend. Maybe you just need a chauffeur to take you to and from the dances where you can dance with all of your boyfriends."

"I was so caught up in having fun that I didn't get it, when you said that I really didn't need you for anything. I was very proud of you up there looking so good, but I missed you taking that shot at me until now," Donna said, trying to slip in a complement, during her half assed apology.

"I guess you were so proud of me that even Billy couldn't keep you nearby for even two songs," he shot back.

She continued, "Please don't be mad at me. I do want you, and only you, but I also have a lot of fun dancing. I know I drink more than I should sometimes, and I get a little flirty with guys, but I would never allow them to have what is only yours."

He responded with some anger slipping through, "You mean I should be ok with them feeling up your ass, because I get to rub your pussy. That I get to play with your bare tits, while these guys are only getting a feel through your shirt and bra? Oh, and by the way, where is your bra? You had one when we came. Let's not forget you did give me a hand job, while all that these other guys get is to dry hump you through your hooker skirt. If you're leaving with me, let's go, I've had enough."

She nodded indicating that he was still her way home and they left. After arriving at her place, he saw Donna to the door and was invited in. Will, however, was in no mood for more excuses or lies, so he left not bothering for a goodnight kiss.

He was in hell, he had fallen for this woman, and all the moves he was making would end them as a couple. The major obstacle was, it didn't feel to him like she considered them a couple, at least not by his definition. It felt more like she considered him a convenience.

For the next couple of weeks, they had no contact, no calls, no texts. He considered the silence as proof that he had been right, and likely as not she had already moved on to another chauffeur. He felt he needed to do the same, move on, that is. For the first part of their break up, a shortage of personnel at work supplied a needed distraction. He signed up for extra shifts, which was an easy way to function without thinking about what he had just lost.

Then he got a call out of the blue from Billy B, "Willie, hey man I need a favor. I dumped my Harley and fucked up my knee and the doc says I won't be able to play for a while. The band still has a couple of gigs here in Memphis and we wondered if you'd be able to sit in."

Will jumped at the chance, "Hell yeah, I'll play any nights that I can get off. That shouldn't be too difficult cause I've been racking up a shit load of extra time, so they owe me some time off. Text me the dates & times, and I'll see what my sup says."

Billy replied, "Great, I knew I could count on you. Hey by the way how's it with Donna?"

Will answered, "I think we're done, haven't seen her for a couple of weeks."

"Too bad bud, she was a looker, but I saw her dancing and I get the problem. I'll text the dates."

Billy sent him the info. The first one was the coming Friday, again at Gleason's, and the next was a Saturday afternoon battle of bands concert at the downtown park. Will checked with Dave and there was only a small problem, there was still a shortage of man power, and Dave needed him to come to work after each gig. Will would be able to get rest before and after he played, but would have to abstain from any drinking. Playing was intoxicating enough for Will, the lack of alcohol was but a minor inconvenience.

Friday's gig at Gleason's went really well. Tina and Roxy were there and during breaks they kept him company. He'd be going to work on minimum rest in the morning, so as delicious as an evening with the girls sounded, people flying in airliners are not fond of controllers not up to their "A Game." Funny thing though, once, in the crowd, he thought he saw Donna. He later decided that he must have been mistaken, as she was never on the dance floor, and no one could miss her if she was dancing!

Another week went by with no contact with Donna, and he was convinced, that ship had sailed. He was really looking forward to the battle of bands, which was on the upcoming Saturday. It's not really a battle, because most of the players love to interact with other bands, musicians are mostly one tight community.

The rock and roll began and the staff had two stages set up so one group could set up while the other played. Will's group was third up so they had their equipment near the stage they'd be on. The guys opened a few beers, except for Will, he just listened and grooved on the music. While he listened, he was also scanning the crowd to see if Tina or Roxy had made it, but "early in the day" (afternoon) is not their thing. They were likely hung over and unable to participate in any early afternoon fun, and were nowhere to be seen.

What he did see though, at least he thought he got a glimpse of Donna. Not dancing though, and there were plenty of people having a great time doing just that. He dismissed the idea that he actually saw her and returned his focus to the music.

After they finished playing, as he was packing up his kit, she walked up to him and asked if she could help. He wasn't prepared for this, he thought she was long gone. He said, "Sure," and gestured to where his van was and said to take one of the smaller drum cases and flipped her the keys.

When she got back for the next case, he had recovered enough to speak, "What brings you downtown on a Saturday, looking for some dance partners?"

She replied, "I guess I deserve getting some grief from you, but no, I didn't come here to dance. I came here to talk to you."

Puzzled, he asked, "How'd you even know I'd be here?"

She answered, "I've been in touch with Billy. I tracked him down and even pressed him into meeting me for coffee. He is a hell of a good friend to you, I had to beg him to meet. I think he thought I might be trying to get even with you by screwing him or something. He was on guard the whole time, kind of cute really. I saw that he had hurt his leg, and asked if he could play like that. That's when he confessed that you were helping out. I told him that I was sorry for kind of stalking him, but I really needed to talk to you in person, not just call or text. Also, I was hoping that I could get his help in getting you to talk to me. He turned me down flat, as far as helping, but he did tell me the dates you would be playing."

Will was beginning to soften, but was also getting impatient, "Well, I've got my stuff to pack and there's just you and me, so spill it."

She touched his arm and began, "I miss you more than anyone in my entire life. I am so sorry that I caused you to distrust me and would do anything to undo this thing, and get us back together. I was going to approach you last Friday at Gleason's, but you had those two girls all over you. I got a little sick watching them gush over you and had to run to the bathroom. They are so pretty, and it was obvious to everyone that they were willing to share you. How could you refuse?"

"I thought I got a glimpse of you, but since it wasn't on the dance floor, I discounted it." he replied.

"I think it may have been the first time I was ever so near people dancing and didn't have any desire at all. All I wanted was to get a chance to approach you, but it didn't seem likely, you were very occupied. Later that night, I supposed that you had taken them both home, what guy wouldn't. But before I lose you to them or someone else, I have to tell you how I feel. Before we completely walk away from each other, I want, I need you to know, that I love you, and if you'll give me a chance, I'll try to prove it to you," she stated, practically pleading.

"Donna, walking away from you has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do, because I fell for you more than any woman ever. Here's the thing though, for someone to be my woman, I can't be guessing all the time about her and other guys," Will stated this knowing that he had already decided to try again with her, she was intoxicating.

She answered quickly, "Since we started dating, there has never been any other guy. I made a huge mistake not keeping that clear in your mind. Please let me fix this. I love you. Come home with me, make love to me tonight."

"Ok, I'm willing to try again, but some things have to change. I'm going to be on duty soon and need to sack out, but when I get off, I could swing by in the morning. We could maybe plan something for tomorrow," he offered.

Donna jumped into his arms and kissed him hard, with passion that had hunger in it while tears streamed down her face. Will was praying that he wasn't making a mistake.

Work was a breeze that night, nothing could spoil his mood, he was back with his love again. When his relief showed up, Will briefed him with blistering speed, and turned over control of his piece of sky. He drove straight to Donna's place, didn't even have to knock, she was waiting at the door in a rich looking blue robe. As it turned out, the robe was all she had on. She took his hand and lead him to her bedroom. Once inside she stepped toward her bed, then turned toward him and dropped the robe, standing naked before Will.

She gestured with her hands as she said, "This all belongs to you and only you. I love you. Take me."

"You really hurt me with your actions," he said, desperately trying to make a point before he caved to her allure.

"Do you feel that you need to punish me?" she asked.

"You probably should get a good spanking," he said, intending to make a small joke.

"Well then, do what you must." She said as she turned around and placed her hands flat on the mattress while bending at the waist presenting her beautiful ass for punishment.

He tried to be coy, undressing slowly, making her wait for whatever punishment he would choose. He would have liked to have taken longer, as he could see the evidence of her anticipation. She shivered a little, even though it was fairly warm in her bedroom. Yes, longer would have been more manly, but the view was way too enticing. Will could actually see her cunt lips glistening between her parted legs, and her cute little rosebud was also visible and beckoning.

As soon as he was naked, he approached her, caressed her ass cheek with his left hand. Then he swung his open right hand upward to give her right cheek a good smack that landed with a loud crack! She held her position, sucked in a quick breath followed by a short moan. Will had to admit there was a tiny bit of hostility that motivated his hands as his left hand repeated the action on her left cheek. Some of the events that split them apart breezed through his mind as he dealt out her punishment. Another loud crack and another gasp with a longer moan, she was accepting her sentence without complaint.

He gave her two more smacks, but they were a weaker version. Will was not one to enjoy hitting a woman, causing her real pain, but he had to acknowledge that those first two smacks had a feel of justification for him. He then dropped to his knees and began to worship the butt that he had just caused to turn red. As he caressed, nibbled and licked her delicious butt cheeks he also applied pressure for her to spread her legs, which was complied with eagerly.

He could wait no longer, a need to taste his woman prevailed, and as he slid his tongue along her cunt lips from behind, he heard, "Yes, Yes ... just like that."

Without direction, Donna spread her legs further and lowered her head to a pillow presenting a totally submissive position. He moved his face even further into her bottom so his tongue could penetrate her pussy further and slid his hands up under her belly to play with her nipples.

"OMG, OMG!" She was now frantic, "Please don't stop, I'm so close. Gawd!"

Will backed away a little, just to tease her. She begged, "No, don't stop now. I need it, please, I'm close. So close. Please ..."

And with that last bit of pleading from her he licked her from her clit, the length of her cunt, over her taint and flicked at her asshole causing, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming. I love you. Ohhh it's so good." She quivered and shook for a couple of minutes thoroughly enjoying her climax.

He caressed her ass while he allowed her time for some recuperation, then said, "I think you are ready now."

To which she replied, "Yes lover, I'm more than ready. Take me, fuck me as deep and hard as you wish."

Even though she had invited him to, he didn't just plunge into her. He worked his dick in inch by inch taking clues from her until his cock was fully engulfed. He then started a slow rocking, out a bit and in a bit, over and over until she was taking him easily. When the entry had been fully accomplished, his fucking motion increased in intensity. She was pushing back with equal enthusiasm to his forward thrusts. Her next orgasm was imminent and she became vocal, "That's it lover, fuck my pussy. Fuck it good. Deep, deeper. Take me. So fucking good. Cum in me baby, do it, cum in me."

Will would have preferred to last longer, but he had been lusting for her for a long time. With her verbal encouragements he sped up, and pumped a hefty load of cum into her. She arrived at her peak also, and was reaching behind herself, clutching at his butt to assist in ramming his cock into her as far as they both could make it go.

When they stopped shaking, Donna crawled out from under and got on top of the bed face up and pulled Will on top of her. His dick was still partly hard and she guided it back into her pussy and asked him to leave it in and lay on top of her for a while. He was in a cradle of love, comfortable and they were both spent. They fell asleep briefly then woke and hit the shower together. After a short time in the shower, they were clean enough for an operating room, because their soapy hands went over and over each other's naked body like they would never again touch each other's flesh. It had been a glorious morning, and they laid back down for a nap.

About lunch time, he woke up finding that Donna was already up and about. She was probably making something to eat as he could smell something delicious that wasn't pussy. Before he got out of bed though, she appeared wearing that sexy blue robe and said, "Good afternoon lover, how do you feel? Hungry? Ready to eat? I prepared something."

He said, "Sounds great, what are we having?"

She responded, "Steak sandwiches, but you're getting' dessert first." With that, she crawled up on the bed throwing the sheets aside and went straight for his cock. Her hair in a rare pony tail, made it obvious that she had planned a wake-up BJ and he wasn't complaining.

She began bobbing up and down on his cock. He had emptied his nuts only a few hours ago, so he was able to hold out, and make her work for it. She was doing a fantastic job of making love to his dick, and as he started to pull her into a sixty-nine, she resisted saying, "Baby this is for you, I don't need ..."

He didn't let her finish. Being stronger, and the fact that she didn't really resist, he pulled her on top of him robe and all, her lips never leaving his cock.

Will flicked her robe out so that they were sort of under a small tent and had their mouths working each other's sex. He was licking her cunt and teasing her clit with a finger as she was moaning "Oh baby, baby I love that."

Donna continued working his cock with passion. She couldn't really be called a great cock sucker, as she wasn't as experienced as some young women. Watching her dance, most would guess that she had practiced that a lot, but the truth was she hadn't. Her asset here was dedication, she was determined to give her love maximum pleasure. The effort, greatly overshadowed what she lacked in technique. Regardless, this was definitely working for both of them, their ministrations became more and more urgent.

Her hips were rocking wildly, and he was having some difficulty keeping his tongue on target, as his own need reached the point of no return. He announced, "baby I'm going to cum," to warn her so she could pull her mouth away.

But she responded, "Yes lover, I know. Do it. I want to taste you." And took him deep in her mouth signaling her desire to finish the task with no retreat.

He knew he had but seconds, and wanted her to bust at the same time. He added a finger to probe her asshole as he kept up the tongue assault on her pussy, and another finger flicking her clit. She then gasped and moaned deeply, while increasing an already aggressive rocking motion with her hips and probed his ass in return. That did it, they both blew in an epic climax, twitching and squirming. Neither of them moved for several moments, continuing to savor each other's offering of cum. They were both pleased with each other, sex was not going to be a problem for them.

The following days and weeks turned into months of bliss, they decided to live together, at his house. For her and him, it made a house a home. Sure, there were the usual growing pains all couples go through, but they were in love and made their way through until one day, while they were out having an expensive meal, he asked her to marry him. She said yes, a date was set, Cindy was the matron of honor and Dave was the best man. Billy B's gift was to provide the band for the reception, not often done anymore as most weddings use DJs.