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"Sorry. I didn't know until now. They've just arrived and are putting their harvesting fronts on."

"I'll be a bit late then." I said curtly as I turned the key off and the truck's motor stopped.

Panic began to set in as I walked back inside the house. Was it them? There were hundreds of harvesting contractors, but how many where on our road today? Fuck! What was I going to do if it was? More importantly what would they do? I got some more buns out of the freezer and began preparing more dinners.

I arrived at the paddock in the fading afternoon light and could see from the dust clouds they were working on the far side. I followed a mown track around the fence. As I got closer I could make out the four harvesters marching through the crop in formation. Two tractors with chaser bins behind followed a little farther back like faithful dogs waiting for one of the monstrous grain augers on the harvesters to fold out and spew its grain into their bin. They would then buzz back to either a waiting truck or to Justin's dad who operated the silo bag machine.

I went to a pre-arranged spot to set up. Justin was paranoid about harvest fires so every spring, while things were still green, he mowed down small square areas in the crop at strategic points

to act as service areas. Normally when I arrived the harvesting would stop so everybody ate together. Tonight was different as only the harvester Justin was driving broke away and headed towards me.

The big machine pulled up next to the fuel truck. Justin left it idling and did a walk around it checking for problems before coming over to me.

"We are going to stagger it tonight to keep the grain coming off. I'll eat now then Uncle Luke. The two guys driving the contractors headers will come in after that. The chaser drivers will grab theirs and eat on the run. Dad will have to eat on the go too."

"Who's the contractor?" I asked innocently.

"Longbow? Longhead? Long something. I haven't spoken to any of them yet. Dad organized it. Did you bring those parts?"

"Yes they're in the front of the truck." My heart was pounding out of my chest. It was them. "I might leave the food here and go home."

"I'd rather you didn't. You'd have to take the ute and I'll need it if we have a breakdown." Justin argued politely.

He was right. If I continued to argue what was I going to tell him. I can't stay because I sucked two guys cocks this afternoon and they work for this contractor? He took my silence as acquiescence. Justin walked back to his harvester climbed the ladder and shut it down. When he got back I gave him his dinner then went around the other side of the harvester to fill its fuel tank. The little twelve volt pump took ten minutes to pump the twelve hundred litres of diesel. When I got back around the other side Justin was preparing to depart again.

"Want to fool around?" I murmured pulling him close for a kiss.

I don't know whether it was guilt or if I was just horny after having two strange cocks in my mouth four hours earlier.

He gently eased me away. "I just want to get this finished. Then we can fool around."

I gave him a kiss and a little care packet with some lollies and fruit to keep him going into the night.

His Uncle Luke came next and we followed the same routine except for the offer of sex and the kissing. I watched his harvester tear off back to the crop with its lights blazing. I saw one of the chaser bins over at the silo bag machine so I got two dinners and went over there in Justin's ute. Micheal took his without comment while the guy driving the tractor pulling the chaser bin was effusive in his thanks.

Looking back I could see another harvester had turned away from the others to head to the fuel truck for dinner. With butterflies doing flips in my stomach I drove back to the service area. I arrived before the harvester but it's bright lights mounted on top of the cab made it impossible to tell who was driving. The lights went out and the motor died. I turned on the spotlight mounted on the tanker truck to show where their dinner was located. The harvesters cab door opened and a small light came on illuminating the ladder leading to the ground. A familiar voice floated down to me.

"Well now, fancy meeting you here?" Paddy's Irish accent mocked me.

I didn't say anything. He climbed down and strutted towards me.

"Are you ready to finish what we started?" Paddy said with a cocky grin.

"Get your dinner and fuck off!" I snapped crossing my arms. I was trying to appear in control but inside I was shaking.

Paddy fished his mobile out of his pocket. After swiping the screen to wake it up he held it up just out of reach.

"Check this out. I'm sure your husband would be interested."

On the screen was a picture. I knew what it was of but I was there. You could just see the top of my head from behind with Stefan's hands cradling it. In front of me was a man with his pants down. His top half was cut off so you could just see the bottom half of his hi-vis shirt and his bare thighs either side of my head. I quickly scanned it to see if there was anything else that could identify it was from this afternoon. My heart sank when I noticed off to one side you could see our the bottom half of our refrigerator. My husbands habit of peeling off exotic beer labels and resticking them to the door made it unique.

"What do you want?" I asked defeated.

"Just like I said, we need to finish what we started." Paddy put the mobile back in his top pocket and began unbuckling his pants.

"Here? Now?"

"Yeah, I don't have anything else to do for ten minutes."

"You get another blow job and that's it." I tried to sound more in control than I was.

"Yes, you'll suck my cock then I'll fuck your married cunt." He sneered as he pulled his cock out of his underwear.

He had me cornered. Caught out by my stupidity and out of sight from everybody else in the paddock behind the big harvester. He closed the distance between us stroking his dick.

"Time to get busy Mrs Wallace."

"Not without a condom." I said in desperation.

"Really? You weren't too picky earlier."

"We... We're trying to start a family." I replied sniffing back tears.

"Ohhh, my poor little married slut." Paddy reached out and wiped a tear off my cheek before reaching into his other pocket from which he produced a square plastic packet. "Don't worry, I'm a good boy scout. I'm always prepared but we won't need it till later."

Paddy placed both hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees. For the second time today I was faced with Paddy's hard penis. I remembered this afternoon he hadn't last very long so I went to work enthusiastically hoping he wouldn't get to use the condom.

"Fooock, you know how to handle a cock." Paddy groaned.

I felt I had him close so I pulled back and swirled my tongue around his cockhead before diving back down all the way till my nose was in his pubic hair.

"Jeeesus..." Paddy grabbed my hair and hauled me back off his prick. "You nearly had me there, you nearly got away with it." He panted. "Get up and get those shorts off."

He lifted me up and spun me around as I undid the buttons and let my shorts and underwear fall to my ankles.

"Bend over and lean against the truck. Wait! Open your shirt and get your bra off too. I want to feel those beautiful titties."

I braced myself as Paddy pushed my legs wider with his.

"Condom," I reminded him.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

I heard him fiddle around behind me then I felt something clumsily pressing against my sex. I reached down between my legs and took control. Firstly to make sure he had put on the condom and secondly to take control of his penetration because I was nowhere near ready.

"My god you are a slut. You just can't wait to get some cock, can you?"

No it's because you have the sexual skills of an amoeba, is what I was thinking but that wasn't going to get him off.

"Oh yeah fuck me, fuck me with your big dick." I lied knowing it was the way to make a guy pop.

I furiously rubbed the head of Paddy's cock against my clit trying to get myself wet enough for penetration. He was thrusting forward more violently trying to get inside. I lined him up and he forced himself deep.

"That's it, fuck me bitch." Paddy's hands moved from my hips up my sides to grips my breasts.

He thrust away squeezing my breasts and playing with my nipples. As he became more erratic I worked my hips until he thrust deep and let out a high pitched squeal. I didn't let him savor it for long before I stood up and he slipped out.

"That was everything I thought it was going to be." Paddy said as he removed his loaded condom.

"Fucking arsehole," I muttered as I pulled up me shorts.

"Was that a request? I was thinking of having a crack at that tomorrow." He said with an evil laugh.

I was reaching for my bra when he stopped me.

"Don't get too comfortable. Stefan will be coming in for his turn shortly."

"He wasn't part of the deal."

"Because it's his cock in your mouth in the picture he is very much part of the deal." He picked up the container with his dinner off the trucks front seat. "I'll eat this on the run. Now I've got you warmed up it would be a shame to waste it."

Paddy winked at me then went back to his machine. He scaled the ladder and disappeared into the cab. The engine roared to life before the large bank of lights lit up and he drove away. I was watching to see when the next set of lights would turn from the paddock towards me. Suddenly I was bathed in light again from the other direction. The other chaser bin driver was coming from the silo bag machine for his dinner. I checked the buttons on my shirt were done up properly and stowed my bra in my pocket.

A short man with a big stomach that stuck out over the waist band of his pants waddled towards me. He wanted to eat on the go as well so I just gave him the container and said I'd pick it up tomorrow. He roared off towards the harvesters and passed Stefan's machine coming towards me. Stefan parked in the same place as Paddy. He took his time getting down so I hoped he was having second thoughts.

My dream of a reprieve was dashed as he walked towards the truck waving a shiny square packet in his fingers. He stopped in front of me and began unbuttoning his shorts in anticipation. I knelt down on the dusty ground and waited for him to get ready. He dropped his shorts and underwear and with his hand on my head for balance he pulled his foot out of one leg hole leaving them attached to his other ankle.

Stefan's hand that was resting on my head pulled me closer. I braced myself with one hand on his hip while the other grasped his member. I stroked it slowly a few times to get the head poking out of its foreskin before sucking him slowly into my mouth. I had to go slow, he was so thick. Pulling back I concentrated my efforts on the tip.

"Ohhh yaa, deeper girl deeper." Stefan clasped both hands behind my head and pushed until I gagged.

"Easy," I coughed after pushing him back.

"All the way!" He ordered pulling me back onto his dick.

I relaxed and let his cock stretch its way deep into my throat. When my nose hit his skin he pulled out so I gasped for air before he assaulted my throat again. Before he was finished with my mouth saliva dripped off my chin, my eyes were watering and my jaw ached. He pulled me to my feet and for the second time tonight I removed my pants while he rolled in his condom.

Leaning against the truck once more I felt Stefan's thick cock touch my sex. I dropped my head and let it rest in my outstretched arms. I was trying to appear as disinterested as possible as Stefan began forcing his way inside. However part of me was very interested. As a reformed slut, who had been getting a steady diet of the same cock for nine years, this young man's hard cock was hitting the spot.

It wasn't a size thing, trust me size isn't everything. In my previous life I've seen a lot of cocks- long, short, thick, thin, bent... you get the idea. One of the best orgasms I'd ever had was with a guy whose dick wasn't much bigger than woman's little finger. Conversely quite a few big swinging dicks are useless in the wrong hands. Anyway my husband was perfectly adequate in that department and I'd had nine years to train him. It's just that after so long eating prime steak the thought of a crispy skinned duck breast was very alluring.

Stefan started thrusting and I bit my bottom lip to stop any sounds coming out that might give away my arousal. It was feeling so good but I had it all under control until he pulled out. I couldn't stop the frustrated sigh as I looked back to see why he'd stopped. He spun me around to face him before pushing me back against the truck. Then he stepped forward between my legs. Dipping down he lined his cock with my pussy and thrust up hard.

"Argh!" I groaned as he impaled me.

He stayed completely inside grinding his pubic bone against my clit. My reaction was automatic, muscle memory from my promiscuous years. My legs came off the ground and wrapped around his hips while my arms encircled his head pulling him closer. The only thing supporting me was his weight pressing me back against the truck, his hands cupping my butt and his hard cock plugged deep inside me. Once he started thrusting again all my control was lost.

"Oh... Oh... oh no... no... no don't stop. Fuck me. Fuck me fuuck meeee." I chanted in his ear as I felt my climax build.

Everything else was gone. The time, the place, my marriage. There in that dusty wheat field I was a slave to my desire. My eyes were shut tight as I concentrated on getting what I wanted. I scratched and bit and clawed at Stefan while still uttering obscenities into his ear. Urging him on, begging him to get me off. He was fucking me savagely. hammering away with youthful exuberance.

"Yes, yes, yes." I hissed, as the runaway train of emotions approached the end of the track. "Oh fuck I'm cumming."

I held on for dear life riding my wave of pleasure as Stefan continued his relentless fucking. As quickly as the first orgasm finished another hit then another until Stefan stiffened and I felt his cock pulse.

"Fuck yeahhhh." He grunted as he held his spasming cock deep inside me.

He started easing out and I let my legs fall to the ground but they wouldn't support me. I half slumped against the truck as Stefan disengaged. I looked at the condom. I was surprised and gladdened to see it was still intact. He pulled it off and dropped it on the ground before stepping forward again and holding his deflating dick in front of my face. Still in a daze I sucked it clean savoring the taste of his seed. I looked up expecting him to be watching me but instead he was looking at something behind me with a grin on his face.

Reality came storming back. I was on my knees in a wheat paddock sucking a strangers cock while my husband drove a harvester several hundred metres away. I whirled around, pulling my open shirt closed to cover my breasts, and looked in the direction Stefan had been. There was nothing there. Just the inky blackness outside the reach of the spotlight.

"Who was there?" I asked Stefan.

"Nobody," he shrugged before putting his pants on.

He took his dinner off the truck tray and went back to his harvester. I picked up his discarded condom before finding my own clothes and getting dressed. As Stefan's machine wheeled back towards the others I noticed two harvesters were stopped close together. Their lights still shone brightly and I could just make out two figures moving about in front of one of them.

Shit, I thought, had somebody come back this way to get some tools? I jumped in the truck and turned the ignition to accessory. The two way radio came to life so I grabbed the handset and called Justin.

"Are you on channel Justin?"

There was nothing for a short period. I was about to try again when his distorted voice replied.

"Yeah hon. Uncle Luke did a drive belt on his front. I stopped to help him change it."

"Alright, I'm heading home. What time will you finish.tonight?"

"With that weather coming we'll go as late as possible. Don't wait up, I might sleep in my swag in the paddock tonight."

"Alright, be careful. Goodnight."


At home I showered. Looking at my cheating eyes in the mirror was tough. They'll be gone tomorrow. I'll never see them again. It was just a momentary lapse. Normality will resume as soon as they drive off our property. No one will ever know.

I slipped into my pajamas and padded back to the kitchen. I got all my supplies ready for tomorrow's breakfast then went to bed. My alarm woke me at five. Still half asleep I reached over to see if Justin had come home. There was no body lying there, he'd stayed in the paddock. I wasn't surprised, even if he had come home he would have only tossed and turned worrying about the weather.

By six o'clock I was back in the paddock cooking bacon and eggs on a little gas BBQ set up in the tray of the ute. Justin had already been over and got some orange juice. He was back at the harvester doing his daily maintenance while I finished cooking. They'd gone until three am when the straw got too tough to continue. Justin was hoping to be going by eight thirty. They only had an hour to go to finish this block and then they would be on to the last one.

"If only I could get those guys to stay tonight we'd get it finished." Justin lamented. "They want to get on the road two pm."

It would not be soon enough for me. Everybody had breakfast at the same time so Paddy and Stefan had no opportunity to get me alone. Afterwards I packed up the breakfast things and left their lunches in a portable refrigerator on Justin's ute. As I drove back home I found myself whistling. In a few hours they would be gone.

I was in the laundry just before lunchtime when I heard the two way radio in the kitchen crackle to life.

"Are you on channel Ash?" Justin's voice came over again just as I reached it.

"Yes Jus, what's up?"

"Ted Longman's coming to the homestead to get some diesel. Can you show him where to go and how the pump works?"

"Sure, are they heading off after that?"

"Yes, I tried to get him to stay. The moisture content of the crops is too high at their next job but he wants to hit the road." Justin sounded disappointed.

"Maybe the weather forecast is wrong." I replied trying to cheer him up.

"Not likely." Was all Justin said.

A little while later a ute pulled up out the front of the house. The short fat older guy who'd been driving the chaser bin got out and greeted me.

"Ted Longman. You must be Ashley." He said extending his hand.

I shook it before pointing towards a shed sixty metres away.

"The diesel tanks behind the shed. Just follow the road and I'll meet you there." I said as I started walking away.

"Hop in," he replied gesturing towards the passenger side of his ute. "We're both going to the same place."

I hesitated, something about this guy made my skin crawl but I thought it would be a bit weird to refuse his offer so I got in. On the short drive to the tank he apologized for having to leave. He was worried about the rain as well and didn't want to get stuck on a backroad in the wet.

"If a big rain comes we might get stuck on this black soil for a week." He explained.

I murmured my sympathy and didn't let on that I was very keen for him to go. At the tank I unlocked the box covering the power outlet and plugged in the pump. It didn't take long to fill his trailing tank. I disconnected the pump and relocked the power point cover. I felt Ted was close behind me and when I turned around he was almost touching me.

"You know I could stay and help your husband finish tonight if I was given the right incentive."