Hazel Plays With Fire Ch. 04


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The next man was younger. The pen and money were exchanged again. "Anywhere?" he asked.

"Anywhere below my collar handsome, I'm all yours."

He turned her and wrote, 'Fuck my ass', on her butt-cheek.

"You'd like to do that," said Hazel, "you'd like to fuck my tight white ass."

"Fuck yeah," said the man as he handed the pen back.

Next up was a big man, about forty, with a soul-patch. He bent down and carefully wrote over Hazel's pussy. 'Black cocks only.'

"You making sure of that?" asked Hazel.

"I'm guessing you gave up whitey a while back. Just need to let the world know." His comment was matter-of-fact, delivered in a deep bass.

"Oh I like that." Hazel moved up to him and kissed him, their tongues meeting and connecting for a few seconds.

Next up was another big man, gold studs showing in his ears. He wrote in big letters across the top of Hazel's chest, 'Black-owned ho.'

"You think I'm a whore," said Hazel with mock indignation.

"I know you're a ho," he replied, "and I want every brotha out there knowing it." He moved forward and his fingers found her pussy.

"Hmmmn," she said and pushed her lips onto his. "You think I'm good whore?"

"I intend on finding out for myself as soon as your Owner lets you loose."

She gave him a delighted smile and then moved on. In the background I could see Joanna going through much the same process. Her body becoming covered with crude designs and obscene slogans. Her latest 'artist' was greedily sucking on one of her nipples.

Next up for Hazel was a younger man. "Yo friend got more to work with," he said as he handled Hazel's right breast.


"Just observing," he said quietly as he concentrated on his task. He wrote 'NIGGA' round one nipple and 'OWNED' round the other. Then he took her breasts in his big Black hands and fondled them.

"You seem to like them well enough," Hazel was teasing him.

"They nice and all but they could be better. You a Black man's ho then you should be the best you can be. These might be good enough for white boys but..." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a couple of extra fifties. "There's a contribution - you know what that's for."

"Thanks." Hazel's sang-froid seemed to have been punctured a little but as she turned to her next man she was soon herself again as he drew a large vigorous depiction of a black bull on her back and wrote 'Black bull rider' underneath.

Next up were two men stood together, their skin the deep almost blue-black of West Africa. They were talking together but not in English. The first took the pen and wrote 'sexy little whore' down Hazel's right thigh. His friend wrote 'lepa ashewo' down the left.

What does it mean?" she asked.

"About the same," was all the first man said as the pen was handed back.

The next man took Hazel by the arm and turned her round so her back was to him. He wrote quickly onto her back just below her neck in swift large letters.

"You know what this says don't you..."

"No," she couldn't see it.

"Same as your friend over there."

Hazel and the camera both looked across at Joanna - both saw the large letters 'B - C - S' drawn on her upper back, just as they had just been drawn on Hazel's.

"Know what that means too don't ya." His voice was matter-of-fact, enjoying the moment.

She knew aright and so did I. Levy or one of his enforcers had drawn those letters on her skin before. It stood for 'Black Cock Slut' and signalled to any of Levy's associates seeing it that the white girl wearing it was available for their sexual pleasure anywhere, anytime and anyhow.

"Gonna let the dice decide?" He framed it as a question but it was more a challenge. I knew what my wife would say before she said it. She'd seen Joanna wearing that mark with all it might imply for the future. Hazel had a competitive streak a mile wide. There was no way she would allow her new friend to out-slut her.


"Good girl," he tapped Hazel's butt with the pen and then handed it back to her.

Next came a drawn necklace culminating in a prominent 'Queen of Spades' symbol and finally a burly man in his fifties took a firm hold of Hazel as he drew onto her belly a Black cockerel with around it the words, 'Breed me Black,' in large stark letters.

"Are we about done?" The words came in a firm powerful female voice. I recognised it from the earlier video that I had been sent. It was the voice of the strikingly beautiful Black woman who had been admiring Hazel.

"Yeah Iyawa, they each got eleven."

Iyawa clicked her fingers and the two white women moved to her side. She examined first one and then the other, her eyes hidden behind dark glasses. "I see you men have been enjoying yourselves - making these two look like the dirty little white bitches they are." She chucked Joanna under the cheek with her strong dark fingers. "That what you are - a pretty little white bitch. Show me, ashewo, show me."

"Woof, woof," the young girl barked.

Iyawa's face broke into a wide brilliant smile. "That's good - what about you?" She asked Hazel.

Hazel raised her hands up and began to imitate the sound of a dog begging for a treat or to be taken for a walk

Iyawa laughed. Not so much a sound of joy as one of triumphant ownership. If I'd been in any doubts that Levy had honoured his promise to let her enjoy my wife then they disappeared on hearing that laugh. My wife clearly had two Black owners now and I was far from clear in my mind which of them might turn out to be the more demanding.

Iyawa had the stage now. Even through the screen I could tell that she shared that ability with Levy. The ability to command a room, to capture all attention. "Our friend is once again visiting the States as you know but I was glad to step in for him tonight. As reward for your assistance would you like to see my little pets here perform together?"

I felt my heart racing as I heard the sound of approval surge out from the speakers.

"How about you perform with them?" asked a man with a laugh

Iyawa stared him down for a couple of seconds and then smiled, a predatory smile. "Certainly we can play if you will play too and I can select the game."

The man waved in hands in mock alarm and shook his head. "No, no, leave that for your white boys!"

The other men laughed and again I knew that everyone there knew things that I did not. I have to confess I was a little disappointed. Iyawa clearly had an amazing body, both beautifully proportioned and strongly athletic.

Her attention was back on the two white women. "Men are such pigs and they think we need them! Show them that we don't."

I was slightly surprised to see Hazel take the lead. She moved up to Joanna and took her in her arms before moving her part-open mouth close to the other's. Joanna's lips opened and their mouths met. Hazel's hand came up to fondle Joanna's breast, a thumb teasing an already fully-erect nipple. My wife's other hand took a firm hold on the younger woman's butt, making sure there'd be no escape for her even if she had shown the slightest desire to seek one.

I knew Hazel was attracted to other women, she'd never felt the need to hide that from me. She'd had a long relationship with Vicky but the latter had always taken the lead. This was Hazel exploring a new aspect of her femininity, a new part of her sexuality. Enjoying showing Joanna that other side or her own lusts and desires.

That process was clearly well under way before this video had begun. There was nothing tentative about the women's kisses and embraces. They were full and heavy, seeming to forget about the men watching them. Seeming to exist only for themselves, or perhaps only for themselves and their Black Mistress.

Iyawa gestured and two men pulled over a slightly-cushioned mat. She herself turned to a man and returned with some equipment. A harness which she gave to Hazel who swiftly put it on. Clearly it wasn't the first time. The straps fitted round my wife's waist and buttocks providing a platform for the seven inches of plastic black cock that now swayed in front of her.

I thought they would lay on the mat but it seemed Hazel had other ideas. She moved behind Joanna and pushed a foot between the younger girl's. Joanna knew what was required of her and eased her feet apart. A murmur of anticipation came from the men. Hazel moved her hands round to grasp the big tits of her younger friend and Joanna's mouth opened in a gasp of pleasure.

Iyawa had moved in close, standing before Joanna. She moved a hand up and eased three Black fingers into her open mouth. Joanna immediately started sucking and licking at the fingers. I was, as I am sure every man was there, imagining the curvy young woman doing that for me - and not on my fingers.

Hazel's hand moved down to Joanna's cunt and began rhythmically moving, pushing a finger and then fingers deep inside. The events leading up to that moment had made Joanna very ready to receive her. The place at her breast left empty was now filled by Iyawa's free hand, its fingers exploring and kneading the firm pale young flesh. The contrast of their skin colours was intoxicating. Iyawa moved her head down and I knew she was looking over her dark glasses, establishing direct eye contact with the girl.

Joanna stared into those eyes, seemed mesmerized by them, her being captured by the dark woman in front of her. That gaze didn't break even when Hazel shifted her position and Joanna gasped as the rigid Black shaft began to enter her. Her chest rose and fell,, her excitement obvious and profound.


It had begun as a low moan but the it had crested and peaked. A young woman discovering herself, expressing her sexuality openly without reservation and without restraint.

Iyawa smiled again. I knew why. She knew that she had Joanna body and soul - just as I had no doubt that she had Hazel body and soul. I wasn't sure how her relationship with Levy worked but clearly the two of them explored and exploited, at least in Levy's case, the full nature of their property's sexual potential.

I realised that the men had become quiet - the sounds from my speaker were the noises of sex. The men were there and watching, enjoying. Just as I was. Except that these men could be assured that, if they so desired, at a point in the near future they would get to enjoy either or both of the beautiful young white women in front of them. Tonight was by way of an advertisement, a little taster of what would soon be on offer to them. For me, this was all there would ever be. Separated by distance and time from the events I was watching. Ever more distanced from my wife. Watching her taken from me by Levy and Iyawa. Watching my own defeat - and unable to keep myself from jacking off.

"Now my pets." Iyawa said no more and it was clear that 'her pets' had been trained, they knew their roles and their parts in this dance and display of erotic desire. Hazel eased out of Joanna and then out of her harness. Iyawa returned from her bag of tricks with a new toy for them. A curved double-headed black dildo. Iyawa gestured and Hazel lay on the mat. Then Joanna got on top of her and their bodies met, belly to belly, breast to breast and mouth to mouth.

Iyawa planted a strong hand on Levy's tattoo at the base of Joanna's spine. Then she skilfully worked a head of the dildo into each of the bare pink pussies exposed to her. I heard Hazel gasp as Iyawa pushed the toy further into her and then began to set a rhythmn.

"Fuck the little whores Iyawa!" came a voice in a strong Caribbean accent. That broke the spell and the men watching began laughing and cheering the Black woman on. The camera found my wife's face, flushed pink and with staring eyes. I knew she had always had an exhibitionist streak a mile wide. I knew how this would be making her feel. The pleasure and the desire. But what would be the cost?

There was ALWAYS a cost. Iyawa was giving pleasure but also drawing Hazel and Joanna further into their new world. Drawing them in and closing off the possibilities of return.

Finally Iyawa gave a hard slap to Joanna's upturned ass. "It's time to play - you ready Darcus?"

"Sure as sin," came back in the same strongly Island accent. The camera moved and picked him out. A dark-skinned man, running a little to fat, his hair and beard both grey and cut very short. He had a trolley with equipment and I suddenly knew what was to come next.

"You list them?" said Iyawa.

"I got 'em - eleven scripts or images on each of the girls. Two dice with eleven possible returns of one throw. One to be made permanent by my little friend here," he tapped the machine on the trolley next to him, "the dice to decide which. Sound right?"

Again there came the wave of approval from the watching men.

Iyawa slapped Joanna's butt again. "This lovely ripe little whore. Who will roll the dice for her - you Karim..."

A man stepped forward and took the dice offered him. The camera focused in on an area of floor as he knelt down.

"The number to watch for that little cutie is seven," said the Caribbean man. I knew instinctively what he meant. Seven was the number for the 'B - C - S' tattoo and all that meant.

Karim rolled the dice. A one and a two. "Three," he announced.

"That's the black bull on your right shoulder. In the chair girl." His order was peremptory and Joanna immediately got up and went over to him. From the moment she sat down he was all business. Wiping the area to work and then readying his machine. Soon the sound of the tattoo-gun was heard and he was applying the ink, marking another of Levy and Iyawa's bitches for them. He'd done plenty and expected to be working on plenty more. There didn't seen any shortage of white girls ready and eager to take that road. Not that he was complaining.

I saw another man by the chair filming with a phone. I realised that just as I was seeing a video centred on Hazel there was another concentrating on Joanna. Probably another account on a tube site made up of such videos. Who were they for? Had Joanna a husband at home too?

There was a hum of conversation from the men as they watched and I saw Iyawa reach out her fingers to touch under Hazel's chin. I knew they were talking but had no opportunity to find out what might have been being said. I wondered how Hazel was feeling.

"Right - the little one ready for her ink?"

They'd heard his voice but Hazel was still looking at Iyawa. The Black woman nodded and Hazel immediately went to join Darcus by his machine.

"So then - you on a eight to get turned out." Darcus's big hand came to rest on my wife's bare belly. Hoping for a twelve myself - get this sweet little belly marked and claimed for breeding. Then it'll look really good when..." He leaned in and talked quietly to Hazel. I saw her reaction and knew he had excited her.

The camera was moved onto a hand as it shook the dice and then sent them across the floor. The first landed a six and the second a five. Eleven. My rational mind knew the clip wasn't live - that roll of he dice had been up to three days ago - but I still breathed a long sigh of relief. Not that even rolling an eleven didn't have consequences.

"Close, real close..." Darcus was moving into his professional mode again. "This is good though - I like the idea. You can take that collar off but this will be staying with you. In the chair."

Hazel didn't hesitate. Had she conquered her fear or had the need to please her new Black owners just taken precedence? She still looked nervous as Darcus was cleaning off the area round the base of her neck and the top of her chest.

As he worked Darcus spoke, "My friend - I'm happy to do your design. But you've drawn a string for the necklace, maybe we could do links instead. How you think about that?"

"Sounds real good. A lot of work tho."

Darcus's gloved hand tenderly caressed the pale skin of my wife's neck. "Shit - working on a canvas like this. It's all a pure pleasure." Seconds later I heard his machine kick back into life and he began work, delicately applying the ink. Building each skilful stroke into a link and then another and then another. Building a chain that extended around the top of the back of Hazel's neck and then down to meet below her throat. A delicate chain but one that would be with her for the rest of her life.

I watched every moment of it. Had time to wonder whether that dice-roll had been fixed. It just seemed so perfect in its symbolism. The chain representing commitment, commitment shown and proved under the sting of the needle. It was relatively tame until that last motif was added. The Black Spade symbol, inked large enough for the pale 'Q' within to be clearly visible. Anything but a high neckline would expose her true self to anyone who recognised that sign and what it meant.

Darcus knew his job. For a big man he moved quickly and with precision. His attention totally focused, wiping clean each progression of his design. Hazel held up to it really well, strengthened by the grip of her hand on Joanna's. Only when he was inking in her 'QOS' did I see her lips tremble and knew she was near her limit. Finally the machine fell silent and Darcus glanced up at Iyawa.

The Black woman's eyes were still invisible behind her dark glasses but her face broke into a smile. "You were brave my sweet little white whore. I am proud of you - and also of you Joanna."

I'll never forget the look on Hazel's face as she heard those words. Pleasure, satisfaction, raw desire. Only then did I really know how much she and Joanna desired to please this woman. That was the real meaning of their 'ownership', those were the real chains that bound them so tightly and so exquisitely. I could see it in a way I couldn't with Levy. Perhaps because Levy was merely an intimidating presence for me while Iyawa was undeniably and strikingly desirable. I could understand how easy it would be to fall under her spell in a way I couldn't see with Levy. I couldn't see it but I knew Hazel had. With Levy as much as Iyawa. Was there anything she wouldn't do for them?

"What do they owe you Darcus?"

The man smiled a wicked little smile. "A photo for my gallery. Apart from that it's on the house." Hazel took up position on one side of him and Joanna on the other. Darcus put an arm round each, a big Black hand moving round to between their legs. I heard Hazel gasp, saw Joanna slightly bend her knees, easing herself down. He was finger-fucking them both. Now he looked like a horny old satyr, his clothes not disguising his big gut. "Next time," he continued, "I'll be taking my fee in sweet white pussy. That agreeable girls?"

Neither answered verbally. Hazel just turned to him and nodded. Joanna was slightly bending her knees, allowing his fingers to push deeper into her. Sometimes words aren't needed.

Darcus chuckled, his eyes shining with pleasure. "That's a deal then. Look forward to it."


My wife was gently smoothing moisturiser onto her skin, the rawness fading and leaving the crisp black ink stark against her pale skin. "We're lucky to have Darcus - do you remember that creep Levy took us to the first time with him? Darcus supplies all the after-care products and advice and only uses the best inks. So fading and smudging can be kept to a minimum. He says we can always go back for a touch-up if needed."

'Yeah', I thought, 'I know just the sort of touching up he's got in mind.' That wouldn't be politic to say out loud. Instead I said, "I still can't believe you got another tattoo, let alone one that'll show whenever you aren't buttoned up like a Victorian spinster."

In the past she would have looked at me - enjoying my surprise at her daring. Her eyes would have sparkled with mischief. Now she just kept looking in the mirror, carefully applying her moisturiser.