His Daughter's Wedding Ch. 02

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They talk about the why of her affair.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/08/2009
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Writer's note: This one is a bit shorter than usual only two chapters so this is the final one.


"No, I told you I haven't been dating. I... I never finished explaining to you why."

He looked puzzled for a moment before a light went on and he said, "Oh."

After a moment he said, "Well, we can have sex first if you think we won't afterward... if you're still in the mood."

"Part of me is and part of me isn't. My body is ready, part of me wants to, but I might start thinking about what I lost. That would ruin the mood."

"Well, I can try to keep you distracted, but if you don't want to we don't have to."

She nodded then thought about it a moment while examining her feelings.

She stood and said, "I'm horny and I want you. I don't want to use a vibrator with a real man ready for me. And as I said I want you."

After another moment she turned to him and with a sexy smile said, "Come here, distract me... feel your stuff-your sperm- your cum leaking out of me."

He did. After a few minutes of sucking her breast and fingering her slit, they had sex in the kitchen. When they were done, they went into the living room. After a short rest on the couch and some necking and petting, they did it again.

After fifteen minutes of cuddling she found her panties, slipped them on, then slipped his robe back on. He patted the couch and said they could talk in there and be more comfortable.

She sat on the couch a foot away from him.

"I told you about the first time."

He nodded hoping she wouldn't go into that again.

"I rationalized that by telling myself that it would be the only time and there was no way you could find out. I hadn't counted on one thing though."

She took a breath then said quickly, "I didn't think about how good he could be."

He made a puzzled sound.

"We had sex three times that first time. Each time was better than the last. Afterwards I couldn't believe how good it had been. I wanted more, but I promised myself that I would only go back to him when you were gone again."

He made another sound and as she looked at his face it had an incredulous expression on it, then sadness came over it.

"No, they were wrong. You do know how to make love to a woman, you were always good. Anyone who saw us last night, or this morning, would know you know how to pleasure a woman and that you're good at it. Even after being out of practice for five years you were terrific last night, and Susan said you were terrific too."

His eyebrows went up and he asked, "You know about her?"

"Yes, I heard. One of her girl friends worked with a friend of mine. Even though it hurt, it was after our divorce, and I knew that I had given away any hold I had on you, so there was nothing I could say about it."

After another pause she continued, "You were like a talented amateur while he was a seasoned professional. He just knew more than you did, as well as having more experience with a lot of women."

"You could have tried to teach me in that case."

"I did. The first time I showed you a technique I ran across while looking over Cosmopolitan. I didn't tell you that it was one that sounded like something he did. I had run across it by accident. but afterwards I decided to start looking through Cosmos and other magazines of the same type to see if I could find any other techniques that he used. I found one more that I showed you before the whole situation blew up.

She paused and said, "The next time you went out of town I went to him three times."

She winced, as he looked aghast, but she continued, "My promise to myself to only go to him when you were out of town didn't last very long. Even when you were home, he and I had sex.

"The night of the fire, he tricked me. He said we were going someplace to have some fun, but he didn't say it was an orgy. I would have refused if he had. Sex with him was one thing, but sex with a bunch of people I didn't know was something else. He thought I was ready for another step on the road of sexual freedom. I wasn't. I tried to argue when I realized what he wanted me to do, but that didn't last long. It was like he was using peer pressure against me.

"He and some of the other participants talked about how everyone there was doing it. It was fun and there was nothing wrong with it; there was nothing to be afraid of. I don't know if he did that on purpose, but I finally gave in because of the pressure and because I wasn't sure if he would take me back home. I didn't know where I was, but I knew it was way too far to walk... So I let two guys I just met have sex with me. He told me they knew what they were doing and would give me a great time. He was right they did know. They must have had lots of practice.

"It was one of the most unusual evenings I have ever had. I've never had so much physical enjoyment while at the same time my emotions were giving me fits. I didn't want to be there, and my conscience was bothering me big time."

She looked up in time to see an incredulous look on his face, "I don't why I was able to rationalize away my conscience when I was with Jimmy but not that night. Maybe it was because those two guys were strangers and there were two of them instead of just one. Plus as I said I didn't want to be there."

She swallowed and continued, "As I have already said they knew what they were doing. They both undressed me, going slow and caressing various parts of my body as they took off my clothes. They had this trick, where one would lick between my legs while the other would suck on a breast. He kept going back and forth to each. After a minute they traded places, but the way they did it was one would start licking downward along my side, while the other went upward along my other side. It was good. I climaxed while they were doing that, but I still didn't want to be there.

"I didn't let them do everything they wanted. I made sure there was no anal. I had done anal with Jimmy. Um, the fifth time we were together I let him do it that way. That was another strange night for me, because his wife walked in on us. She had the same philosophy as he did, so she didn't care that he had sex with other women. I think she even enjoyed the idea. He had gone in very slowly. Uh, his shaft is narrower than yours and maybe an inch longer, maybe that's why it seemed so easy, it just slipped in easy as butter. And he went in so slow. I barely felt him moving, I didn't believe a guy could go that slow.

"I ended up having an anal climax and as I was finishing I heard his wife say, 'He's very good at that, isn't he?' I almost jumped out of my skin, because I hadn't heard her come in. As I stared at her, she went on, 'I don't know how he does that, but it always feels so good when he fucks my butt.'

"Even though I knew she had the same philosophy, I started getting nervous. She talked some more and I responded to her, but soon after she left, I went home. After I got home I got ready for bed feeling strange. My conscience was acting up and I was still shook that she saw me with her husband. After I laid down in bed, I suddenly realized you weren't there. I almost panicked. I didn't know where you were. Were you hurt, dead, or at a meeting? I didn't know what it was. I wondered if it was a dinner you had told me about, but that I had forgotten. I knew if it was work related or some hobby of yours, you would have told me. If that was so I had forgotten and I didn't like that. It meant that I was thinking too much about being with Jimmy.

"I thought about calling your cell phone, but if you were in a meeting you would have it off, and if you did answer, I would have to admit that I had forgotten. I searched our room, looking for a note from you, or a something. I had almost decided I needed to call you anyway when I found a note you must have written to yourself about a meeting that evening with some clients from out of town. I was relieved, but still angry at myself for not paying enough attention to you. I decided to cut back being with Jimmy - and I did. In fact the next few weeks I cut back so much that I kidded myself by saying that if I cut back any more I could wean myself from him."

She looked down at this point and said, "I didn't even try... in my foolishness and selfishness I thought I could have the best of two worlds."

She looked at him with her eyes glistening, "I'm sorry... I blew it so badly."

He let her sit like that for a moment, then asked, "What else happened at the orgy?"

He tried to ask it without emotion, but she heard the hurt in his voice.

"Sorry, I got sidetracked. As I was saying they wanted to do anal and I knew they wanted to give me a DP, but I wouldn't let myself go that far. I... I already went way too far, but there were still lines I didn't want to cross. I did suck on one for a few seconds while the other was screwing me. That was kinda fun, and I did it again when they traded places, but I couldn't let myself go totally.

"When it was time for them to have a climax I was determined not to let them do it inside me. I don't know how they timed it so they both were ready to climax at the same moment, but they did. At that time they were both screwing me. One would be inside me For a few seconds then he would pull out, and before he was all the way out his partner would be pushing in. For a second, or two, I had two shafts in me each time they traded places. It did feel good and I had another climax, but I still wasn't emotionally enjoying it.

"I was determined, perhaps as a act of defiance, that they would not climax inside me. I told them to pull out. I wasn't sure which one was in me at that moment, and come on me. I meant on my stomach, but they obviously thought I was being sexy and wanted it on my breasts, for they jumped up and masturbated until they both climaxed all over my breasts. They did it within two seconds of each other. I was kinda amazed at that, but after they were done I had already decided that I was going to find Jimmy and tell him I was done for the evening. The two guys obviously wanted and expected more, but I started reaching for my clothes.

"It was at that point someone yelled fire. I looked around wondering if they were kidding. But more people yelled fire and I thought I saw smoke through one doorway. I grabbed my clothes, which were right next to where we were having sex, and ran from the house. Some other participants joined me, and many of those were naked. I could easily see how some lost their clothes. They had stripped in one room, but had gone to another. They hadn't had time to go find their clothes. So some were naked, while others had an article of clothing on, probably borrowed from someone else. That was how some of them lost their wallets to the fire. "Once outside I got dressed in everything but my bra. I didn't want to take the time to put that on. I didn't even take the time to clean off their sperm. I just slipped my blouse on. Somehow Jimmy found me and I saw he was dressed too. I thought we could escape notice, since we were both dressed, but maybe some of the people who came by to watch the fire and were standing next to us saw I wasn't wearing a bra, or they could see the stains on my blouse where the sperm leaked through. It was kinda obvious what had made the stains.

"That's the only way I can guess people figured it out, or maybe Jimmy said something for some reason. I don't know. I was shocked when I saw myself pictured in the crowd watching the fire. I knew you would see me too, so I tried to come up with something to say to you. To explain why I was there instead of where I was supposed to be. It didn't work though; somehow you knew. I don't know how you knew I was with Jimmy. He was in the picture, but he wasn't the only one standing close to me."

"I don't know how I knew, but to me it was obvious he was with you. Maybe the way he was standing or maybe it was husband intuition. When you lied about why you were there, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew you were lying, and I knew you had lied to me before since you found it so easy to lie to my face."

"It wasn't that easy. I don't know how I kept from flinching each time I lied," she said in a small voice. S he continued, "It was soon after you threw me out that I stopped seeing Jimmy. Our relationship ended in a big fight that was mostly me. We had sex once after you threw me out, and the next time I went over he said that I was tense and he started to massage my shoulders. Jimmy said that I felt all tense and he could relax me. He had done it since that first time and I usually liked it, but that day, it irritated me. It got to the point where I stood up and started yelling at him.

"All my anger and hurt and shame just poured out at him. Maybe it was because a massage had started me on my downward spiral, I don't know, but my emotions just overflowed suddenly. I called him names, said his ideas about me where all wrong. The nicest thing I said about him was that he was a stupid idiot. I even switched to the cuss words I knew in Spanish. I think I recall a dirty name for gay and I called him a, um, shithead in German. Then I said I was a shit head also in German. I'm not sure if I got the verb quite right, but any German speakers would know what I meant." H e looked at her in amazement, for he had never seen her that angry, and she had never used that type of language even when angry.

She continued, "I was full of anger and hate. That was when I knew that while I was very angry at him, half of what I was saying was aimed at myself. I couldn't stop pouring it out on him though.

"He acted like he had been expecting it and it just rolled off of him like water off a duck's back. Until I started getting personal. I said his cock was too narrow, that was why he had to use all those techniques to please a woman. I said he was ugly and his ideas were even uglier, he had been wrong about me and probably always was wrong about women. I remember saying something about him not being a real man, that you were one and he wasn't. " He didn't understand the German. He just looked at me with a puzzled expression, but he got what I meant in Spanish. I can't remember what else I said. I remember from his expression that some of my shots hit home. Finally he said a couple of things back to me I don't recall and I stormed out never to go back, or even to think about going back. About six months later he and his wife moved out of town. He said it was because he liked the countryside in another city better, but I wondered if it was because of what people were saying about him. He did get some death threats."

She was silent after that and they sat there in their own thoughts for a while, then they talked some more, after which she got dressed and went home. While they were talking he asked for her phone number, Their son had it, but he didn't and he wanted it in case of emergencies, if either child got hurt. She added, "or in case you got hurt, I would want to know."

She gave him her home phone and her cell number. And she asked for his cell number. She still remembered his home phone number. Even though he changed it twice while the whole thing was going on, he hadn't changed it since.

Two days later she got a call from him.

"John, is everybody okay? Darlinia didn't get into a car accident, did she?"

"No, I mean everyone is okay, no accidents. But that's not the reason I called. Um, the Lipizzaner Stallions are coming to town this weekend and I was wondering if you had plans to go?"

"I don't have a date if that is what you meant. Two people where I worked asked me to go, but as I said this past weekend, I don't date. A couple of my friends discussed all going together, but there are no definite plans yet."

"In that case would you like to go with me?"

She thought he sounded like a high school student, asking a girl out for the first time.

She said, "I would love to go with you."

"And would you like to go to dinner first, or just to the show?"

"Maybe just the show this time... we can go out to dinner next time."

She said the last a little tentatively, but he said, "That sounds good. There are two things I need to say first. Number one is that to show that I'm not asking you out because I want to get into your pants, I decided that we shouldn't have sex again. I wouldn't mind a repeat of the other night with you, but it would be best not to."

"You're right, at this stage of our relationship we shouldn't have sex."

"Yes, that's what I mean."

Mary noticed that he didn't react to her comment about this stage of their relationship, except to agree with her statement. She wasn't sure what that meant if anything, she hoped it did mean something though.

He continued, "Maybe we can go out again, if this works out. That brings me to the other thing I wanted to say. I'm not sure if this will be our only date or not. I need to see how I react. I believe, if you want to, we can go out to dinner, next time, but if we do date more, I may decide that I like dating and start going out with other woman, along with you, or I may... um, just go out with them."

He continued in a soft gentle voice, "I'm sorry if that wasn't the right thing to say, but I want you to understand that I don't know how I will feel, or react, or if we will still like each other."

"I understand. I could decide that I've changed too much, or you might decide you can't handle the pain."

There was an awkward pause where neither knew what to say.

She broke the silence first, "Some of my coworkers will get a kick out of me going out on a date. They're been trying to get me to start dating again. I don't know if I should say it's with you."

"Just tell them it's with someone you met at your daughter's wedding, someone you used to know, but haven't seen in ages. If you really want to shake them up, tell them you went home with the guy and had sex with him, then he called to ask you out."

"I don't know if I want to tell them about the sex, but the rest of that sounds good," she said with a smile in her voice.

"Good, then I will pick you up an hour before it starts."

"Better make it an hour and a half. Those shows are popular."

"I will have tickets already, but we will want a good parking place, before the line into the stadium gets too long. I will pick you up an hour and a half before the show is to start."

"Okay, sounds good... I will be ready."

They hung up and as John put down the phone he was thinking, 'Again I wasn't completely honest with her. All I said was true - I'm not sure what I will feel being out on a date with her, and I might date other women just to see how I react to them, but I didn't tell her that Sunday morning after she left, I realized that I missed her. It was good to have her in my bed again. Of course the sex was good - seven times in a 14 hour period. I'm not sure I've ever had sex that many times in 14 hours - but there's more to it than that.'

'The pain of having her lie to me and having sex with another man seems to be fading. I need to see if that's true and see if I can trust her. I mean if I feel like I can. It sounds like she learned her lesson and I believe she was telling me the truth, but I have to spend time with her to see how I feel... or if we both have changed too much.

At that thought he went to see about getting tickets; they had a few left last night and he should still be able to get two.

The end

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TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 1 month ago

Look, I didn't hate the story, but I have to admit that her overly detailed explanations of her sexual exploits and her comparison at how good her affair partner was compared to her husband was absolutely cringe worthy. I guess you were trying to make this story "hot" but geeze, it was anything but. I couldn't help but imagining wanting to cunt punt the ex-wife out the door.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago


no123stelno123stel3 months ago

A good written story thanks

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman7 months ago

interesting but not my idea of a divorce and reconciling.

lc69hunterlc69hunter9 months ago

The mindless bleating by the weak anti-RAAC fragile little boys, who believed it when someone told them that cheating was the only unpardonable sin (hint: It is not in the Bible) would make me laugh if it were not so pathetic.

Grow up and stop masturbating in your Mommy's basement

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