Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 036


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Mike yanked the stopper open and Daisy shot into the sky, disappearing from sight. However, the shaman threw a handful of powder that made everybody start coughing. Rubbing it out of his eyes, Mike saw that it had stuck to his skin, outlining him in yellow.

The shaman waved her staff in a large circle, a glowing trail forming behind it. In response, he threw the bottle at her, cracking her right in the head. She stumbled back, dropping her staff. The Grand Stallion barely caught her before she fell.

"Sorry!" He ran at Zel, who quickly stood up and turned around. With a leap, he landed on her back and she took off at a gallop, hooves thundering on the ground.

"Take us to the tower!" he hollered, grabbing Ratu and coiling her around his neck. Shouts of alarm were followed by a loud acoustical blast from behind. When he looked back, the shaman was blowing into one end of her staff, and the centaurs at the bottom of the valley were already running like crazy to get up the hill.

"I can't outrun them," Zel said between breaths. "They're hunters and not carrying anyone."

"I've already thought about that. Where's the other vial?"

Zel's hand went to her blouse, and deftly plucked it out with her fingers. She held it over her shoulder and he took it with his free hand. He had a death grip on her waist but kept sliding back every few seconds.

"Will this work?" he yelled.

She gave him a thumbs up, her legs thundering loudly beneath them. Down in the valley, the centaurs were charging toward them, bows and arrows drawn. Zel was already heading toward a rocky portion of the mountain in a different direction than where they had come from. Picking her way up the stones carefully, they started moving up a steeper incline. Mike held the vial in one hand, wondering how much devastation it would cause.

"Should I throw it?"

"Wait until we're higher." She grunted between words, fighting for air. The guard was the first one to the rocks, her blade drawn.

Zel stopped long enough to kick a loose rock backward. It rolled toward the guard and she moved out of the way. Zel did this a few more times, but it slowed them down just as much as it slowed the guard. By now, the shaman, Grand Stallion, and the tribal leaders were at the bottom of the incline. Some of the faster centaurs were there as well, and a few of them stopped to draw arrows from their quivers.

"I'm throwing it!" Mike pulled the cork and Zel came to a stop. Mike chucked the vial down the incline, watching it clatter off a few rocks and then roll to a stop several feet from the shaman.

As if her tail had caught on fire, Zel bolted up the hill so fast that Mike nearly fell off. Ratu squeezed tightly to his neck, and he had to slap her a few times to get her to loosen. He held on to her now with both hands, the trail was so steep that he wished she had a proper saddle.

There was a loud boom behind them. He looked over his shoulder to see a dark cloud of smoke swirling around the centaurs, engulfing them completely. They vanished, the cloud catching up to the guard who pursued them and nearly making it to Zel's feet.

A breeze from the mountain caught the smoke and dispersed it downhill. As the smoke dispersed, he could make out silver and pink sparkling motes that drifted across the centaurs. Those who were still far enough away ran from the cloud as their brethren fell down, clutching their chests.

"Is that what I think it is?"

Zel laughed, then found a flat area to turn around.

"The difficulty was creating a dispersion method that would allow the pollen to hover without just blowing it away but also keep it confined enough so that it wouldn't catch you in the blast." Her face then turned bright red. "The other problem was mixing it into the powder without accidentally inhaling it."

The rocky trail they were on ascended rapidly with a series of narrow switchbacks that had Mike looking straight down into the chaos below. Sliding both hands around Zel's waist, he held on tight as she continued upward at a leisurely pace.

Down below was an entirely different story. The guard who had been chasing them was already running back to the others below, a frantic look on her face, her hands running across her body. The tribal leaders stood perfectly still for several seconds, their flanks rippling as they fought the impulses that the Mandragora pollen had triggered inside of them.

The shaman was the first to break. She turned her backside toward the tribal leaders and moved her tail to one side, wiggling her ass back and forth while squeezing her breasts. Such was the ferocity of her groping that she pulled off some of the decorative feathers and beads in the process, scattering them on the rocky ground.

The Grand Stallion was the first to respond, his massive, swollen member swinging below his belly as he trotted toward her, his legs shaking with excitement. His front half lifted to mount her, and he grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head back while thrusting his giant cock inside of her. The shaman let out a cry, the skin on her flanks rippling while he pounded her.

The centaur who had been chasing them rejoined the group. Struck by indecision, she approached the closest centaur and knelt down to suck the cock of one of the tribal leaders, her mouth stretching wide as she took an impossible length into her mouth. He had his face buried in the ass of one of the female leaders, eagerly running his tongue through her folds while swatting her tail away from his face.

A chain of centaurs formed around them. The guard was mounted by a male hunter who pounded her from behind and the female leader was mounted from the front, gagging on the large horse cock in her throat. It was like watching a twisted game of Tetris, only the pieces were all horny centaurs, and several of them fell over each other trying to lay claim to a piece of ass.

"Holy shit," Mike said, his eyes on the giant orgy below. There were easily twenty or thirty of them now, and Mike marveled at how each one to join the group managed to find somewhere to connect. Small fights broke out as both male and female centaurs were pulled from their partners to couple with someone else, partners being exchanged without a word.. They yelled, moaned, and cried out in agony, all fighting for sexual release.

Down the hill, a few smaller clusters of centaurs had formed where the smoke had drifted, and Mike recognized a couple of Orion's hunters from the mountain. Orion was nowhere to be seen, and Mike's best guess was that he was probably almost at the ocean by now, if not running back. He couldn't decide if Orion would be happy or upset that he had missed out.

"They're going to be so pissed when that wears off," Zel said, her eyes on the path ahead. "You have no idea."

"How long will that be?"

"That's a good question. It's good for at least one orgasm, but it might last longer because of something else I added to it."

"My semen?"

"Nope. Fairy cum." The back of her neck turned red. "I've been, uh, collecting some of that too. I have a theory that the magical properties of their natural lubricants would strengthen the natural properties of the pollen. Either way, we both know that first orgasm will be pretty intense, and I'm hoping that they will be too exhausted for immediate pursuit."

"That was not the answer I was expecting."

"To be honest, I ran out. We can discuss that at a later date."

Down below, the Grand Stallion let out a shriek like a wild boar and fell away from the shaman, his cock leaking sperm on the ground. No sooner had he left than another male took his place, and he knelt down to pick up his staff, trying feebly to point uphill at Zel and issue commands. However, his cock grew hard again and he tossed the staff to one side, then yanked a male off of a female and took his place.

"Looks like it's good for a bit longer at least," Mike pointed out.

"Yeah, well there's going to be hell to pay. Centaurs have strict laws against infidelity in the herd, and I imagine they are going to spend weeks trying to sort this one out. I'm also betting at least a few pregnancies result from this, and I'm grateful that I won't have to help with birthing duties. Hold on." Zel braced a hand against a rock and jumped, using her arms to pull them up.

"This path is terrifying, by the way."

"More terrifying than being down there?" she asked.

"No," he admitted. What would have happened if he had been caught down there? Nothing good. The way the centaurs were attacking each other told him he would get tossed around and possibly trampled. "Do centaurs really go up this way?"

"This path is a shortcut to the tower that was carved for emergencies only. So the answer is no, not regularly. My people only came this way if there were intruders trying to break in to the tower, but they quit doing that after Emily and the Snow Queen took up residence up there. Once they were inside, they locked it up and nobody could get in."

"When was this?"

"It happened either when I was young or before I was born, it's hard to remember. They would pop in and out of the valley, and Emily attempted to find out information about the tower from the centaurs. They treated her very poorly, so she and the Snow Queen used to just come down into the valley and mess with us from time to time. Nothing serious at first. But after they moved into the tower, strange magic could be felt coming from the tower day and night. Months passed by, and then nasty storms arrived and flooded the valley out. Centaurs died in the deluge, so several of us went to demand justice."

"I bet that went well."

"That's when we discovered that Emily had left. The Snow Queen froze the mountaintop and created that thing you saw, the dragon, to protect her. She mainly keeps to herself, but every now and then some foolish centaur would get the idea to go after her. They were never seen again."

"So how did you get to Earth?"

"My aunt figured that if Emily had left, there must be some sort of portal. She hunted for it extensively along the mountain, careful to avoid that thing, and finally found it in that grove of trees. For over a year, she used a variety of communion spells to communicate with earth and forest spirits in an attempt to figure out how to use it. Eventually, she spoke with some creatures who had seen the portal in action, and you know what happened next."

"I do." Down below, a couple of centaurs had wandered away from the orgy and collapsed on the ground. Mike and Zel were gaining in elevation quickly now. "Looks like a couple of them are done."

"Up ahead is one of the wider switchbacks. Why don't you hop off my back? I'm getting tired and I think we have a good enough lead." He saw the area she spoke of and slid down with her help once they were there. Ratu fell away from his neck and transformed in midair, her adult form appearing in front of them.

"Now that was exciting," she said, gazing down below. "I can almost smell their arousal from up here."

"Thanks for the archery spell, by the way. I was worried it wouldn't work."

"Me too. I nearly ripped one of your arms off by accident." Ratu shook her head. "Control spells are dangerous when you make a body do something it isn't really capable of."

"Like archery?"

She shrugged. "Your body is capable but untrained. For it to seem natural, I literally took control of your arms and made them do my bidding. You could have fought me if you wanted, but it would have been difficult. The same spell to make you outrun the centaur, however, would have easily broken your legs."

"She's right," Zel added. "I'm just glad you had a plan. I heard the centaurs talking about what you said about Orion, so a bunch of them came to the Trial just to see him kick your ass. If they hadn't, we would have had to run through them to get up here."

"What about your father? Did he at least seem glad to see you?"

Zel let out a sigh but remained silent. He decided to leave it alone.

They continued up the long trail, and Mike became winded. Ratu seemed fine at first, but eventually turned back into a snake and rode on Zel's back. They both were wheezing for air by the time they reached the top of the incline, and a wider trail appeared that wound around the mountain.

"That was the hard part," Zel said. "I wish I had some water, my head is starting to hurt."

"Same." His shirt was soaked in sweat. Down below, the centaurs had set up what looked like a triage center of sorts. Some of them were still fucking in tiny clusters, but the rest had been scattered about. Tables of supplies had been set up, and he could make out poultices being applied.

A few hunters were now ascending the trail, forming a single line. There were ten of them and they were carrying an assortment of weapons.

"Shit. They're gonna catch up to us before we get to the tower." Zel's shoulders slumped. "I'm too tired to run."

Ratu reappeared, a crooked grin on her face. "I've got this."

She moved her fingers in an intricate pattern, summoning beams of light into her hand. They coalesced into a sphere of light that swirled with color, like a lava lamp in fast motion. "Find a rock, something you can throw."

They looked around, and Mike found a jagged stone that looked decent. He handed it over, and the light soaked into it like water into a sponge.

"You're not going to hurt them, are you?" Zel asked.

"The thought crossed my mind, but no. I don't think your people are bad. They're just stubborn and a bit misguided." Ratu took the stone and hefted it in her hand. It glowed brightly for a moment and she threw it.

Arcing through the air, Mike would have lost track of the stone if not for the glow. It flew fairly far, bouncing a few times until it landed still quite a distance from the hunters. Shortly after landing, a giant plume of glittery smoke boiled out of the stone and over the mountain, causing the hunters to flee down the trail. Many of the centaurs below shrieked in terror and dropped everything they were doing to get away from the oncoming cloud.

"It looks just like the sex grenade." He watched as one of the last pair of mating centaurs tried to escape the smoke, the woman hopping forward with the man still thrusting into her.

"Won't work like it. That cloud will hover for a bit and then drift down toward the valley. Eventually someone will get caught in it and realize it's just an illusion, so we should probably get going." Ratu took Mike by the hand and started up the trail. "Let's go."

They fled up the hill, ignoring the occasional cry of terror that drifted over the mountain. Mike couldn't tell if the screams had stopped or they were now too far away to hear anything as the trail ascended into the mountain, boxing them in. They came to a crossroads and Zel took them to the left up a winding trail that looked very unused and washed out in a few areas. Crude signs warned intruders to go back, but they disregarded them and trudged forward.

Soon, they got to a path that led farther up the mountain, but Zel led them down a smaller path that went downhill. The small mountain range was mostly rock by now, and they moved through the cool shadows of the mountain as the sun crept toward the horizon. A chill wind ate through his clothes and banks of snow appeared as if from nowhere. Soon they were walking through a small snow drift toward the edge of a cliff.

Once they were near, the trail descended sharply along the cliff's edge and there it was, the tower. It hadn't been visible from the mountain due to the large stone formation it looked like it had been carved out of, but it stood several stories tall, proudly overlooking the valley beneath it. The path terminated at a large gap in the ground and they all stopped.

The tower's drawbridge was pulled up. At the edge of the precipice was a drop of at least a few hundred feet, but it was hard to tell.

"Any thoughts on how to get across?" Mike looked at Ratu and Zel.

"No ideas from me. My people had no interest in getting in, and we are shit at rope climbing." She looked at the cliff. "You might be able to scramble across the stones of the mountain, maybe."

"I'm going to veto that unless you have a potion that lets me climb like a spider. Or float. Or teleport."

"Even if I did, they took all my stuff. Not super happy about that, but..." she shrugged, her breasts rippling under her shirt.

"Ratu? You got any tricks?"

"Yes, but there is an anti-magic aura around the stones. If you flew over there, you would feel a brief static shock and then fall." She looked up. "I see windows. Maybe if we had a long enough rope and a grappling hook?"

"Fuck. I was really hoping we could hide here until early morning and then sneak out through the portal when the centaurs were sleeping. Any chance we could make the portal from here?"

Zel shook her head. "That whole area is a mess right now. Even with the trails intact, that's at least a couple of hours from here, and it's going to get very dark on the mountain. We could find a light source, but then they would know right where we are."

"Wonderful." He hung his head. "I really don't have any ideas right now."

They stood there in silence, and he was about to suggest that they go find somewhere else to hide when the drawbridge suddenly lowered. It took several minutes before scraping gently onto the stones by their feet. He took a tentative step onto the thick, wooden planks. Bands of iron reinforced the structure, and he walked carefully across, his eyes on the large opening.

A tiny ball of light shot toward them and hovered halfway across. It expanded, revealing Daisy. Her torso and waist were covered in yellow furs, and her arms and legs were dark black. She signed something to Mike, then pointed down the mountain.

"I'm sorry Daisy, I don't know sign language." He held up his hands apologetically.

She signed something else, pointing to herself and then him.

"I know your name because I saw one of Emily's memories. The one where you guys met Bigfoot. Way before all of this craziness."

Her limbs became a blur of movement as she hastily signed something else.

"I have no idea what you are trying to say. Slow down."

Daisy pantomimed opening a bottle.

"Is that why you lowered the bridge?"

A nod.

"Okay then, so we can stay here for the night?"

Another nod.

"Is... is the Snow Queen here?"

This time, Daisy shook her head.

"She's telling the truth," Ratu said, her eyes briefly blazing with magic. "I don't sense Yuki or her magic anywhere nearby, though I do detect traces of... something. Nothing that worries me."

He let out a sigh. Finally, a stroke of good luck. He crossed the drawbridge, grateful at how wide and stable it was. Behind him, Zel's hooves clinked against the metal bands when she walked, Once they were across, Daisy flew into a small room nearby and fiddled with some levers that moved easily when she pushed against them with her whole body.

Behind them, the drawbridge pulled itself up, clunking into place.


That's it, I hope you enjoyed this latest chapter! I had a tough time writing it, and I think I found most of the grammar/spelling goofs, but I can rest assured that you will message me some corrections if you spot them.

Next chapter will be up a bit sooner than normal. I had some technical issues on the day I planned on uploading this one, so I had to wait. It will heavily feature Yuki, so kitsune fans will really like it. I always update my bio the day I submit, so feel free to check it or follow my profile so you don't miss a thing.

If you enjoyed this, please don't forget to leave a rating or review! I do read all of your comments and am constantly working to improve. Lit readers are still my favorite readers, and I hope all of you have a fantastic day!

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ShaggyDogStoryShaggyDogStory17 days ago

Brilliant. You showed us all the parts before, but I still couldn't guess the details. Sex grenades - rofl!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That was a good plan. I'm would like more detail on the sex though.

JodailyJodaily10 months ago

Now that was funny! Anal Centaurs really deserved that mandragora. Seriously LMAO. I was starting to wonder if you were going to make it through two full chapters without sex, but nope, you got it in there in spades! Made me think of naughty Tink and those prude Christmas elves. Everybody had fun, the next day be damned. Onward we go!😋😁

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBB12 months ago

Really enjoying this series, thank you

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