Honey, We Need to Talk


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"Well, I need to go fix dinner for your Dad. We made some progress, we know what we have to work on now." Julie got up and picked up her purse.

"Thanks, Mom." Stefanie told her. She just nodded and smiled. At the door, she stopped and looked back.

"Go ahead and try some of those things I told you about, we can then do another session in a few days. Don't be bashful, it really can help when you have a man like this." Then she left. Darin sat there not knowing what to say or do as he heard her car start.

"A man like..this? What in the hell was she talking about?" He demanded.

"Oh, don't be sarcastic, Mom is just trying to help us." Stefanie got up and went in to fix dinner.

The next day, Jack came into the shop. Darin told him what had happened, Jack just roared at that.

"Your Mother in law actually blew you? That's fucking hilarious!" He roared.

"It's not funny, I got a fucking problem here."

"That doesn't sound like any problem I ever heard of!" Jack was laughing so hard he started to choke.

"You are no god damn help at all, are you?" Darin growled.

"Hell, if you want me to help, all you need to do is ask!"

Darin let it slide, he still had no idea of what to do, hell, he still didn't even know what the complaint was.

Vaginal orgasm? There was only one thing to do.

Google, of course.

He went into the back room and turned on the computer back there. A short search brought up a few million web sites, most of them porn. Finally he found one that had a long discussion about "G" spots and even offered techniques on how to find them.

Two days later it was Saturday, by noon it was hot as blazes out. Stefanie was busy around the house, she had sweat streaming down her face, her armpits were soaked.

"Hey, honey! Let's take a nice cool shower!" He said to her.

"That sounds nice, I could use one, I am all sweaty. You go first, OK?"

"I was thinking maybe..both of us?" He gave her a wicked grin.

"Oh. OH! OK!" She dropped what she was doing, giggled as she headed for the bathroom from his hand coming up the back of her dress and rubbing her bare behind.

In the shower, they soaped each other up, then rinsed off. Darin adjusted the water until it was almost exactly body temperature, then he began to play with her. Finally he slid his index finger inside her, began to stroke her insides gently, drawing his finger gently forwards towards her navel, just like the website had described.

It didn't take very long, Stefanie's hips started to buck and her eyes squeezed shut. He leaned down and sucked one wet nipple into his mouth as her body let go. He had to support her with his other arm as her legs buckled.

"Damn! That was different!" She told him later as he carefully dried her off.

"Was that it?" He asked her.

"I don't think so, but it sure felt good!" She grinned at him, then went out into the other room, tugged on a pullover dress and went back to work.

"Honey, I am kind of in a state here!" He called out, standing there naked with a huge erection.

"Mom says to let it build up, she is coming over tonight for our next lesson."

Darin sighed, then got dressed. Stefanie was busy sliding the couch over, so he sneaked out into the garage for a smoke, opening the outside door this time. He had just gotten it lit when he looked up to see Jack pulling up in his ratty Toyota pickup.

"Got one of those for me?" Jack asked, as he walked up the short driveway.

"Sure." He handed Jack the pack.

"Hey, get any more blow jobs from Mom?" He cackled.

"No. I did try that "G" spot thing I saw on the internet."

"Did it work?"

"I don't know, she acted like she liked it but...."

"Want me to show her where it is?" Jack began to laugh again.

"No! Asshole!"

"Hey, just trying to help a bud out."

"Fuck it, let's go grab a beer and sit out back in the shade." Darin said, snubbing out his cigarette.

They went out and sat down underneath their Maple tree, sipping brews and talking about music. Stefanie came out and looked at them, then she went back inside.

"What's up with her?" Jack asked.

"Beats the hell out of me."

Just then she came back out. She had changed into a small white halter top, and a matching flared skirt. The skirt was very short. She marched out with an oddly determined look on her face and sat down in the other lawn chair.

Darin was in the middle of telling Jack about an antique Gibson he had down at the shop when he realized Jack was no paying any attention. Darin looked at him, then over at Stefanie.

Then it hit him. She was sitting with her legs carelessly open, not a stitch underneath!


"What, honey?" She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"You need to cover up, where are your panties?"

"Oh, it's too hot for those, what's the matter?" She acted all innocent.

"Wow!" Jack muttered.

Darin got up and went over, pulling her to her feet. He took her inside.

"I don't like the idea if you sitting there naked like that in front of Jack!"

"But I thought you would, those stories you like are all about that kind of stuff." She got an unhappy look on her face.

"Hell, I have to see Jack almost every damned day!"

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to do it just in front of strangers, then?"

"No! I don't want you to do it at all!"

"That doesn't make any sense, Mom says you have underlying fantasies, and you need them addressed or you will end up sexually repressed."

Mom again.

Darin gave up, went back outside.

"Man, that is one hot mama you have there, I wish I had a girlfriend like that." Jack said.

"I don't think you do." Darin told him.

"She let me look right at her beaver, it's a pretty one too, with her lips all fat and wrinkly looking..."

"Get out of here, Jack!"


"I mean it, leave or so help me!"

"OK. OK. Don't get yer panties in a bunch. Hell, it's just a pussy."

Jack left, Darin went back inside.

"I suppose next you plan on showing everything to Bobby, right?"

"No, not if you don't want me to."

"Well, I don't want you to."

"OK. But it feels like we are drifting apart." She sniffed.

"We are NOT drifting apart, all we need to do is just be us. I am perfectly happy with our sex life, and with you."

"Oh, good! I have been so worried." She hopped up and hugged him.

Hoping things would settle down and go back to normal, Darin went in and sat down in front of the TV. The race was on but it was boring as hell, that one Kyle guy was about half a lap ahead and he just seemed to stay there no matter what anyone did. Darin sat there watching it without really seeing it.

"You don't have any plans for tonight, do you?" Stefanie stuck her head around the corner.

"No, not really. What's up?"

"My sister Lee Ann is coming over."

"I thought your Mother was coming over?"

"No, Lee Ann wanted to visit so I told her she could."

"Oh. OK." Darin didn't mind that, Lee Ann was about 10 years older than Stefanie and she could best be described as a stone fox. They usually just sat in the kitchen and did girl talk, giggling like kids. Besides, Darin really didn't want to deal with Julie right at the moment.

Around 8 that night she showed up, looking like she always did. Darin felt the glimmerings of an erection, like he always did when he saw her. But he managed to keep his reactions well hidden, after all, Lee Ann was her sister.

Like always, they headed off to the kitchen, Darin popped a beer and sat back watching the news. There was a discussion going on about too much salt in french fries, and the plans for government to fix that.

Darin laughed, if they didn't put enough Salt on the damned french fries, people would just reach for a Salt shaker.

Unless government banned Salt shakers, the way things were going they just might try that.

"Darin!" He heard Stefanie call out from the kitchen.

"What, honey?"

"Can you come in here please?"

Now what the hell?

He got up and went in. They were both looking at him oddly, he got another of those sinking feelings.

"We were talking."


"We want you to do some sex with Lee Ann, she knows some tricks I want her to teach you."


"It's not really sex, because Mom says if you wear a condom then skin doesn't touch so it's not real."



"You don't really mean that?"

"Yes, I do!" Stefanie had that determined look on her face again. Lee Ann was just grinning.

"Your damned whole family has rocks in their heads, you know that?"

"No, we are serious. Lee Ann says she has vaginal orgasms all the time, and maybe she can teach you to do it."

"I don't even have a vagina." Darin said, laughing at his own wisecrack.

"Oh, don't be silly, you know what I mean."

Darin sighed.

"Oh, well. What the hell, why not?"

"Oh, goody! I was afraid you would say no." She even clapped her hands together.

It registered on Darin that his wife Stefanie was dumber than a box of rocks, she had always seemed to be a bit slow but this was becoming ridiculous.

At least it wasn't her Mother, thank God.

"Well, come on Lee Ann." She got up with a smile, they walked into the bedroom. Stefanie was right behind them.

"What are you doing?" Darin asked her.

"I need to watch, how else am I going to learn?"

She asked for it, he thought. He reached out and began to strip Lee Ann, up until then she hadn't said a single word. As he slid back the blouse, two perfect breasts came into view, so perfect they made his breath catch in his throat. He reached for the catch on the side of her skirt, one tug and it fell to the floor.

She didn't have a stitch on underneath, her pubic hair was trimmed into a small perfect "V" shape.

Darin started to reach for his pants but her hands beat him there, she had them down and off in seconds, taking his briefs to the floor with them. Then she tugged his T-shirt up and over his head.

He was standing at full mast.

"It doesn't look all that small. I mean, I have seen some lots bigger but this is just fine!" Were the first words out of her mouth. She reached down and gave him a squeeze.

"I don't think so either, but I never had hold of any others so I don't know." Stefanie said. She was sitting in a chair, looking on with interest.

That was an admission from her that Darin didn't know about. He had never asked her about any former lovers, the truth was he didn't want to know.

Lee Ann was biting the edge of a condom packet, she finally got it open. Darin started to wilt the instant she began to roll it on, she reached down with one hand and pumped him a few times, tried again with the same results.

"Come here and suck on him some, Stefanie, we are having a little trouble here."

Stefanie hopped up and slid her lips over the end of his cock, in very short order he was right back up and hard again. Lee Ann reached down, got about half the condom on but he went limp again.

"Tell you what, Stef? You get naked and get on that side on the bed and I will get on this side, that should do it." Stefanie stripped down and hopped onto the bed, tugging Darin down also. Lee Ann lay down on the other side, they both began to rub and play with him.

"Feel us back, let your mind go blank, Darin. Relax, let it happen, you can do it."

Now what the hell was she talking about? Did she think he couldn't get it up or something?

Darin's mind was very far from being blank though. Stefanie was kissing his neck when he felt wet lips slide over him, he glanced down to see Lee Ann's head bobbing up and down. She lifted off him and tried again to slide the condom on.

Darin almost instantly went limp again.

"I don't know what to do now." She told Stefanie.

"Oh, to hell with it!" She tossed the condom on the floor, reached out and jacked Darin until he was hard again, then she got on top and settled down on him. In short order she was thrusting her hips back and forth. Darin felt himself building, then it hit him.

He pushed her back off of himself, slid sideways and got up.

"Now what's the matter, honey?" Stefanie asked him.

"I can't, I just can't. I don't know where Lee Ann has been, I could catch something!" He almost ran into the bathroom, turned on the water scalding hot and furiously started washing himself.

He could hear them talking in the other room, but couldn't make out what they were saying until Lee Ann started yelling something about the impotent mother fucker being Stefanie's problem.

There were some loud noises, then he heard the outside door slam and tires squealing.

Stefanie knocked on the door, Darin didn't answer.

"Darin? Honey?" She knocked again.

"What?" He answered, finally.

"Are you mad?"

"No." He lied.

"Yes you are, I can tell. I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't like Lee Ann, I just thought..."

Darin opened the door.

"I like her just fine, I just don't want to fuck her, I want to fuck with you!"

"I guess Mom is out of the question, then?"

Good Grief! Was it even possible that Stefanie could be so damned dense?

"Yes, your Mother is out of the fucking question! What in the hell is the matter with you? All of a sudden you have sex on the brain? You show Jack your pussy, your Mother is messing with my cock, now you want me to fuck your stupid sister?"

Darin was yelling at the top of his lungs now, Stefanie got a frightened look in her eyes.

"I just wanted to know what it is like, I wanted sex to be the best possible for us." Her eyes screwed up, she looked like she was about to start bawling.

"God Dammit!" Darin yelled, reached out and grabbed her and threw her on the bed. He rolled her over, dragging her bare body across his knees.

"This will fix you, from now on by God you are going to knock your shit off!"

He gave her a mighty smack across her bare ass. She yelled, so he smacked her again, then a third time. Her white behind turned bright red, she was kicking her legs and trying to shove herself loose from him, to no avail.

Then Darin rolled her over on her back, she looked up at him with huge eyes, her mouth was working but no sound was coming out. He jumped up on top of her, shoved her legs open. Grabbing her wrists and pinning her down, he started stabbing at her with his massive hard on.

Finally he felt her hairy bush rub over the end of himself, he lined up and jammed inside with a firm shove. He began to pound her with no mercy, he had her pinned so she couldn't move and he wasn't being gentle, he was furious, trying to make it hurt.

Stefanie struggled weakly at first, then she began to change. Her body went from squirming and trying to get loose to trying to get her hips higher each time. Darin just kept on, he was so completely aroused that he couldn't stop now even if he wanted to.

"Fuck me, harder, make me!" She began to squeal. Then her body went completely rigid. Darin could feel her insides spasm, then her stomach muscles shuddered, she was saying "Yiyiyiyiyi!" Over and over.

His own body released, it was like a giant hand grabbed him and tore his seed from his body. Each thrust now was creating loud noises as the air escaped from her around his burgeoning member.

He thought for a moment it would never end. Finally he withdrew, he was still as hard as a rock. He reached out and ran his fingers down her tear streamed cheek, she looked at him with her eyes still wide.

Then she got up and went into the bathroom. She was back in seconds with a warm towel, she knelt at his feet which were draped over the edge of the bed and began to wipe him up.

Once she finished, she stood up and looked at him.

"What would you like for dinner, honey?" She asked.

"Anything you want to fix, it's always good, babe."

"OK." She left, in a few minutes she came back in with a tray. There was a bottle of beer, and ashtray and one of his cigarettes and a book of matches. She was still naked.

"Can I get you anything else, honey?" She asked.

"This will be just fine." Darin grinned.

It appeared that something had happened.

Stefanie left, went into the kitchen. Darin lit the smoke, took a pull off the beer. Then he went in and sat in his recliner, turned on the "River Monsters" program. The old guy was pulling on some huge fish, the thing looked bigger than he was.

It hit him that he was still naked.

He got up, went and found his pants and T-shirt, dug his guitar and amp out of the closet and started to play. He kept the sound soft and easy, played a bit of "House of the Rising Sun", then switched to some Peter, Paul and Mary stuff.

Stefanie came in and listened.

"Dinner is ready, honey." She told him.

"That sounds really pretty." She added.

Darin grinned to himself. It appeared he had things back under control.

After dinner, the phone rang. Darin only heard one side of the conversation.

"Hi, Mom." Stefanie said.


"He is in the living room, playing his guitar."

"Yes, he did. He was..I think it happened. We won't need your help any more." She broke off into a giggle, then she said goodbye and hung up.

"How is your Mom?" Darin asked.

"She is fine."

"Come on in and sit down, honey, listen to this new piece I have been working on."

She came over to his chair, curled up at his feet, looking up at him with happy eyes.

He began to play, the notes flowed out from his hands easily. Stefanie nuzzled his leg.

Darin grinned to himself. He was going to name his new song, "I've Got things back under control."

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Szkoda słow na komentarz. 1

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld5 months ago

How could he be so interested in guitars when he got home to a nice wufe? I've known guylike him, more interested in all things music that he let it fuck up his marriage. I've been married twice, the first was when I was in service. It wasn't until I was deployed to Germany and my wife and kids couldn't go that things fell apart.

Before my deployment my company was sent to Grenada and I lost my leg. She never visited me at Bethesda, I was transfered to a VA hospital 45 miles from home to begin my discharge, né er saw her. No one would talk to me, they hung up. I discharged myself from the hospital at 2am by packing my shit onto the wheelchair I had bought and rolled out the front doors and into the street. When I was dropped off by one of the old ladies of some bikers I talked to at a stoplight, my wife and kids were gone. She wanted me home every night, until that one deployment i was home every night, or safe at work. All she had to do was tell me she wanted me out and I would have applied for an early out. Now, both of our sons are dead, both died in the Sandbox, and she died in a car crash.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

That was a major turn off, written about inept sexuality and it went down hill from the first paragraph.

oksideshow859419oksideshow8594198 months ago

It seemed that the story was at its peak from the beginning and gradually went downwards in excitement but I did enjoy the storyline.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

While it's not my favorite subject matter, you did write it well, clearly and creatively. To the moronic knuckle draggers that seem to only be able to mutter, cuck, wimp, useless, or other useless garbage, let me ask you this, what have you written that was better? I'm no writer ether, but I try to be constructive, not just whiney.

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