Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 20


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Saturday 12:55 PM

Patty ran out of the bathroom drying her naked body and cursing, "I am going to kill that stupid bastard for letting me sleep so long. He is not getting laid tonight."

Carolina and the two women with her started laughing. Patty was shocked out of her mood to find the three women in the room with her. Her wedding dress was laid out on the bed, along with all of her undergarments. A straight back, dining room, chair was in the room, with two small fans blowing in its direction. Carolina said authoritatively, "Patricia sit."

Patty looked at her and started to say, "But..."


Repentantly, Patty sat down.

The women began working on her from the bottom up. The silk, thigh high stockings went on first, followed by panties that barely covered her sex. A white silk camisole, with a built in bra was put on and completed the interior package.

Carolina asked, "Where is your hairdresser?"

"I don't know. Call Stephano, and ask him."

When he was asked that question, he nearly died. "Carolina, I never thought about a hairdresser for her. She is going to kill me."

"I will take care of her hair. It may not be the best ever done, but she will have her veil on all day, and no one will ever see it."

"Thank you Carolina, I owe you one."


"Patty, I am going to do your hair. The hairdresser never showed up. No one will see what is under the veil, so you have nothing to worry about."

"You have to start lying better than my husband and my doctor. Stephano forgot about my hairdresser. Am I correct?"

"Yes, but look at everything else he did for you today. Don't ruin it for him, or I will ruin your gown. This is not only your day, it is his day also."

"I hate it when other people are right, and I am wrong. My mom told me the same thing this morning."

"I know, Stephano told me all about your conversation with your mother. My mother used to come to me also. Let me start on your hair, and then we will do your makeup."


Saturday 1:30 PM

The orchestra began playing, and the multitude of people that were mulling around the exterior of the tents started taking their seats. William and Jemma were taken by golf cart to Patricia's house to be with her. It was early and she was not expected to be ready. They were correct.

Brad had done his absolute best to hide Bonnie from his mother and grandmother. He was unsuccessful. His mother saw him standing next to Stephano and a beautiful young woman they were talking to. She got curious, and so did his grandmother.

Donna said, "Mom, I will be right back. I am going to talk to Brad." She went up the center aisle towards Stephano. Brad spied her coming, grabbed Bonnie by the arm, and said, "Quick, come with me, my mother has seen us." They turned to move away from her, and within a few steps, he heard, "Hello Bradley darling, you look very handsome today."

He looked, and saw his grandmother standing there. "Hello grandmother, I was just helping this young lady to her seat."

From behind him, a question was asked, "You seemed to have a special interest in this young lady. Would you like to introduce us?"

Brad looked into Bonnie's eyes and said, "I tried to warn you about them. I am so sorry for what is about to happen to you now."

His mother said, "Brad have you been holding out on me. Have you been hiding this young lady from our family?"

"Mother, what possible reason would I have tough hide any young woman from our family. Bonnie and I just met on Thursday. We went to lunch on Friday, and since I did not have a date for today's wedding, I asked her if she would like to join me."

"Bonnie, Bonnie Nuzo; Janet and Charles Nuzo's little girl? The Bonnie you went to high school with?"

"Yes, mother, this is Bonnie Nuzo."

"Bonnie, your mother and I sit on the town's beautification committee. It's nice to meet you."

"Hello Mrs. Goodman; it's nice to meet you too."

Brad said, "Bonnie this is my grandmother, Sylvia Goodman."

Bonnie said hello, and Brad's grandmother replied, "Hello Bonnie dear; Brad said he was taking you to your seat. Why don't you sit with us so we can talk? Do you love children? Don't you think children are important to a marriage? I think they stabilize a marriage. How long did you say you've known Bradley; since high school."

"Grandmother, we haven't seen each other since high school. Leave her alone."

"I was only speaking in hypotheticals, Bradley. I am reading a book, and I wanted to know the opinion of a young woman. So what do you think about children, Bonnie."

"Mom, stop her."

"Brad, your grandmother asked me the same questions a few days ago. I'm interested in seeing what Bonnie says about children. You stay with Stephano, while your grandmother and I take Bonnie with us. It will give us a chance to get to know one another."

"Bonnie would you like me to get you out of here."

His grandmother replied, "Why would Bonnie want to leave? The service has not begun and she has not had any of the fabulous food yet."

"Grandmother, mother, I warned her about you two yesterday, and this morning on the way here. That's why she might want to go. We haven't seen each other in seven years. We met two days ago, and you are ready, hounding her about children. Leave her alone."

"Bradley, you are just being hypersensitive about a hypothetical question. Go with Stephano, and leave Bonnie to us."

Without another word, the two women had Bonnie why her arms and were leading her to their seats. Brad could not understand why she was laughing.

Stephano looked at him and laughed also. "Bonnie is some kind of woman. You warned her about this, and she still came with you?"

"Yes I did. I could not believe it when she said she would join me today. I think this is the last time I will ever see her. She will be moving to Colorado tomorrow, so she can get lost in the mountains. I don't think my grandmother will be able to find her there."

"I thought you said your grandmother could find a needle in a haystack."

"Yes, but the Rocky Mountains are bigger than any haystack you've ever seen."

"Does your grandmother have any mountain goat in her?"

"Shit, I didn't think about that."

"We will try to rescue Bonnie, as soon as the ceremony is over."

"I hope it's not too late to save her, Stephano."


Saturday 1:45 PM

The bridesmaids and groomsmen assembled at the rear of the pavilion's entrance. Stephano and Brad sat behind a screen on the right side of the Cupola, with the priest who would perform the ceremony.

William was seated in a chair outside the home where his daughter was getting dressed. Jemma was inside helping with the last minute details. The black stretch limousine waited for the bridal party to exit the home for the short drive to the pavilion area.

All the notables were there, seated in order of wealth and importance. Clark and Julia Atwater were seated in the front row. Seated next to them were Celeste Mesner Castronova, and her husband Philip; Dycke and Payne Schneider; Harold Chase and Callalily Callaway, Warren and Astrid Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates, Tom Hanks and his wife, George Clooney, and many, many more wealthy, politically connected and famous people. There was business being discussed, under these tents, but the most important item on everyone's mind, was next November, and the presidential election. When will Clark Atwater jump in the pool with the rest of the sharks. They hoped it would be today.

There were so many important people in attendance that the Director of the FBI, Fred Hastings, and their families were seated in sixth row. The six girls, although outwardly quiet, were constantly giggling. Dolores and Sharon did not bother to try and stop them. Harmony and Melody hoped to see Patty, after the ceremony, but her father told them she might not have time, because there was a lot of business going to be done today.

Saturday 1:55 P.M.

Carolina Herrera exited the front door first, lifting the front hem of the white gown, 4 inches above the ground to keep it from getting dirt on it.

William stood, and picked up the left side of the gown to the same height. Jemma exited the home and did the same on the right side. The two women that came with Carolina took care of the back.

They shuffled forward to the limousine, and packed Patty and the gown in. It was tricky, but they got in also. They took the back road to the pavilion, and it took less than two minutes to get there. The bridesmaids and groomsmen helped Patty out of the limousine, and were stunned by the simple beauty of the dress. Carolina pushed everyone away so she could fix the veil properly. Once the gown was perfect, the bridesmaids and groomsmen lined up, and a signal was given, by cellphone, to the orchestra began to play the 'Cannon in 'C' Major'.

Saturday 2 P.M.

Carolina acted as the director of this operation and said, "Begin." The first pairing of 'Maid' and 'Man' passed through the curtain, and down the center aisle. 10 feet later, the second pairing went, then the third, fourth, fifth and sixth.

The music stopped; as well as each pair did, until the Wedding March started. The priest exited the right side, and took up the central position in the 'Cupola.' Stephano, followed by Brad came out and stopped at their appointed spots. The curtains in the rear of the pavilion opened. William and Patricia started the long slow walk down the aisle.

Cameras flashed from every angle. The professional photographer was in front of them moving backwards, as they approached him. Two videos were being taken from different vantage points. Nothing was being left to chance.

Under her veil, Patricia was a glow. "Mom, are you here, can you feel how happy I am. Daddy is here, Stephano is waiting for me, and I wish you could talk to me. I wish I could hold you in my arms today. I miss you so much. I never thought I could be this happy and this sad at the same time. I love you mom."

As they were approaching the front of the pavilion, she felt her heart glow. She remembered her mother saying she would be in her heart today, and there she was, making her presence known. Her facial expression changed into a bright, happy smile, as she stopped, turned to her father as he lifted her veil, and kissed her.

"Dad, Mom is inside me. She is in my heart, I can feel her."

"Where else would she be on your day, Patricia. She loved both of us, but she gave her life to save yours. She will be with you forever, never forget that Patricia."

"I won't dad. I love you."

William presented her hand to Stephano, with the same dire warning he had given him before.

"If you hurt her, I am going to put you into a wood chipper, feet first, and watch it slowly chew you up. I love you like a son, but she is my daughter, flesh of my flesh, and I will protect her all the days of my life."

"William, I accept your edict. I promise you, your daughter will never come to harm from me. I will spank her to keep her in line, but I will never mistreat her, as God is my witness, and as you are her father."

Patricia asked, "Are you two finished? Is it all right if I get married, or should I take a seat, with my guests?"

"William, she does have a mouth on her, doesn't she?"

"Get married, we will talk about that mouth, later."

It is amazing what can happen to you in 27 minutes. You go from a single person, responsible for no one but yourself, to a married person with all the responsibilities for the life of another human being. Patricia was ecstatic, but her attitude towards Stephano changed. She belonged to him completely, and forever. There was no turning back. She would never marry again in her lifetime. She wondered if he felt the same way. From the way he smiled, looked her in the eye, and kissed her, after they took their vows, she was sure he did.

Stephano looked at his bride, and saw a softening in her face. The tension that was there for the past six weeks was gone. She glowed from within and he knew she was in love with him, forever. He knew he loved her with his whole being. He would give his life for her willingly. She was his treasure, and he would treat her that way. At the end of the ceremony, when he lifted her veil and kissed her, there was electricity that passed between them. Some would call it static, but he knew it was a life force that was joining them together. Whether it was her mother, signaling them to be happy together, he did not know. He knew Patricia was forever his. He whispered into her ear, "You belong to me, and I belong to you. Tonight, I am going to take you completely."

She replied softly, "My mother told me I was going to be very innovative in bed."

Stephano did not reply. He looked at her, grinned evilly, and kissed her.

Brad tapped Stephano on his shoulder, and said, "I am going to try and rescue Bonnie from my family. Wish me luck; I am going to need it."

The two men shook hands. He kissed Patty, congratulated her on corralling the big lug she married, and told her there was no more excuses for her to remain a virgin.

"You forget one thing, Brad. If he pisses me off, he is sleeping in another hotel room."

Brad shook his head. "Are you too sure you're not from other planets?"

"Remember, Brad, women are from Venus, and men are from Mars."

"Between the two of you, you are going to drive me out of this universe. Enjoy your honeymoon; I will take good care of the property."

Brad left them, and went in search of his mother, grandmother, and especially Bonnie, to see if she had not left the wedding screaming.


After the initial congratulatory handshakes, with everyone that was anyone, Jim set up a table where Patricia could meet with donors, who knew about her expertise in computers. Through their contacts around the world, they had also gleaned information about the two computers she destroyed, without anyone physically being in the room with them. They wanted to be in on the ground floor of that technology.

Bill and Melinda were the first people to speak with her. She told them her program was not like 'Stuxnet', which only infected a computer's logic software.

Patricia explained that the technology was so secret only the president and three other people knew of its existence, and only she knew the codes that made it work. She said, "The president had not made a decision, yet, on whether to allow her to patent the technology. It was so revolutionary; it could destabilize the entire world."

When she said those words to many of the people she spoke to that afternoon, most of them stopped breathing.

When she was introduced to Harold Chase. She said, "You are a fucking idiot."

Callalily said, "You dress like a slut."

Patty turned, looked, and screamed, "Callie, I wasn't sure if you were coming?"

"According to you, I am marrying a fucking idiot. Take it back before a scratch your eyes out."

"You don't know what he did, do you?"

"What did my soon-to-be husband do?"

"He had the most advanced software program ever designed, and he sold it to Microsoft for a misery $5.2 billion. If he kept it, and kept his business around, Microsoft would be selling for $8 a share, Apple for $25 a share, and Chase would be selling at $5000 a share. He's an asshole."

"Patricia, you are lucky, this is your wedding day, or I would be wiping you up with the floor. I love that man, and I will not allow you to talk to him that way. He had no one but himself to work that business. He was the only designer, and he did not have a manager he could trust to run the business end of it. That was the reason he had to sell out to Microsoft. If you were more than 10 years old at the time, you could have helped him. He is here to talk to you about something he is working on now. Keep your mouth shut for a few minutes, and listen to him."

"Shit, I am sorry, Harold, I don't usually stick both feet in my mouth, before I know all the facts. I apologize for what I said. Callie is the asshole. She promised to get me drunk one evening, and she failed miserably. Not only did she fail, but she left me with three unattached men, while she left to fornicate with one."

Callie screamed, "You bitch, I am going to get you for that one."

Patricia laughed. "I'll call Alan and see what he has in mind for you, freezer hands."

"I am going to rip that dress off of your body."

"I don't think Stephano would mind that right now."

Harold asked if it was okay for him to talk to Patricia, now.

Both women yelled, "NO!"

He said, "I'm going to get Dycke, maybe he can smack some sense into one of you."

A few moments later, Harold and Dycke returned with a large bag of ice under each arm. Callie's eyes opened wide and she said, "Harold, you wouldn't dare."

Harold reached into his pocket and pulled out a strawberry. "Does this remind you of anything, my sweet?"

"Harold, stay away from me."

"Callie; Dycke, and I have business to discuss with Patricia. Go away, or you will be buried in ice, with a strawberry buried in a very familiar place."

Patricia asked, "Where did you put it, Harold?"

"Don't you dare tell her, Harold. You will never get laid again."

"You have two choices, Callie. You can leave peacefully, and give me a few minutes alone, with your friend, or you can lie down on the table and spread your legs. You know what I will do after that, don't you."

Patty looked at Callie and said, "You let him do that to you, you naughty girl."

Callie responded, "I was tied up at the time."

"Tied up? I have not tried it. What did it feel like?"

Before she could answer, Harold said, "She had more orgasms in those 3 hours, then she had since she broke her cherry."

Callie replied, "That's not true. It was close, but not true."

"Are you leaving, or lying down, Callie? I am sure we would gather a crowd, if you were to lie down."

"I will get even with you, Harold, if it is the last thing I ever do."

"Think about our children, before you do that Callie. You could be pregnant, and my children would no longer have a father."

"You idiot, you were not supposed to mention that."

Patricia said, "Where is my cellphone when I need it. I am sure Susan would love to know about this. By the time you got home, there will be billboards all along 89A , proclaiming Callie is pregnant."

"I am not pregnant. We are just trying to become pregnant."

"Leave us alone for a few minutes Callie, let me see what these two men want."

Dycke said, "Congratulations Mrs. Valentino, how does it feel to be newly married."

"Mister Schneider, it was a torturous road for Stephano and me to get to today, but I believe we have both grown very close together. If we had done this any sooner, I believe our marriage would have been a train wreck. I am very happy, with my current situation, and I think he is also."

"Please call me Dycke. It is less formal, and if you accept what Harold and I have to propose to you today, we will become both long-term business partners, and lifelong friends."

"Thank you, Dycke, please call me Patty. What do you have in mind?"

"Patty, all I will be doing is funding the operation, and taking care of the business side of it. Stephano is more than welcome to take part in it, because of his expertise in the business area. Mostly, it will be up to you, and Harold to perform the magic. I know all about your program; don't ask me how I know, but I do. How you came up with something that explosive is unbelievable; and that you are able to reverse the process is even more revolutionary."

"I never told anyone about that, except the president."

"Yes Patty, I know. I will never mention it to anyone else, except of course, Harold. That is what put the bug up his ass to get back to work. He did not believe it could be done, and from what I have found out, neither did the experts at the FBI, or the NSA, until you pulled the plug on them. I thought it was very cute of you to shut them down."