Hot Husband


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The sexual tension between us was palpable, and we wasted no time in getting inside and releasing it.


Chapter Four - Triad?

We saw Louisa at least once a week, and though it was a little odd with the three of us, it was remarkably similar to ordinary dating, going out to dinner, going to the movies and such.

On the third Friday after that first dinner, Louisa asked to go home with us. We said no. Just kidding, we couldn't say yes fast enough.

As soon as we got in the door, Louisa immediately led us to the bedroom, and surprised me by taking me in her arms and locking lips with me, thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth.

I was concerned. This was supposed to be for Wallace, but when I looked over, he was just smiling as he casually removed his clothes.

The next time I looked he was still smiling, but now he was naked, sitting and stroking his cock.

We were in a sixty-nine, just coming down from our mutual orgasms when we heard Wallace moan and shoot his cum all over his chest and belly.

We gingerly walked over and knelt on either side of him and began licking up his cum, pausing occasionally to lean over him and kiss, savoring the combined taste of his cum and our mouths.

When we had him as clean as we could short of a shower, Louisa moved to his still semi-erect cock and began sucking him back to hardness. As soon as his soldier was ready for duty we all moved to the bed.

Wallace lay down, and I mounted him cowgirl while Louisa sat on his face. If I thought I was going to have to do all the work I was happily mistaken. Wallace took my hips in his strong hands and began moving me up and down and all around while thrusting his own hips up with authority. Louisa's moans told me that his mouth was holding up its end of the bargain.

He still hadn't come as Louisa and I hit our peaks, and we shakily swapped positions. This time Wallace came first, but was still hard enough to bring Louisa off again. Even though I hadn't orgasmed, I was happy to give my little kitty a rest as we rolled off Wallace and cuddled together before falling into a brief nap.

I woke up to find Louisa lapping at my pussy. Just as I was giving myself over to the pleasurable feelings she pulled away. I groaned in protest as I reached my arms out to pull her back, only to find Wallace positioning himself to plumb my depths. I started to protest, I didn't think my pussy could take any more, but Louisa silenced me with her kisses, and I was soon moaning in pleasure. I had a shuddering orgasm as Wallace shot his cum into my pussy, and I was down for the count.

I woke up, I don't know how much later, to the sight of Louisa idly fingering her pussy, licking her lips while she looked longingly at Wallace's cock. It still wasn't completely deflated.

"You can't possibly still want more," I said.

"Yes, I can, as soon as this sleepy-head wakes up."

Oh, to be young again, I thought.

I decided to help out my taking Wallace's cock in my hand, lightly stroking it before taking it into my mouth.

When I felt him stir, I moved out of the way, allowing Louisa to mount him. It didn't take long for them both to come, and I think that Wallace was finally spent. That was a good thing, because I don't think that either Louisa or I could take any more.

We continued "dating," usually leading to a certain amount of playtime, but only having a marathon session about every other week. That was about all that Louisa and I could take, and I think we were even beginning to wear Wallace out a bit.

I was thinking about talking to Wallace about asking Louisa to join us permanently, when she hit us with a bit of bad news: Her job was sending her out of town on an extended assignment; she'd be gone for at least a couple of months.

We were obviously sad to see her go, but this would be great for her career, and she wasn't leaving for good.

On her last Friday we took her to Amelia's for dinner, then spent the entire weekend in bed. We only got up to go to the bathroom, shower and eat, and we only did that to maintain our strength.

She was walking a little gingerly as she entered the airport, and it was a quiet ride home for Wallace and me.


Chapter Five - Linda Returns

The house seemed empty without Louisa, but Wallace and I took advantage of the time alone to come together again as a couple, but I knew we had some decisions to make.

I gathered my courage.

"Wallace, we need to talk."

I think he nearly had a heart attack.

"No, Wallace, nothing like that, I mean about Louisa."

"What about her?" he asked.

Here goes nothing.

"When she comes back, if you agree, I was thinking of asking her to join us in a more permanent relationship, maybe even move in with us."

Wallace had a frown on his face, and I was afraid I might have gone too far.

"Don't you think that's a little extreme? We've really only known her a few months, and while the sex is fantastic there could be all sorts of legal ramifications.

"There's no legal way to do it, and I'm honestly not worried about us, but what about Louisa?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if we did this, and a few years down the road we decided we wanted to stop?"

"Why would we do that?"

"Who knows? Who could have said five years ago that we'd be where we are now? Maybe we decide to have children, and decide that having Louisa here could confuse the children. Would it be fair to just send her on her way? It's not like a normal marriage where there a rules about what happens when a marriage ends."

"I see what you mean. I guess I'm just asking are you open to the possibility? Maybe she won't be interested. If she is, maybe we could see a lawyer, draw up some sort of an agreement to protect her interests."

"I'm still not sure," he said, "but I guess I'm not unalterably opposed to the idea. Let me sleep on it, we have until she gets back to decide if we want to ask her, and maybe she won't be interested."

"That works, I guess," I said though I was vaguely disappointed, and we left it at that.

We had obviously put aside our game since we got involved with Louisa, but after a couple of weeks of just the two of us, we were getting a little twitchy. Wallace, as always, was good about it, but I could tell that he missed having two pussies to play with, and I missed the rest my pussy had when he played with Louisa. Finally . . .

"Wallace, what do you think about playing our game tonight?"

"I don't know. Wouldn't that be a little like cheating on Louisa?"

"I guess, a little bit, maybe, but we never really had any conversations about being exclusive, it never really seemed necessary.

"Maybe we should call her. Who knows, maybe she's having similar feelings and would like to get laid."

Wallace laughed.

"I wouldn't be surprised," he said, "She's a firecracker, if she hasn't gotten laid since she left she's probably burnt out a few vibrators. Why don't you call her? I think this is really more between the two of you. You know I'll go along with whatever you two decide."

So, I did.

"Hi, Louisa, it's Allison. Sorry about not calling sooner, how have you been doing?"

"No worries, Allison, I could have called also, but I've been as busy as a one-armed paper hanger with an itch. Are you calling for any particular reason or just for my sparkling conversation?"

Okay, ball's in my court.

"Wallace and I were talking, and realized that we never talked at all about being exclusive . . ."

"And you were worried that I might be "cheating" on you?"

"No, no, not at all. Actually, we were thinking, just thinking, about playing our game some night, and were worried that you might think that we were cheating on you."

She started laughing.

"Why are you laughing, this is serious."

"Oh, don't I know it. I've run out of ways to hide my vibrators on my expense account, I've been so horny."

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Wallace said that you might be wearing out vibrators," and we both laughed.

"Listen, why don't you guys go out and have some fun, and I'll do the same. What do they say, 'It's just sex?'"

We got our good-byes out through our laughter, and ended our calls.

"Wallace, Mom's given us permission to go out and play, so get yourself ready to go."

"Yes, Dear," he said, and we were both ready in record time.

We decided to try a new club, yet who should appear, but Linda.

"Hello, strangers. I haven't seen you in a dog's age. So what have you been doing, still playing your game?"

"No, but it's kind of complicated to go into right now."

"Is it too complicated for us to play tonight?"

Wallace and I looked at each other, shrugged, and we were off.

Things got off to a bad start as soon as we walked in the door.

"Get me a gin and tonic," Linda said. She didn't use my name, she didn't say, "Please," but I just shrugged it off.

"Would you like something, Honey?" I asked Wallace.

"The same, please, Dear," he said. Linda made a sour face at his politeness and use of the endearment, but I just went to get the drinks.

I came back to find Linda sitting on Wallace's lap. When she saw that I had their drinks, and a glass of wine for myself on a tray, Linda started in again.

"I didn't hear anyone say that you could have a drink!"

This was beginning to look like a short evening.

"They didn't have to. This is my home and I'll have a drink if I want one."

"Not without my permission you won't." Then she got up and slapped the glass of wine right of my hand, spilling it on the carpet. Thank goodness it was white wine, but it was still going to be a pain in the ass to clean up.

She turned to Wallace.

"Aren't you going to do anything?" she asked.

"Why? I think Allison's doing quite well by herself."

"B . . . But I thought we were going to play like the last time."

"The key word there is 'play,'" Wallace said patiently. "Allison isn't a submissive, and you're certainly not her Dom. If you want to go back to playing like we were before this all started, we can, otherwise I'm afraid we'll have to ask you to leave."

I could see the indecision crossing her face in waves. She certainly loved what Wallace did to her, but she was really into dominating me. In the end, Wallace won out, but her heart wasn't really into it, and it just didn't work for any of us, and we made an early night of it.

Linda left with a chorus of sorries all around, and Wallace and I went bed, and just slept.

While I hinted that maybe Wallace and I could play our Dom/sub game, Linda had sort of spoiled that for us. We even stopped playing our game at all.


Chapter Six - Louisa's Back!

It was a great relief when Louisa's assignment was over and she returned to us. While Wallace and I wanted to immediately strip her bare and have our way with her, we restrained ourselves long enough to have a nice dinner out and dancing.

I was so turned on that I'm surprised that they didn't spray air freshener all over me, until I finally dragged them out of the club, and climbed into the back seat with Louisa.

I hiked my dress up to my waist, ripped my panties off, and Louisa dove in to do what she does so well. Wallace was barely out of the parking lot before I had my first orgasm, and dear Louisa never stopped until I had my fourth just as we were pulling into the driveway.

I was so turned on that I didn't even pull down my dress as I made a mad dash to the front door. Fortunately, there was only one person out walking his dog, heading in the other direction, so he couldn't see anything, right?

I tugged my dress down while Wallace fumbled with the keys. When he finally pushed the door open we nearly fell into the house as he and Louisa broke down laughing at my dishevelment.

I tried to maintain my dignity as I strode to the stairs, but it was hard when I fell off one of my heels, which only brought more laughter. I threw one at Wallace, and was about to throw the other at Louisa, when I broke down in my own fits of laughter.

We made our way upstairs, and after showering (separately), we piled into the bed for a sexy romp.

Without formally discussing it, we had formed a thruple. While Louisa still had her own place, she spent nearly every weekend with us, from Friday evening though Sunday evening. She even kept some of her office attire at our house in case she stayed over Sunday night.

We knew it was time to really talk about what we were doing one Saturday night as we were lying in bed with Louisa between us.

She turned to Wallace, stroked his cheek, and said, "I love you."

She then turned to me, stroked my cheek, and said the same thing.

Without even looking at each other, Wallace and I said, "We love you, too."

"Wallace," I said, "I don't want to play the game anymore."

Louisa sat up in a panic.

"You don't want me?" she cried.

I took her in my arms, patting her back gently.

"No, Sweetie, you misunderstood me. We had two reasons for the game. The first was to give Wallace an outlet for his enormous sex drive, that I simply couldn't handle. The second was to satisfy my desire to watch. With you here, we don't need the game for that."

She pulled away from me and started to get out of bed.

"So you're just using me. Well, I'm nobody's sex toy."

I gently pulled her back as Wallace rubbed her back.

"You still don't get it. You're not a sex toy. You're our lover, and I don't mean just in the physical sense. Wallace and I love you. We're in love with you."

She looked to Wallace who smiled, nodded his head, and leaned in to give her a soft kiss on her forehead.

Louisa lifted her face and kissed Wallace firmly on his lips, then turned and did the same to me.

"This is a lot to process," she said, "I think I need a good night's sleep before I make any decisions."

She gave me another kiss, then snuggled into me, closing her eyes. Wallace and I turned out our lights and turned towards Louisa wrapping our arms around Louisa and each other.

I was awakened by the sun peeking through the blinds, falling on my eyes. Wallace and Louisa were still in dreamland as I went to the bathroom, then took a shower.

Louisa was coming into the bathroom as I was going out, and we exchanged soft kisses before I went to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee. Wallace joined me and had a cup of coffee while waiting for his turn in the shower.

Hearing the shower stop, Wallace got up to take his shower. I was a little disappointed that she had gotten dressed. I was still in my robe, and I think I had been hoping for a little pre-breakfast sex.

We made idle chit-chat, avoiding the elephant in the room, then Wallace joined us, getting his own coffee, as we all put breakfast together, somehow not getting in each other's way. Was that an omen?

We ate breakfast almost silently, none of us dared to restart the previous night's conversation. After scraping the plates and putting them in the dishwasher, Wallace took the lead.

"Louisa, as we said last night, Allison and I love . . . are in love with you, and I hope I'm not being too presumptuous when I say that you feel the same way."

Louisa nodded.

"When, or if we do this," he continued, "we're concerned about your future."

"I don't understand," Louisa said.

"What happens if, say, five years from now, we decide this isn't working, and want to split up?"

"Why would we do that?"

"We're not saying that we would," I said, "but even the most loving couples sometimes come to a parting of the ways, and having three people involved only adds a level of potential conflict."

"Are you . . . telling me that you want me to go?" she said tearfully.

I let Wallace take over.

"Not at all, Sweetheart, we just want to make sure that you're protected."

"I'm sorry if I sound dumb, but I still don't understand."

"You don't sound dumb, this is new to all of us," Wallace said. "Let me try to explain. If Allison and I split up, there are laws that protect each of our interests. There are no laws covering our situation, we have to make our own arrangements. Just in case."

"I think we should put in writing each of our rights and responsibilities," I said. "You should probably have your own attorney to make sure that your interests are protected. We may have to revisit the agreement as our situation may change."

"I think I understand," Louisa said nervously.

"If we do this right," Wallace said, "this will be something that we file away and never need, but it's better to have it and never need it than the other way around,"

We did find a couple of Family Law attorneys who were certainly intrigued by our situation, and were able to come up with a document that we could all agree with, and that both attorneys felt would hold up to legal scrutiny.

I won't bore anyone with the legal details. Some will think we left too much to chance, others will think we were too cold and calculated. All that I can say is that it works for us.

We signed and notarized five copies, one for each attorney, one for each of us.

We're still not sure how we'll explain our new living arrangement to friends and family. We're certainly not going to exclude Louisa when we go to gatherings, so there are sure to be questions!

We chose to forego a formal ceremony. We gathered on the beach at Ferry Beach in Maine during peak fall foliage season and made our vows of commitment to each other.

It remains to be seen if we meet the test of time.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As long as we're supposed to think it's believable, why not add in the sequel that they discovered a 20-meter cube of 18-carat Swiss bullion under their house on the same day they were to be knighted by the Queen, but had to forego it to run off with Luke and save the Federation.

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 2 years ago

Poor Wallace: ''For crying out loud, baby! This is all so confusing. Why can't we go back to the old simple game? I fuck. You watch.

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 2 years ago

Poor Wallace: Jesus Christ on a crutch, baby! This is all so confusing. Why can't we go back to the old simple game? I fuck. You watch. LOL

SexecutionerSexecutionerabout 3 years ago

You mean someone here had to testicular fortitude to write a "Hot husband" story here? On this site? Jesus tap dancin' Christ I'm surprised the cucky boy brigade haven't got woke and protested this writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
C'mon folks, this is a poly-am romance, not a cuck tale

Sure, Allison has a voyeurism kink, but nothing wrong with a consensual three way.

None of the abuse or humiliation that turns cuck tales into a variant of BDSM.

Well written and even kinda believable in a "Sure, the super hunky guy finds himself with two hot bi women. What are the odds?" kind of way. Pretty sure there'd be plenty of men lining up to try this out.

Good story, thanks. Please keep writing.

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