How Little You Really Need


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I traced it to the basement and was coming down the stars to the utility room when it stopped. I took the last two steps to the utility room door and turned in.

There was a screech and a grabbing of a towel, "Oh shit, sorry." I turned and went back upstairs. Perry wasn't a he, he was a SHE! Short, petite, stocky even. A slight build and what looked like an A cup chest from the little I saw of it before it was covered with a towel.

I went back to sweeping and shoveling trying to get the image of a petite naked woman out of my mind. This coming Christmas would be four years since I had had a woman and I was about to cum in my pants!

I heard a noise behind me and there was Perry standing there with his arms crossed and hair still slightly damp. Fuck, HER arms crossed.

I looked at her now noticing the bit of feminine lines she did so well to hide, then went back to sweeping.

"Are you going to say anything," she said slowly.

"About?" looking back at her.

She nodded back toward the stairs.

I shrugged, "You're not the first, won't be the last. Few gallons of water never broke anyone. Hell I fill my barrels every other week so what the hell. I've been where you are." I chuckled to myself, "Probably aren't that far off from you truth be told."

I looked at her a bit trying to take in the body I had saw earlier then saw her face, "Sorry, I'm just trying to reconcile what I see now to the lovely lady I saw getting out of the shower." I stumbled through. I wanted to look at her but she would probably think me some kind of pervert. "Well sorry," and went back to work.

We didn't say much after that, and I only once heard water running a little over a week later. I just kept on working, giving her a little smile when she came upstairs and headed out to her truck when she finished.

We did chat a little more, contemplating the end of our part of the project in a few months. We'd even 'grill' a few hot dogs over a wood fire if we worked Saturday.

We sat near the fire enjoying the warmth on a calm sunny but cool afternoon, "So how did you get into this line of work Perry?"

She tipped her head back looking at the trees, "Well I guess you could say I was born into it. Dad did most of the excavating and road work for this development. When the original owner went under we did what we could to stay a float."

"You're old man Taylor's daughter?"

She smiled a little, "Yeah, you knew him?"

"Oh yeah, he was my go to guy for almost eight years." She looked at me like she was trying to recognize me. I put my hand out, "I guess we've never actually been introduced, Sean Williams."

Perry looked at me a moment then her eyes went wide, "Sean Williams, as in... Willtown Estates Sean Williams?"

I chuckled, "the one and only."

She just looked at me a bit, "Wow. So what happened?"

"Same thing that happened to everybody else. Clinton and the Dems pushed the CRA further than it should have been and things crashed when their big ideals caught up with everybody else's pocket book. The wife left me when things got hard and went back to daddy. By the time I bottomed out it really was the bottom. Been working my way up ever since. How's your dad doing by the way?"

A cloud came over her face, "Um, he passed away June 2009. A stroke in his sleep."

"Ah shit, I didn't know. Sorry." I remembered her mom passing away shortly after Alex had started working for my developments.

We sat there in silence a bit more, "So did you keep the company going then?"

She snorted, "Yeah right. How many developers are going to hire a girl for excavation and road work? I managed to keep the skid steer, an excavator, and a back hoe."

"Well at least you've got something to work with."

She snorted again, "They might as well be toys. My big truck is down and unless I can scrape up enough to get it fixed I'm going to loose a water line contract because I can't get them to the sight."

We sipped our drinks a bit in silence.

"Um, Perry. I could pull them for you."

"With what?" she said a bit sarcastically.

"My duce and a half has a Pintle hitch. It would be about max load and we'd have to go slow, but we could do it."

"I couldn't ask you to do that."

"Perry, your old man got me out of more binds than I can count. Just think of it as returning the favor."

"You're sure about this?"

I just shrugged, "Why not. When do you have to have them there?"

"I need to get the project done by the end of next week or I'm out."

"So tomorrow?"

She grinned, a really nice smile. "You got a deal." I even got a nice hug out of it, good thing she let me go before my hard cock ripped through her pants. Those little mounds I had forgotten about on her chest had me hard in an instant.

She had me giddy even if she was almost twenty years younger. I stopped on the way home at the Country Buffet and had steak! It might have only been sirloin, but it was STEAK!

The next morning I popped up quick not even bothering with coffee on my way out and met Perry at her dad's old place. Not much left, and a large portion of the yard with other equipment in it. I looked around a little at what looked like drilling equipment not road equipment, "Who's stuff is that?"

Perry sighed and confirmed my suspicion, "The new owner is a drilling company. They rent me a corner back to keep my stuff."

"Oh," was all I could think to say.

We hooked the trailer and got the back hoe loaded, I kept looking at her trying to put my finger on what was different, and then it hit me, MAKEUP! It wasn't much, but she actually looked like a girl!

We took it slow, and even with a quick trip back it was after sunset before we unhooked back at the main yard.

"You want to stop and grab a bite, my treat?"

"I'd love to Sean, but I have to get back. Maybe another time?"

"Okay," I did my best to hide my disappointment.

"Thanks again," I got another hug and I thought maybe a bit of a peck on the cheek. My imagination said above the smell of diesel I got a hint of perfume, either that or some nice shampoo.

The next week she did what she had to do here, then booked it as soon as she could to her other project. She was looking a bit harried Monday and Tuesday, but better Wednesday and Thursday. Friday morning Perry asked if I could pick up the back hoe after work.

We finished here as quick as possible and scooted over to the site, she already had it up on the trailer ready to pull out. Another slow run back to the yard running out of daylight the last half hour but luckily no cops to pull us over.

"So how about running out and grabbing a bite?"

Perry smiled at me, "I'd love to but I can't."

"Oh... okay..." I turned to head for my truck. I can take a hint.

I felt a hand on my shoulder turning me back to her, "No it's not like that Sean. The weekends are the only time I get to see Dane."

I just shrugged, "None of my business."

Perry smiled at me again, "Sean, Dane is my son."

I just looked at this little thing in front of me, I must have had quite the stupid look from her expression. "You're not old enough to have kids."

That got a BIG grin and a finger shaking at me, "You're terrible. Can we do it during the week some time?"

I smiled back at her, "That we can."

I got another hug, and even though I knew it was coming, those little mounds pressed into me was excruciating heaven.

Well it was going to be a project weekend anyway. I had bartered some lumber and a couple of windows to a guy that could weld, so this weekend I was going to install the water jacket on the rocket stove. If plans went right I would have wood fired hot water Saturday evening.

Well that was the plan anyway. The heat exchanger for the stove went on in half an hour and another half an hour to shorten the flue and get things sealed back up. Six hours later and I had the heat exchanger for the water plumbed... almost. At seven o'clock at night I discovered I was one fitting off. I had a male instead of a female.

I went out to the camper to take what I hoped would be my last quickie shower. The camper only had a seven gallon water heater. Even turned all the way up it was still a wet down and shut the water off, lather up and rinse then shut the water down again to shampoo then rinse quick before I ran out of hot water.

An hour in to town and back on Sunday morning and fifteen minutes later it was assembled. Another hour to fill and test the system and it was making hot water. That was the start of my move from the camper to the trailer. I had been sleeping in the trailer on my big bed, but my shower, fridge, and water system were still tied to the camper.

The rest of the day was spent transferring the pump and little pressure tank to the trailer. I had an old grill hooked to a hundred pound propane cylinder to cook on already set up. The next few weeks would be stripping the appliances from the camper and making my new kitchen in the trailer. The toilet would have to stay with the dump tank making the camper and overgrown porta potty, but that couldn't be helped right now.

True to her word Perry and I went out for supper Wednesday after work. We did it up fancy, a double, fries, and even large frosties!

"So you have a son. Is he out of diapers yet?"

Perry gasped and grinned, "Dane will turn four in May."

I just looked at her, "NO WAY!" I just had to stare, "You can't be more than what twenty, maybe twenty one?"

Perry rolled her eyes, "I'm twenty nine I'll have you know."

I just had to look at her and try to take that in. Such a petite pretty woman and she was twenty nine? Only ten years between us. "So why only weekends?"

"He stays with my grandmother."

"And you live out of your truck?" Perry stopped and looked at me like she had been gut punched. "Oh I'm not judging. I lived out of my car for three months before I traded for my truck. Would have loved to have had the back seat of a crew cab."

She relaxed a bit, "But I would probably have had to roll down the window to stick my feet out though."

Perry snorted and took another bite. We chatted a bit more before we called it a night. She was headed back to her truck to park somewhere and me to my trailer.

Halloween weekend we quit early making it a three day weekend. Perry was looking forward to taking Dane trick or treating Friday night. I was a bit concerned with the forecast to be wet and cold but she was just beaming with joy at the prospect of taking him out.

Monday Perry was all grins even if she was fighting off the beginnings of a cold. Sniffles and a few cough's, but manageable. But getting caught in a cold downpour Wednesday mid day and she was just dragging.

Perry was walking to her truck with her wet jacket pulled tight around her looking like death warmed over. I pulled up beside her, "Get in."

"What for?"

"You're not sleeping in that unheated truck tonight."

"But I can't..."

I just stared at her, "Get in."

She sighed, "Okay, let me grab a few things." She hobbled to her truck and grabbed a small duffle then climbed up into the cab like a creaky old man. She was still wet, but at least the cab was warm for the ride home.

Perry was intrigued by my setup, a bit wide eyed even in her chilled state. I stoked the stove back up to as hot as I could stand and told her to get out of her wet clothes pointing to the shower. She grabbed a few things and changed, coming back out in an old long sweat shirt.

Even a few feet from the stove she was still shivering. I put a hand to her forehead and she was plenty warm. A can of soup later and she was about out of it. I laid her out on the bed and pulled the covers over her doing my best not to look at her bare legs and how far up her top rode, she objected a little, but a few breaths later and she was out.

I kicked back on my lawn chair with feet to the fire keeping an eye on her. She was tossing and turning. She got hot and kicked all the covers off, then a little later she was bundled up shivering. Then back to sprawled out kicking her covers off making me gasp at her little pink thong covering her smooth pussy. Her top pulled up to just under her little mounds making me want to stoke the fire a little more in spite of how she was feeling.

Perry was back and forth a bit more, then she was sweating like she had a thousand pin holes in her, tossing and turning mumbling something about a Charlie. Pulling her top off and still sweating like terrible. All I could do was stare at her beautiful body, a little petite figure that looked so delectable.

But I couldn't take any more, and neither could she, she was burning up. I did the only thing I could thing of, I stripped down and picked her limp body up and carried her to the shower. Feeling her fight me as the warm water probably felt like ice water to her.

Oh fuck this is not good. Holding a naked wet woman squirming against me and I was hard as titanium. Feeling her nubs going back and forth across my chest as her pussy went back and forth across my cock and I couldn't take it. I held her tight and just came between us.

Fuck I'm glad she's out of it. I let us separate enough to let my cum rinse from between us. Holding her as I slowly turned the water cooler and cooler until I couldn't take it any more.

Drying her off as best as I could and slipped one of my shirts on her and slipped her back into bed. I had to use my t-shirts for a towel since I used my one and only for Perry then slipped back into my lawn chair. Perry dozed off and I did also. _

I woke to a bit of noise seeing Perry rolling under the covers then looking at me, "Um Sean, how did I get in your shirt?"

I dropped my head, I couldn't look at her. "Your fever spiked. The only thing I could think of was to cool you off in the shower."

"So we didn't..."

My head came up to look at her, "NO!" Well you didn't, but I yi yiii...

Perry just smiled, tipping her head forward to smell my shirt, then got out to stand with her butt closer to the stove, the shirt tails barely coving her pussy. That pussy that was up against my cock last night in the shower. I kicked my head back as my cock grew in my shorts, Fuck don't let her see me like this.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I opened my eyes to see her grinning beside me, "Bathroom?"

I nodded toward the door, "Pee bucket by the door or toilet in the camper."

Perry went back to her duffel and pulled out some stuff. I glanced and nearly came in my pants as she pulled a little white thong up her legs giving me a bit of a view of her ass before the shirt tails dropped back down. Imagining those same cheeks as she pulled her jeans up under my shirt. Gasping and trying to stifle a groan when she dropped my shirt and stood there bare backed as she put her bra and then work shirt on.

Perry leaned over beside my ear and whispered, "You know this isn't fair. You've had me naked twice now and I haven't even gotten a hint of your pecker." If I move I'm going to cum in my pants.

Perry headed out to the camper and I stepped to the pee bucket. I got two strokes and had to almost bend in half to hit it as hard as I came, barely getting zipped up and catching my breath before Perry came back in as I was making coffee. A couple of scrambled eggs and we headed to work, a few hours late but nothing critical.

Perry didn't say a lot on the way in, just glancing at me a few times. Work was a little more interesting, we chatted a bit more. A little more friendly than we had started out at, not hiding her femininity as much. She didn't plaster on the makeup, but I thought I saw a hint of eye liner or something.

And we did take a few more evenings out after work, the last few even doing regular restaurants instead of fast food. But the last one, WOW! We decided to do it up Thursday night and meet at Country Buffet. I almost didn't recognize Perry. She had gotten all dirty at work but we brushed off and headed out. But when she came through the door the dirty work shirt was gone and a nice tank top was in its place letting a little bit lace peak through.

We talked but I didn't really hear any of it looking at her across from me. She was still a bit scruffy from work, but DAMN she cleaned up nice. I was on cloud nine when she took my hand walking back out to the trucks. I decided to take a chance.

"Perry, it's getting pretty cold out there. You can camp out at my place if you want to."

Perry looked at me a bit, "You sure about that?"

I just shrugged, "It's warmer than camping out in your truck."

She got a little grin, "Okay." She followed me over and grabbed her duffel taking a closer look at the place now that she was feeling better.

We kicked back drinking our high octane cool aid. "So who's Charlie?" I asked in a lull in the conversation.

Perry froze.

"You were saying something in your fever, didn't sound nice."

She took a sip of her cool aid, "He's Dane's father."

"And he's not in the picture?"

Perry snorted, "Not even close. He talked me into not putting him on the birth certificate and to wait on getting married. Three weeks after Dane's first birthday he left for work and never came back. Took most of our savings with him."

"Sorry..." we sat there a bit more listening to the fire hiss and crackle.

"You have kids?"

"Two, a boy and a girl," I said with a smile.

There was a bit of a pause, "You never say anything about them."

I shrugged, "They went with their mom. They were addicted to the good life like she was." I took a deep breath, "No, that's not quite accurate. I wasn't a dad, just the provider. I was so involved in the business that I wasn't involved in their life. I had it all planned out to retire after the next development. But that would have put them into high school and beyond before I pulled away from the business."

We sat there a bit more.

"So do I get to take my shower by myself tonight?" from her giggle I must have had quite the expression.

"I'll go get some more wood."

I went out to my pile of scrap two by fours and brought an arm load up to my overhang to split for the rocket stove. My first trip back in and Perry was still in the shower, her shadow on the curtain. I took my time with the second with the memory of her profile rinsing her hair out burned into my memory.

When I got back in she was drying her hair, her t-shirt up enough to let her thong show between her cheeks. I turned to the sink to rinse this mornings dishes. By the time I had that accomplished she was bending over her duffel pulling something out, all I saw was the stripe up between her cheeks.

I turned to my milk crate stack to pull out some shorts and stripped to mine to get in the shower. I almost stripped down completely but barely caught myself as I started to pull them down and then back up quickly hearing a giggle behind me. "Don't let me stop you."

I slipped into the shower and dropped my shorts and threw them over the top of the curtain at Perry making her laugh. I was going to stroke a load thinking about her but remembered her silhouette that I watched from outside. I did at least try and face the wall to keep the profile of my hard aching cock standing out from being on display.

I did my best to tuck my cock up under my elastic instead of standing out to poke anything I get near when I got out.

Now the one thing about not having a TV or even a radio in here you have two things to do when it gets dark. Watch the fire or go to bed. And in my situation either of those meant ALONE.

I crawled in debating on inviting Perry to share my bed, it was a king after all, but that could be a bit awkward. But it wasn't as quiet as usual. Yes there were the usual creaks and groans of the trailer with the faint rustling of the wind accompanying the crackle of the stove, but add to that the breathing of another body moving and creaking in the lawn chair. I tossed and turned a bit waking up with every creak of the chair. "Perry?" I asked softly.