How Little You Really Need


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"Mmmm, well power is underground just this side of the road up to the transformer, and for all the rock I would bet sewer up here would be lagoon not leach. The water is all the way down the hill and across the road."

"What about the spring?"

"What about it."

"Why not use that for water?"

"You can do that?"

I heard her groan as she put her head back against my chest, "Yes."

"Okay. So should we go back down and actually do what we came here for?"

"It's either that or move things around to get my stuff over here."

"Huh?" Perry turned and gave me a nice kiss then hopped back into the truck. OH!

We did go back down and unload the skid steer and attachments. We were shuffling and consolidating and I was really surprised at what I had acquired over the last two years. It was just lots of bits and pieces, but it sure added up.

Our next load from the yard was a few more attachments and the back hoe, that let us load and unload on either end. The next two loads were strictly attachments loaded and unloaded by chain with the excavator being the last load just before sunset.

"You staying for supper?" I asked with a grin.

"What are my choices?"

"Oh you know, just the usual endless menu. I have soup, stew, or noodles."

"Stew sounds good."

I put my elbow out and she took it grinning as I led her to the house.

"You've been busy!" she exclaimed as she saw my additions. "You expecting someone?"

I just shrugged, "When you stayed that first night I realized I wasn't prepared for guests."

Perry grinned, "But there's still only one bed."

I grinned back, "Yup."

We sat and ate stew watching TV. I could only pick up a few locals on my home made antenna, but it was better than nothing.

"You staying tonight?"

Perry grinned, "I thought that was a condition of keeping my stuff here."

I grinned even harder, "That it was. You want to take a shower while I rinse the dishes?"

"Okay," she chirped. Perry ran out to her truck for her duffel and teased me stripping down for her shower stepping in in her little bra and thong, tossing them at me from inside. I couldn't help it, I brought them to my nose to inhale her scent. A heady mix of sweat and Perry.

The shower shut off and a minute later I turned hearing the shower curtain being pulled back, BIG MISTAKE.

Perry stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel drying her hair with another. "Your turn." She sat back down on the couch, her towel opening up along her leg almost enough to...

"Okay," I said with a little groan trying not to cum in my pants. I stepped to the dresser and grabbed a clean pair of boxers and stripped to mine before stepping into the shower. I started lathering down and couldn't help it, I grabbed my aching cock and got three strokes in before shooting all over the wall remembering her stepping out of the shower naked the first time I saw her. At least I wouldn't be stabbing everything in sight when I got out.

When I shut the water off it was strangely silent like I was alone again. When I came out of the shower I found out why. Perry was in bed already, all the lights off except for the little one in the kitchen. I was standing there looking at her bare shoulders.

"Um Sean."


"You're over dressed," and pulled the covers back to reveal her naked body.

I just stared at the vision before me, "damn" was all I could say as my hard on came back with a vengeance.


I just stared at her, I couldn't tear my eyes away. She looked down at my hard on tenting my boxers. "Oh," I dropped my boxers once I managed to get them past my hard on, Perry giggling at my predicament. I slid in beside her lightly putting my hand on her waist as she covered us back up. "Are you sure about this?"

Perry put her hand behind my neck and pulled me down to her. Our first real kiss. Not a quick peck, or even a decent kiss out in public. This was a kiss while exploring each other. Feeling her hands moving on my chest while I brought mine up to hers. Her gasp into my mouth when I cupped her tit and took her hard nipple between my fingers.

Hearing her sigh in my ear as I kissed along her jaw to her ear lobe working my way to her chest. Perry's little cry as I took her nipple in my lips, wrapping her arms around my head holding me tight and quivering. I hoped it was a nice little orgasm.

Getting her to release my head and kissing across to her other tit, her sigh and groan as I took her other nipple feeling it get even harder between my lips. Suckling like I was trying to drink her in taking as much of her tit in my mouth as I could. releasing it to begin to kiss my way down her belly.

Perry caught my head and tipped it up, "Later," she panted.

I slid back up her body and lightly kissed her as the tip of my cock bumped her pussy. "I'm not going to last long."

"Me either," as she reached down and brought my cock to her lips. Lifting me up and down wetting me with her juices leaving me centered on her opening.

I slid partially into her having to stop to keep from popping, pulling back and arching up to be able to keep kissing Perry as I sunk fully into her. I tipped my head back arching the other way plastering her to me, "Fuuuuccckkkkk." I was quivering and gritting my teeth on the edge of cumming in her.

If I hadn't met Dane you couldn't convince me this woman had ever had children, she was TIGHT! I was moving a little trying to hold off when Perry screamed and wrapped her legs around me. That was it, I pulled back one last time and was unloading even as I drove into her. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders and roaring as I filled her. Barely holding myself up on my elbows to keep from crushing her before pulling both of us over onto my back.

We laid there a bit as my cock softened slipping from Perry, her soft body sprawled across me. I grabbed something from beside the bed and tried to tuck it between her legs. Perry rolled enough to pull it between her legs and dropped back to my chest.

As hot and sweaty as we were I didn't want her to move. Stroking her soft back and ass cheek as our sweat almost glued us to each other. Tipping my head up enough to kiss her forehead was all the energy I had.

We finally rolled off the bed and Perry hobbled to the pee bucket and gave me a dirty look, "You need a real bathroom," she scowled as she hovered over the bucket.

"That takes a leach field or lagoon." She looked at the shower with a raised eyebrow. I just shrugged, "Sink and shower run to a grey water gravel pit. And with both of us here that could be pushed to the limit."

Perry just groaned, "Guess what your first project is?"

"Well I was going to say we can't afford it, but I know someone with the right toys to put it in."

It was tight with our regular work season coming to an end, and if it hadn't been for my monthly cell tower money we wouldn't have done it. We got the smallest tank we could get and just enough pipe for one long lateral fastening the tee and end cap with screws so we could add to it later if need be. But we were now officially living in a home. No more camper or out house needed.

We didn't do a whole lot the next two weeks with our regular work other than the little septic setup with the short days. But that did leave a WHOLE lot of time in the evenings to explore things inside.

I learned that I could nibble on her neck and shoulders all day long and she would really enjoy it, but if I nibbled on the outside slope of her tits I had a wild woman on my hands. And licking the crease of her hip and leg right below her hip bone got her flowing and ready for me to lick clean. And oh was she sweet. I could lay there and lick her until she passed out, and I tried that as many times as possible.

Spreading her juicy pussy, nibbling on her lips as I took tentative licks into her core. Drinking and feasting as Perry moans and sighs, feeling her legs come around me as I get her close. Sliding my fingers up in her as I nibble on her clit sending her over the edge.

But I have to be careful how much I tease that little minx, she takes great pleasure in returning the favor. Laying with her head on my belly and just flicking the head of my cock with her tongue. Taking just the head of my cock in her mouth as she strokes my cock or plays with my balls. Working and stroking and sucking.

Leaning over to suck me down against the back of her mouth every so often, then opening her mouth and slowly taking me in pressing me to the back as she hums and licks my cock. And when I fell like I can't take it any more it's like she seems to know I'm on the edge and leans over and just stars fucking my cock with her throat. Jamming me hard until I roar and let loose, grabbing her ass as I arch up and fill her belly. _

We were cuddling on the couch watching a Christmas movie, neither of us having put any clothes on for three days. Perry was softly stroking my firm cock as I cupped and played with her little tits. "Dane keeps bugging me about coming over."

I lifted my hand enough to tip her head and give her a quick peck, "Well we won't be able to run around like this when he's here."

Her mouth dropped open, "YA THINK?!"

I grinned back at her, "When would you want to bring him over?"

She got a soft smile, "You don't mind?"

"Well we're not exactly set up for him on a permanent basis yet."


"Well I figured some where along the way we'd have to set something up for him, but I'm not sure how or where just yet."


I just smiled and shrugged. Perry grinned and bit her lip then let my cock flop back against my belly. She lifted a leg to straddle me and planted her pussy firmly on me letting her wet lips slide on either side of me.

"You're sure about this?"

"I'm sure I want to try if you do."

Perry stiffened, "Try..."

I pulled her down on top of me skin to skin, "If the last few years have taught me anything it is that nothing is guaranteed." She inhaled deep, "Having said that I really want us to succeed. I just hope an old man can keep up with the babe that's stolen my heart."

Perry pulled up to her elbows, the tips of her nipples just grazing my chest hair. She looked into my eyes searching for something, then sighed and got this little grin. "I'm not giving it back until you fork over mine."

I smiled back at her and slid one hand to her ass to cup it as I brought the other to the back of her neck to pull her back down. "Not happenin'" I whispered just before I kissed her.

Perry melted against my chest again interlocking her arms behind my neck, we kissed and held each other close for an eternity before she broke it lifting up and grinning at me. The grin turned to a groan as she snaked her little hand down between us and lifted me enough for her to sink back and take me in to the root.

Hearing Perry's breath catch when she got me in just the right place in her pussy, feeling her quiver as she took her pleasure. Seeing her try to egg me on and telling her to cum around me and the total release on her face as she came hard and collapsed on my chest again. Deep panting turning to slow shallow breaths as she fell asleep on me as my still hard cock was buried in her aching to cum and yet not wanting to so I could stay buried in her velvet pussy.

My little movements in her pussy enjoying her around me making her sigh in her sleep and then coming awake and getting me to roll over on top of her. Lifting her legs and catching her knees behind her elbows and cupping her little tits. "Fuck me..." her only words. And the grin on her face when I couldn't take it and jack hammered into her filling her with a roar and collapsing down on her barely remember to catch myself with my elbows to keep from crushing her.

I rolled to my back gasping for air, reaching across to cup her tit and Perry putting her hand on mine. "It's not even Christmas yet and that's the second best present I've ever had."

Perry's hand tightened on mine, "Second? What was the first?"

"When the kids were born..."

Perry's hand relaxed, "Yeah..." she rolled over against me, all energy to get up and take a shower forgot about as we drifted off. _

Over the next few weeks we made the rounds to the various thrift stores, finally coming up with a bed for Dane and a desk for Perry, all in one. It was one of those things the college dorms use that have a desk on the bottom with a bunk up top. Dane was thrilled to spend a few nights every so often, telling his grandma he was going to summer camp. Seems it was something he remembered from a movie with bunk beds. I just grinned and didn't argue about it being the middle of winter.

The three of us spent the few days before Christmas in my trailer and taking walks around the property. Dane having a ball following various animal tracks while Perry and I scouted a place for a house. We settled on a place near the top about mid way between the side property lines where it flattened out a bit before resuming its rise to the peak. A place where the back would be built into the hill side.

Christmas morning at her grandmothers was one of the most special I can remember, only a few little presents for Dane, but all of us together. It was the sign of my life turning around. _

Come February I got a letter from a bankruptcy court and then from a new cell tower management company. They had to renegotiate the tower contracts. This time I got a company to rep me and they got me almost four times what I had been getting. The tower company bitched about my RV electric so we told them to leave it in place for a year max to give me a chance to get mine in and they relented.

Perry also got a call from a builder to prep a sight when another contractor was a no show, and since I wasn't working yet I tagged along to help out. Turns out he was one of the guys I had used in the past and was surprised to see me in the excavating business.

"Nope, I work for her," putting my thumb over my shoulder at Perry going to town with the excavator. I hopped back in the truck to dump what she had loaded when I got the whistle and a look, he just grinned at my jumping at her beck and call. At lunch break I introduced her to Vince and informed him she was old man Taylor's daughter. He raised an eyebrow and then started asking her questions. By the end of the day they had an agreement for several more projects. We splurged and took Dane and her grandmother out to the Country Buffet. She took him home with her so we could have the night to ourselves to celebrate.

I never did go back to full time work for the construction company, Perry and I worked too well together. I did still do clean up for material though, can't beat free.

As soon as the weather dried up enough we traded a little excavating for borrowing some concrete forms and set the foundation for our first storage container. One end ground level and the other dock high to be able to back the big truck right up. Two months later we did the second one forty feet over. The following month we did the water from the stream to a cistern and then the septic lagoon.

September we splurged and bought both of the fifty three foot containers and had them set. It about drained us but we had the cell tower money coming in to cover the basics. And after a little coaxing and begging we had a bit of a house raising party the weekend after Halloween. Some grilling and beer got us a few guys and a high loader to finish in half a day what would have taken me and Perry several weeks. It was only the truss joists and decking with a tarp cover, but it gave us an out of the weather area to work on equipment and store more material.

The year had been good to us, we had actually been able to set some money back and buy a few pieces of equipment expanding our scope of work and there fore our income.

I will admit that I hid something from Perry that fall, about four hundred dollars worth, but she would get it back, I hoped...

Thanksgiving at Grandma Sarah's was wonderful, a house full of aromas and good people. We even had both turkey and ham!

Christmas... I was in knots and doing my best not to show it, but I wasn't succeeding, Sarah kept looking at me, and twice asked what was bothering me. I made some excuse, but it was clear she wasn't buying it.

We sat back as Dane distributed our presents, each of us buying a few little things for each other as well as the 'extras' from Santa for Dane.

"Hey Dane, you missed one."

"Where?" I pointed to the lower branches at a small wrapped box hanging from one next to a decoration. Here it goes for all the marbles.

Dane, his ever energetic self, ran back to the tree hoping it was for him. "It says for Mom."

"From who?" Perry asked, Dane just shrugged and handed her the little box.

Perry took it and inspected it like it was going to spring open and bite her, a little shake didn't reveal anything so she slooooly took the lid off. Her eyes went wide when she saw the jewelry box inside and took it out slowly looking between me and the box.

"Come on Mom, open it!"

Sarah laughed and Perry gasped, then slowly cracked the cover.

She was going to put her hand to her mouth, but I grabbed it in mine as I slipped to one knee, "Perry Taylor, will you marry me?"

Her lips and hands were trembling like she was going to drop it so I took the box from her hand and put the ring at the tip of her finger waiting on her answer.

"Yes," she squeaked out nodding her head and crying.

I slipped the ring up her finger and kissed her hand, Perry dropped to the floor in front of me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a long hard kiss.


We broke the kiss long enough to see Dane with his hands over his eyes but peeking between his fingers. I turned Perry back to me and kissed her again dropping my far hand to her ass to give it a nice little squeeze.

"GRANDMA! Make them stop." Sarah took him to the kitchen for another piece of pie.

We held each other and kissed some more. "Hey Perry."

She gave me a quick peck, "Hmm?"

"Can we sit back up on the couch, my knees are killing me?"

Perry laughed and pulled me to my feet then pushed me to the couch and hopped on my lap straddling me, "Better?"

"Getting there," as I pulled her close to resume that kiss but with her chest tight into mine this time.

We managed to tone it down enough for Dane to come back in and watch TV with us, Sarah grinning like her face would split.

I got up later at half time to make a bathroom run and got one of the best Christmas presents I could have even imagined. I was just coming back down the hall and as I rounded the corner to come back in the room...



"Does this mean Sean is going to be my Dad?"

"Would you like that?" looking at me over Dane's shoulder.

"Uh huh."

Perry smiled, "Me too," she said softly.

Dane did a fist pump, "YESSSS."

My eyes started watering bad, there sure is a lot of dust in the air tonight.

All through winter we bought lumber with part of my cell tower money. A bundle of two by fours here, some more truss joists there, a bundle of T&G decking every once in a while. By mid February we had most of the material and were just waiting on warmer weather to get started, planning on how to keep things covered between work times. With a little bit of luck we would have the last of the sheet goods and other bits and pieces by the time we got to the roof later this summer.

We were sitting down for a few sandwiches for lunch debating on trying to get started this weekend and figuring out what size tarps we were going to need.

"What house?" Vince asked coming up beside us.

"Ours," I told him.


"Ours!" Perry responded raising her hand to show him her engagement ring and then leaned over for a quick kiss.

Vince grinned, "Well congratulations! So what are you building?"