How Little You Really Need


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We started off giving him the basics, setting the two shipping containers and the trusses and decking last fall. Building up supplies over the winter and then to the dilemma of when to start and having to keep it covered to keep the raw wood protected.

"How big?"

"Not very, thirty by forty and two stories, the second cut back a bit to look out over the great room."

"How bad is the floor plan?"

I had to chuckle, I had thrown him some real wild ones back when I was developing. "Pretty plain and simple. Second floor is the master suite, two bedrooms, and a bath slash laundry between them. Main floor is living room, kitchen, bathroom and small office with a big open great room."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"Nope, just going to take us a while to put it together."

"US?" looking between me and Perry.

Perry grinned, "Evenings and weekends are the plan. We'd be living in a cracker box if we had to pay to have it built."

Vince just shook his head and we chatted a bit more about the lot we were working on for him and some changes in the next one. He got up to walk away then turned back, "So when's the big day?" he asked with a grin.

Perry softly punched my shoulder, "Soon as the house is livable. Mister old fashioned said he'd have to be able to carry me over the threshold on our wedding night."

Vince just kicked his head back laughing as he walked away.

We got back to work, abet with a few stops for quick kisses every once in a while.

Perry and I started in framing walls that weekend, laying them out on the deck and sheeting them then starting on the next one piling them up to be ready to stand them up when we had enough put together. Over the next two weeks we had most of the first floor walls done and I had talked to Vince on Wednesday about borrowing his wall jacks to stand a few of the long ones up that weekend when Perry came storming out of the porta patty.

"You son of a bitch, you couldn't wait could you?"

Perry was on a decent run so I ducked around the truck to stay ahead of her. "What? What did I do?"

"You know god damn well what you did."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I yelled back over my shoulder on my second trip around the truck amidst Vince's guys cheering her on.

Then the little minx cheated, she turned around the other way and flattened me into a pile of dirt to a round of applause. Perry landed on my waist holding my arms above my head, then sat back up and reached into her pocket pulling out a little white stick.

"You did it up good old man," then she grinned at me, "I'm pregnant."

"You're... you mean?" I glanced at the little plus sign on the stick and then back at her grinning face, "REALLY!"

Perry nodded her head still grinning.

"YAAAHHOOOOOO!" I pulled her down for a good kiss, even reaching back to squeeze her ass. She tried to pull back when the guys started whistling and cat calling but I held her tight.

"Who's got the fire hose for these two?" Vince called out. I gave him a raspberry then kissed Perry again.

Perry let me sit up so I kissed her again, "I love you," taking her jaw in my hand and kissing her again.

"I love you too... Dad."

That got more laughs from the crew.

We managed to get dusted off amongst lots of back slaps and hugs and congratulations from the guys. I was on cloud nine the rest of the day, and we took Dane and Sarah out for a nice meal and broke the news to them. Both were overjoyed and soon had half the restaurant cheering for us. I could only smile and kiss a dad... again!!!

Vince told me Thursday morning he would need the wall jacks Friday and would drop them off Saturday morning so we were all set, plenty of tarps and ropes to cover what we could get put up.

Saturday morning at the crack of dawn we were invaded. There was a knock on the door and I slipped my pants on to get the jacks from Vince and about fell on my ass when I opened the door. There was Vince with a big grin on his face... and about a dozen trucks pulled in behind him.

"Bout time you two get out of bed, you can't get her any more pregnant than she already is you know."

I must have had quite the look on my face from his expression.

"Go put some clothes on, grab your plans, and meet us up there." he turned back to the guys and pointed up the access road.

I scrambled back inside and started pulling my shirt on, "What's up Sean?" Perry asked with a bit of concern.

"Vince is here."


"With all three crews," I said trying to button my shirt up while watching her pull the covers down to seduce me into coming back to bed.

"WHAT?!" Perry jumped out of bed making me smile at her bare ass jiggling. She pulled on a shirt and jeans not bothering with her thong or bra and we headed up the hill to the house.

We got up there as the guys were getting out compressors and uncoiling air hoses. Looking around a bit dumb founded, "What... what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

They gathered around Vince, "Well we took a vote. Now we could do all the traditional things for you guys, bachelor party, bachelorette party, bridal shower, baby shower, all that kind of stuff. Or we could do what we do best and put your shell up."

I just stood there staring at Vince, then scanned his crew all smiling at us. Perry just covered her mouth trying not to cry and backed into me.

"Well give me the plans and let's see what you have."

I held them out still a bit stunned, Vince took them grinning at us and laid them out on my pile of walls.

He looked them over and then called us to him making a few suggestions on some changes. Once he explained them they made a lot of sense and then the crews went to work. The tarps were pulled and my walls were being stood up. Vince was chalk lining things while Perry and I scrambled to get the forks on the skid steer and move the piles of lumber out from under the decking and up to the top side still a bit stunned.

Seventeen guys were peeling off lumber and laying out walls almost before I set the pile down.

Excuse me, fifteen guys and two of the best, most talented, female framers, no scratch that, framers period. That got me a grin. They were like ants at a picnic, I kept bringing lumber around and Perry ran to the store for burgers and hot dogs. It wasn't much but it was the least we could do.

By the time we broke for lunch at eleven they had all the first floor walls up and had started setting the joists for the second floor. We'd both been around build sites before, but with three crews it was going up like magic. By afternoon break the second floor joists were set and the decking on. Vince was laying out the upstairs walls and the crews were starting to assemble them.

Sally came over to us, "Where's the rest of your lumber? We're short on two by fours and several ceiling joists."

I had to gulp and look between her and Vince. "We uh, we hadn't bought any more yet."

"Oh... windows and doors?"

"Just what's downstairs. We didn't plan on getting to this stage for quite a while."

"Okay, I'll check and see what we can do."

Sally went down stairs to our 'shop' area, then called us down to explain what we had planned for the windows. Luckily our plan was fairly generic and several of the windows we had for the first floor would fit in the holes on the second. The two that we didn't have they would three quarter cut the panels letting me finish the last of the cut from the inside to pop the windows in. The holes already cut on the main floor would have to be plasticed until I got windows in them but they would be on the ground floor.

By the end of the day we were four ceiling joists short and several stub walls, but it was mainly whole. We pulled the big tarps over and thanked each and every one of them profusely. They had saved us several months of time in getting the shell up.

For as busy as the day had been we just walked the house hand in hand in awe. We had done little bits here and there for many months, and here was our house with the shell three quarter completed. We could visualize where things would go, how we would lay out the bedrooms. We could look out the windows and see the valley below.

We splurged and went to IHOP for endless pancakes to celebrate. If it hadn't been quite as chilly Perry would have spread her blanket and slept in our new bedroom that night.

We woke to a nice sunny morning, a bit earlier than our usual for a Sunday. Grinning at each other and talking about the house when we heard a big truck go roaring up the access road.

"They working on the cell tower?" Perry asked.

"On a Sunday?" I headed for my shirt and pants hearing more trucks go up the road.

I had just stepped out the door with Perry a few feet behind me and I dropped to the edge of the deck and just sat there. One of Vince's big trucks just went by with four bundles of plywood on the back. I was just starting to get some strength in my legs when one of the guys came up the road in the big high loader with the wide work platform on the forks.

I pulled Perry to me and we hugged and cried. Yes I'll admit it, we just cried a bit, then pulled ourselves together and walked hand in hand up the hill.

The tarp was being pulled off as the last few things from yesterday were being finished. The high loader was lifting a few pieces of plywood up for a temporary deck to do the roof rafters, followed by several long boards.

We came up behind Vince and I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around grinning. "Vince, I don't have the money to pay you for this lumber."

His grin never faltered, "Pay me when you can, or take it off my bill."

I didn't know what to say, neither did Perry, she just reached up and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Vince looked at me grinning, "Don't you even think about it," pointing a finger at me. I gave him a big hug anyway. Sally and Valerie yelled down 'hubba hubba.'

By early afternoon we had a mostly dried in shell. It was just a layer of felt on the roof, but it would keep most of the rain out until I could get some shingles on in a few weeks. Vince would loan me the compressor and nailer when I got to them.

We waited until Wednesday to tell Dane and Sarah about the house, with plans to stay in town Friday night and come out Saturday to show it to them. Dane wanted to go right that minute even in the dark and begged us to head right back out Friday evening when we got home.

We tortured Dane Saturday morning. We stayed in bed for a while, then took our time with breakfast and showers. He was literally dragging Perry by the hand out to the truck and pestering Sarah to hurry up and get in.

Sarah gasped a little seeing my semi trailer house for the first time, but it was my turn when we came to the top. There was our house with almost a dozen guys crawling on it and Spanish music blaring to the hills.

Dane was out the door as soon as I stopped with Sarah following and trying to control him. I just sat there and stared.

"Sean," Perry asked, "who are those guys?"

"That's José and his crew..."

"Did you..." I looked at her and shook my head. "How did they..." all I could do was shrug.

We got out of the truck slowly, walking to the house with my arm around Perry's shoulder. We made it half way when a short robust woman came at us with arms out letting loose a string of Spanish faster than any one I had ever heard before.

I was pulled down for a big hug and a kiss on each cheek, then it was open arms to Perry and the same for her as José came up behind his mother grinning.

"Mister Sean, so good to see you after all this time," sticking his had out for what I know would be a nice firm shake.

"José, how..."

He grinned never letting go of my hand, "Mister Vince told me you were getting married, to a real woman."

Perry grinned and his mother said something in Spanish and he responded. "And we can't have el bebé sleeping in the trailer now can we?"

There was another string of Spanish and she stepped back a little and held Perry's arms wide. "When are you due?" José translated.

"Late November."

José translated back and then one of the guys yelled something down from the roof and he turned to take care of it and Perry was drug off by his mother to walk the house.

I caught up with him after he took care of the problem, "José, How can you do this?"

"You no worry Mister Sean. I used all my extra grays."

I looked at him in awe. José would hang onto all his extra shingle bundles in his four main colors, piling them up until he had a healthy stash and then find a deserving family to re-roof their house. They had some color variations being from different lots, but they were good shingles.

"I should pay you something for all this. I don't know what to say."

José grinned and nodded to the ladies, "Say you won't tell them the top row and ridge caps will be black."

I couldn't speak, every word stuck in my throat. I pulled him to me with one hand and gave him the biggest hug I could. When I found my voice, "I'll say each and every one of you is invited to the wedding."

By two that afternoon we had a fully dried in shell. We walked and talked with Dane and Sarah until almost sunset. When we came back out the front we found Sarah just staring off over the valley, strangely quiet that evening taking them home.

With just a few words we decided to add one more room next to the downstairs bathroom... for when Sarah came to stay. By mutual consent, we pulled the mattress from the camper and all the blankets we had and slept in our bedroom in the new house that night.

Over the next few months we got our power connected, our bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen completed enough that after our wedding on the front lawn with all our friends in attendance I could carry Perry up the stairs and over the threshold.

The only small fly in the ointment was something that didn't happen. I invited Jackie and the kids to the wedding, but they had a ski trip planned and couldn't change the reservation. Where do you go skiing in the middle of the summer? _

It was the first part of September, Dane was staying with his grandmother giving us a night alone. A night alone with Perry spread out on the blanket on the front deck in all her naked pregnant glory. My face wet with her juices as I look over her swollen belly seeing her now slightly larger tits rising and falling. I could see her grin even if she didn't raise her head, "You don't think you're done yet do you?"

I got to my knees and slipped between her spread knees, sliding in to her waiting pussy bottoming out as my belly met hers. "You getting fat woman."

Perry's head came up with a gasp and then a grin, "Fuck me before you keel over old man." She dug her heels in my ass and pulled me in even deeper. I did as told and just enjoyed my wife's tight pussy watching her tits jiggle as I did. Going in and out making her gasp and then scream to the hills in her third orgasm of the evening.

"You hormones are going to kill me..." I gasped as I rolled to her side sliding my hand across her tight belly.

We laid there a bit then Perry turned and rolled on top of me, "Well then I better do it up right." Perry settled with her belly in my chest and her tits in mine licking and sucking my cock back to life.

I tried to lift my head to her pussy but her belly held her just high enough to keep her out of reach. I blew into her spread lips making her jump, "This isn't fair."

"Mmmmmm," Perry hummed around my firming cock then sat up with a pop letting her pussy settle momentarily to my face. I got a few licks in before she hopped up with more energy than should be allowed and spun around to hover over my now aching cock. "Well maybe this will make up for it."

Perry reached down, raised me up enough to sink down and envelope me again. Perry rode me to her finish, I think I dribbled a little in her but I'm not sure as my consciousness drifted away... _

I was flexing my hand to get some circulation back in it while I watched the nurse cut the umbilical cord. She brought him up to Perry to nurse. "What's his name?"

I turned my head to answer but Perry beat me to it, "Sean Michael Williams Junior."

I almost fell over on her looking her in the eye. She crooked her finger and puckered up. I leaned over to give her a kiss, totally shocked at naming him after me.

Perry grinned up at my reaction and whispered, "I still want a girl next time..." _ _

Thank you for reading my stories, and an additional disclaimer if you don't mind.

Yes, I need an editor.

If you read my beginning disclaimers and acknowledgements I did not pay homage to my editor. Real life has raised its ugly head and he has needed to take a sabbatical.

If you would like to apply as a substitute or co-editor feel free to contact me or leave a comment.


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TiredOldMan502TiredOldMan50212 months ago

Your disclaimers comes from JimBob44

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

I have my favorite Author on this site but Sir, your stories are AMAZING! I'm working through your submissions alphabetically and so far, I am amazed and have given every one of your stories I've read 5 Stars each! The only thing I could suggest, if you cannot find an editor is to use a program I use called TextAloud! I still use version 3.0.116, it still works better than the new v. 4. You can listen to your story, (I know that takes time) but you can use it to spell check, hell, a lot of uses. It helps to hear your story and you can set up your dictionary to help with the story! Just what I call Constructive Criticism. For this story? 5 BIG FUCKING STARS! Yeah, their bigger and better and more important than the regular stars! lol. Well, it's way past my bedtime now because of your story, Good night!

mac1729mac1729over 2 years ago

Wonderful story, I know I'm a little late reading this but if you ever need an editor let me know

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 3 years ago
Most Excellent, Most Excellent indeed

Thank you once again for a wonderful romance story. I really like your stories so far but I have the long stories yet to read, but according to your other commentators I only have really good stories ahead. Thanks again, riches to rags to riches as a loving family. How can it get better!!!

biggeoff35biggeoff35about 4 years ago

Thank you for your time and effort i love your stories

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