How NYC Changed Us


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Zoe opened her eyes to see Justin with tears running down the side of his face. She eased forward and came to a rest on his chest and then notice she was crying as well. She still felt his cock within her but not as hard as he was just a mere minute ago.

"Justin, why are you crying?" Zoe asked with her head turned to the side.

"Because that was the best moment of my life. Being here with you and being together. I love you!" He said as he brought his arms up and around her holding her in a hug.

"I love you too! And yes, that was spectacular to say the least." Zoe replied.

They rested for a good bit before uncoupling so Justin could go use the bathroom. Zoe sat up against the headboard and looked at her hands. "Damn!" She looked as you could see where Justin was holding her hands as his finger nails had broken her skin in several places. A minute later and Justin walked back into the room. Zoe held up her hands and showed them to him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you Zoe. I'll get the hydrogen peroxide." He replied.

"No, I don't need it. Come here." She said to him. "You come lay down, I'll be back in a minute." Zoe said getting up and going towards the bathroom. She peed and brushed her teeth before heading back to her bed. She walked in to find Justin underneath the covers waiting for her. She slipped into the covers and rolled over to cuddle up next to Justin. She put her right hand on his chest feeling the subtle hair that dotted his chest.

"It's after midnight. Merry Christmas Justin, I love you." She said before kissing his chest just near the center between his man nipples.

"Merry Christmas, and yes I love you too Zoe." Justin replied as he kissed the top of her head. Slowly, they fell into a soft sleep comforted by the love they shared for one another.


Justin awakened to Zoe snoring softly. He found it funny as he's never heard her snore before. Even in sleep he found her beautiful and stunning. He found her new hair style added a new level of sexiness to her with it being short and dyed a reddish color. He had a bad case of morning wood as it was poking Zoe's left thigh. He looked over at the clock, "Zoe, Zoe!" He said softly into her ear.

"Hmmmm, let me sleep in." She moaned to him.

"We already have.. It's 11:30. We have to get a shower and dressed to go over to Matt's home." Justin replied pushing the covers up off of him. He got up off the bed and walked around towards the door with his stiff hard on. Zoe had opened her eyes when he began moving and then saw him come into view.

Zoe whistled seeing his bare ass walk towards the door. "Cute butt." Zoe said giggling.

"Not as cute as yours." Justin replied walking out.

Three hours later, they were both sitting at the table with Lindsay, Mike and Mark and their mother Pam. They all were eating a Christmas meal together. Zoe and Justin sat next to each other with Mike and Lindsay sitting across from them with Pam and Mark at the ends of the table.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make!" Mike said out loud and looked at Lindsay. "Lindsay and I are dating if any of you were wondering." Zoe looked at Lindsay who was beaming with Joy.

"We just started dating but I can say for sure that he and I are made for each other." Lindsay said.

"Congrats!" Zoe said smiling at Lindsay and looked over a Justin.

"Is it too early to start wedding talk?" Pam piped up and started laughing as everyone else began to laugh with the exception of Mike who was turning red.

"So anyway," Lindsay said after her laughing subsided, "Mike and I are going to Time's Square for the ball drop. Would anyone like to go with us? Zoe I know you want too." Lindsay said and looked at Zoe.

"Yeah I would, Justin would you go with us?" Zoe turned and looked at Justin.

He looked at her for a moment, "Yeah, it'll be our first time being in New York during New Year's."

"Alright, Pam and Mark what about you?" Lindsay asked.

"No, I'm too old for that kind of thing now." Pam said to them with a smile on her face.

"I thank you for the offer but my girlfriend and I are doing our own thing next weekend." Mark replied.

They finished eating and all went into the living room to watch the Giants play the Packers. Zoe stepped outside for a few minutes as she was getting hot. A few minutes later, Pam joined Zoe out on the porch. She looked over at Zoe who was standing next to the railing and looking out upon the neighborhood.

"You okay? You look like you're lost in your thoughts over there." Pam said to her.

Zoe turned and looked at Pam; she had tears streaming down her face. "I don't know what to do!" Pam came over to her and hugged her.

"Talk to me, tell me what is going on." Pam said holding her.

"Why must I be so screwed up." Zoe said while still crying.

"You may think your screwed up, but truth be told being screwed up, getting screwed, screwing people over is unfortunately a part of life." Pam said to her which made her giggly slightly.

"I love Justin!" Zoe said.

Pam held her and thought before responding. "If you mean to say that you love Justin or you are in love with Justin." Pam said.

Zoe waited a minute and then pulled back from the hug and looked at Pam. "The latter. Last night was our first time together. I don't want him to get hurt by me or for me. If people find out about us, we'll be damned by society for being together." Zoe said.

"You know, the first time we met I could tell who your heart belonged too. You didn't force yourself upon Justin and I'm pretty sure he didn't force you. Sometimes, we just can't help who we fall in love with. If you love him, be open with him and make choices together. Sex is just one aspect of a relationship, I could tell during dinner that you two are clearly more than a brother and sister, more than twins, but I didn't say anything." Pam said to her as she rubbed Zoe's shoulder. "Just take things one day at a time. One thing I learned by 9/11 happening is that tomorrow may not come, we take things for granted and don't say what we should be saying. Enjoy the time you have with people, especially those you love." Pam said and her eyes began to water. "Even after a decade I still shed tears when I talk or think about Jonathan."

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you cry." Zoe said. "But I do thank you for the advice."

"It's no problem kiddo. Let's go hang out with the others and watch the Giants get beat." Pam said to her with a smile.

"Alright, what's the score." Zoe said as they began walking to the door.


Zoe and Justin stood at the railing in Times Square with Lindsay and Mike a mere few feet away. Zoe looked up to the clock which showed three minutes and twenty seconds to midnight. Zoe was bundled up well as it was in the forties tonight. As the clock began the seconds countdown, she pulled Justin down to her to tell him "I love you, and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world."

He pulled her to him and hugged her briefly before releasing her as it reached the ten second mark with the ball almost to the bottom. He held Zoe's hand as the clock hit zero and the confetti and balloons began to fall into Times Square. Zoe was smiling and began to sing with the crowd. Justin was nudged by Mike who handed him his phone to take pictures. He began snapping them of Mike and Lindsay who were holding hands and then began to kiss as Justin took pictures. They stopped kissing and Justin handed his phone and Mike's back to him and told him to take pictures of him and Zoe.

Justin pulled Zoe to him and together began making faces side by side. Justin pulled Zoe to him and touched his forehead to hers. They stayed like that for a moment before Justin moved his head down allowing his nose to be connected with hers. He moved his hand up to hold her neck and slowly she tilted upward to meet his lips, they began kissing and continued blocking out anything but each other as their mouths parted right in Times Square on New Years. Both of their eyes were closed fully taking in the touch, the warmth, the cold of the moment before Zoe pulled back slowly. She looked up in to Justin's eyes as he opened them. A tear ran down her left cheek which caught the attention of Justin. He moved his hand up to her cheek and brushed it away. "I love you!" Justin said to her silently as it was so noisy with the music of Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World. She turned her head and looked at Mike who looked like he was about to pass out with Lindsay standing next to him smiley at the moment that she had witnessed.

Zoe moved towards Mike and Lindsay. She hugged Mike and whispered in his ear, "It's strange I know, but we love each other." She said and then kissed him on the cheek before moving to Lindsay and hugging her and then began taking selfie's together. Justin and Mike joined the girls and all took several groups pictures together celebrating the New Year.


Justin pushed open the door to the apartment with Zoe in front of him as they kissed fiercely as they walked in. He pushed the door shut behind them and reached out behind and turned the deadbolt. He looked at Zoe who was already shedding her clothes as they made their way to the couch. She pulled her sweater off and then grabbed for her shirt and pulled it off leaving her bra the only thing remaining except for her Jeans and panties.

Justin pushed her back making her land on the couch as he dropped to his knees and reached for her hips. He pulled her forward went for the button and zipper and undid them before reaching around to the side's and began tugging on them to pull them off. As he did that, Zoe pulled her bra off. He took her jeans and panties off and threw them towards the hallway. He moved up some and began kissing her again with lust, passion and the desire for her and only her. He began moving down making his way to her breasts. He sucked on the left for a few seconds before moving to the right and teased it biting lightly making her gasp slightly. He released it and slowly kissed his way down to her navel tonguing the little hole before trailing all the way to her pussy leaving a trail of saliva as evidence of his desire for her. He pushed her legs apart allowing him ample room to please her. He began by licking her clit slowly as he inserted two of his fingers into her. He slowly fingered her as he continued to ravish her clit with his tongue.

"OH! GAWD!! Justin, AH!" She said as he ramped up his fingering making her cum. Her fluids coated his fingers suddenly. "Stop, stop!!" She said to him as it was too much for her. He moved up and kissed her. "I'm sorry, it was just too much." She said after breaking the kiss.

"It's okay; I know I went to town there." He replied looking into her green eyes. She pushed him back to the other side of the couch and pulled on the button to his pants.

"You're overdressed!" Zoe said pushing the zipper down and pulled his pants down to his knees. He got the message and using his feet pulled the pants off the rest of the way. She grasped his cock and pumped him a few times while pushing her tits into his face letting him kiss them as she moved somewhat. She felt him getting harder until she couldn't wait anymore, she guided his cock to her entrance and sank down on him hard, burying him into her. She eased up some before sinking back down and began rocking on his cock. She could feel every millimeter of his cock as it flexed its way into her. She leaned back arching her back applying more pressure to his pelvis. "Fuck me hard Justin." Zoe said to him.

He indeed did fuck her hard; he began pushing up off the couch with his pelvis crashing into her as she sank down on his cock. "I'm close Zoe!" Justin said as he continued to pummel her pussy. She leaned back into him as suddenly a wave hit her making her cum around Justin as he rammed into her. He began grunting as he fired off into her eight pulses of his cum. He still rocked her for a minute afterwards with her laying her head on his shoulder. He leaned her back to see her eyes closed.

"Zoe!" Justin said trying to wake her. He shook her for a few seconds before she opened her eyes. Justin was near a panic until she did open her eyes.

"That felt so great, I passed out from the fucking." Zoe said looking at Justin. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"You had me worried!" Justin replied.

"Happy New Year Justin! You have a wonderful loving sister and a sexy as girlfriend all in one. Can you carry me to the bedroom? My legs won't work after that pounding." Zoe said.

"You wanna go to sleep now considering its five A.M.?" Justin replied.

"Yeah, the best sleep you can get is after you've had a good fucking which I just did." She replied as Justin picked her up and walked to her bedroom.


A week later Zoe sat in the first row behind the prosecutor in the courtroom with Justin, Lindsay and Mike. Sitting at the defendants table was David Mclendon. He was about to stand and enter a plea of guilty. She looked at him with anger and hate for what he did to her. But instead of facing a trail and more trauma, she was willing to let him take a plea.

"Yes your Honor, I plead guilty to Rape and false imprisonment. I know what I did was wrong and that I need help." David said to the Judge.

"Very well, I sentence you to as agreed upon by the prosecutor and the victim to a sentence of four years in prison with ten years of supervised parole. You are to reside at the Woodbourne Correctional Facility for the next four years. Court adjourned." The judge said before getting up and leaving the room.

David looked at Zoe and then Justin. Detective Murray and Detective Fitzpatrick came up to David. "David Mclendon, you are under arrest for the rape of Christy Donaldson, Jessica Morton, and Holly Brewster. You have the right to remain silent..." Detective Murray said to him as they began walking to the door.

Zoe was shocked as he was walked out of the room. "Hey Ms. Redmond." Detective Fitzpatrick said. "I didn't get a chance to call you as we just got the results this morning. When David was arrested, his DNA was entered into the system and it came back with a hit to three other open cases. Suffice to say, he will be going away for a long time."

"Thank you!" Zoe said with tears in her eyes with Justin half hugging her as she walked off.

Zoe with Justin, Mike, and Lindsay walked out of the court house together as friends. Although one thing was certain, Zoe was not the same person she was when she came to New York City six months ago. Justin wasn't either by a long shot. Together, they braved the new world, the new relationship that had evolved between them, the twist and turns that come with life, one day at a time.


Part 3: Back at the Resort


Zoe and her mother looked at each other as Zoe finished telling her story. During the story, especially the trauma that Zoe faced Teresa was crying learning of the horrific experience. But she also had tears as Zoe told her of the passion that she felt for Justin.

"You should have called me when all of that happened Zoe, I'm your mother! And I do understand that you were worried that I would want you and Justin to come back home." Teresa said finishing off her sixth drink. "We should start walking back."

Zoe looked at her phone, seeing three texts from Justin and the time which was almost one a.m. They got up, leaving a tip on the table, and began to walk back to the room. They had a good fifteen minute walk ahead of them.

"So, you haven't said how you really feel about our relationship." Zoe said to her.

Teresa stopped walking which gained the attention of Zoe who also stopped and turned back to face her. "Zoe, seeing your children having sex in the middle of the night in a bed next to you and then finding out that they've been doing it for over a year isn't something that can sink in five minutes." She bit her lip choosing her next words carefully. "I will say this, you and Justin are adults in the eyes of the law, but above all else I love you both and even though it's not what I would want, you two will continue to be with each other regardless of what I were to say. I'm not condemning you and banishing you but I would like it if you two would seriously think about the consequences of your relationship. How far have you and Justin thought ahead?"

Zoe looked at her and thought for a moment. "We had planned on seeing where we were in our relationship when we graduate in a few years. But every day that passes, we grow even more connected, more passionate about one another. I mean, I don't wanna lose what we have with each other. We don't have all the answers and we have friends who help us and guide us and we want you to be a part of that group too mom." Zoe said.

"Come here." Teresa said holding her arms out. Zoe moved towards her and embraced her. "I love you and Justin, I need a little time to accept this but I won't lose you two. You're grown enough to make your own choices and I hope that you don't ever hurt each other." They broke the hug and looked at each other. "Let's get back to the room; your brother is probably worried."

They made it back to the room and as the door opened, saw Justin sitting in the chair watching the TV on mute. "Sorry we're coming in so late. Where's Lizzy?" Teresa said to Justin, as Zoe followed her in.

"Yeah it's late, Lizzy is sleeping." Justin said getting up and was surprised when his mother came over to him and hugged. She didn't say a word and just held onto him. Finally, she broke the hug.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom and get into bed." Teresa said to them before walking towards it. She disappeared into it and Justin looked at Zoe who was almost to him.

"Can I ask what that was about?" Justin said as she kissed him on the lips. She held the kiss for a minute before pulling back.

"She knows!" Zoe said.

"How!" Justin said more than a question with an expression of worry on his face.

"Let's just say, you shouldn't have sex in the middle of the night with your mother only seven feet away. She woke up during the storm and saw us. She and I talked, and I told her everything that happened." Zoe said with a tear beginning to form in her left eye. "She listened and said that she needs time to accept our choice to be together. We owe her that!" Just then, they heard the door to the bathroom open and their mother walked out towards the bed.

Justin whispered to Zoe, "What do we do?"

Zoe looked around at their mother who was getting in bed but made eye contact with Zoe. They held their eyes upon one another before they broke contact and Zoe looked back at Justin. "We take things one day at a time, and make the most of them that we can." Zoe said to him and hugged him.


The End...

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1stltdan1stltdan10 days ago

A beautiful story Thank you. I can see this story being expanding into my more chapters.

unclemerv77unclemerv77over 1 year ago

This goes into one of my favorite reads, I'll enjoy reading it again later om

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Couldn't get past 2 pages.

It feels like you were writing this for your school homework or something, desperately trying to reach the 500 words mark.

>70% of the stuff is absolutely redundant, useless parts with 0 substance.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I will admit that I don't generally like most of these stories if I even finish reading them. I really liked this one and generally felt for the characters...great imagination!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Makes you think

I enjoyed this as a love story. I find it horrid that crimes against women and children still happen. If I was in charge it would involve the death penalty!!!!!

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