How to Punish a Vindictive Boss


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"It's not embarrassing, Tess. It's human. And your age isn't a factor. Heaven's sake, I'm on my way to fifty, and I'd probably be reacting the exact same way. Don't be ashamed, sweetie. Don't hold back. Let loose the waterworks."


"'Atta girl. A'right, Tessie. It's okay."

"I just hate her, Sandy...I just hate her so much. She cheats on her husband too. Did I tell you that? Everyone in the office knows it. Can you believe that? Who would marry her?? How desperate does this poor guy have to be??"

"It's gonna be fine, Tess. This is all gonna be just fine. We're gonna get this bitch."

"W—...we, uh...we are?"

"Hey, nobody hurts my friends without paying for it. I've got your back, Tess."

"Oh...oh, thank you, Sandy. I knew I could count on you."

"You'd better believe it. Now hang on a second, sweetie, I'm gonna put you on speaker so me and Lou can talk to you together...

"...Okay, Tess? Lou's here with me, and you're on speaker. Can you hear us?"

"Yeah, sure."

"All right. Here's what we're gonna do..."


Mystery Guests

Friday, July 24th, 2015, 4:57 p.m.

A new bounce in her step today, Tess slogged through the final day of the week, keeping her spirits up. She endured Paige's doses of abuse as they came, refusing to let them get her goat. More importantly, she acted as if yesterday hadn't happened, and furthermore, announced that she'd be working late this evening. She didn't know how Paige might be taking this attitude of hers, and she frankly didn't care. Her mind was consumed with the events that were to commence within the next half hour. She prayed things just went according to plan. She knew Sandy wouldn't weasel out on her, but still lots of things could go wrong.

She focused enough to get her work done, but starting at 4:45, she cast a series of glances out the window, nervously awaiting her friends' arrival. The little hand crept nearer and nearer the momentous 5, putting a smile on the faces of many weekend-patient workers. As the bigger hand inched in on the 12, Tessie's heart beat harder and quicker accordingly. As more and more of her colleagues took off, Tess watched the lot down below grow emptier and emptier. Sandra had made it clear that she and Lou would be along very shortly before the top of the hour. Finally, three minutes to go, the distinctive blue Monte Carlo swept in and took a spot.

Tessie jumped. She told her backflipping belly to please, please, please keep lunch down. She shut her eyes and assured herself that things would be okay. Sandy was here to help her, and the woman was true-blue. She knew how to get things done, and one thing she did not do was double-cross those who trusted her. Her husband Lou was likewise as loyal and trustworthy. Had Tess looked back out the window to see them, she would have taken note that the Burtons were both dressed in black, carrying their totes of equipment, and wearing matching wrap-style sunglasses. They looked like C.I.A. agents.

As Tess waited, taking deep breaths, feet starting to quiver, her phone lit up. On silent mode, it blinked, indicating she had the text they had agreed the Burtons would send her. The text simply read, "We're here," but the content itself was immaterial. When Tess got it, she was to meet them at the doorway to her office suite, after which she would let them in, guide them to Paige's office, and...

...Let the games begin, so to speak.

Paige normally worked till 5:30 or 6:00 at the earliest, so Tess knew she'd be sticking around. A few other co-workers, including Demmy, also stayed past the 5:00 point. Ideally, the situation would take place with the office empty, but Tess didn't worry too much about that. No remaining workmates posed a threat to their plan—with the possible but unlikely exception of Demmy, who sat at the other end of the suite anyway. The coast was clear enough. Tess ushered the Burtons in, took them down the hall and around the corner, peeked through the door crack to make sure Paige was inside, and gave them an A-OK. They left their bags of materials with Tess for the moment. Sandy made sure the first item to be put to use was in her pocket, ready for quick access, and it was a go.

Her name was carved in a plate affixed on the door, but Lou and Sandra were obliged nonetheless to make the confirmation. Paige looked up as the man and woman in black sauntered into her office, still cloaked in their shades.

"May I help you?" she said, a bit puzzled.

"Paige, Kinsington?" the woman asked, chewing off each syllable with an air of enmity, just the way Tess had the previous day.

"...Yes...and you are...?"

"Quite well, thank you," the gentleman replied.

Paige raised one eyebrow.

"...Uh-huh." This not exactly being what she meant, she remained perplexed.

"And, is there something I can do for you today, Mister and Miss Quite Well, Thank You?"

The two looked at each other, exchanging a smirk.

"She's got an interesting sense of humor, this one," the woman remarked. "I can appreciate that, but at the same time, Mrs. Kinsington, we've got a little something to hash out with you."

Paige didn't like this. These two characters looked shady, and something just wasn't quite right with their presence in and of itself. She wanted to get to the bottom of this, but something told her that wouldn't exactly be easy.

"Well...perhaps you can start by explaining to me who you are, and what you're doing here."

Paige's curiosity about her two mystery visitors was predictable—their names, among other things. And so Tess and the Burtons had agreed on a codeword/-name to execute their next big step. They wanted a fairly common word which could also be perceived as a surname, something that could reasonably serve either purpose. They had settled indiscriminately on "Chambers."

"Very well," said Sandy, raising her voice so Tess could hear outside. Careful not to sound too obvious or telling, she intoned—

"The Chambers."

Tess let out a hushed gasp. That was her cue. As rapidly as her reflexes allowed, she pushed Paige's door shut from the outside. Slam! Tess now having done her part, it was up to the Burtons to secure her. Abruptly rushing Paige on either side, they afforded her as little time as possible to realize that the door had been closed, and that something was definitely up.

"Hey, wh—hey!" Paige shouted as they came at her around the desk. "What are you doing?!"

She rose from her chair. Lou reached her first, seizing her by the wrists and pulling her hands behind her back.

"Ah—hey, wh—hey, what the hell!" Paige exclaimed. "What do you think you're do—"

Sandy danced around Paige's legs as she tried to kick at her. She went into her pocket and whipped out the wad of alcohol-soaked paper towels. Left arm around Paige's neck, Sandra smacked her in the face with the paper towels in her right hand. Paige continued to protest for several more moments, until the inevitable: she went dizzy, her eyes fluttered, and she was out.

Tess listened from outside to the sounds of the scuffle. She knew basically what she'd be hearing, and she knew it would frighten and alarm her. She wasn't in the habit of manipulating folks by their minds and bodies the way the Burtons were. She worked through the unavoidable panic in her mind, praying no one around was left in earshot—especially Paige's niece. She got through the panic by reminding herself what had happened the day before: her presentation, the way Paige had screwed her over, the betrayal and the humiliation...okay, she was less panicked now. Paige had given her good motivation to go through with this.

Tessie kept her eyes peeled for anyone who might be coming by, from any direction. Finally, a couple of minutes later, the door quietly opened, and Lou and Sandy herded her inside with their bags, once her boss had been knocked cold.




Fickle Bitches

Friday, July 24th, 2015, 5:33 p.m.

Tess' panic began to flare up again as the three of them discreetly dragged Paige out in front of the desk and undressed her.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" she fretted, heart beating wildly. "I can't believe I'm doing this to my boss!"

"Shhh!" Sandy hissed at her. "You want her to wake up early and screw this up for us??"

She had a point. Tessie piped down, but a few frightened whimpers still escaped.

The Burtons had removed their sunglasses. They disturbed Paige's body as little as possible disrobing her, starting with her shoes. They piled up the garments and stashed the growing heap in a corner. Sandy and Lou grew more and more excited as Paige grew more and more naked, though Tess wasn't sure how keen she felt seeing her boss in the buff. But she did like the idea of Paige stripped to the bone, being taken control of and rendered powerless this way.

Once Paige was stark nude, bra and panties tossed to the top of the clothes pile, the trio took an incumbent moment to marvel at her curvy physique, then got on with it. They rolled her onto her belly, then Lou and Tess pulled her feet near either end of the desk, while Sandy took two pairs of thick velvet cuffs from their bags. She then fastened a cuff to Paige's right ankle, fastened the other end to the corresponding desk leg, and then did the same on the other side. As she did this, Lou retrieved a three-way cuff, pulled over a chair to stand on, and attached this cuff to the fortuitously placed (and hopefully sturdy) ceiling fixture in the middle of the room.

The next step would require more exertion. The three of them joined together to reach under Paige's still unconscious body, around her middle and torso, and lift her to a stance. When they got her to her feet, they raised her arms just high enough to place her wrists in the triple cuff's two unoccupied sleeves. As they finally secured her, they breathed a sigh of relaxation.

"Okay!" Sandy said softly with a light clap of the hands. "Now then...oh yes! Blindfold!"

Tess handed Sandra the strip of lacy black silk, which Sandy slipped over Paige's eyes. Lou took out and set up his tripod. He began rolling, having at the same time activated a small audio recorder he gave Tess to hold. Sandra placed her hands on the papers, calendars and everything else on Paige's desk, and swept it all to the floor in one quick flourish. She proceeded to prance around the mess, grab the bags with their remaining contents, plop them on the desk, and crawl onto it herself. At last, it was time.

Sandy brought out her playful side to wake Paige back up. She rose up on her knees behind Paige's back, sat her chin on Paige's shoulder to reach her ear, and vigorously tickled her under the arms. "GOOCHIE-GOOCHIE-GOOCHIE-GOOCHIE-GOOCHIE!"

It was just enough to shake Paige out of her drunken stupor. Her brain sent a signal of conscious panic, stirring her to life.

"Whaaaaaaah!" Paige cried, realizing she was being tickled. She hated that.

The first she heard was a chorus of giggly laughter. She whipped her head back and forth, trying to move, finding she could not.

"What the—..." she uttered. She rattled the cuffs. "Where am I?! What's going on here?!"

"You're in ze sout of France, mademoiselle," Sandy cooed in her ear, prompting more laughter from Tess and her husband.

Paige turned her head some more to her left and right, trying to find where this voice was coming from.


Sandy's only answer to this outburst was to reprise her role as the tickle monster, digging next into her tummy and ribs.


"Very well," Sandra agreed. "That was just to, eh...warm you up a bit, so to speak. So then, Mrs. Paige Kinsington...I take it you're curious about your newfound predicament, yes?"

"That depends," Paige scowled, refusing to give whomever these were the satisfaction of her intimidation. "Are we going to be adults, and untie me, so we can talk about whatever's going on here??"

"OHHHhhh," Sandy nodded in revelation. "Adulllllts. I see. So then, Mrs. Kinsington, perhaps you can enlighten me. Now, just speaking hypothetically, let's just say...just for laughs...let's say a department boss decided to...oh, I dunno...steal her employee's work and take credit for it herself. Or give the credit over to, say...a relative, mayhaps! A, uh...niece. Just for the sake of argument."

The trio did derive some satisfaction in the expressions Paige's face morphed through during this "hypothesis" of Sandra's. Now she believed she had some clue as to what this was all about.

"Now," concluded Sandy, "Would you consider that the behavior of a person who decided to act like an adult?"

Paige adopted Tessie's signature move: the Sigh Of Irritation.

"I see," she grumbled. "Am I to assume this is in reference to Miss McGilles?"

"Oh, now, Paigey, my friend," Sandy smiled, "You know what they say about folks who 'assume,' do you not?...

"They say...that it makes an 'ass'..."

She suddenly gave Paige a sharp goose, right between her jiggling ass cheeks.


"Out of 'u' and 'me.'"

"You—!" Paige exclaimed. "Y-you took my clothes off?!"

Sandy gasped. "Did I??" she asked in surprise. "Well, let's just see here..." She reached down between Paige's legs to the front, fondled her naked bush, and let out another, larger gasp. "Your pussy! Why, you naughty thing, you!"

Paige screamed again. "You sick freak!" she hollered. "What is wrong with you??!"

Sandy slipped her hands over Paige's torso, hugging her from behind, groping her breasts and diddling her nipples.

"I'll tell you what's wrong with me, P.K.," she murmured ominously, leaning up to Paige's ear again. "You see, Tessie McGilles is my good friend. I deeply care for her, as I do all my friends.

"And I don't like it when someone mistreats my friends."

Her ill-disposed tone sent a chill up Paige's spine, combined with the knowledge that she was naked, and couldn't move. What was this strange freaky woman going to do to her?

"You may think of me as your own personal payback, Paige. Payback, justice, know them. They're fickle bitches."

Paige sighed again. "Okay, look, lady, I'm sorry, I—"

Sandra had been waiting for that. She shook her head, keeping her smirk up.

"Oh, no, no, no," she vetoed. "No, you don't. 'Cause you see, that's not how it works. We're all familiar with that variety of apology, the 'only-sorry-because-you-got-caught' apology. You weren't sorry yesterday, when you stabbed her in the back the way you did."

Paige emitted a whimper. So she wasn't getting out of this with her quick-fix-apology ploy. She figured she might as well woman up, and accept the castigation headed her way...however excruciating it may be...

Sigh. "A'right," Paige exhaled in apprehension. "What're you gonna do to me?"

"Well, golly, Paige, my lady," Sandy vamped for time, rummaging through one of her bags of fun, "I could tell you, but y'know, in cases like this, I believe it's far more fun to show, rather than tell."

Paige could tell she wasn't going to like this.

"Oh, for God's sake, whatever you're gonna do, would you just do it and get it over with already?"

"Well, now, isn't someone in a hurry. You're saying that as if what we've got in store for you's only gonna take a minute."

Paige grumbled under her breath.

"Well, how long is it gonna take?" she growled through her teeth.

"Patience, pa-tience!" Sandra chided, patting Paige on the left cheek. "You're gonna have to stop acting like a boss for a while."

"The hell I am," Paige argued. "And you can let your little friend Miss McGilles know that she's fired, by the way."

Tess' face went into a state of alarm, half-expecting this. But Sandy wouldn't let that happen.

"Ho-ho-ho," Sandy chortled wryly. "Oh, no, ma'am. Tess is most certainly not fired. Not while I have something to say about it."

"Oh, yes, she is, Miss Psycho Witch."

Lou piped up from behind the tripod. "Uh, 'scuse me—that's Mrs. Psycho Witch to you, lady."

Paige incredulously turned her head in Sandy's direction.

"Someone married you?...And he's here??" Paige squealed in disbelief.

Sandy could see it was time to put a toy to use. She went into one of her bags, fished out a Violet Wand shaped like a candle, and tossed the extra long cord in Tess' direction, silently signaling to her to plug it into the wall. Tess quietly obeyed.

"I could ask you the same, my friend. Only, unlike yourself..." Sandra grinned, already enjoying this.

"...I do not cheat on my husband."

Paige's face went into shock under the blindfold. Her blood ran ice-cold.

"Wh—who-who told you that??!" she demanded to know. "That-th—...that is a vicious lie! I've never cheated on him!!"

But the trio could patently tell it was Paige who was lying. As she stated so, her body began twitching and a rash of red goosebumps flushed under her neck. Had she been hooked to a polygraph, it would have started going crazy. Sandy shook her head and activated the Violet Wand in her hand, touching the tip of the candle flame to Paige's left ass cheek.

"Liar, liar, ass on fire." Zzzztt!

Paige jumped. "YEOWCH!" she shrieked.

This reaction was so satisfying, it elated Sandy. She laughed out loud, so excited she shivered with glee.

"Holy sh—...what the hell did you just do to me, you sick bitch??!" Paige screamed, losing her composure.

"We're posing the questions here, babe," Sandra informed her. "But, since you asked..."

She moved the candle tip to the right ass cheek and again squeezed the button.

Zzzzztt! "YAAAAAHH!"

"...That," giggled Sandy, answering her query. "Now if you'll just be honest with us, that won't happen again.

"So then, what was that comment about cheating on your husband?"

Sandra alternatingly tapped Paige's ass cheeks. Paige moaned and thrust forward, trying to escape the shocking sensation, still resistant to answer. Sandy began losing patience. She reached between her legs and brushed the tip of the candle over Paige's pussy.

"Tell the truth or your kitty gets it, Paige."

"YEEEEallright! All right, I cheated on him!" Paige admitted, blinking tears from her eyes under the blindfold. "Okay?? Is that what you wanna hear, you psychotic sadists??!"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Sandy praised. "Now, how often? How many times? Give me a number."

Paige scoffed indignantly. "None of your damn business!" she asserted.

Sandy reached forth between Paige's legs again, poked the Wand tip up into her bush, and electrocuted her pussy.


This scream blew Paige's earlier outbursts out of the water. Sandra was losing mercy by the second.

"Answer my question, Paige."

Paige threw out a noise which was a cross between a sigh and a sob.

"Eight!" she fumed. "Eight times! All right?!"

Six eyebrows in the room raised.

"...Were these eight different guys?" was Sandy's next question.

"...Um...n-not exactly."