How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 11


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'I love it,' Elizabeth grinned, the pink flash in her curly blond hair bobbing adorably as she nodded. 'I did, too. We can do some stuff here, and in the pool. We have plenty of time; pappa's golfing with his brother.

'He's almost never in town; he's a ship captain, and he's usually out at sea. So they'll be gone all day. And gramma is visiting her cousins out in the country and won't be back til tomorrow. So yeah, the house is all ours and we can get nekkid and take pictures in peace.'

The girls got to work, alternating photographer and model duties as they changed into several different outfits, swimsuits, and underwear. They were attentive students, and they carefully replicated the poses and shots of the most popular girls on the training app, making sure to accentuate the angles to best showcase their assets.

They chatted easily about life; Elizabeth planned to study astrophysics, and they bonded around their love of Neil Degrass Tyson and Carl Sagan, as well as things as silly as Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman, and the old BBC nature documentaries narrated by David Attenborough that they used to watch with their dads. If there was one thing for sure, it was that the world was a splendid, amazing place, and the two beautiful, passionate young girls were on a mission to spend the rest of their lives discovering and sharing it.

Little by little they began undressing and taking closeups of various parts of each other's anatomy which they knew eligible men wanted to see before they selected a girl to train, and soon they were nude and focused on full-body shots in the warm sun as they chatted and giggled together.

Elizabeth was an energetic and confident photographer, and happily guided her friend through her best poses by the pool.

'Let's have you bend over the big chaise lounge with your legs straight and show me your butt and your pussy,' she said, moving in for a detail shot of Jennifer's genitals. 'Oh, that's super nice. And reach back and pull your butt cheek up, so it kind of spreads your lips...girl, you have such a pretty pussy. Oh my god. These pictures are going to be fire. If I was a man, I'd be so horny right now looking at you.'

Jennifer laughed at Elizabeth's frank assessment, struck once again by her new friend's relaxed attitude about all realities of their new station in life which often felt strange and disorienting to Jennifer, despite how hard she tried to adapt and learn to be the best girl she could.

'Oh, and now just slowly crawl onto the lounge on your hands and knees, and keep showing me your pussy, and look back at me and give me a little smile...oh, man, that's so good,' Elizabeth continued darting around Jennifer's body, catching the best light and finding the most flattering shots. 'Arch your back a little more-nice. Do you like it when a man trains you doggy style? I sure do.'

Jennifer giggled again and nodded.

'Yeah, actually I really do. Especially when they make me put my head down on the bed like this, with my butt up, and the angle makes their penis rub on my clitoris and it feels sooooo good.'

Elizabeth quickly snapped some more shots and moved in close.

'That is SUCH a great position. Ugh, and then when they grab your hips super tight and just go to town-SO hot. You look so beautiful. Hold still-that's perfect-and I'm going to just open your pussy lips a little like this...oh man, you're really wet!'

Jennifer startled just a little as Elizabeth's fingers made contact with her vulva and gently spread her open, and she blushed as Elizabeth took some closeups of her moisture sparkling in the sun at the base of her opening and assured her that any man who saw these pictures would instantly want to try his hand at putting her through her paces and inseminating her.

'Now face me on all fours,' Elizabeth instructed, bringing her fingers to her lips to lick away the traces of girl nectar that had accidentally coated them when she arranged Jennifer's labia for the shot. 'Oh, wow, you're delicious. Okay, now sit up on your knees so I can see your pussy from the front, and your beautiful belly, and then cup your boobies for me like you're offering them to a man because he wants to suck gently on them.' She laughed with a wink. 'Aaaaand your nipples are getting hard just sitting there. You feeling okay, sis?'

Jennifer was in fact blushing in spite of herself as she followed Elizabeth's guidance. She was used to feeling her body prepare itself for training from men when they undressed her and discussed what they planned to teach her, and she'd thought that it was because her body knew that it was about to fulfill its purpose for a male and his penis.

She was confused at how warm and wet she was getting now, with no men present. It must be that her body and mind were becoming well-trained, she thought, and words alone must be sufficient now to start the process. Elizabeth was a girl, so it couldn't have anything to do with who was saying the words, since why would Jennifer start becoming aroused by another naked girl her age?

She did adore Elizabeth. She was so smart, and pretty, and she had an attitude that was at once welcoming and independent-she could handle herself, and she seemed to dare the men who trained her to try to handle her, while at the same time seeming to make them crazy about her in spite of her untamable spirit, and rewarding them mightily for even attempting to drink from her wellspring of pleasure.

Jennifer liked her more every minute. There was a thrilling transgressiveness to her unapologetic, honest enjoyment of being a girl. They'd been taught to use the proper words for sexual things unless instructed otherwise by the man training them, and Elizabeth's casual use of slang terms like 'pussy' and 'boobies'-usually only allowed to be said by men-caused both a prickle of awe and a sneaking envy of such carefree disregard for prescribed behavior to wash over Jennifer each time Elizabeth spoke to her. She wondered if it had to do with going to an all-girls high school.

It also helped create a sense of warm, secret belonging, as if because it was just the two of them, with no men around to keep an eye on them or pull them aside for training, different rules could apply and they could just be...real. It was so naughty and delightful, Jennifer could hardly stand it.

She stretched out on her back on the chaise, the warm sun kissing her tanned skin across her lithe frame, and smiled as Elizabeth climbed aboard the lounge next to her as well, still taking photos.

Being naked with another girl was certainly not new. She'd been raised, as was proper, to wear only the least amount of clothing required to protect her modesty or shield her from the weather, and had been well-trained all her life to allow her body to be appreciated and adored in any state of undress. She'd done gymnastics and cheer in high school, so she'd been perfectly comfortable being naked with lots of other girls her age in the showers.

And just the other day she and her father had been at this very house with Elizabeth and her grandfather, Martin, and several other fathers and their daughters for a party in which the men got to spend time training each of the daughters, and she'd been perfectly comfortable being naked while all the fathers enjoyed her body in front of the other girls, who were doing the same thing.

This was the first time since celebrating her Festival, however, that she'd been able to share a quiet, relaxing moment with another girl alone, and she hadn't realized how much she'd needed it.

It was different than before her Festival. It was comfortable, and fun, but now there was also a sense that things would be different forever; she and Elizabeth, no longer virgins, had experienced things already that their younger selves could not have imagined, and would frankly have scared them to death if they'd been told many details about what their next phase of life would look like.

They were wiser now. They understood what it meant to fulfill their purpose-not just in theory, like when they were in junior etiquette class and first began to learn about their bodies and their duties to eligible men, but in practice, by experience, by actually allowing men to do the things that had been described to them in their classes.

Once she begins training, a girl is never quite the same. As careful and caring as most fathers were when training young females, the raw reality of understanding their biological and social purpose in real time was always a big adjustment for a girl, and learning what it meant to allow men to penetrate her most sensitive parts, to please themselves with her fresh, new body, and to signify their approval by filling her with their semen was an often challenging emotional journey for a girl, despite being necessary and good.

Now that they had celebrated their Festival, they were practically not even girls anymore-they were on the cusp of being young women, and that hard-earned achievement, shared between them, gave Jennifer's and Elizabeth's time together a special, quiet sense of knowing. It made her feel...wise. Like she was a woman.

'How about you open your legs a little bit and stretch out like you're an artist's model,' Elizabeth suggested, 'oh my gosh you're so beautiful.'

Jennifer giggled again and brushed off the compliment.

'Oh, stop it. Elizabeth, girl, YOU are so beautiful. I just love your soft skin and your curves...I wish I had your booty, and honestly I'd kill to have bigger breasts like yours.' She slipped a hand between her legs and gently spread herself so Elizabeth could capture her at her most tantalizing. 'Do you ever wonder, like...what it's like for a guy to have sex with us? Like what it's really like? It's kind of weird if you think about it, right?'

Elizabeth laughed. 'Kind of. I mean, it's natural, obviously. But yeah, I sometimes wonder what they're thinking or feeling when they're training me. I think they like it, mostly.'

She ran her hand up her soft belly and over her impressive breasts, becoming suddenly and momentarily pensive. 'But last week a boy at the mall walked by and said I should lose fifteen pounds. So I guess you never really know?'

Elizabeth had been a competitive gymnast when she was younger as well, but her breasts, which had been small and compact, had undergone a striking growth spurt at thirteen, and she'd sadly been forced to quit the team. The intervening years of less athletic activity meant that, while she had retained her muscle tone, she had filled out beautifully and carried her spectacular curves with grace and power. Jennifer's jaw dropped in indignation.

'That's INSANE. You're GORGEOUS. Did you report him?'

Elizabeth nodded.

'Yes, his dad was there and heard him-he was super embarrassed, and promised to discipline his son when they got home. And I know it's ridiculous; it just makes you think sometimes.'

'Well, I don't think you should change anything. I think you're amazing, and honestly it looked to me like most of the fathers at the party had their biggest orgasms with you. I was kinda jealous. My dad couldn't stop talking on the drive home about how much he enjoyed training you, and how much he likes your grandpa. So I think you're perfect.'

'Awwwww...well, I think you're perfect, too,' Elizabeth grinned, flopping to her belly on the lounge, her back and butt and thighs and calves making a dizzying roller coaster of creamy white feminine pleasure that the eye drank in thirstily and the hands longed to ride, and aiming her camera between Jennifer's legs. 'Let's do a little video, since you're so wet-you can just rub your clit with your juices slowly, and it'll drive 'em crazy.'

Jennifer grinned and complied, her dark skin flashing the pink between her labia as she pulled a little of her wetness from her slit to her button with her slender fingers, and she found she was enjoying pretending she was about to get trained by a man for Elizabeth quite a bit more than she'd expected.

The warm sun in the quiet, golden afternoon only made her light, slick touches to her clitoral hood feel even better, and she closed her eyes and lay back on the chaise as she felt herself becoming intoxicated by the loveliness of the moment and the giddy knowledge of Elizabeth's close attention to her rapidly engorging vagina.

'I don't know, I feel the same way sometimes.' She said. 'My nose is totally crooked and my feet are too big. But I can't really do anything about that, so I guess we just make do.'

Elizabeth sprang to her knees again in exaggerated outrage, her large breasts bouncing with her like a pair of enthusiastic puppies excited for a walk.

'Don't you even talk that way,' she said sternly. 'I think you're perfect. If I was a man, and I saw you like this, with your legs open and your pussy all wet and your beautiful eyes and smile...'

She put her hand between her legs and used her index finger to mimic an erecting penis, uncurling it and pointing it upwards while making a slide whistle sound. '...I'd be all like, wooooooop, and then I'd be all like, "Oh, hello beautiful girl. I'm going to train you now with my big fat dick," and I'd jump on top of you like this, and go bloop...'

Jennifer's giggles at her friend's antics turned to a startled silence, and her eyes flew wide, as Elizabeth, seemingly losing herself in her make believe, pounced between her legs and thrust her index finger into Jennifer's vagina.

It slipped in easily.

The conversation and the nakedness and the sun and the picture-taking and the posing and the sparkling, bewilderingly magnetic energy of Elizabeth and her luscious little body had combined to make Jennifer's girl parts unsettlingly receptive to the invasion, and Jennifer, feeling more and more like a stranger quietly watching from an abstract bank as her suddenly obstreperous body betrayed her and slid, of its own accord, into a sensual, forbidden sea, felt her vaginal muscles squeeze down reflexively for the first time in her life in a gentle spasm of deeply illicit pleasure on the finger of another beautiful girl.

This was wrong, and they both knew it.

Due to the unmatched pleasures their bodies offered, young girls were considered a priceless community good, and were raised under strict guidelines to ensure they achieved their sexual potential during their training careers, which typically lasted for only three or four years after their Festival.

While a trainee, a girl's sex legally belonged solely to eligible men. She had entered a time in her life in which, biologically, her only purpose was copulation, and it was important that during this period, which was critical to a girl's development despite its brief nature, her value as a sexual vessel for the community's mature males be maximized.

Thus, all sexual activities had to take place under the supervision and direction of an eligible man. Masturbation was strictly prohibited, and girls were watched carefully at home for signs that they might be defiling themselves as they neared their Festivals and their young bodies became wracked with sex hormones they were still not mature enough to utilize. Once a girl had celebrated her Festival and become a trainee, of course, a man might teach her more about masturbation in his lessons with her, but she must still never use it on her own.

A girl's orgasms, likewise, belonged to eligible men as long as she was in training, and should never be sought outside her lessons. While only eligible men were technically allowed to have sex with trainees, some lessons might by their nature entail a girl having sex with other people, such as younger males or even other girls, but only, of course, while actually in a lesson with an eligible man.

Sex with other girls wasn't wrong in and of itself; but it had to wait until later in life, after a girl's training was complete. Jennifer had never even given any thought to it, however; she'd always been just a good-natured, obedient girl, and all she'd wanted was to be a good trainee and learn lots from the men who chose to handle her until she married.

She hadn't struggled with feelings for girls before, or fantasized about any of this. She was still in a bit of shock, less at Elizabeth's actions than at her own body's responses. Why did this feel so...good? How could she pump the brakes and stop where this was heading?

Did she really want to?

Both girls froze, their gaze locked, a million silent, breathless messages flying on wings of light between their luminous, questioning eyes. Elizabeth slowly brought her thumb down onto Jennifer's clitoris and simply pressed it gently against the dark, silky skin of her mound; a thrum of pleasure rippled from Jennifer's tailbone and up her spine as she gasped and searched desperately for the will to close her legs, to pull Elizabeth's hand from her private parts, to be a good girl.

Be a good girl.

The afternoon was growing hot; a light, scampering breeze brushed past the two naked nymphs trapped in each other's enchanted orbits with a soft and knowing chuckle of the first fallen leaves. The only sound was a cicada in a distant tree pouring forth from under his wings his stridulent love song.

'And...then...' Elizabeth whispered slowly, drinking in the internal tangle of emotions she read on Jennifer's face and the urgent hunger she felt in Jennifer's drenched cunny with unabashed glee, 'I'd lean this...and kiss you...'

Jennifer, feeling ever more like a passenger in her own body, could only watch in awe as her friend drew close. Elizabeth's adoring hazel eyes looked even bigger behind her glasses, and they were wide as she instinctively tried to take in every detail of Jennifer's exquisite beauty.

Her curly blond hair suddenly tumbled forward, her heavy golden tresses making a magical veil that rendered the girls invisible to the world and dappled the sun across Jennifer's features as it drew their faces together until their lips touched.

Jennifer's only other kiss with a girl had been just a few days ago at the father-daughter party. One of the fathers had been fucking her into near incoherence from behind, and when another father had pulled another girl over to her and made them kiss, Jennifer had experienced the biggest orgasm of her young life up to that point, collapsing, completely spent, and forcing the father training her to secure her exhausted body to the couch so he could continue rutting her to completion. She had not begun to recover her wits until that father had finished with her, and another father was well underway in his own efforts on her unresisting body.

She'd thought it must have been the unique combination of the stiff treatment she'd been receiving at her back end with the tender affection of the girl's kiss that sparked such an inordinate response; now she was confused to feel a sensation growing inside her warning of a climax to rival the one she'd had at the party, but there was no man present.

It was just Elizabeth.

As she felt her own hands begin to reach instinctively to cradle Elizabeth's face and pull her mouth closer, her fingertips thrilling at the soft rococo splendour of her friend's flaxen mane, and Elizabeth pressed her finger deeper into Jennifer's vagina, causing her to let out a low moan, Jennifer reached a crisis point, and abruptly squirmed out from underneath her friend with a giggle that was more than a little flustered.

'Um, hey! I don't think we're...supposed to do this,' she said.

Elizabeth nodded slowly, a sly twinkle playing in her eye as she agreed.

'You're probably right,' she replied. 'But come on-isn't it more like we're not supposed to get caught doing this? It's okay-pappa won't be home for hours. You kiss really good, by the way. Like, wow.'